What We Stand For…


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…and what they fight against.


1.We live in the finest nation in the history of the world.

Yet….just before America’s birthday, we see this headline:

In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans … a low point in U.S. patriotism. For the first time in Gallup's 18-year history asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans, fewer than a majority say they are "extremely proud." In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans

Certainly no surprise, the group largely responsible for that deplorable showing is the same one that favors socialism over capitalism, and open borders over American sovereignty….Democrats.

a.The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

b.“…32% of Democrats -- down from 43% in 2017 and 56% in 2013 -- are extremely proud. The decline preceded the election of Donald Trump but has accelerated in the past year. Seventy-four percent of Republicans are extremely proud,…”

2.Aside from the obvious….the efficacy of government schooling….


….the deeper explanation is that the Leftists….Democrats/Liberals….see government as ‘the country,’ while those of us who have a firmer grasp on the concept of what ‘my country’ means recognize how truly unique…and great….it is.

‘This country’ is the values inherent in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, an historically different idea of what a country should be whether it meets those expectations 100% or not. All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…unique proposition in all of history.

All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…a unique proposition in all of history.

That’s what we on the Right are extremely proud of.
…and what they fight against.


1.We live in the finest nation in the history of the world.

Yet….just before America’s birthday, we see this headline:

In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans … a low point in U.S. patriotism. For the first time in Gallup's 18-year history asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans, fewer than a majority say they are "extremely proud." In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans

Certainly no surprise, the group largely responsible for that deplorable showing is the same one that favors socialism over capitalism, and open borders over American sovereignty….Democrats.

a.The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

b.“…32% of Democrats -- down from 43% in 2017 and 56% in 2013 -- are extremely proud. The decline preceded the election of Donald Trump but has accelerated in the past year. Seventy-four percent of Republicans are extremely proud,…”

2.Aside from the obvious….the efficacy of government schooling….


….the deeper explanation is that the Leftists….Democrats/Liberals….see government as ‘the country,’ while those of us who have a firmer grasp on the concept of what ‘my country’ means recognize how truly unique…and great….it is.

‘This country’ is the values inherent in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, an historically different idea of what a country should be whether it meets those expectations 100% or not. All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…unique proposition in all of history.

All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…a unique proposition in all of history.

That’s what we on the Right are extremely proud of.

Someone on here made a great point earlier about sudden lack of patriotism in the face of issues or laws or cultures with which we disagree. While we are all guilty of this to some degree, I think it's very important to recognize the difference between patriotic relativism as required when clear and present and identifiable threats arise to the foundations our nation was founded on; to our families, our religious beliefs and our traditional American way of life. Even the founders crafted into the Bill of Rights a suggested action and justification for dealing with internal tyranny and decay of fundamental right and wrong . . .

From the Preamble

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
…and what they fight against.


1.We live in the finest nation in the history of the world.

Yet….just before America’s birthday, we see this headline:

In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans … a low point in U.S. patriotism. For the first time in Gallup's 18-year history asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans, fewer than a majority say they are "extremely proud." In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans

Certainly no surprise, the group largely responsible for that deplorable showing is the same one that favors socialism over capitalism, and open borders over American sovereignty….Democrats.

a.The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

b.“…32% of Democrats -- down from 43% in 2017 and 56% in 2013 -- are extremely proud. The decline preceded the election of Donald Trump but has accelerated in the past year. Seventy-four percent of Republicans are extremely proud,…”

2.Aside from the obvious….the efficacy of government schooling….


….the deeper explanation is that the Leftists….Democrats/Liberals….see government as ‘the country,’ while those of us who have a firmer grasp on the concept of what ‘my country’ means recognize how truly unique…and great….it is.

‘This country’ is the values inherent in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, an historically different idea of what a country should be whether it meets those expectations 100% or not. All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…unique proposition in all of history.

All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…a unique proposition in all of history.

That’s what we on the Right are extremely proud of.

Someone on here made a great point earlier about sudden lack of patriotism in the face of issues or laws or cultures with which we disagree. While we are all guilty of this to some degree, I think it's very important to recognize the difference between patriotic relativism as required when clear and present and identifiable threats arise to the foundations our nation was founded on; to our families, our religious beliefs and our traditional American way of life. Even the founders crafted into the Bill of Rights a suggested action and justification for dealing with internal tyranny and decay of fundamental right and wrong . . .

