What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

The attempts to blame this on Obama have that certain infantile rightwing quality that is as predictable as it is entertaining.

What is so difficult for you nutjobs to understand that Obama armed militants in Syria who are now killing Iraqi's we propped up, and taking our armament with them.

What a deal


McCain: Obama to Send New Arms to Syrian Rebels - The Daily Beast

Previous weapons pledges by Obama to the Syrian rebels have not been honored, McCain said. In June the White House promised to increase its military assistance to the FSA in response to another set of chemical-weapons attacks that the U.S. intelligence community concluded had been perpetrated by the Syrian regime in March. But those weapons never arrived, so lawmakers need greater assurances this time around, McCain said.
Oh, he owned it, all right.

It was his choice to make and he made it.

Then he passed it on.


Passed it on with a blueprint for success. Which Obama ignored because polls told him total withdrawal would play better in the media.
So all the Bush blame is really pointless. You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
The question is what is Obama, who is president, going to do about this? Even if he walked into office yesterday it is still his responsibility to do something about it. Simply blaming predecessors will not cut it. That is not his job. His job is to do something.
And as I've written I predict he will do the thing that focus group tests the best: kick it to the UN and then blame them for inaction.

A fiasco cannot have a "blueprint for success".

And you people who are trying to pin the Cheney/Bush Iraq Fiasco on Obama are seriously fucked up.

Oh come on, we always knew they would :eusa_whistle: it's in their DNA.
What will he do about Russia? What will he do about the influx of tens of thousands of illegals flooding the southern border? What will he do about unemployment and the price of fuel oil in the coming winter? The short answer is that we will see nothing but hot air and zip-zero-nada action.
What will he do about Russia? What will he do about the influx of tens of thousands of illegals flooding the southern border? What will he do about unemployment and the price of fuel oil in the coming winter? The short answer is that we will see nothing but hot air and zip-zero-nada action.

He'll call for an investigation and then blame Bush.
Obama has had 5.5 years, but yes, it was a bad move from Day 1.

5.5 years to prolong the inevitable civil war?

"Inevitable"? That's a nice excuse. No matter what Obama did there would have been a civil war. Nice meme. Not true, not remotely true.

The civil war never really ended. US media coverage of the carnage did.

It was Bushes plan. Pretty cheesy to try blame someone else.

The pseudo-cons were warned that a breakup of Iraq could lead to a broader war in the region. Doesn't matter who the president was. Iraq was not going to sign a status of forces agreement that allow US troops immunity.
What will he do about Russia? What will he do about the influx of tens of thousands of illegals flooding the southern border? What will he do about unemployment and the price of fuel oil in the coming winter? The short answer is that we will see nothing but hot air and zip-zero-nada action.

Russia - The sanctions have begun to sting the Russian economy. So much so Putin has pulled back military units and is looking to resolve the Ukraine situation through diplomacy.
Putin in talks with Ukraine president after claims tanks crossed border from Russia | World news | The Guardian

Immigration - The ball is in congress's court.

Price of Fuel - Free Market anyone?

Unemployment - Steadily going down.

Anymore sky is falling forecasts?
I'm still waiting for you guys to explain WHY he should do something.

This isn't our problem. And frankly, I'm not even sure which guys I'm supposed to be rooting for here. Maliki is joined at the hip with the Crazy Ayatollah's in Iran, and they were the ones who insisted no Americans remain behind. Let the Crazy Ayatollah's save his ass now.

Because terrorism has a way of becoming our problem eventually. I realize that takes thinking beyond today, which you obviously don't have. But that's the truth. We ignored Afghanistan and the Taliban and then got 9/11 for it. How many more 9/11s do you want?

Has a way?

Well yeah, it does have a way.

What happens is this country interferes in the internal affairs of other countries because it has the belief that the resources of those countries belong to us. Or we do things like fight proxy wars against super powers we don't like.

That's the way.

