What We Stand For…

The modern day Right stands for adultery. If you are caught cheating on your wife with a hooker, you're a stud. Family Values are right out.

The modern day Right stands for the ends justifying the means. Morality is right out. Lying is not only okay, it is a virtue.

The modern day Right stands for Keynesian economics. Saddling future generations with another $1.5 trillion of debt so today's taxpayers pay less is "stimulus" that's good for the economy. The modern day Right believes when you have maxed out your national credit card, you should ask for lower monthly payments.

The modern day Right no longer stands for fiscal conservatism. They are literally blind to the accelerating deficits and record debt.

The modern day Right stands for thuggery. Not even a man dying from brain cancer is exempt. Nazis who run over and kill protesters are "good people".

The modern day Right stands for appeasement of a KGB thug.

The modern day Right rolls over for a hostile foreign power interfering in our electoral process.

The modern day Right believes in abandoning our allies and cuddling up to our marxist enemies.
…and what they fight against.


1.We live in the finest nation in the history of the world.

Yet….just before America’s birthday, we see this headline:

In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans … a low point in U.S. patriotism. For the first time in Gallup's 18-year history asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans, fewer than a majority say they are "extremely proud." In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans

Certainly no surprise, the group largely responsible for that deplorable showing is the same one that favors socialism over capitalism, and open borders over American sovereignty….Democrats.

a.The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

b.“…32% of Democrats -- down from 43% in 2017 and 56% in 2013 -- are extremely proud. The decline preceded the election of Donald Trump but has accelerated in the past year. Seventy-four percent of Republicans are extremely proud,…”

2.Aside from the obvious….the efficacy of government schooling….


….the deeper explanation is that the Leftists….Democrats/Liberals….see government as ‘the country,’ while those of us who have a firmer grasp on the concept of what ‘my country’ means recognize how truly unique…and great….it is.

‘This country’ is the values inherent in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, an historically different idea of what a country should be whether it meets those expectations 100% or not. All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…unique proposition in all of history.

All men created equal, and granted inalienable rights by their Creator…a unique proposition in all of history.

That’s what we on the Right are extremely proud of.

"Oregon teen sues high school after getting slapped with suspension for wearing 'Trump border wall' shirt to class

Addison Barnes maintains he engaged in a "respectful, silent and peaceful" expression of his political views in the lawsuit against Liberty High School, its principal and the Hillsboro School District.

"This isn't about where you are on the border wall," Mike McLane, one of the teen's lawyers, told the Daily News on Wednesday. "It's about where you are on free speech."

Barnes, a senior, wore the shirt to his "People and Politics" class....

Barnes was removed from the classroom, according to the lawsuit, and told to cover the shirt because at least one other student and a teacher were offended."
Oregon teen sues high school after getting slapped with suspension for wearing 'Trump border wall' shirt to class - NY Daily News

I wonder if the staff in that high school all wear brown shirts with epaulets.....

Wait.....there's the Principal now.....

I appreciate the admission by our gutter dwellers, that they care naught about free speech, the Constitution, and America.

I am surprised at how little it took to drag that out of the Fascists.

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