What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Paul Ryan is consistent!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YczqMRJZo94]Paul Ryan confronted on sequester - YouTube[/ame]


Another Obama spin, that somehow Ryan has something to do with?
Obama Pledges to Stop Military Cuts He Championed
obama signs sequestration into law - Google Search

Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

And if GWB lied, where did he get it from?
well let us see
If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News
(there are more)
“[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.” — From a letter signed by Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, & John Kerry among others on October 9, 1998

“This December will mark three years since United Nations inspectors last visited Iraq. There is no doubt that since that time, Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to refine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer- range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies.” — From a December 6, 2001 letter signed by Bob Graham, Joe Lieberman, Harold Ford, & Tom Lantos among others

“Whereas Iraq has consistently breached its cease-fire agreement between Iraq and the United States, entered into on March 3, 1991, by failing to dismantle its weapons of mass destruction program, and refusing to permit monitoring and verification by United Nations inspections; Whereas Iraq has developed weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and biological capabilities, and has made positive progress toward developing nuclear weapons capabilities” — From a joint resolution submitted by Tom Harkin and Arlen Specter on July 18, 2002
Omission of responsibility was the biggest lie of the election, but it's nobody's fault, reallly.

The American people lied to themselves by omitting the fact that when a President walks in and says he will increase taxes and hire people to do more government services plus unionize more of the new jobs is lying that he can pay for it all through omission.

The largest omission of all, however, is the American people's dismissive thinking that omit the warnings that they were being bs'd all the way to the polls.

If the first mistake cost money, it was postponed until after the election by clever omitters in the Congress who didn't want anyone to be aware of the largest tax hike in the history of that legislative body.

Pelosi told her congress to omit reading the health bill. She did not want them to know it was the highest tax hike in history. She pulled a fast one, and nobody called her out on it except Republicans, who the omissive press smeared irresponsibly.

Then, after the Supreme Court pointed out that it was a tax hike and not a "fee" as it was presented by Democrats, the American people omitted the responsibility from the perpetrators, Democrats, who were screaming and yelling about Republicans being at fault for "do-nothingism" when actually, Republicans were fighting it tooth and nail, calling on the press to notify the public, and receiving less cooperation than we got from the Russians who built the cold wall. The press had its own cold wall of silence.

Someday people will wake up and realize the stamping, screaming, and blame-gaming the Democrats are doing is a house of cards, and it will fall. Employing omerta to change a 2% Republican lead on voting day to a 5% win for Democrats meant the Democrats knew they needed at least 10% more votes than they had, so do the math and figure the amount of omerta shenannigans that had to go on to reverse the outcome of the election to take the vote away from the American people in favor of a corrupt ACORN-and-Union collaboration based on omerta.

It's a no-win situation. Voting has no validity to me any more.

And that is my opinion of how omission of fact has gotten to be the worst corruption this Republic has ever witnessed, including the Teapot Dome Scandal, which was kindergarten play by comparison.

This omission business went down into the heart of America and did its shredding there. With no heart and no soul, America will never be who she was again, and Democrats will go down blaming Republicans for everything, as usual. Their trademark that accompanies omission is taking the onus off themselves, finding a splinter in the eye of their adversary, and making a mountain of this little molehill based all on unprovable Omerta.

Except we just know it, sadly accept it, and try to go on with living as best we can while screamers teach their children to lie and scream to get freebies, sue people who've done no wrong, and obfuscate facts to get free food, free phones, and free money just for going along with corrupt omissions.

In the meantime, the financial community isn't playing ball. The next downgrade of America's rating is already in the works, because money people do not put their faith in people who omit the truth from their lives.
Not sure which lie elected Obama...pick on!

The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone

1. "I don't have a $5 trillion tax cut." Romney flatly lied about the cost of his proposal to cut income-tax rates across the board by another 20 percent (undercutting even the low rates of the Bush tax cuts). Independent economists at the Tax Policy Center have shown that the price tag for those cuts is $360 billion in the first year, a cost that extrapolates to $5 trillion over a decade.

