What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Leonard Burman, who teaches economics at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School, presented a graph at the joint hearing that plotted capital gains tax rates against economic growth from 1950 to 2011. He found no statistically significant correlation between the two.

The difference is more money in American's pocket.

GWB tax rates allowed me purchase a travel trailer
without them
no deal
It is that simple
Allowing the middle class to keep more income is huge over a 8 year time frame
I know
The 15% rate on long term capital gains didn't help stop the Bush recession did it?

OMG!!you complete idiot liberal!! The recession was caused by liberal housing policy!! It had nothing to do with the capital gains tax!!

The bubble was a wealth bubble that was a direct result of ass-set driven over priced real estate
I have given all politicians a pass on this event, but especially the GOP. If there is a root cause it goes back to Carter and the (drum roll)
Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
your correct. the 15% capital gains created very much wealth.
If not for the greed that was born of low interest rates and banks accepting fraud to loan monies on those assets, it still would be climbing

We created close to 8 million jobs from 03 to early 08
FACT-CHECK: Ed Gillespie ? After the Bush tax cuts, there were 52 months of continuous job cremation, the largest such period in American history | Meet the Facts : Meet the Press Needs Fact-checking

Yeah President Bush was the king of minimum wage job growth. The claim of the CRA being the root cause has been debunk to many times to take the charge seriously as it was not poor people or the banks that loan to them that cause the housing market to crash. To refresh your memory it was the finiancal institutions who speculated in sub prime markets, not local banks who are required to offer loans to qualified depositors.

I still think the biggest lie that got the President re-elected was the specious campaign slogan centering around the "You didn't build that" minor gaffe.

Couldn't happen to a better man or party. Why? Because a better man or party wouldn't try to pull shit like that.
To refresh your memory it was the finiancal institutions who speculated in sub prime markets, not local banks who are required to offer loans to qualified depositors.

too stupid as if those individuals who bought 2-5 homes on spec. were not responsible too!!!

You are little more than a libturd liar without the IQ to hide your Marxist programming!!

Also, where do you suppose people got the money to buy and bid up the prices on all those homes if not from the Fed who openly printed it for the purpose of stimulating the housing market??

And, do you think Fan/Fred buying and guaranteeing all those mortgages was also instrumental in lubricating the process.

And, do you think that most of the government being organized across 23 organizations( cra being but one) to get people into homes the free market said people could not afford was in large part responsible????

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!
The biggest lie that elected Obama was that 47% of Americans were freeloaders

You could have handed the election to Obama right there
The biggest lie that elected Obama was that 47% of Americans were freeloaders

You could have handed the election to Obama right there

Actually, he did, and then the president tried to throw it away by not showing up in the first debate.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

No lies, chump of the greedy rich. Change the channel and get out of the way.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

No lies, chump of the greedy rich. Change the channel and get out of the way.

Franco is a violent teen age libturd who lacks the IQ to ever respond with substance.
The biggest lie that elected Obama was that 47% of Americans were freeloaders

You could have handed the election to Obama right there

actually it was no lie!! What the hell do you think libturds are doing if not buying votes with promises of more and more welfare entitlements???

Why not read "A Nation of Takers" if you're not too illiterate?

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.
One of the top 3 lies that won Obama the election was that he was responsible for Benghazi and tried to cover it up. It lost them the election and they are STILL attempting to trot it out today.

Clearly their hands aren't tired of holding them shovels....clearly.

One of the top 3 lies that won Obama the election was that he was responsible for Benghazi and tried to cover it up. It lost them the election and they are STILL attempting to trot it out today.

Clearly their hands aren't tired of holding them shovels....clearly.


its like the way they keep attemping to trot out that story about 23million being unemployed!!
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

making the election about useless things like free contraceptives.

librals won, get used to fighting against meaningless drivel or learn to live off the land long term, off the grid.

They stuck to issues that their supporters could understand, like more welfare and free contraceptives. The media aided and abetted by turning a blind eye to the real news.

It's pretty sick what is going on, but the ignorant ones have multiplied and it's an uphill battle.


It was easy to defeat the GOP this go round.
making the election about useless things like free contraceptives.

librals won, get used to fighting against meaningless drivel or learn to live off the land long term, off the grid.

They stuck to issues that their supporters could understand, like more welfare and free contraceptives. The media aided and abetted by turning a blind eye to the real news.

It's pretty sick what is going on, but the ignorant ones have multiplied and it's an uphill battle.


It was easy to defeat the GOP this go round.

yes just ignore the 23 million unemployed and the disproportionate black unemployment rate!!
The biggest lie that elected Obama was that 47% of Americans were freeloaders

You could have handed the election to Obama right there

actually it was no lie!! What the hell do you think libturds are doing if not buying votes with promises of more and more welfare entitlements???

Why not read "A Nation of Takers" if you're not too illiterate?

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.

The lie is that 47% are freeloaders

In fact, everyone is a freeloader

Everyone gets something from the government
The biggest lie that elected Obama was that 47% of Americans were freeloaders

You could have handed the election to Obama right there

actually it was no lie!! What the hell do you think libturds are doing if not buying votes with promises of more and more welfare entitlements???