Maybe if we employ our own "Free Market" principles on an international level and actually conduct "trade" instead of subterfuge, we will see less terrorism. That and respecting the sovereignty of other nations.

Just a thought.

Careful now, you're sounding like a libertarian. ;)
Blow Back. This Al Qaeda-linked Rebel group in Iraq is connected with Al Qaeda-linked Rebels in Syria. And it's attacking cities in both Nations. Unfortunately, they're very likely doing it with U.S. weapons and money. That's Obama's big blunder. He shouldn't have supported known Al Qaeda-linked Rebels in Syria. It's created a much bigger mess. But he was warned by Putin. He told him not to fund & arm these animals. But for some reason Obama became obsessed with getting rid of Assad. It's eerily similar to Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. Obama was ill-advised for sure.

The fact is, our nation is much better off with Assad staying in power. And it would have been better off with Saddam Hussein staying in power as well. Now we have to live with the ugly Blow Back for our meddling. Hopefully, Americans will soon tire of this permanent state of war we're stuck in. Haven't they had enough yet?
5.5 years to prolong the inevitable civil war?

"Inevitable"? That's a nice excuse. No matter what Obama did there would have been a civil war. Nice meme. Not true, not remotely true.

The civil war never really ended. US media coverage of the carnage did.

It was Bushes plan. Pretty cheesy to try blame someone else.

The pseudo-cons were warned that a breakup of Iraq could lead to a broader war in the region. Doesn't matter who the president was. Iraq was not going to sign a status of forces agreement that allow US troops immunity.
Yeah there was no difference between 2006 and now. It's just a media thing.
Go with that, ya big dunce.
How about the "objective" to bring democracy to Iraq.

Unless you consider a constant state of terror attacks and civil war to be a condition of democracy.

They staged two free and fair elections.
Iraq in 2006 had fewer civilian deaths than Detroit and Chicago.

What complete bullshit.

Study: War blamed for 655,000 Iraqi deaths - CNN.com

BALTIMORE, Maryland (CNN) -- War has wiped out about 655,000 Iraqis or more than 500 people a day since the U.S.-led invasion, a new study reports.

Violence including gunfire and bombs caused the majority of deaths but thousands of people died from worsening health and environmental conditions directly related to the conflict that began in 2003, U.S. and Iraqi public health researchers said.

"Since March 2003, an additional 2.5 percent of Iraq's population have died above what would have occurred without conflict," according to the survey of Iraqi households, titled "The Human Cost of the War in Iraq." (Watch as the study's startling results are revealed -- 1:55 Video)

The survey, being published online by British medical journal The Lancet, gives a far higher number of deaths in Iraq than other organizations. (Read the full report -- pdf)

The report's release came as nearly four dozen Baghdad civilians became casualties in another day of bombs and gunfire. (Full story)

It's just amazing how much propaganda you folks CONTINUE to this day, to spew.
Thank you for the statistics.
This might actually be a good thing for the present government in Iraq.

They are not seen as legitimate and have been failing miserably.

But they reached out to Kurdistan on this and are asking for help.

Played right, if they take the lead with US air power backing and in conjunction with the Kurds, this could rally the people behind the present government to push out the terrorists which are a conglomeration of some really nasty foreign fighters from around the region.

These guys are so bad, Al Qaeda is distancing themselves from them.

You really think Obama will allow airstrikes?



What are you talking about "Allow".