From the Preamble

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

"I think it's very important to recognize the difference between patriotic relativism as required when clear and present and identifiable threats arise to the foundations our nation was founded on; to our families, our religious beliefs and our traditional American way of life."

Interesting.....a patriotism that comes and goes based on imminent threats to the nation....

Like this?

"If the new Mexican president, López Obrador, adheres to his campaign proposal of not interfering with the drug cartels, he will not only be handing his northern provinces entirely over to the most vicious gangsters in the history of the Americas, he will oblige President Trump to take measures that will make the protracted debate about the wall, ICE, the immigration chain and lottery, and separation of children sublimely academic.

He will force the United States to secure the border with an adequate deployment of the U.S. Army. These units, perhaps a whole division, would be better employed in this role than in squatting in their bases. There would be practically no casualties, no illegal immigrants, fewer opioids, and the country could take its time with the wall. This entire enervating debate would end.

If the new Mexican government abandons the Drug War, it will be the equivalent, in ending debate and uniting opinion in the United States, of Pearl Harbor. If the Democrats take abolition of ICE and de facto open borders to the voters in November, Mr. Trump will mow them down like sitting ducks."
Bloomberg Looms Large For 2020

Conrad Black seems to agree with you.
Trump's vision of America is something to be extremely proud of?
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3. We didn’t need a poll to recognize that the Democrats/Liberals don’t like this country….after all, why would you conspire to “fundamentally change” a country you were proud of????

To see exactly the changes the Democrats have in mind…

This is what has become mainstream Democrat doctrine:

a. restrictions on free speech and a belief in ‘hate speech’…banning it

b. no borders, no sovereignty, no ICE….no police

c. no profits, no capitalism….socialism instead

d. no prisons…..police are racist and shoot black folks as a hobby


Soooo.....the Left would be 'extremely proud' of an Anarchist Utopia?????

Can they be that dumb????

Yes, they can.
Stating that this is the "greatest nation on earth," is a nice slogan, and there are arguments to support it (and rebut it), but there is no excuse not to be proud of our country, what it has done in the past, and what it continues to do. How many Americans consider that their country is, as we speak, dedicating countless lives and money in defense of countries and governments, where WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO GAIN FOR OURSELVES?

To pretend or feel that because we have a vulgarian in the White House at this time (who is doing a lot of great stuff), they can "no longer" be proud to be an American is neurotic nonsense.

The most disturbing aspect of the Obama Presidency to me was that he was obviously ashamed to be an American, and considered himself to the a Citizen of the World. His arrogance and attitude could easily be said to have been the difference that gave the votes to Trump that brought him over the top.

Yet another thing that we can thank Obama for.

Hear, hear!
Stating that this is the "greatest nation on earth," is a nice slogan, and there are arguments to support it (and rebut it), but there is no excuse not to be proud of our country, what it has done in the past, and what it continues to do. How many Americans consider that their country is, as we speak, dedicating countless lives and money in defense of countries and governments, where WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO GAIN FOR OURSELVES?

To pretend or feel that because we have a vulgarian in the White House at this time (who is doing a lot of great stuff), they can "no longer" be proud to be an American is neurotic nonsense.

The most disturbing aspect of the Obama Presidency to me was that he was obviously ashamed to be an American, and considered himself to the a Citizen of the World. His arrogance and attitude could easily be said to have been the difference that gave the votes to Trump that brought him over the top.

Yet another thing that we can thank Obama for.

Hear, hear!

"Stating that this is the "greatest nation on earth," is a nice slogan, and there are arguments to support it (and rebut it), ..."

I commend to you, this Reagan quote:
"...no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues..."

Now....the rest of your post...
"....there is no excuse not to be proud of our country, what it has done in the past, and what it continues to do."

Spot on!
Stating that this is the "greatest nation on earth," is a nice slogan, and there are arguments to support it (and rebut it), but there is no excuse not to be proud of our country, what it has done in the past, and what it continues to do. How many Americans consider that their country is, as we speak, dedicating countless lives and money in defense of countries and governments, where WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO GAIN FOR OURSELVES?

