What was your favorite moment of the GOP debate?

Mine was watching Rand Paul hand Chris Christie his fat ass during their heated exchange. Paul's shredding Christie over the Constitution was great, as was Paul's bringing up Christie's hugging Obama.

Hoping to see Paul rip apart fatso in future debates as well.
I would like my favorite moment for non-partisan class warfare purposes, to be when a question is asked of the Capital Right, what their business plan in Commerce will be, to earn multibillion dollar bonuses for the People with the Peoples monies; (not just stockholders.
Socialism is a public sector for such purposes.)
Was Trump playing Benito Mussolini for a purpose or does he just pout a lot?
Mine was watching Rand Paul hand Chris Christie his fat ass during their heated exchange. Paul's shredding Christie over the Constitution was great, as was Paul's bringing up Christie's hugging Obama.

Hoping to see Paul rip apart fatso in future debates as well.
My favorite moments were these:
1. Carson's final remarks.
2. When Christie ripped Paul's.... Paul came off as bitter and angry the whole debate.

Agree about Carson- he was measured, professional, and funny!

But Rand Paul was right. If you want to conduct surveillance- get a warrant!

What is so hard about that? you go to a judge, show probable cause, and they give you a warrant.

What? You have no probable cause? FUCK OFF.

Whats wrong with that is that Authoritarians dont like for their masters to be questioned. Its beneath them to prove things to those lesser than themselves
I dont understand how the hug comment could be seen as anything other than petty and small.

Agreed. Sandy was a major disaster and the federal government had a major role in the response. Christie was right to show his appreciation for Obama's efforts.

But in this day and age your supposed to paint the opposition as having a pitchfork and horns.

Look at how polarized this and every other politics board is.

There are so few moderates who see the merits of all sides of the argument.

If I were Christie I would have said "as a governor you need to be more than a partisan. You need to be a leader. Just like as President. You don't act petty when you're governor or President. I respect Obama as President of the United States, and he is not the devil some of you try to make him out to be".
I was waiting for all the practiced Hot Air in the room to blow off Rand Paul's hair piece. Yes we all know Trump has one too but his has been able to go through some nasty typoons so far.
When Trump said he didnt REALLY go bankrupt..he just took advantage of the laws
He was right. He didn't personally go bankrupt and he used the Chapter laws to avoid throwing good money after bad into a failing business. He has $9 billion, he knows how to turn successful businesses into a great business.
Mine was watching Rand Paul hand Chris Christie his fat ass during their heated exchange. Paul's shredding Christie over the Constitution was great, as was Paul's bringing up Christie's hugging Obama.

Hoping to see Paul rip apart fatso in future debates as well.
My favorite moments were these:
1. Carson's final remarks.
2. When Christie ripped Paul's.... Paul came off as bitter and angry the whole debate.

Yeah, and that attempted "hug" jab really came off as gratuitous and poorly-delivered. Anyway, I'm sure both of them will have plenty of free time soon to sit down and work out their differences.
Mine was watching Rand Paul hand Chris Christie his fat ass during their heated exchange. Paul's shredding Christie over the Constitution was great, as was Paul's bringing up Christie's hugging Obama.

Hoping to see Paul rip apart fatso in future debates as well.
My favorite moments were these:
1. Carson's final remarks.
2. When Christie ripped Paul's.... Paul came off as bitter and angry the whole debate.

Agree about Carson- he was measured, professional, and funny!

But Rand Paul was right. If you want to conduct surveillance- get a warrant!

What is so hard about that? you go to a judge, show probable cause, and they give you a warrant.

What? You have no probable cause? FUCK OFF.

Whats wrong with that is that Authoritarians dont like for their masters to be questioned. Its beneath them to prove things to those lesser than themselves

Sadly, there is no shortage of Authoritarians on the right or the left.
I liked Trump's imitation of the famous Mussolini look, but no one in the audience gave the salute so they either don't remember it or were embarrassed, But Trump carried it off well and it was funny.
Mine was watching Rand Paul hand Chris Christie his fat ass during their heated exchange. Paul's shredding Christie over the Constitution was great, as was Paul's bringing up Christie's hugging Obama.

Hoping to see Paul rip apart fatso in future debates as well.
Mine was Trump telling the Republican Party to get fucked if they nominate another fuckin' loser.

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