What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

You support Putin sending weapons to Assad to kill his own people and to target Israel....and you support Putin killing people in Ukraine with his hired goons and spec ops doing his dirty work under the lie of fighting Nazis.

you love Putin's cock in your ass.

Stupid fuck....Putin and Iran are to blame for the mess in Syria because they provide weapons to Assad to kill everyone opposed to him, terrorists and secular people.

Obama fucked up not making a move against Assad early and getting the secular Syrians in charge....now he has AQ in Syria fighting the secular groups and Assad in a mass murder wild west.

Inaction like you promote caused the fucking mess in Syria and now Iraq.

Putin had it right. Obama was ill-advised on the Syrian conflict. Assad was the safer pick. Obama ended up funding & arming the animals who are now wreaking havoc in Iraq. He was warned about these groups, but he wouldn't listen. For some bizarre reason he became obsessed with getting rid of Assad. It's eerily similar to Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. They both made very poor decisions.

No, Putin had it right. Assad was the safer bet. Just as Saddam Hussein staying in power was the safer bet. As a result of Obama/Bush blunders, Iran and Al Qaeda have come out the big winners. That's the current reality.
You support Putin sending weapons to Assad to kill his own people and to target Israel....and you support Putin killing people in Ukraine with his hired goons and spec ops doing his dirty work under the lie of fighting Nazis.

you love Putin's cock in your ass.

Stupid fuck....Putin and Iran are to blame for the mess in Syria because they provide weapons to Assad to kill everyone opposed to him, terrorists and secular people.

Obama fucked up not making a move against Assad early and getting the secular Syrians in charge....now he has AQ in Syria fighting the secular groups and Assad in a mass murder wild west.

Inaction like you promote caused the fucking mess in Syria and now Iraq.

No, Putin had it right. Assad was the safer bet. Just as Saddam Hussein staying in power was the safer bet. As a result of Obama/Bush blunders, Iran and Al Qaeda have come out the big winners. That's the current reality.

Putin was right on Syria. Assad was the safer play. And he tried to warn Obama in a reasonable & respectful way. He told him funding & arming Syrian Rebels was a bad idea. Now look at the Blow Back. These animals are well-armed and financed. And they're led by brutal Al Qaeda Terrorists. Much bloodier days are ahead over there. But it all could have been avoided.
The inferior humans living in this country that believe pulling US troops out of Europe, Asia, the middle east, etc are to blame for doing this policy in Iraq.

Evil people like Putin, AQ terrorists, Iran, etc.....notice when you idiots demand we pull back the military and leave the area for them to overrun.....see Libya, Iraq, Syria, Crimea, tc.
The inferior humans living in this country that believe pulling US troops out of Europe, Asia, the middle east, etc are to blame for doing this policy in Iraq.

Evil people like Putin, AQ terrorists, Iran, etc.....notice when you idiots demand we pull back the military and leave the area for them to overrun.....see Libya, Iraq, Syria, Crimea, tc.

Results of the Iraq War: Massive Debt, too many funerals, and a more powerful Iran & Al Qaeda.

Not interfering was the correct course. But we blew it. And now we have to live with the horrible Blow Back. But it's time to cut our losses. It's over. Time to move on.
Again, I don't see how this is our problem.

Maliki created a lot of this by excluding the Sunnis from his government.

What we may end up seeing is ISIL creating its own state within Iraq, with the Kurds declaring independence soon after.

Not our problem while the enemy spreads and becomes stronger until they are too strong to defeat and come at us eventually. Islam will not be satisfied until they conquer the entire planet.
The reactionaries to the far right have no real understanding of Islam.

The shia of Iraq (75% majority) and Iran (bigger majority) will ally to save Baghdad, throw back the Sunni insurgency, and ask the US to fly airstrikes over the shi'ite forces.

Only delusional neo-cons could have conceived that the US could turn Iraq into a happy, stable ally in the Middle East. All of them should be delivered to The Hague along with their supporters.
The reactionaries to the far right have no real understanding of Islam.

The shia of Iraq (75% majority) and Iran (bigger majority) will ally to save Baghdad, throw back the Sunni insurgency, and ask the US to fly airstrikes over the shi'ite forces.

Only delusional neo-cons could have conceived that the US could turn Iraq into a happy, stable ally in the Middle East. All of them should be delivered to The Hague along with their supporters.

Along with all Obama and neo-lib supporters, including disinfo agents like you, who supported arming the islamists in Syria would caused this chaos, than I could support war crimes charges. You neo-libs and neo-cons really ran rough shot over poor Iraq.
obama has created a terrible situation that will cause him grief no matter what he does. If he sends troops into Iraq and more Americans die the democrats are done. If he does nothing he will be blamed for creating this catastrophe and walking away.

There is no way out. Not even a bad way.

You work on the assumptions that 1) AMericans will blame Obama for this mess and not that idiot Bush and 2) That Americans really care at this point.
I guess the idea that Biden and others supported, including myself, of some sort of a partition of Iraq,

is looking better and better in hindsight.
I guess the idea that Biden and others supported, including myself, of some sort of a partition of Iraq,

is looking better and better in hindsight.

Actually..that may be the way forward.

Without having a strong leader, Iraq probably isn't going to remain together.
The attempts to blame this on Obama have that certain infantile rightwing quality that is as predictable as it is entertaining.

The thinking on the right is, that in terms of the military?

There are endless resources to throw at "problems".

Leprechauns with pots of gold sitting at the end of the rainbow shower the American military.

I remember Colin Powell saying he told Bush "you break it, you own it".

Well, we broke it, and (not surprisingly) we've left ourselves with only shitty choices.


Bush..never owned it.

He passed it on.

Oh, he owned it, all right.

It was his choice to make and he made it.

Then he passed it on.


"Owning" something in my world means their were real live consequences for when what you did, goes wrong.

For Bush, there were none.

He basically let the PNAC dictate policy up until 2004 or so, when Bush elder, seeing a big fat fucking mess sent in Gates and Baker to clean it up. Even then? The best they got was a simmering powderkeg state ready to explode. So they passed it on.

He ignored EVERYONE up until that point.

Even today? Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the gang chat it up on the talk shows like they are living in a world all their own.

It's amazing.

Seriously amazing.
The attempts to blame this on Obama have that certain infantile rightwing quality that is as predictable as it is entertaining.

What is so difficult for you nutjobs to understand that Obama armed militants in Syria who are now killing Iraqi's we propped up, and taking our armament with them.

What a deal

The attempts to blame this on Obama have that certain infantile rightwing quality that is as predictable as it is entertaining.

What is so difficult for you nutjobs to understand that Obama armed militants in Syria who are now killing Iraqi's we propped up, and taking our armament with them.

What a deal


That's not the problem.

Maybe 2000 or so fighters attacked Mosul.

30,000 IRAQI "Soldiers" stripped off their uniforms, dropped their guns and ran, leaving all the high priced US gear behind.

The IRAQIS themselves..don't believe in their own country.

It's really not something they made.

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