What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

Iraq wouldn't be in this mess if we kept some combat troops there like we have done since the 1940s with Japan and Germany....oh wait, you idiots don't know that.

Obama squandered everything we did in Iraq but not until he claimed "he did it and made Iraq a SUCCESS." Joe Biden claimed "Iraq was their greatest success" at the time.

This is what happens when idiots are in charge and don't understand one needs to keep troops in certain parts of the world to prevent evil people from rising up and taking power.

Should have never been there in the first place. Bush should have never gone in there to overthrow Saddam and install a weak puppet government and Obama shouldn't have backed these Islamists in Syria who are now spilling into Iraq.

Saddam, miss him yet?
Of course a scumbag like you supported Saddam because he sent PLO terrorists to kill Jews in Israel.

The people of Iraq were happy Saddam was killed off, they just didn't expect scum like you to end up in the White House and hang them out to dry for the terrorists.

Iraq wouldn't be in this mess if we kept some combat troops there like we have done since the 1940s with Japan and Germany....oh wait, you idiots don't know that.

Obama squandered everything we did in Iraq but not until he claimed "he did it and made Iraq a SUCCESS." Joe Biden claimed "Iraq was their greatest success" at the time.

This is what happens when idiots are in charge and don't understand one needs to keep troops in certain parts of the world to prevent evil people from rising up and taking power.

Should have never been there in the first place. Bush should have never gone in there to overthrow Saddam and install a weak puppet government and Obama shouldn't have backed these Islamists in Syria who are now spilling into Iraq.

Saddam, miss him yet?
Advocate for social justice programs , diversity and affirmative action ???

Once a beggar always a beggar, eh community organizer....
How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Obama?

If we had listened to Obama we never would have invaded Iraq in the first place

If Obama had listened to Bush he would have left troops and we wouldnt be in this mess.
If Churchill hadnt insisted on the borders the way they are we wouldnt have this problem. If King Idris wasnt a fuck up Saddam would never have gotten power.
You can play this all day long.
The fact is Obama was presdient when he rushed headlong out of Iraq because polls told him that's what people wanted. And Obama is president now when the iraq situation is falling apart because of his decisions.
So what is Obama going to do to fix Obama's fuck up?

Obama DID listen to Bush.



Obama Touts Fulfilled Iraq Pledge, But Withdrawal Deal Was Set Up by Bush | NewsBusters
Of course a scumbag like you supported Saddam because he sent PLO terrorists to kill Jews in Israel.

The people of Iraq were happy Saddam was killed off, they just didn't expect scum like you to end up in the White House and hang them out to dry for the terrorists.

Iraq wouldn't be in this mess if we kept some combat troops there like we have done since the 1940s with Japan and Germany....oh wait, you idiots don't know that.

Obama squandered everything we did in Iraq but not until he claimed "he did it and made Iraq a SUCCESS." Joe Biden claimed "Iraq was their greatest success" at the time.

This is what happens when idiots are in charge and don't understand one needs to keep troops in certain parts of the world to prevent evil people from rising up and taking power.

Should have never been there in the first place. Bush should have never gone in there to overthrow Saddam and install a weak puppet government and Obama shouldn't have backed these Islamists in Syria who are now spilling into Iraq.

Saddam, miss him yet?

It is neo con scum like you that put them in this position. Not only did scum like you kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you wrecked their central government, put a weak puppet in it's place, then didn't have the foresight to see the consequences of financing islamic radicals in syria(a country that borders Iraq, thanks Obama and McCain).

This is all on the hands of neo-con/neo-lib scum like yourself. Bush and Obama are both responsible for this mess, and co-equal criminals that need to be tried for treason(Screw international courts, Constitution comes first). And weaklings like you should learn to shut up and go in the corner. You don't deserve the privilege of voting you lowly flyover country prole.
The only good thing about you is that you will burn in hell someday.

Of course a scumbag like you supported Saddam because he sent PLO terrorists to kill Jews in Israel.

The people of Iraq were happy Saddam was killed off, they just didn't expect scum like you to end up in the White House and hang them out to dry for the terrorists.

Should have never been there in the first place. Bush should have never gone in there to overthrow Saddam and install a weak puppet government and Obama shouldn't have backed these Islamists in Syria who are now spilling into Iraq.

Saddam, miss him yet?

It is neo con scum like you that put them in this position. Not only did scum like you kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you wrecked their central government, put a weak puppet in it's place, then didn't have the foresight to see the consequences of financing islamic radicals in syria(a country that borders Iraq, thanks Obama and McCain).

This is all on the hands of neo-con/neo-lib scum like yourself. Bush and Obama are both responsible for this mess, and co-equal criminals that need to be tried for treason(Screw international courts, Constitution comes first). And weaklings like you should learn to shut up and go in the corner. You don't deserve the privilege of voting you lowly flyover country prole.
The only good thing about you is that you will burn in hell someday.

