What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

The lie that Mitt Romney would be a good President.

That is a lie! Mitt Romney would have been a GREAT President by comparison.

Mitt Romney wasn't even capable of coming up with his own tax plan. "Pick a Number" Mitt was making it up on the fly during the 2nd debate.

Obama hasn't had a budget in over three years. He did submit a real laffer several years ago that failed in the Senate without a single vote from either party.
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That is a lie! Mitt Romney would have been a GREAT President by comparison.

Mitt Romney wasn't even capable of coming up with his own tax plan. "Pick a Number" Mitt was making it up on the fly during the 2nd debate.

Obama has one plan......talk about taxing the rich.......at the same time he's raising em on everyone.

I'm middle class and my taxes didn't go up. So you're a liar or ill-informed.
So what is the point of running somebody that would have gotten trounced?

Running two statist-corporatist-liberals against each other obviously gives no choice other than party loyalty so at least we woud have had a choice. Of course the media would have been even harder on Santorum because of his conservative social values and belief in God.

Bingo! With the legalization of recreational pot in two states, assisted suicide in several others and for a variety of other reasons, I believe we have reached a point in the US where a candidate that believes in God is unelectable. Especially in all Northeastern and Western and fair number of Mid Western states.

Who cares if the candidate believes in God?
That is a lie! Mitt Romney would have been a GREAT President by comparison.

Mitt Romney wasn't even capable of coming up with his own tax plan. "Pick a Number" Mitt was making it up on the fly during the 2nd debate.

Obama hasn't had a budget in over three years. He did submit a real laffer several years ago that failed in the Senate without a single vote from either party.

Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.
Mitt Romney wasn't even capable of coming up with his own tax plan. "Pick a Number" Mitt was making it up on the fly during the 2nd debate.

Obama hasn't had a budget in over three years. He did submit a real laffer several years ago that failed in the Senate without a single vote from either party.

Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.

Yes and the Senate voted 99 to 0 for the last one. That is how ridiculous his budget for 2013 was.
Obama hasn't had a budget in over three years. He did submit a real laffer several years ago that failed in the Senate without a single vote from either party.

Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.

Yes and the Senate voted 99 to 0 for the last one. That is how ridiculous his budget for 2013 was.

You mean Senate Republicans voted against an amendment THEY proposed as a means of political grand standing? You are correct.
Running two statist-corporatist-liberals against each other obviously gives no choice other than party loyalty so at least we woud have had a choice. Of course the media would have been even harder on Santorum because of his conservative social values and belief in God.

Bingo! With the legalization of recreational pot in two states, assisted suicide in several others and for a variety of other reasons, I believe we have reached a point in the US where a candidate that believes in God is unelectable. Especially in all Northeastern and Western and fair number of Mid Western states.

Who cares if the candidate believes in God?

Those of us that do believe in God.
Mitt Romney wasn't even capable of coming up with his own tax plan. "Pick a Number" Mitt was making it up on the fly during the 2nd debate.

Obama has one plan......talk about taxing the rich.......at the same time he's raising em on everyone.

I'm middle class and my taxes didn't go up. So you're a liar or ill-informed.

There's different ways of raising taxes. Say you like to buy a product....Obama stiffs the producer with higher excise taxes like he did liquor and tobacco producers. They pass the difference onto you.

The day after the election Obama says he's hot for a new carbon-tax on energy. Expect gas, electricity, and everything else to go up 30% in the next couple of months.

He's printing $40 billion dollars a month and using it to pay down the debt, only it barely makes a dent. He's spent $230 billion since the Democratic convention.

Printing money to pay the debt reduces the value of the dollar and causes inflation. It's called Quantitative Easing. We're currently on QE3. This drops the value of the dollar and amounts to a tax on consumers. If you wonder why a gallon of milk went up 30 cents last month you can thank Obama for that.

He didn't raise your income taxes much but he's nailing you in the ass everywhere else. His new regulations are driving the cost of everything up. You just don't see how he's directly causing it but that's all part of the plan. As long as he doesn't get the blame he could care less what happens to your dumb ass.
Mitt Romney wasn't even capable of coming up with his own tax plan. "Pick a Number" Mitt was making it up on the fly during the 2nd debate.

Obama hasn't had a budget in over three years. He did submit a real laffer several years ago that failed in the Senate without a single vote from either party.

Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.

When did the Senate pass the budget that Obama submitted? What year? Submitting and having it passed are not the same thing.
Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.

Yes and the Senate voted 99 to 0 for the last one. That is how ridiculous his budget for 2013 was.

You mean Senate Republicans voted against an amendment THEY proposed as a means of political grand standing? You are correct.