2. "I will not reduce the taxes paid by high-income Americans." Romney has claimed that he will pay for his tax cuts by closing a variety of loopholes and deductions. The factual problem? Romney hasn't named a single loophole he's willing to close; worse, there's no way to offset $5 trillion in tax cuts even if you get rid of the entire universe of deductions for the wealthy that Romney has not put off the table (like the carried interest loophole or the 15 percent capital gains rate.) The Tax Policy Center report concludes that Romney's proposal would create a "net tax cut for high-income tax payers and a net tax increase for lower- and or middle-income taxpayers." Moreover, some of Romney's tax cuts are micro-targeted at American dynasties, particularly his proposal to eliminate the estate tax, which would reduce his own sons' tax burden by tens of millions of dollars.

3. "We've got 23 million people out of work or [who have] stopped looking for work in this country." Romney is lying for effect. The nation's crisis of joblessness is bad, but not 23 million bad. The official figure is 12.5 million unemployed. An additional 2.6 million Americans have stopped looking for jobs. How does Romney gin up his eye-popping 23 million figure? He counts more than 8 million wage earners who hold part-time jobs as also being "out of work."

4. Obamacare "puts in place an unelected board that's going to tell people ultimately what kind of treatments they can have." Romney is reviving Sarah Palin's old death panels lie here. Obamacare does establish an Independent Payment Advisory Board to help constrain the growth

These are called links
August jobs report: 96,000 jobs added, unemployment 8.1%, 30-year low in workforce participation rate « Hot Air
total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 96,000 in August, and the unemployment rate edged down to 8.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in food services and drinking places, in professional and technical services, and in health care.

The unemployment rate edged down in August to 8.1 percent. Since the beginning of this year, the rate has held in a narrow range of 8.1 to 8.3 percent. The number of unemployed persons, at 12.5 million, was little changed in August. …

Both the civilian labor force (154.6 million) and the labor force participation rate (63.5 percent) declined in August. The employment-population ratio, at 58.3 percent, was little changed.

now lets add these people
When we look at broad measures of jobs and population, then the beginning of 2012 was one of the worst months in US history, with a total of 2.3 million people losing jobs or leaving the workforce in a single month. Yet, the official unemployment rate showed a decline from 8.5% to 8.3% in January - and was such cheering news that it set off a stock rally.

How can there be such a stark contrast between the cheerful surface and an underlying reality that is getting worse?

The true unemployment picture is hidden by essentially splitting jobless Americans up and putting them inside one of three different "boxes": the official unemployment box, the full unemployment box, and the most obscure box, the workforce participation rate box.
s we will explore herein, a detailed look at the government's own data base shows that about 9 million people without jobs have been removed from the labor force simply by the government defining them as not being in the labor force anymore. Indeed - effectively all of the decreases in unemployment rate percentages since 2009 have come not from new jobs, but through reducing the workforce participation rate so that millions of jobless people are removed from the labor force

thatis 21 million
Making 9 Million Jobless Vanish: How The Government Manipulates Unemployment Statistics

the rest are speculation, we will never know because Romney was not elected. The all-in tax policy changes were in general

GM (TAX PAYER saved under GWB)George W. Bush deserves credit for the auto bailout: George V. Voinovich | cleveland.com

Job creation (lack of)Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%

Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times
Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself

UBL, how we got him, who, all of the above
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdjFVXnKIg]5/9/11 Former CIA director says waterboarding was key to UBL find - YouTube[/ame]

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures - The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
(CBO and Post info, stimulus, last 50% taro, omnibus, over 500 billion)

Libya timeline suggests cover-up in attack - Washington Times

who lied?
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Paul Ryan is consistent!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YczqMRJZo94]Paul Ryan confronted on sequester - YouTube[/ame]


Another Obama spin, that somehow Ryan has something to do with?
Obama Pledges to Stop Military Cuts He Championed
obama signs sequestration into law - Google Search

Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

And if GWB lied, where did he get it from?
well let us see
If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News
(there are more)

:eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand:
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

you still fantasizing that's why you lost?

that's awesome.
Omission of responsibility was the biggest lie of the election, but it's nobody's fault, reallly.

The American people lied to themselves by omitting the fact that when a President walks in and says he will increase taxes and hire people to do more government services plus unionize more of the new jobs is lying that he can pay for it all through omission.

