What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

President Obama: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.

I respectfully disagree. Iraq is a contrived concept, a forced nation of absolute blood enemies. Without a dictator or a large military presence, stability is not going to happen until the region is left to the people and their own devices.

The 3 state solution was unworkable in 2002, 2003, and 2007. Now? It's breaking up on its own. If all we want is to be left alone, then we need to provide strategic support and no direct action. The biggest obstacle to peace there has always been the lack of will among the different factions to work together for a shared goal. All we got was temporary stability each and every time we've had our forces there.

This time it's up to them.

But Kurdistan is free and that is a glorious thing to see!
Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.
I don't think so Missourian, it was SOFA.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.[1] The pact required criminal charges for holding prisoners over 24 hours, and required a warrant for searches of homes and buildings that were not related to combat.[1] U.S. contractors working for U.S. forces would have been subject to Iraqi criminal law, while contractors working for the State Department and other U.S. agencies would retain their immunity. If U.S. forces committed still undecided "major premeditated felonies" while off-duty and off-base, they would have been subjected to an undecided procedures laid out by a joint U.S.-Iraq committee if the U.S. certified the forces were off-duty.[2][3][1][4]
The agreement expired at midnight on December 31, 2011, even though the United States completed its final withdrawal of troops from Iraq on December 16, 2011. The symbolic ceremony in Baghdad officially "cased" (retired) the flag of U.S. forces in Iraq, according to army tradition.[5]
The Iraqi government also approved a Strategic Framework Agreement with the United States,[6] aimed at ensuring international cooperation including minority ethnicity, gender, and belief interests and other constitutional rights; threat deterrence; exchange students; education;[7] and cooperation in the areas of energy development, environmental hygiene, health care, information technology, communications, and law enforcement.[8]
U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SOFA had us leaving in 2009 with all by 2011.....

I don't believe this was signed by Obama, but by President Bush in 2008.

That is correct, and it was up to the CURRENT President to RENEW the status of forces agreement.

But if it isn't campaign related, that bumbler can't find his ass with both hands, a flashlight and a topographical map.

We all knew this was going to happen. (By we, I mean the rest of us...Obama obviously only found out about this on television.)

We've been saying it for years, that the terrorists were just going to bide there time and wait for the democrats to fold.

And what do you know, that's exactly what happened...it's like we are psychic or something...
Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.

I respectfully disagree. Iraq is a contrived concept, a forced nation of absolute blood enemies. Without a dictator or a large military presence, stability is not going to happen until the region is left to the people and their own devices.

The 3 state solution was unworkable in 2002, 2003, and 2007. Now? It's breaking up on its own. If all we want is to be left alone, then we need to provide strategic support and no direct action. The biggest obstacle to peace there has always been the lack of will among the different factions to work together for a shared goal. All we got was temporary stability each and every time we've had our forces there.

This time it's up to them.

But Kurdistan is free and that is a glorious thing to see!

Interesting theory...but even if it unfolds as you predict, it's going to be terribly bloody and painful.

Those who thought the war was hell...they ain't seen nothing yet.
President Obama: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

It never was a "defeat." It was always a situation of "how much of a shithole is this shithole going to be when we leave?"

Guess is depends of the rather subjective definitions of victory and defeat.
Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.
I don't think so Missourian, it was SOFA.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.[1] The pact required criminal charges for holding prisoners over 24 hours, and required a warrant for searches of homes and buildings that were not related to combat.[1] U.S. contractors working for U.S. forces would have been subject to Iraqi criminal law, while contractors working for the State Department and other U.S. agencies would retain their immunity. If U.S. forces committed still undecided "major premeditated felonies" while off-duty and off-base, they would have been subjected to an undecided procedures laid out by a joint U.S.-Iraq committee if the U.S. certified the forces were off-duty.[2][3][1][4]
The agreement expired at midnight on December 31, 2011, even though the United States completed its final withdrawal of troops from Iraq on December 16, 2011. The symbolic ceremony in Baghdad officially "cased" (retired) the flag of U.S. forces in Iraq, according to army tradition.[5]
The Iraqi government also approved a Strategic Framework Agreement with the United States,[6] aimed at ensuring international cooperation including minority ethnicity, gender, and belief interests and other constitutional rights; threat deterrence; exchange students; education;[7] and cooperation in the areas of energy development, environmental hygiene, health care, information technology, communications, and law enforcement.[8]
U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SOFA had us leaving in 2009 with all by 2011.....

I don't believe this was signed by Obama, but by President Bush in 2008.

That is correct, and it was up to the CURRENT President to RENEW the status of forces agreement.

But if it isn't campaign related, that bumbler can't find his ass with both hands, a flashlight and a topographical map.

