What was your best sport as a kid ??

..... He quit that when he nearly killed someone in the ring. Golden Gloves. He was damn fast.
My cousin Jesse who grew up in the Bronx was a Golden Gloves boxer and also
into kung fu in the 70's, joined the Guardian Angels then joined the Marines.....retired in Florida now.
Back in the day his legs were like tree trunks and he could just walk up to a dude,
and hold a side kick over his head or do some fancy nunchaku shit and most of them walked.
I mean up to age 17-18 ??

As I said it was tennis for me. I was never the next Federer but I did make it to 4.5 level
My game had zero weapons but I had terrific speed , good endurance and I was super consistent Grinder !!
I was always out gunned but I was more consistent than my opponents and I had more speed and endurance

Baseball for me...

I was the spark plug type hitter and had a cannon for a arm but erratic as hell...

Made two errors at Short in one game so my coach moved me to Right Field and I turned two double plays in the same game from right while going four for five with two doubles and a dinger...

I was offered to coach college ball but turned it down...

I also could play Tennis and had one hell of a backhand return but I was not truly into tennis...

I was also offered a chance to be on the gymnastics team for our school but turned it down...

Let just say Baseball was my only game I truly loved but I was athletic as can be until my knee injury...
I had many private tennis lessons in my 30s
Easily a few hundred
I think I would have liked wrestling only if I started in middle school or earlier and grew up in a more blue collar area
I LOVED and still do playing basketball...but also enjoyed baseball. On our street in Pittsburgh, a daily sports game was "Indian Ball." Must have played that 1,000 times growing up.

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