The largest omission of all, however, is the American people's dismissive thinking that omit the warnings that they were being bs'd all the way to the polls.

If the first mistake cost money, it was postponed until after the election by clever omitters in the Congress who didn't want anyone to be aware of the largest tax hike in the history of that legislative body.

Pelosi told her congress to omit reading the health bill. She did not want them to know it was the highest tax hike in history. She pulled a fast one, and nobody called her out on it except Republicans, who the omissive press smeared irresponsibly.

Then, after the Supreme Court pointed out that it was a tax hike and not a "fee" as it was presented by Democrats, the American people omitted the responsibility from the perpetrators, Democrats, who were screaming and yelling about Republicans being at fault for "do-nothingism" when actually, Republicans were fighting it tooth and nail, calling on the press to notify the public, and receiving less cooperation than we got from the Russians who built the cold wall. The press had its own cold wall of silence.

Someday people will wake up and realize the stamping, screaming, and blame-gaming the Democrats are doing is a house of cards, and it will fall. Employing omerta to change a 2% Republican lead on voting day to a 5% win for Democrats meant the Democrats knew they needed at least 10% more votes than they had, so do the math and figure the amount of omerta shenannigans that had to go on to reverse the outcome of the election to take the vote away from the American people in favor of a corrupt ACORN-and-Union collaboration based on omerta.

It's a no-win situation. Voting has no validity to me any more.

And that is my opinion of how omission of fact has gotten to be the worst corruption this Republic has ever witnessed, including the Teapot Dome Scandal, which was kindergarten play by comparison.

This omission business went down into the heart of America and did its shredding there. With no heart and no soul, America will never be who she was again, and Democrats will go down blaming Republicans for everything, as usual. Their trademark that accompanies omission is taking the onus off themselves, finding a splinter in the eye of their adversary, and making a mountain of this little molehill based all on unprovable Omerta.

Except we just know it, sadly accept it, and try to go on with living as best we can while screamers teach their children to lie and scream to get freebies, sue people who've done no wrong, and obfuscate facts to get free food, free phones, and free money just for going along with corrupt omissions.

In the meantime, the financial community isn't playing ball. The next downgrade of America's rating is already in the works, because money people do not put their faith in people who omit the truth from their lives.

The downgrade sadly is deserved
to bad they did not pay attention in 07
we need your vote
it counts
in fact we as a country need all smart people to vote
Obama cares little for anything but his agenda, which obviously not for us
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

you still fantasizing that's why you lost?

that's awesome.

I lost nothing
the country is losing everything
there is nothing awesome about that
The biggest lie that elected Obama? Maybe it was when Mitt spoke of Chrysler moving all Jeep production to China.

Being new to the board you will find you have been lied to
what you do with that is your choice

Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne said the automaker plans to build some Jeeps in China for the local market — and later, in Russia.
From The Detroit News: Chrysler to build Jeeps in China | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Chrysler repeats not moving Jeep work to China from U.S. | Reuters
Fiat has since increased its ownership to 58.5 percent after achieving several goals, including building a fuel-efficient compact car made in the United States and increasing Chrysler sales outside its North American base.

Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.
and sold Chrysler to Italians … These aren’t exactly scary people to Ohioans and Michiganders who have family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia.

… who are going to build Jeeps in China. OK, there is the Chinese bogeyman. And this charge is true. It’s just that it’s not all that frightening to Ohio and Michigan Jeep workers whose jobs seem pretty secure
Here's How Romney, Obama Ads On Jeep And Ohio Stack Up - Forbes
The biggest lie that elected Obama? Maybe it was when Mitt spoke of Chrysler moving all Jeep production to China.

Being new to the board you will find you have been lied to
what you do with that is your choice

Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne said the automaker plans to build some Jeeps in China for the local market — and later, in Russia.
From The Detroit News: Chrysler to build Jeeps in China | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Chrysler repeats not moving Jeep work to China from U.S. | Reuters
Fiat has since increased its ownership to 58.5 percent after achieving several goals, including building a fuel-efficient compact car made in the United States and increasing Chrysler sales outside its North American base.

Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.
and sold Chrysler to Italians … These aren’t exactly scary people to Ohioans and Michiganders who have family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia.

