What will convert Rs to ObamaCare's side

the dishonest and disgusting titles from the left...

Like they give a shit about the american citizens...DO they give one shit ABOUT this debt that is going to be on their childrens and GRANDchildrens backs?
no they are more worried ObamaTAX is funded and how dare anyone might use it for leverage...WELL I'd like to see Obamatax sent to hell
you people are so pathetic you have to use dramatic bullshit to spin your web of lies on the CITIZENS of this country

and guess where it came from, the HUFFERPOST so they can get their RABID Democrat base riled up
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When there are no unfunded liabilities hanging over our heads from the OTHER programs progressives swore would pay for themselves...


The first of 77 million Baby Boomers turn 65 this year and qualify for Medicare. Enrollment will grow from 48 million in 2010 to 64 million in 2020 and 81 million in 2030, according to Medicare actuaries. That 33-million increase in the next 20 years compares with 13 million in the last 20.

This demographic burst — combined with the addition of a prescription drug benefit in 2006 and rising health care costs generally — has created an unfunded liability of nearly $25 trillion over the lifetime of those now in the program as workers and retirees. That is the taxpayers' obligation, beyond what Medicare taxes will bring in or seniors will pay in premiums for Medicare Part B — also called supplemental coverage — that helps pay for doctor visits and other expenses outside the hospital.

That $25 trillion is likely an underestimate, Medicare's actuaries say, because it counts on 165 cost-saving changes in the health care reform law. Many of these are unlikely to occur — such as cutting physician payments 30% by 2012.

Government's mountain of debt - USATODAY.com
How Testicular Cancer Convinced A Former Republican Staffer To Leave His Party | ThinkProgress

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Murphy said he thought after 10 years since his cancer diagnosis, the insurance companies might cut him some slack — instead, they found something else to charge him for.

“I have sleep apnea. They treated sleep apnea as a pre-existing condition. I’m going right now with no insurance,” he told the AJC.

That’s why Murphy had this to say to his Republican friends who oppose Obamacare on Facebook last week: “When you say you’re against it, you’re saying that you don’t want people like me to have health insurance.”

Murphy says Republicans’ insensitivity towards the health care debate has made it so that he can’t in good conscience call himself a Republican anymore — he now identifies as an independent. He doesn’t think Obamacare is perfect, but he thinks it’s a start, and he says he’s tired of Republicans “not even participating in the process” of improving America’s health care system.

What are the Rs offering to take the place of ObamaCare?


Freedom and liberty are not nothing

They are the only things
Selective Memory from the Libs again.

Of course they will forget the Back of the Bus comments by the Liar N Chief.

They will forget the Amendments proposed in the process.

They will forget the proposals like subsidizing high cost treatments in a way such as hurricane Insurance pools that are there to lower the cost of Insurance. aka attack the primary areas that jack up premiums.

They will forget the outright Brides from the left that promised added benefits to States for their votes.

They will forget that they promised it wouldn't jack up the cost of insurance.

They will forget that the Unions were for it, but don't want it themselves. aka Current added member to the list the IRS. The Enforcement arm of the law.

They will forget that it forces American's Private Medical Records on to a Federal Data Base, and then have the nerve to say they are for protecting Americans Privacy rights.

They will say that you can keep your current Insurance plans, yet many plans are currently scheduled to be scrapped. Just ignore that data.

They promised it would not raise the debt, and that it would pay for itself using future projections that failed to mention the data was skewed. aka Using years with Obamacare not enforced to lower 10 year projections.

and on and on. The Edmund Fitzgerald aka Obamacare is in Heavy Seas right now. The hatch is leaking.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgI8bta-7aw]The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - YouTube[/ame]
Hospitals are laying off workers because of Obamacare. Fast food restaurants are complying with the law the best way they can and only hiring part time workers. Medical supply houses are laying off people because of Obamacare. The freaking president violates the Constitution by issuing a delay on certain aspects of a bill he signed into law. It's a freaking mess and the sooner the DNC rejected their conversion to Barry Husseinism the better off the Nation will be.

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