He will order them.
You're dreaming pal. Bobo will not remove the thumb up his ass to do SFA.
He does not want to go down in history being responsible for adding fire to another full blown all out war in the ME.
Go golfing Bobo. Turn off the cell.
I think Obama will eventually order some type of Military response. But it won't matter much. The Sunni Rebels aren't going away. In fact, they've been made stronger by our own Government's arming & funding. It really is a very sad mess. Who do you support in this mess? The Iranian-backed Iraqi Government, or the Sunni Al Qaeda-led Rebels? Not much of a choice, huh?
To you 'Blame Bush' morons: Bobo APPLIED FOR THE FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!!
No experience. Voted in by Blacks believing he would give them more "free shit".
He turned out to be the poster boy why AA doesn't work.
It's a given Bobo will fuck up.
The real person to watch like a hawk is 'Hills'.
This is her 'war simulator' video game. Let's see how she handles things.
Looks like Iran is seizing on this opportunity. Their Troops are pouring into Iraq. Obama's only option now is to help Iran and the Iranian-backed Iraqi Government. He can't allow the Al Qaeda Rebels to win. It's a very sad Catch 22. A real No-Win scenario for Americans. More ugly Blow Back.
As amazing as it sounds, I find that watching Obozo's latest press briefing, I agreed with him!

His statement that its fate is ultimately up to Iraq!

And yes, Iran is sending battalions of troops into Iraq and the Kurds are kicking ass to protect their own areas.
As amazing as it sounds, I find that watching Obozo's latest press briefing, I agreed with him!

His statement that its fate is ultimately up to Iraq!

And yes, Iran is sending battalions of troops into Iraq and the Kurds are kicking ass to protect their own areas.

We've given Iran a gift. They're seizing the moment. Iran and Al Qaeda are the big winners. Just more tragic Blow Back.
And it's getting even uglier. The Kurds may declare Independence in the near future. They've now taken the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. That will obviously lead to Turkey invading Iraq.

Still think an aggressive Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy is the way to go? Just look at the horrific Blow Back caused by our meddling. What a shame.
And it's getting even uglier. The Kurds may declare Independence in the near future. They've now taken the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. That will obviously lead to Turkey invading Iraq.

Still think an aggressive Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy is the way to go? Just look at the horrific Blow Back caused by our meddling. What a shame.

Yeah the narco-libtards come out to blame America.
Consider that this is occurring because the US withdrew from the area, not because the US got involved in the area. If we had a strong presence this likely never wou;d happened. Blow it back up your ass.
Passed it on with a blueprint for success. Which Obama ignored because polls told him total withdrawal would play better in the media.
So all the Bush blame is really pointless. You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
The question is what is Obama, who is president, going to do about this? Even if he walked into office yesterday it is still his responsibility to do something about it. Simply blaming predecessors will not cut it. That is not his job. His job is to do something.
And as I've written I predict he will do the thing that focus group tests the best: kick it to the UN and then blame them for inaction.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain WHY he should do something.

This isn't our problem. And frankly, I'm not even sure which guys I'm supposed to be rooting for here. Maliki is joined at the hip with the Crazy Ayatollah's in Iran, and they were the ones who insisted no Americans remain behind. Let the Crazy Ayatollah's save his ass now.

Because terrorism has a way of becoming our problem eventually. I realize that takes thinking beyond today, which you obviously don't have. But that's the truth. We ignored Afghanistan and the Taliban and then got 9/11 for it. How many more 9/11s do you want?

Joey doesn't get it.

If the terrorists in Iraq win, Iraq becomes a Islamic Radicalist safe haven just like Afghanistan. As you said, we all know how that turned out.
I'm still waiting for you guys to explain WHY he should do something.

This isn't our problem. And frankly, I'm not even sure which guys I'm supposed to be rooting for here. Maliki is joined at the hip with the Crazy Ayatollah's in Iran, and they were the ones who insisted no Americans remain behind. Let the Crazy Ayatollah's save his ass now.

Because terrorism has a way of becoming our problem eventually. I realize that takes thinking beyond today, which you obviously don't have. But that's the truth. We ignored Afghanistan and the Taliban and then got 9/11 for it. How many more 9/11s do you want?

Joey doesn't get it.

If the terrorists in Iraq win, Iraq becomes a Islamic Radicalist safe haven just like Afghanistan. As you said, we all know how that turned out.
It's as if Obama WANTED AQ to have state sponsorship again

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