… who are going to build Jeeps in China. OK, there is the Chinese bogeyman. And this charge is true. It’s just that it’s not all that frightening to Ohio and Michigan Jeep workers whose jobs seem pretty secure
Here's How Romney, Obama Ads On Jeep And Ohio Stack Up - Forbes


Jeep Production Isn't Moving to China, Chrysler Chief Says - NYTimes.com

"Chrysler’s chief executive on Tuesday strongly refuted claims that production of Jeeps would shift to China, an insistence that cast further doubt on the Romney campaign’s recent efforts to undercut President Obama’s support for the auto industry as it fights for Ohio’s 18 electoral votes.

In an e-mail to employees, the chief executive, Sergio Marchionne, said that Jeep’s commitment to the United States was unequivocal. “I feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position: Jeep production will not be moved from the United States to China,” he wrote. “It is inaccurate to suggest anything different.”
Mr. Marchionne’s response — an unusually forceful gesture from the chief executive of a major American corporation a week before Election Day — came as the politics of the auto bailout took center stage in the presidential campaign.

The Romney campaign has come under considerable criticism in recent days for taking liberties with the facts in a new television commercial that suggests Jeep, a recipient of federal bailout money, will soon outsource American jobs to China. Chrysler, Jeep’s parent company, does not in fact have plans to cut its American work force but is considering opening a facility in China where it would produce Jeeps for sale locally."
There is one hell of a big difference between Chrysler's intention of opening new Jeep plants in China, and Mitt's claim that Chrysler was moving production from America to China.
There is one hell of a big difference between Chrysler's intention of opening new Jeep plants in China, and Mitt's claim that Chrysler was moving production from America to China.

is that like BHO claiming he created millions of jobs?
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
I gave you 3 links stating the same Romney did, whats the problem?
I have allways stated that Romney was at worse 1/2 true there
i have also stated that his advisers were FULL BLOWN IDIOTS
The 100% truth was all he should have run on
the main stream lied as bad as BHO did

As you can see, all 3 links I provided stated that jeep was going to move to China, now that has been confirmed

what about this one?
Libya timeline suggests cover-up in attack - Washington Times
how about these?

According to the CBO, the payment cuts in Medicare include:
A $260 billion payment cut for hospital services.
A $39 billion payment cut for skilled nursing services.
A $17 billion payment cut for hospice services.
A $66 billion payment cut for home health services.
A $33 billion payment cut for all other services.
A $156 billion cut in payment rates in Medicare Advantage (MA); $156 billion is before considering interactions with other provisions. The House Ways and Means Committee was able to include interactions with other provisions, estimating the cuts to MA to be even higher, coming in at $308 billion.
$56 billion in cuts for disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments.* DSH payments go to hospitals that serve a large number of low-income patients.
$114 billion in other provisions pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP* (does not include coverage-related provisions).
Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself
Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times
7 million losing insurance

All you libs keep repeating the same statement that was at least 1/2 true

none of those from BHO where even close
GM? same

there is no truth in any of those claims he made
No jobs
Obama-care being a tax, costing 7 million ins, and robbing from medicare to fund
deficit being inherited? RIGHT
last 50% of tarp that GWB was never going to us
as well as the failed stimulus
lets do not forget UBL and how we found him

And the best you can do is a very stupid comment from Romney about at least a 1/2 truth?
Look trying to defend the lefts agenda has found a place that it cannot be done
Romney surronded his self with idiots, that I will give you
Frankly, JRK, I don't put much credance in anything that either of them said during the campaign...and I am certainly not an Obama worshiper, so I am not about to defend him on anything he said. My problem was not Mitt, so much. I think that he was basicly harmless, though he was also clueless. My problem is the Republican Party.
The biggest lie that elected Obama? Maybe it was when Mitt spoke of Chrysler moving all Jeep production to China.

Being new to the board you will find you have been lied to
No...I'm getting the impression Vandalshandle isn't a FAUX Noise/Porky Limbaugh fan.

Nice try, though.......

Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

By Samantha L. Quigley
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.
The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially letha
Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

from the UN
Update 27 January 2003
The nerve agent VX is one of the most toxic ever developed.