We all knew this was going to happen. (By we, I mean the rest of us...Obama obviously only found out about this on television.)

We've been saying it for years, that the terrorists were just going to bide there time and wait for the democrats to fold.

And what do you know, that's exactly what happened...it's like we are psychic or something...

So, you would have subjected our troops to being arrested by Iraqi police and put on trial in Iraqi courts?
I don't think so Missourian, it was SOFA.

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SOFA had us leaving in 2009 with all by 2011.....

I don't believe this was signed by Obama, but by President Bush in 2008.

That is correct, and it was up to the CURRENT President to RENEW the status of forces agreement.

But if it isn't campaign related, that bumbler can't find his ass with both hands, a flashlight and a topographical map.

We all knew this was going to happen. (By we, I mean the rest of us...Obama obviously only found out about this on television.)

We've been saying it for years, that the terrorists were just going to bide there time and wait for the democrats to fold.

And what do you know, that's exactly what happened...it's like we are psychic or something...

So, you would have subjected our troops to being arrested by Iraqi police and put on trial in Iraqi courts?

Nope, I would have either found the leverage or the compromise to make it happen.

Obama wasn't interested...he was too busy campaigning.

He had to shore up his base, and the Iraqi request have him all the excuse he needed to disengage from the renewal and pull out the troops.

He thought it would make him look good...and THAT is what drives Obama.

Shortsightedly...because now he again looks like an incompetent novice boob.
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That is correct, and it was up to the CURRENT President to RENEW the status of forces agreement.

But if it isn't campaign related, that bumbler can't find his ass with both hands, a flashlight and a topographical map.

We all knew this was going to happen. (By we, I mean the rest of us...Obama obviously only found out about this on television.)

We've been saying it for years, that the terrorists were just going to bide there time and wait for the democrats to fold.

And what do you know, that's exactly what happened...it's like we are psychic or something...

So, you would have subjected our troops to being arrested by Iraqi police and put on trial in Iraqi courts?

Nope, I would have either found the leverage or the compromise to make it happen.

Obama wasn't interested...he was too busy campaigning.

He had to shore up his base, and the Iraqi request have him all the excuse he needed to disengage from the renewal and pull out the troops.

He thought it would make him look good...and THAT is what drives Obama.

Shortsightedly...because now he again looks like an incompetent novice boob.

You're just making shit up to fit your agenda. Somehow you would have convinced the Shiite in control that aliening themselves with their Shiite brothers in Iran was a bad idea and aliening with the US occupiers that they hated was a good idea.
So, you would have subjected our troops to being arrested by Iraqi police and put on trial in Iraqi courts?

Nope, I would have either found the leverage or the compromise to make it happen.

Obama wasn't interested...he was too busy campaigning.

He had to shore up his base, and the Iraqi request have him all the excuse he needed to disengage from the renewal and pull out the troops.

He thought it would make him look good...and THAT is what drives Obama.

Shortsightedly...because now he again looks like an incompetent novice boob.

You're just making shit up to fit your agenda. Somehow you would have convinced the Shiite in control that aliening themselves with their Shiite brothers in Iran was a bad idea and aliening with the US occupiers that they hated was a good idea.

I don't make shit up...I pay attention.

September 4th, 2008...
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Thursday that the escalation of U.S. troops in Iraq, which he had opposed, has succeeded in reducing violence "beyond our wildest dreams."

But Iraq still has failed to achieve the political reconciliation and self-sufficiency that is required, he said, and he vowed to withdraw American troops and end the war.

Earlier Thursday, in taping a segment for Fox's "O'Reilly Factor," Obama said the surge of U.S. troops has "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams."

Republicans repeatedly have accused Obama of denying the military progress being made in Iraq and of wanting to pull out when victory is within reach.

Obama: Iraq surge exceeds expectations - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News | NBC News

Another link to similar story: Obama Says Iraq Surge Success Beyond `Wildest Dreams' (Update2) - Bloomberg

He did exactly what he said he was going to do, and it turned out exactly the way we said it would.
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Obama will do what he has always done, he will do nothing and lad form behind. He will sit on his hands and try divert. The far left will start their rampage on same sex marriage and abortion.

They will divert an ignore the real problems not only in this country but the world.

The far left is just like the Taliban they would much rather see the world burn than deal with any real issues, based on faulty religious teachings.
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


The best option for Obama is stalling tactics before taking any military action, in order to force the hand of Iran and its allies to take necessary counter measures against ISIL.
If America decided on a military option they must realize they would be helping Iran.