To pretend or feel that because we have a vulgarian in the White House at this time (who is doing a lot of great stuff), they can "no longer" be proud to be an American is neurotic nonsense.

The most disturbing aspect of the Obama Presidency to me was that he was obviously ashamed to be an American, and considered himself to the a Citizen of the World. His arrogance and attitude could easily be said to have been the difference that gave the votes to Trump that brought him over the top.

Yet another thing that we can thank Obama for.

Hear, hear!

"...the Obama Presidency to me was that he was obviously ashamed to be an American, and considered himself to the a Citizen of the World. His arrogance..."

Let's be fair......he was infused with the arrogance that came from the Democrats/Liberals declaring him to be god, Jesus and the messiah.

How could that dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake not be arrogant????
4. How could Democrats/Liberals be proud of their country, when they were force-fed this:

For Democrats/Liberals, and government school grads in general, the country was formed to enshrine racism, sexism, bigotry, and homophobia. The Constitution was simply a way to make certain that rich white men could keep their property.

This is the Howard Zinn view of America…. Howard Zinn ….communist.


"Do you know the most popular textbook that's taught in our high schools in America is written by a man named Howard Zinn, who is an anti-American Marxist, and that is the most common textbook?" Rick Santorum

5. "On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn.... The Bureau noted Zinn’s activities in what were called Communist Front Groups and received informant reports that Zinn was an active member of the CPUSA [Communist Party USA]; .... file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member who attended party meetings as many as five times a week.

What’s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on “Basic Marxism” at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that “the basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”...

...pro-Castro activism and support for radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and Black Panther Party. Much of the latter was in connection with Zinn’s support for a communist military victory in Vietnam....

.... joined the Kremlin-controlled CPUSA not during the “Popular Front” era of the 1930s — when many idealists were seduced — but after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which Stalin cruelly and cynically sacrificed Poland to the Nazis.

Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Army’s ”Iron Curtain” occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalin’s anti-Semitic “Doctors’ Plot” purge!" FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership

Soooo......those who never read, never question, never confront their Leftist-masters, do what they're told.....yup, they have no choice but to disapprove of America.
Why would they be proud of America???
Patriotism isn't allowed by the Democrats, and Leftists anymore. However, I am practicing it anyway.
6. All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…unique proposition in all of history.

How can one not be extremely proud of that????

“When Jefferson wrote that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, he was referring to the natural law. The natural law teaches that right and wrong can be discerned and truth discovered by the exercise of human reason, independent of any commands from the government. The natural law also teaches that our rights come from our humanity -- not from the government -- and our humanity is a gift from our Creator.

…our exercise of human reason leads us all to make similar claims. These claims -- free speech, free association, free exercise or non-exercise of religion, self-defense, privacy, and fairness, to name a few … they are natural and come from within us.

The view of the individual as the repository of natural rights was not accepted by any governments in 1776. In fact, all rejected it and used violence to suppress it [exactly as Democrats do to this day]. To the minds of those in government in the mid-18th century, the king was divine …

The idea that each human being possesses inherent natural rights by virtue of one's humanity is not just an academic argument. It has real-life consequences, which Jefferson recognized. Those consequences are implicated when government seeks to curtail rights …” The values underlying Independence Day

7. "To the minds of those in government in the mid-18th century, the king was divine …"

The Germanic philosophy, Progressivism, gained hold in the mid-19th century, and simply substituted 'government' for 'king.'

. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of Democrat A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor:

“[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

The "government" is another name for "the king."
8. " Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican…
"The left detests all forms of patriotism, if you instill a love of America in a child it’s extremely unlikely they will identify with the Democratic party when they grow up.

(US News)— Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades. A new Harvard University studyfinds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans,turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats.According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. "
Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican… | Weasel Zippers

"Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats."

No doubt.

Democrats refuse to stand for ideas that benefit America:

Democrats: What do you stand for?

So what do you like about America Poli?

Conservatives like you hate like 80% of the people in the county .

You hate the physical make up of the US with your anti environmental ways.

You constantly complain about the government.

What DO you like?
So what do you like about America Poli?