Iraq has declared that it only produced VX on a pilot scale, just a few tonnes and that the quality was poor and the product unstable. Consequently, it was said, that the agent was never weaponised. Iraq said that the small quantity of agent remaining after the Gulf War was unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.

UNMOVIC, however, has information that conflicts with this account. There are indications that Iraq had worked on the problem of purity and stabilization and that more had been achieved than has been declared. Indeed, even one of the documents provided by Iraq indicates that the purity of the agent, at least in laboratory production, was higher than declared.

There are also indications that the agent was weaponised. In addition, there are questions to be answered concerning the fate of the VX precursor chemicals, which Iraq states were lost during bombing in the Gulf War or were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq.

I would now like to turn to the so-called “Air Force document” that I have discussed with the Council before. This document was originally found by an UNSCOM inspector in a safe in Iraqi Air Force Headquarters in 1998 and taken from her by Iraqi minders. It gives an account of the expenditure of bombs, including chemical bombs, by Iraq in the Iraq-Iran War. I am encouraged by the fact that Iraq has now provided this document to UNMOVIC.

The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.

The discovery of a number of 122 mm chemical rocket warheads in a bunker at a storage depot 170 km southwest of Baghdad was much publicized. This was a relatively new bunker and therefore the rockets must have been moved there in the past few years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions.

The investigation of these rockets is still proceeding. Iraq states that they were overlooked from 1991 from a batch of some 2,000 that were stored there during the Gulf War. This could be the case. They could also be the tip of a submerged iceberg. The discovery of a few rockets does not resolve but rather points to the issue of several thousands of chemical rockets that are unaccounted for.

The finding of the rockets shows that Iraq needs to make more effort to ensure that its declaration is currently accurate. During my recent discussions in Baghdad, Iraq declared that it would make new efforts in this regard and had set up a committee of investigation. Since then it has reported that it has found a further 4 chemical rockets at a storage depot in Al Taji.

I might further mention that inspectors have found at another site a laboratory quantity of thiodiglycol, a mustard gas precursor.

Whilst I am addressing chemical issues, I should mention a matter, which I reported on 19 December 2002, concerning equipment at a civilian chemical plant at Al Fallujah. Iraq has declared that it had repaired chemical processing equipment previously destroyed under UNSCOM supervision, and had installed it at Fallujah for the production of chlorine and phenols. We have inspected this equipment and are conducting a detailed technical evaluation of it. On completion, we will decide whether this and other equipment that has been recovered by Iraq should be destroyed.

Biological weapons

I have mentioned the issue of anthrax to the Council on previous occasions and I come back to it as it is an important one.

Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 litres of this biological warfare agent, which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991. Iraq has provided little evidence for this production and no convincing evidence for its destruction.

There are strong indications that Iraq produced more anthrax than it declared, and that at least some of this was retained after the declared destruction date. It might still exist. Either it should be found and be destroyed under UNMOVIC supervision or else convincing evidence should be produced to show that it was, indeed, destroyed in 1991.

As I reported to the Council on 19 December last year, Iraq did not declare a significant quantity, some 650 kg, of bacterial growth media, which was acknowledged as imported in Iraq’s submission to the Amorim panel in February 1999. As part of its 7 December 2002 declaration, Iraq resubmitted the Amorim panel document, but the table showing this particular import of media was not included. The absence of this table would appear to be deliberate as the pages of the resubmitted document were renumbered.

In the letter of 24 January to the President of the Council, Iraq’s Foreign Minister stated that “all imported quantities of growth media were declared”. This is not evidence. I note that the quantity of media involved would suffice to produce, for example, about 5,000 litres of concentrated anthrax.


I turn now to the missile sector. There remain significant questions as to whether Iraq retained SCUD-type missiles after the Gulf War. Iraq declared the consumption of a number of SCUD missiles as targets in the development of an anti-ballistic missile defence system during the 1980s. Yet no technical information has been produced about that programme or data on the consumption of the missiles.

There has been a range of developments in the missile field during the past four years presented by Iraq as non-proscribed activities. We are trying to gather a clear understanding of them through inspections and on-site discussions.