Of course, as Obama seems to feel that Iranians are good buddies of him, he may do just that!
Trying to shift the blame to Obama for Bush's Iraq disaster is making you people's support for Clive Bundy slip down a notch on the stupid scale.
Looks like Iran's gonna save the day. Now tell me again why we went to war with Iraq? So Iran and Al Qaeda could gain more power? Because that's what's happening. Saddam Hussein despised both Al Qaeda and Iran. Probably would have been best to work out a deal with him. The Iraq War is a monumental blunder. I don't see how anyone could see it differently. It doesn't matter which Political Party you profess to belong to.
Looks like Iran's gonna save the day. Now tell me again why we went to war with Iraq? So Iran and Al Qaeda could gain more power? Because that's what's happening. Saddam Hussein despised both Al Qaeda and Iran. Probably would have been best to work out a deal with him. The Iraq War is a monumental blunder. I don't see how anyone could see it differently. t doesn't matter which Political Party you profess to belong to.

The Iraq War was fine. We achieved every objective and left a country at relative peace and stability. But that's the problem--we left. Had we maintained engagement this wouldn't be an issue.
This shows what happens when the US withdraws. Total disaster. It is what the narco-libtards want.
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


The best option for Obama is stalling tactics before taking any military action, in order to force the hand of Iran and its allies to take necessary counter measures against ISIL.
If America decided on a military option they must realize they would be helping Iran.

Of course, as Obama seems to feel that Iranians are good buddies of him, he may do just that!

While IRAN furthers their Nuclear capabilities...and starts handing that material to the radicals...don't laugh...I wouldn't put it past the Iranians.
Looks like Iran's gonna save the day. Now tell me again why we went to war with Iraq? So Iran and Al Qaeda could gain more power? Because that's what's happening. Saddam Hussein despised both Al Qaeda and Iran. Probably would have been best to work out a deal with him. The Iraq War is a monumental blunder. I don't see how anyone could see it differently. t doesn't matter which Political Party you profess to belong to.

The Iraq War was fine. We achieved every objective and left a country at relative peace and stability. But that's the problem--we left. Had we maintained engagement this wouldn't be an issue.
This shows what happens when the US withdraws. Total disaster. It is what the narco-libtards want.
So they can ride in on their white steeds and fuck things up more.
One more time. Grab your little gun and all your gun friends that like to parade around a US town or city and show everyone your macho right and show them toe ISSI boys and the Sunni's and all the rest of the folks in Iraq

Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?

The US just standing by and doing nothing gives Iran the "claim" and maybe authority in the UN to take parts of Iraq from Iraq as new Iranian lands.

We don't need Iran getting stronger stealing the oil fields of Iraq thanks to Obama letting Iran invade Iraq under the guise of fighting AQ.

Of course, the idiots in this country from the liberal and losertarian crowds don't give a shit because they believe this doesn't affect their trailer park lives.
The US just standing by and doing nothing gives Iran the "claim" and maybe authority in the UN to take parts of Iraq from Iraq as new Iranian lands.

We don't need Iran getting stronger stealing the oil fields of Iraq thanks to Obama letting Iran invade Iraq under the guise of fighting AQ.

Of course, the idiots in this country from the liberal and losertarian crowds don't give a shit because they believe this doesn't affect their trailer park lives.

Iran won't be stealing anything. The Iraqi Government will give it to them. They're very close allies. So like i said earlier...

The big winners of the Iraq War are Iran and Al Qaeda. Period, end of story.
Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.

I respectfully disagree. Iraq is a contrived concept, a forced nation of absolute blood enemies. Without a dictator or a large military presence, stability is not going to happen until the region is left to the people and their own devices.

The 3 state solution was unworkable in 2002, 2003, and 2007. Now? It's breaking up on its own. If all we want is to be left alone, then we need to provide strategic support and no direct action. The biggest obstacle to peace there has always been the lack of will among the different factions to work together for a shared goal. All we got was temporary stability each and every time we've had our forces there.

This time it's up to them.

But Kurdistan is free and that is a glorious thing to see!

Interesting theory...but even if it unfolds as you predict, it's going to be terribly bloody and painful.

Those who thought the war was hell...they ain't seen nothing yet.

True, but it's inevitable. Stability requires massive bloodshed, readjustment results in massive bloodshed. It's the same result.
Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

The US just standing by and doing nothing gives Iran the "claim" and maybe authority in the UN to take parts of Iraq from Iraq as new Iranian lands.

We don't need Iran getting stronger stealing the oil fields of Iraq thanks to Obama letting Iran invade Iraq under the guise of fighting AQ.

Of course, the idiots in this country from the liberal and losertarian crowds don't give a shit because they believe this doesn't affect their trailer park lives.

Iran won't be stealing anything. The Iraqi Government will give it to them. They're very close allies. So like i said earlier...

The big winners of the Iraq War are Iran and Al Qaeda. Period, end of story.

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