What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

The US should do nothing. We do not have the leadership necessary to step in. How bad is it? How serious is our lack of leadership? obama will take the next several days to decide. ISIS is less than 60 miles from Baghdad. obama is meeting with his national security team. He's meeting with Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett. He has taken steps that leave our southern border completely undefended.

obama should do what he knows. Play golf and get high.
If President Obama saves them, will they treat us as liberators?
We should not step in because the leadership of the far right Republican wing will obstruct success.
The US should do nothing. We do not have the leadership necessary to step in. How bad is it? How serious is our lack of leadership? obama will take the next several days to decide. ISIS is less than 60 miles from Baghdad. obama is meeting with his national security team. He's meeting with Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett. He has taken steps that leave our southern border completely undefended.

obama should do what he knows. Play golf and get high.
New International Version Proverbs 24:6
Surely you need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers.
I heard the POTUS today. He did not commit either way. Which will drive USMB nutters over a cliff. They need him to choose a path.......so they can choose the opposite.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain WHY he should do something.

This isn't our problem. And frankly, I'm not even sure which guys I'm supposed to be rooting for here. Maliki is joined at the hip with the Crazy Ayatollah's in Iran, and they were the ones who insisted no Americans remain behind. Let the Crazy Ayatollah's save his ass now.

Because terrorism has a way of becoming our problem eventually. I realize that takes thinking beyond today, which you obviously don't have. But that's the truth. We ignored Afghanistan and the Taliban and then got 9/11 for it. How many more 9/11s do you want?

Well, preferably none.

But here's the thing. We didn't ignore the Taliban. We armed those fuckheads. We helped them overthrow the legitimate government of their country because those dirty stinking commies were teaching girls how to read.

Our Middle East policy is basically sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung. That's not when we are raising bigger, nastier hornets. Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys who the CIA thought we could work with.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain WHY he should do something.

This isn't our problem. And frankly, I'm not even sure which guys I'm supposed to be rooting for here. Maliki is joined at the hip with the Crazy Ayatollah's in Iran, and they were the ones who insisted no Americans remain behind. Let the Crazy Ayatollah's save his ass now.

Because terrorism has a way of becoming our problem eventually. I realize that takes thinking beyond today, which you obviously don't have. But that's the truth. We ignored Afghanistan and the Taliban and then got 9/11 for it. How many more 9/11s do you want?

Well, preferably none.

But here's the thing. We didn't ignore the Taliban. We armed those fuckheads. We helped them overthrow the legitimate government of their country because those dirty stinking commies were teaching girls how to read.

Our Middle East policy is basically sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung. That's not when we are raising bigger, nastier hornets. Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys who the CIA thought we could work with.

Thats actually completely false. But whatever.
And it's getting even uglier. The Kurds may declare Independence in the near future. They've now taken the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. That will obviously lead to Turkey invading Iraq.

Still think an aggressive Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy is the way to go? Just look at the horrific Blow Back caused by our meddling. What a shame.
The Iraqi partition, which should have happened years ago and would have likely precluded the current foolishness, is about to become fait accompli.
And it's getting even uglier. The Kurds may declare Independence in the near future. They've now taken the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. That will obviously lead to Turkey invading Iraq.

Still think an aggressive Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy is the way to go? Just look at the horrific Blow Back caused by our meddling. What a shame.
The Iraqi partition, which should have happened years ago and would have likely precluded the current foolishness, is about to become fait accompli.

Yeah, Turkey will not stand for the Kurds declaring their own Independent State. It will be all-out War. And that looks like what's gonna happen. It's a real mess. A No-Win scenario for Americans.
Because terrorism has a way of becoming our problem eventually. I realize that takes thinking beyond today, which you obviously don't have. But that's the truth. We ignored Afghanistan and the Taliban and then got 9/11 for it. How many more 9/11s do you want?

Well, preferably none.

But here's the thing. We didn't ignore the Taliban. We armed those fuckheads. We helped them overthrow the legitimate government of their country because those dirty stinking commies were teaching girls how to read.

Our Middle East policy is basically sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung. That's not when we are raising bigger, nastier hornets. Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys who the CIA thought we could work with.

Thats actually completely false. But whatever.

Lack of a counter-argument duly noted.
In other words, blame either Bush or Obama or Bugs Bunny, we still have no business over there.
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Since he found out about it in the paper a few days ago, his anger is palpable. He will have the state department investigate and he will hold those responsible, responsible. Period.

After his 18 rounds & a fundraiser of course.
President Obama: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.
President Obama: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.
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President Obama: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

Horse hockey.

We finally got the country stabilized and Obama decided...for political purposes, not military reasons...to pack up and leave.

Whether or not you agreed with the war in Iraq, we had an obligation to the people of Iraq.
I don't think so Missourian, it was SOFA.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.[1] The pact required criminal charges for holding prisoners over 24 hours, and required a warrant for searches of homes and buildings that were not related to combat.[1] U.S. contractors working for U.S. forces would have been subject to Iraqi criminal law, while contractors working for the State Department and other U.S. agencies would retain their immunity. If U.S. forces committed still undecided "major premeditated felonies" while off-duty and off-base, they would have been subjected to an undecided procedures laid out by a joint U.S.-Iraq committee if the U.S. certified the forces were off-duty.[2][3][1][4]
The agreement expired at midnight on December 31, 2011, even though the United States completed its final withdrawal of troops from Iraq on December 16, 2011. The symbolic ceremony in Baghdad officially "cased" (retired) the flag of U.S. forces in Iraq, according to army tradition.[5]
The Iraqi government also approved a Strategic Framework Agreement with the United States,[6] aimed at ensuring international cooperation including minority ethnicity, gender, and belief interests and other constitutional rights; threat deterrence; exchange students; education;[7] and cooperation in the areas of energy development, environmental hygiene, health care, information technology, communications, and law enforcement.[8]
U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SOFA had us leaving in 2009 with all by 2011.....

I don't believe this was signed by Obama, but by President Bush in 2008.
Obama being a stupid pile of shit elected to pull out of Iraq because he ran on doing it and was going to do it no matter the results. This is just like Vietnam when liberals pushed the US military out and ended up causing millions to be massacred across southeast Asia in the aftermath.

The liberals and their media just went about their lives as if they didn't cause it, the same is with Iraq today.
President Obama: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Victory was that short period after the WMD's had been discovered to have been moved, or the country was at least cleared of them, Saddam and his sons had been killed or captured and some random various terrorist and war criminals had been dealt with. Everything after that was a long drawn out defeat. Many years before Obama showed up.

It never was a "defeat." It was always a situation of "how much of a shithole is this shithole going to be when we leave?"

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