No, I mean all of them voted against President Obama's blueprint of a budget.
A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2013 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday, May, 2012.

In a 99-0 vote, all of the senators present rejected the president’s blueprint.

It’s the second year in a row the Senate has voted down Obama’s budget.
So what is the point of running somebody that would have gotten trounced?

Running two statist-corporatist-liberals against each other obviously gives no choice other than party loyalty so at least we woud have had a choice. Of course the media would have been even harder on Santorum because of his conservative social values and belief in God.

Bingo! With the legalization of recreational pot in two states, assisted suicide in several others and for a variety of other reasons, I believe we have reached a point in the US where a candidate that believes in God is unelectable. Especially in all Northeastern and Western and fair number of Mid Western states.

First of all BS. Secondly,

Article VI, paragraph 3,

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Don't you Religionist believe that God made Cannabis and that mankind has benefited throughout history from its many uses?
Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.

Yes and the Senate voted 99 to 0 for the last one. That is how ridiculous his budget for 2013 was.

You mean Senate Republicans voted against an amendment THEY proposed as a means of political grand standing? You are correct.

What he and I were referring to was the vote in the US Senate and the House on Obama's proposed budgets. We know who the uninformed one is. LMFAO. In the three votes Obama didn't get one single Democrat or Republican to vote for his proposed budgets.

A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2013 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday.

In a 99-0 vote, all of the senators present rejected the president’s blueprint.

It’s the second year in a row the Senate has voted down Obama’s budget.

Obama's 2012 budget failed 97 to 0 last May after Obama himself last April
said he wanted deeper deficit cuts.

The House earlier this year unanimously rejected Obama's budget.

Senate rejects Obama budget in 99-0 vote - The Hill's Floor Action
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Easy. That Mittens is a human being and from the planet earth.

Mitt himself proved that was a lie and people turned their back on him.

Next biggest lie - Just about everything that every nutter R said. Start with LyinRyan and go right on down the line. The GObP is totally corrupt and interested only in the wealthiest people. That, and foreign business. Screw em.

And, PUH-lese, quit whining.

Your lame ass candidate(s) lost and the country is better for it.
Obama has submitted a budget to Congress every year. You are a liar or ill informed.

Yes and the Senate voted 99 to 0 for the last one. That is how ridiculous his budget for 2013 was.

You mean Senate Republicans voted against an amendment THEY proposed as a means of political grand standing? You are correct.

If nobody voted for the damned thing it's kind of hard to just blame one side.

Dumb fuck.
Running two statist-corporatist-liberals against each other obviously gives no choice other than party loyalty so at least we woud have had a choice. Of course the media would have been even harder on Santorum because of his conservative social values and belief in God.

Bingo! With the legalization of recreational pot in two states, assisted suicide in several others and for a variety of other reasons, I believe we have reached a point in the US where a candidate that believes in God is unelectable. Especially in all Northeastern and Western and fair number of Mid Western states.

First of all BS. Secondly,

Article VI, paragraph 3,

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Don't you Religionist believe that God made Cannabis and that mankind has benefited throughout history from its many uses?

I didn't suggest a religious test be required for office, merely expressed my opinion. In fact, I didn't even state a preference. I will bet that you inhale don't you?
Bingo! With the legalization of recreational pot in two states, assisted suicide in several others and for a variety of other reasons, I believe we have reached a point in the US where a candidate that believes in God is unelectable. Especially in all Northeastern and Western and fair number of Mid Western states.

First of all BS. Secondly,

Article VI, paragraph 3,

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Don't you Religionist believe that God made Cannabis and that mankind has benefited throughout history from its many uses?

I didn't suggest a religious test be required for office, merely expressed my opinion. In fact, I didn't even state a preference. I will bet that you inhale don't you?

My opinion is that your opinion is BS. What atheist was elected? The Constitution suggests that a persons religion shouldn't matter one single bit.

Oh yes, I inhale religiously.
all these threads blaming this, talking about that, didn't this election humble you at all? it seems the right wingers on here have stepped up their dumb talk, its amazing.

I know right.

What is even more bizarre is that the bluster is usually about how ruggedly independent they all are both in thought and in deed. There is no recognized leader to tell them what to think right now so it's more of the same "I hate you Obama" shit until likley the ignauguration.

You really think it'll stop then?......REALLY???
It was a whole bunch of lies but the biggest was the voter suppression lie.
Not one minority was turned away from voting.

Don't know how you'd go about proving that.

If that were true it would not be from lack of trying. I know personally of two people who were called and told that their polling location had changed (it had not) and heard second hand about calls reminding people to get out and vote on Wedneseday, November 6th.

Now, granted, both of these attempts were laughable, but they were definite attempts.

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