What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?
I'm only going to Tax rich people.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?
I'm only going to Tax rich people.

He knew Obama-care was a tax and had taxes embeded also

biggest lie: I don't worship Rev.Wright for his anti-American communism!

second biggest: I'm not a communist just because I voted to left of Bernie Sanders

I really have no issue with were he worshiped
Throwing that same man under the bus?
says all I need to know about the man
He knew Obama-care was a tax and had taxes embeded also

biggest lie: I don't worship Rev.Wright for his anti-American communism!

second biggest: I'm not a communist just because I voted to left of Bernie Sanders

I really have no issue with were he worshiped
Throwing that same man under the bus?
says all I need to know about the man

the press was so eager to love the black man that they ignored it too.
imagine if a Republican had gone to a whacko church for 25 years???
Biggest lie? Choose from the catalogue of stupidity of EB and JRK supporting Bush's war.
That is my point exactly from RR to 2007 the GOP had the white house, congress, or both and we had back in the day what was called a blue dog democrat also There gone

we created 40 million jobs, had balanced budgets during the GOP congress gone 4 ever

Not quite true:

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Much of Reagan's job creation related to radically increased military spending on equipment and technology, all of which money was spent in the private sector boosting employment via government spending. The defense sector was awash in cash. Reagan spent millions on "Star Wars" technology to blow nukes out of space, not that anything ever came of it.

Government spending exploded under Reagan by 53%. You can't spend THAT much money without it having a positive effect on the economy, and yet not all benefitted. And much of the money Reagan spent was borrowed. Someone once commented that the US under Reagan was so much better off than under the Democrats and an economist on the panel replied that if your neighbour went out and borrowed billions of dollars and about new furniture and a new car, and renovated their house and got a new wardrobe, you'd think they were doing well too, but if all of this was done on borrowed money, then it's a false show of wealth.

Poverty and homelessness also exploded under Reagan going from 13% in 1980 when Reagan took office, to high of 15.2% in 1983 (the year of his highest job creation), but after Reagan backtracked on his cuts to social programs and income taxes, the poverty level when back down to 13.0 in 1988. When Reagan took office 8 million people were receiving food stamps. By 1984, 20 million were receiving food stamps. When praising Reagan, nobody every remembers this stuff.
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When praising Reagan, nobody every remembers this stuff.

mostly they love him for his philosophy which was the clearest and strongest since Jefferson,..... oh and because he ended the cold war, averted nuclear war, and freed perhaps 2 billion people from liberalism in China, Russia and elsewhere. He was easily the greatest president since Jefferson.

We forgive him for what happened domesticially, although he began the longest period of steady economc growth in American History (economists call it The Great Moderation) since the Fed controlled the economy then and elections were decided by flip flopping independents.
JRK simply ignores stuff that contradicts his flawed premises and worse conclusions.
When praising Reagan, nobody every remembers this stuff.

mostly they love him for his philosophy which was the clearest and strongest since Jefferson,..... oh and because he ended the cold war, averted nuclear war, and freed perhaps 2 billion people from liberalism in China, Russia and elsewhere. He was easily the greatest president since Jefferson.

Yes, these "liberations" have resulting in thousands and thousands of deaths as the new regimes in Russia and China supressed all opposition to these free market reforms and from the frightening increases in poverty and deprivation that both have caused.

Workers are now committing suicide at an alarming rate in China, and alcoholism has exploded in Russia under the pain the economic reforms inflicted on the most vulnerable citizens.

History will not remember any of the Friedman influenced Presidents kindly.
Workers are now committing suicide at an alarming rate in China,.

actually dear, suicide rates are not high in China, 60 million are not slowly starving to death under liberal communism any longer, but, the people there are getting very very rich. This is far far better than slow starvation.10% growth for 30 years is the greatest economic miracle in human history. In 1980 they bought no cars at all. Today they buy 15 million a year, more than in the USA.

That you must ignore so much obvious death, en masse starvation and destruction under liberal communism and so much wealth creating under supply side capitalism is perfect testimony to the truly stupid and Nazi like zealousness in liberalism. IF you had any decency you would be appalled at yourself and the liberal culture that brainwashed you.
That is my point exactly from RR to 2007 the GOP had the white house, congress, or both and we had back in the day what was called a blue dog democrat also There gone

we created 40 million jobs, had balanced budgets during the GOP congress gone 4 ever

Not quite true:

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Much of Reagan's job creation related to radically increased military spending on equipment and technology, all of which money was spent in the private sector boosting employment via government spending. The defense sector was awash in cash. Reagan spent millions on "Star Wars" technology to blow nukes out of space, not that anything ever came of it.

Government spending exploded under Reagan by 53%. You can't spend THAT much money without it having a positive effect on the economy, and yet not all benefitted. And much of the money Reagan spent was borrowed. Someone once commented that the US under Reagan was so much better off than under the Democrats and an economist on the panel replied that if your neighbour went out and borrowed billions of dollars and about new furniture and a new car, and renovated their house and got a new wardrobe, you'd think they were doing well too, but if all of this was done on borrowed money, then it's a false show of wealth.

Poverty and homelessness also exploded under Reagan going from 13% in 1980 when Reagan took office, to high of 15.2% in 1983 (the year of his highest job creation), but after Reagan backtracked on his cuts to social programs and income taxes, the poverty level when back down to 13.0 in 1988. When Reagan took office 8 million people were receiving food stamps. By 1984, 20 million were receiving food stamps. When praising Reagan, nobody every remembers this stuff.

There followed sixty straight months of economic growth, the longest uninterrupted period of expansion since the government began keeping such statistics in 1854. Nearly fifteen million new jobs were created -- a total of eighteen million by the time Reagan left office. Just under $20 trillion worth of goods and services, measured in actual dollars, were produced from 1982 to 1987. To give some notion of how much that is, by the end of 1987 America was producing about seven and a one-half times more every year than it produced in John Kennedy's last year as president.[viii]

The expansion was felt everywhere, as conservative economists had predicted, including in the government's own income. Total federal receipts in 1982 were $618 billion. Five years later, federal receipts were just over $1 trillion, an increase of $398 billion. More than enough, one would have thought, to satisfy all but the most eager advocate of the welfare state.

And as Reagan had promised, the military benefited the most from the economic growth. In President Carter's last budget, America spent just under $160 billion on national defense. In 1987, the Reagan administration spent $282 billion, more than twice as much on the military. During Reagan's first seven years, he was able to expend over $1.5 trillion on national defense, "a staggering amount by anyone's standards."[ix]

Though Reagan promised deep cuts in domestic spending, that did not turn out to be the case. Indeed, overall welfare spending increased during the Reagan presidency -- primarily because Reagan could not overcome, even with vetoes and the bully pulpit of the White House, the spending impulses of Congress, which, after all, signed the checks. Throughout his two terms, he was confronted by Democrats still enthralled by the New Deal as well as Republicans (particularly in the Senate) still mesmerized by its political appeal.
depends on how informed you are
remeber congress do budgets
Presidents ask
Ronald Reagan: The Heritage Foundation Remembers
biggest Lie.....
Obama was the peace candidate and was against the Patriot Act and other limitation on our freedoms.
Going to Rev Wrights church
the throwing him under the bus
much like Bill
go with what the polls state

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