Why not read "A Nation of Takers" if you're not too illiterate?

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.

The lie is that 47% are freeloaders

In fact, everyone is a freeloader

Everyone gets something from the government

yes everyone gets something but many get to live off the work of others and so make less and less of a contribution to society. THey become liberal leeches who are takers rather than givers.

Liberalism encourages the worst in people. It tells them they are entitled to leech rather than that they are morally obligated to contribute.

Over your head??
Libertarians are among the greatest of leeches, wanting others to take care of them instead of taking care of themselves and their community, right, EB?
One of the top 3 lies that won Obama the election was that he was responsible for Benghazi and tried to cover it up. It lost them the election and they are STILL attempting to trot it out today.

Clearly their hands aren't tired of holding them shovels....clearly.


Marc who is resp for not adhering to the inquires for help?
Who is resp for the cover up?

We have had no answers
There was lies told that originated from the white house
who is it Marc?
Do you know?

Obama twice dodges Benghazi question | WashingtonExaminer.com
BREAKING...New Pentagon Benghazi timeline damns Obama (never in situation room)
April 6: IED thrown over the fence of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
April 11: Gun battle erupts between armed groups two-and-a-half miles from the U.S. Consulate, including rocket-propelled grenades.
April 27: Two South African contractors are kidnapped by armed men, released unharmed.
May 1: Deputy Commander of U.S. Embassy Tripoli’s Local Guard Force is carjacked, beaten, and detained by armed youth.
May 1: British Embassy in Tripoli is attacked by a violent mob and set on fire. Other NATO embassies attacked as well.
May 3: The State Department declines a request from personnel concerned about security at the U.S. Embassy in Libya for a DC-3 plane to take them around the country.
May 22: Two rocket-propelled grenades are fired at the Benghazi office of the International Committee of the Red Cross, less than 1 mile from the U.S. Consulate.
June 6: A large IED destroys part of the security perimeter of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. Creates hole “big enough for 40 men to go through.”
June 10: A car carrying the British ambassador is attacked in Tripoli. Two bodyguards injured.
Late June: The building of the International Red Cross attacked again and closed down, leaving the U.S. flag as the only international one still flying in Benghazi, an obvious target.
August 6: Armed assailants carjack a vehicle with diplomatic plates operated by U.S. personnel.
September 8: A local security officer in Benghazi warns American officials about deteriorating security.
September 11: Protesters attack the U.S. Cairo embassy. U.S. Embassy releases statement and tweets sympathizing with Muslim protesters/attackers.
September 11: U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya is attacked, Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans are killed.
September 12: Secretary Clinton and President Obama issue statements condemning both the video and the attacks.
September 12: U.S. intelligence agencies have enough evidence to conclude a terrorist attack was involved.
An Incriminating Timeline: The Obama Administration and Libya
They stuck to issues that their supporters could understand, like more welfare and free contraceptives. The media aided and abetted by turning a blind eye to the real news.

It's pretty sick what is going on, but the ignorant ones have multiplied and it's an uphill battle.


It was easy to defeat the GOP this go round.

yes just ignore the 23 million unemployed and the disproportionate black unemployment rate!!

we also can ignore
negative GDP
over 8 million left the work force
record poverty
no budget yet for 4 years
over 1 trillion in deficits, each year to date
That he's a marxist communist socialist muslim from kenya. Stupid crap from the far right had independents running to Obama.

Socialist? well GM proved that as it was GWB biggest mistake as President
Socialist? I would state that class warfare would help with that item
Socialist? How about more people getting others peoples money?
Dependence on Government Highest in History
When John F. Kennedy was President, just over a quarter of federal spending went to fund programs paying for some 21.7 million Americans to be dependent on Uncle Sam. But as high as that spending and dependence on the federal government was then, it has exploded today, with one in five Americans — more than 67.3 million — depending on Washington for assistance.
The Heritage Foundation’s 2012 Index of Dependence on Government shows an alarming trend under the Obama Administration of a level of dependence on our government that has never been seen before. Today, a full 70 percent of the federal government’s budget goes to pay for housing, food, income, student aid, or other assistance, with recipients ranging from college students to retirees to welfare beneficiaries. Heritage’s Patrick Tyrrell writes that other findings from the study show:

Dependence on Government Highest in History

See this stuff is not personal
BTW Romney won the independents, not the conservatives who stayed home as well as Florida getting the NY, Mass, Etc..... vote
He was, of course, wrong. Romney won self-identified Independents in Ohio by a overwhelming 10 points, according to exit polls, but lost the state to President Barack Obama by 2 points.

Read more: Romney Won Independents, But Not The Election - Business Insider

It was easy to defeat the GOP this go round.

yes just ignore the 23 million unemployed and the disproportionate black unemployment rate!!

we also can ignore
negative GDP
over 8 million left the work force
record poverty
no budget yet for 4 years
over 1 trillion in deficits, each year to date

Yep, that's precisely what the electorate did. They also gave more seats in both houses of Congress to the other guys. Despite all that, holy crap.

I guess they figured it was better than the alternative.

Must be someone else's fault, huh?

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