Two projects in particular stand out. They are the development of a liquid-fuelled missile named the Al Samoud 2, and a solid propellant missile, called the Al Fatah. Both missiles have been tested to a range in excess of the permitted range of 150 km, with the Al Samoud 2 being tested to a maximum of 183 km and the Al Fatah to 161 km. Some of both types of missiles have already been provided to the Iraqi Armed Forces even though it is stated that they are still undergoing development.

The Al Samoud’s diameter was increased from an earlier version to the present 760 mm. This modification was made despite a 1994 letter from the Executive Chairman of UNSCOM directing Iraq to limit its missile diameters to less than 600 mm. Furthermore, a November 1997 letter from the Executive Chairman of UNSCOM to Iraq prohibited the use of engines from certain surface-to-air missiles for the use in ballistic missiles.

During my recent meeting in Baghdad, we were briefed on these two programmes. We were told that the final range for both systems would be less than the permitted maximum range of 150 km.

These missiles might well represent prima facie cases of proscribed systems. The test ranges in excess of 150 km are significant, but some further technical considerations need to be made, before we reach a conclusion on this issue. In the mean time, we have asked Iraq to cease flight tests of both missiles.

In addition, Iraq has refurbished its missile production infrastructure. In particular, Iraq reconstituted a number of casting chambers, which had previously been destroyed under UNSCOM supervision. They had been used in the production of solid-fuel missiles. Whatever missile system these chambers are intended for, they could produce motors for missiles capable of ranges significantly greater than 150 km.

Also associated with these missiles and related developments is the import, which has been taking place during the last few years, of a number of items despite the sanctions, including as late as December 2002. Foremost amongst these is the import of 380 rocket engines which may be used for the Al Samoud 2.

Iraq also declared the recent import of chemicals used in propellants, test instrumentation and, guidance and control systems. These items may well be for proscribed purposes. That is yet to be determined. What is clear is that they were illegally brought into Iraq, that is, Iraq or some company in Iraq, circumvented the restrictions imposed by various resolutions.
The biggest lie that elected Obama? Maybe it was when Mitt spoke of Chrysler moving all Jeep production to China.

When asked why he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders (open communist) Obama lied, "that was just me resisting Geroge Bush."

The truth was, " that was just me being communist the way my two 2 communist parents taught me to be".
The biggest lie that elected Obama? Maybe it was when Mitt spoke of Chrysler moving all Jeep production to China.

When asked why he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders (open communist) Obama lied, "that was just me resisting Geroge Bush."

The truth was, " that was just me being communist the way my two 2 communist parents taught me to be".

Can you back up what you say?
The biggest lie that elected Obama? Maybe it was when Mitt spoke of Chrysler moving all Jeep production to China.

When asked why he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders (open communist) Obama lied, "that was just me resisting Geroge Bush."

The truth was, " that was just me being communist the way my two 2 communist parents taught me to be".

Can you back up what you say?

what exactly do you want me to back up????????????????????
Of COURSE we know Saddam had chemical weapons. Reagan helped him with them. We're talking about the mushroom clouds Condi talked about....More Pub doubletalk, they're brilliant at it, dupes.
When asked why he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders (open communist) Obama lied, "that was just me resisting Geroge Bush."

The truth was, " that was just me being communist the way my two 2 communist parents taught me to be".

Can you back up what you say?

what exactly do you want me to back up????????????????????

You claim to have Obama's voting record, so post it! Here is a whole list of Barack Obama's position on issues:

Barack Obama is a Libertarian-Leaning Progressive.

Source: Barack Obama on the Issues

Bernie Sanders is a Hard-Core Liberal.

Source: Bernie Sanders on the Issues

This is what an on the issues political chart looks like:


Bernie Sanders scores 100 on social issues and 10 on economic issues. He isn't a socialist in the classic sense or he would score in that populist area. Those are two entirely different political ideologies. Bernie Sanders is a hard-core Liberal and Obama isn't.

Try backing up what you say with facts and not meaningless rhetoric.

Sarah Palin is a Populist-Leaning Conservative.

Source: Sarah Palin on the Issues

Sarah Palin is closer to being a populist than either Sanders or Obama is.

John McCain is a Populist-Leaning Conservative.

Source: John McCain on the Issues

Go figure!

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