What will long time Democrat operative Devin Archer turn into next week?

The alleged fraud was wrong. It's not congresses job to chase allegations.

Did you find that link yet?
It is their job to defend the Constitution. !47 members said there could have been fraud. The rest ignored it and disenfranchised every Trump voter. Period.
It is their job to defend the Constitution. !47 members said there could have been fraud. The rest ignored it and disenfranchised every Trump voter. Period.
They did defend it.

After the seditious conspiracy by Trump supporters they reconvened and counted the electorial votes in accordance with the constitution.

Very brave of them to risk more exposure to Trump traitors.
They did defend it.

After the seditious conspiracy by Trump supporters they reconvened and counted the electorial votes in accordance with the constitution.

Very brave of them to risk more exposure to Trump traitors.
They used that false flag to change the rules for an emergency session and the contestors were not allowed to object within the emergency rules. Try the truth. Congress was simply complicit.
Wow. Your real dumb aren't you.

Can you link that so I can show you how got duped by fake news?
It is common knowledge. The former Capitol Police commander said the FBI had heavily infiltrated the protestors. You listen to proven liars. You cannot show me one fucking thing except the fact you support an illegitimate government. That makes you a traitor.
It is common knowledge. The former Capitol Police commander said the FBI had heavily infiltrated the protestors. You listen to proven liars. You cannot show me one fucking thing except the fact you support an illegitimate government. That makes you a traitor.
Link please.

Edit: And I apologize for saying you must be real dumb earlier. I don't normally use direct personal attacks unless it's in provocation to the same.
Either are yours.
Never said they were. Every claim I make I can back up with a link or a simple admittance that it is my opinion.

You seem to be pushing your opinion as fact and expecting me to prove it for you.

I would love to see/hear what the guy said on Tuckers show...the same Tucker who admitted he lies on TV to his viewers.
Poor Nostra. This thread really didn't age well.

For weeks, he and all of the fascist sore-losers here were declaring that Devon Archer was the most reliable witness in the history of all witnesses, and his testimony would surely doom the Bidens.

And then Archer testified that all of the GOP's claims about he Bidens were big ol' lies, leaving cult imbeciles like Nostra twisting in the wind.

Remember, all of Putin's rumpswabs here said Archer was the most perfect witness ever. They spent weeks building up his credibility. And then Archer said they're all dumbshits. How does someone walk back a faceplant of that magnitude?

They don't. They can just cry a lot, deflect with insults, and try to pretend it never happened. And then parrot the next conspiracy theory they're told to parrot.

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