What was the point ofthemon landings?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
If there was no follow-ups

Rememberlikeyesterday _ as a 15 year old delivery papers in July 1969 after the first moon landing

I thought moon landing swere first step towards colonies on the moon
The good points of the moon landing were the same points a good, healthy, and curious child has for climbing a big rock: to see if we could do it; to thrill at the accomplishment; and to be proud of facing and completing a daring challenge.
The good points of the moon landing were the same points a good, healthy, and curious child has for climbing a big rock: to see if we could do it; to thrill at the accomplishment; and to be proud of facing and completing a daring challenge.
How much of our money did they spend to do it?
That moment marks, in my opinion of course, the ZENITH of the American Empire.

It will be remembered as the USA finest moment. That time when the USA truly carried the torch of humankind's development and advancement.

Future historians specializing in the history of the (I expect former) USA will, I suspect agree with me on this.

They will note that the USA's path from that time forward went essentially downhill from that moment.

They will note that the average American's quality of life started it long decline post the moon landing.

They will note that American hegemony started its long decline following that event.

The moon landing wwill be thought of as the culminating moment of Americans BEST generation (the WWII generation).

NASA and the moon landing, while not on the same scale of importance as defeating the Axis powers in terms of effecting our world. is STILL the most obvious advancement of importance to future mankind.

Some other nation or (more likely) some cabal of international corporations will, I expect pick up that torch eventually.
If there was no follow-ups

Rememberlikeyesterday _ as a 15 year old delivery papers in July 1969 after the first moon landing

I thought moon landing swere first step towards colonies on the moon

There may indeed be colonies on the moon, if we indeed went to the moon. ...

I heard author of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and thought the man made some very valid points:

While Bart Sibrel made a few errors during an interview on Coasttocoastam as callers bombarded him with questions, his allegation and now proven fact that pictures shown of astronauts on the moon were pre-taken pictures and his insistence the Apollos could not have safely crossed the Van Allen Radiation Belts leaves one pondering. Besides, if we indeed made it to the moon 40+ years ago with less technology, then why have we not yet, with advanced technology, duplicated the visit?
They were certainly a part of the Cold War. A lot of national chest thumping resulted from it. And billions and billions of dollars were pumped into the weapons budget under the guise of space exploration.
The cost of the moon landing was a portion of the $25 billion dollars we spent on the entire Apollo Program. I generally support a market approach toward innovation and achievement, so it is difficult to justify this expense. I do think that new products and innovations from this program stimulated the economy and probably cut into the total cost of the program by adding to our financial success thereafter, but this is difficult to quantify.

Still, I do see it as a proud moment in our history, and as we cannot alter history we'll have to have these arguments again should we decide to return to the moon.
Ok seriously.. I thought more about this..

Gotta ask the skeptics if we also faked the deaths of Grissom, White, and Chaffee in that fire.

Or if we faked the Apollo 13 disaster just to make it look harder?

The LARGEST benefit we got was a generation of full AMERICAN kid enrollment in Science and Engineering schools. Turning out the generation that then pushed semiconductors, computers, aeronautics, communications, and biomedical engineering to new levels that we might not see again..

Want to see the benefit? Watch the movie "October Sky". Tell me if you don't shed a tear or two for various reasons...
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Gee, I don't know. Why don't you look into how many technological advances resulted from it?
If there was no follow-ups

Rememberlikeyesterday _ as a 15 year old delivery papers in July 1969 after the first moon landing

I thought moon landing swere first step towards colonies on the moon

There were "follow-ups"

Kennedy's goal was accomplished with the Apollo 11 mission when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Lunar Module (LM) on the Moon on July 20, 1969 and walked on its surface while Michael Collins remained in lunar orbit in the command spacecraft, and all three landed safely on Earth on July 24. Five subsequent Apollo missions also landed astronauts on the Moon, the last in December 1972. In these six spaceflights, 12 men walked on the Moon. These are the only times humans have landed on another celestial body.[3]

To list the technological spinoffs from the Apollo and space program in general would take far more bandwidth than I have time for. Simply consider the means of our commucation on this thread.
If there was no follow-ups

Rememberlikeyesterday _ as a 15 year old delivery papers in July 1969 after the first moon landing

I thought moon landing swere first step towards colonies on the moon

There may indeed be colonies on the moon, if we indeed went to the moon. ...

I heard author of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and thought the man made some very valid points:

While Bart Sibrel made a few errors during an interview on Coasttocoastam as callers bombarded him with questions, his allegation and now proven fact that pictures shown of astronauts on the moon were pre-taken pictures and his insistence the Apollos could not have safely crossed the Van Allen Radiation Belts leaves one pondering. Besides, if we indeed made it to the moon 40+ years ago with less technology, then why have we not yet, with advanced technology, duplicated the visit?

If I had know you were this crazy I would not have called you an idiot in the other thread.

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