Conservatives like you hate like 80% of the people in the county .

You hate the physical make up of the US with your anti environmental ways.

You constantly complain about the government.

What DO you like?
We don't hate anyone, except for criminals. And we are better for the environment that lefties, who love to litter and leave trash everywhere. Rightes take care of their shit.
and the government is way too big, but none of this determines our love for our country.
One that brought people of all backgrounds together and one that allows people to do what they want in a way no other country has.
We have the greatest military ever
We have the greatest economy ever
We have the greatest economic system ever
That's why when we hear lefties talking about a new normal or you cant go higher than 2% growth or any of that pessimistic bullshit, we correct them.
There is not a better country ever nor a better civilization ever.
So what do you like about America Poli?

Conservatives like you hate like 80% of the people in the county .

You hate the physical make up of the US with your anti environmental ways.

You constantly complain about the government.

What DO you like?
We don't hate anyone, except for criminals. And we are better for the environment that lefties, who love to litter and leave trash everywhere. Rightes take care of their shit.
and the government is way too big, but none of this determines our love for our country.
One that brought people of all backgrounds together and one that allows people to do what they want in a way no other country has.
We have the greatest military ever
We have the greatest economy ever
We have the greatest economic system ever
That's why when we hear lefties talking about a new normal or you cant go higher than 2% growth or any of that pessimistic bullshit, we correct them.
There is not a better country ever nor a better civilization ever.

AH that’s right . You love big business . I forgot . “ I pledge allegiance to the multinational corporations...”
I can tell you based on everything I have seen the democrats are ALLOWED to get away with, I am also less patriotic.

Not a joke either. We live in a fucking cesspool of wicked globalists dragging our country down.

When fbi and other justice departments are ALLOWED to get away with and the constant use of the race card by an entire political party, I am less patriotic.

If there are no arrests on a mass scale, I will have even less patriotism. If there are no arrests after all we now know, we should all be less patriotic.

The fact is THEY own our culture. Until the education system is overhauled, then it won't change. It is only going to get a lot worse.

The only way this will turn around I fear will be mass bloody conflict. Just know this. They WILL NOT STOP until Christianity is erradicated from the face of the planet. WILL NOT STOP.

Until we all understand the true gravity of the situation, we will not see this change.
So what do you like about America Poli?

Conservatives like you hate like 80% of the people in the county .

You hate the physical make up of the US with your anti environmental ways.

You constantly complain about the government.

What DO you like?
We don't hate anyone, except for criminals. And we are better for the environment that lefties, who love to litter and leave trash everywhere. Rightes take care of their shit.
and the government is way too big, but none of this determines our love for our country.
One that brought people of all backgrounds together and one that allows people to do what they want in a way no other country has.
We have the greatest military ever
We have the greatest economy ever
We have the greatest economic system ever
That's why when we hear lefties talking about a new normal or you cant go higher than 2% growth or any of that pessimistic bullshit, we correct them.
There is not a better country ever nor a better civilization ever.

AH that’s right . You love big business . I forgot . “ I pledge allegiance to the multinational corporations...”
what a talking point.
No where did I say that, but what's funny is you think big business is the opposite of big government.......that's hilarious.
I can tell you based on everything I have seen the democrats are ALLOWED to get away with, I am also less patriotic.

Not a joke either. We live in a fucking cesspool of wicked globalists dragging our country down.

When fbi and other justice departments are ALLOWED to get away with and the constant use of the race card by an entire political party, I am less patriotic.

If there are no arrests on a mass scale, I will have even less patriotism. If there are no arrests after all we now know, we should all be less patriotic.

The fact is THEY own our culture. Until the education system is overhauled, then it won't change. It is only going to get a lot worse.

The only way this will turn around I fear will be mass bloody conflict. Just know this. They WILL NOT STOP until Christianity is erradicated from the face of the planet. WILL NOT STOP.

Until we all understand the true gravity of the situation, we will not see this change.

Sure thing screwball. It amazes me how anything cons don’t like, is because of the dems.

For example . The FBI! An agency that’s basically all republican. Oh it’s the dems fault they are power mad shady fed cops?

Yet cons are 100% behind crooked cops when they are shooting unarmed black guys .

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