Of course a scumbag like you supported Saddam because he sent PLO terrorists to kill Jews in Israel.

The people of Iraq were happy Saddam was killed off, they just didn't expect scum like you to end up in the White House and hang them out to dry for the terrorists.

It is neo con scum like you that put them in this position. Not only did scum like you kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you wrecked their central government, put a weak puppet in it's place, then didn't have the foresight to see the consequences of financing islamic radicals in syria(a country that borders Iraq, thanks Obama and McCain).

This is all on the hands of neo-con/neo-lib scum like yourself. Bush and Obama are both responsible for this mess, and co-equal criminals that need to be tried for treason(Screw international courts, Constitution comes first). And weaklings like you should learn to shut up and go in the corner. You don't deserve the privilege of voting you lowly flyover country prole.
You wish, your life is a personal hell and no one will join you you dumb neo con reject. You should be human fodder for the wars and interventions you support you worthless piece of shit.
Of course a scumbag like you supported Saddam because he sent PLO terrorists to kill Jews in Israel.

The people of Iraq were happy Saddam was killed off, they just didn't expect scum like you to end up in the White House and hang them out to dry for the terrorists.

Should have never been there in the first place. Bush should have never gone in there to overthrow Saddam and install a weak puppet government and Obama shouldn't have backed these Islamists in Syria who are now spilling into Iraq.

Saddam, miss him yet?

It is neo con scum like you that put them in this position. Not only did scum like you kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you wrecked their central government, put a weak puppet in it's place, then didn't have the foresight to see the consequences of financing islamic radicals in syria(a country that borders Iraq, thanks Obama and McCain).

This is all on the hands of neo-con/neo-lib scum like yourself. Bush and Obama are both responsible for this mess, and co-equal criminals that need to be tried for treason(Screw international courts, Constitution comes first). And weaklings like you should learn to shut up and go in the corner. You don't deserve the privilege of voting you lowly flyover country prole.

If it werent for pnac and the new world order. ! Lol
Don't worry....you will burn in hell.

The only good thing about you is that you will burn in hell someday.

It is neo con scum like you that put them in this position. Not only did scum like you kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you wrecked their central government, put a weak puppet in it's place, then didn't have the foresight to see the consequences of financing islamic radicals in syria(a country that borders Iraq, thanks Obama and McCain).

This is all on the hands of neo-con/neo-lib scum like yourself. Bush and Obama are both responsible for this mess, and co-equal criminals that need to be tried for treason(Screw international courts, Constitution comes first). And weaklings like you should learn to shut up and go in the corner. You don't deserve the privilege of voting you lowly flyover country prole.
You wish, your life is a personal hell and no one will join you you dumb neo con reject. You should be human fodder for the wars and interventions you support you worthless piece of shit.
Of course a scumbag like you supported Saddam because he sent PLO terrorists to kill Jews in Israel.

The people of Iraq were happy Saddam was killed off, they just didn't expect scum like you to end up in the White House and hang them out to dry for the terrorists.

It is neo con scum like you that put them in this position. Not only did scum like you kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you wrecked their central government, put a weak puppet in it's place, then didn't have the foresight to see the consequences of financing islamic radicals in syria(a country that borders Iraq, thanks Obama and McCain).

This is all on the hands of neo-con/neo-lib scum like yourself. Bush and Obama are both responsible for this mess, and co-equal criminals that need to be tried for treason(Screw international courts, Constitution comes first). And weaklings like you should learn to shut up and go in the corner. You don't deserve the privilege of voting you lowly flyover country prole.

If it werent for pnac and the new world order. ! Lol
Yep, the PNAC has/had no influence, they don't even exist, they never existed, just a conspiracy hur dur. We have always been at war with East Asia...
Uh idiot....ISIS/ISIL is killing anyone associated with Iran in Iraq right now. They hate each other.

Iraq turning into Libya and Syria isn't in the best interests of the world.....because only terrorists end up living there and training for their attacks.

Uh idiot, they are enemies....see Syria. :cuckoo:

Big Winners: Iran and Al Qaeda.

Big Losers: The American People

Both are benefiting the most from the chaos. They're the big winners.
Putin had it right. Obama was ill-advised on the Syrian conflict. Assad was the safer pick. Obama ended up funding & arming the animals who are now wreaking havoc in Iraq. He was warned about these groups, but he wouldn't listen. For some bizarre reason he became obsessed with getting rid of Assad. It's eerily similar to Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. They both made very poor decisions.
Uh idiot....ISIS/ISIL is killing anyone associated with Iran in Iraq right now. They hate each other.

Iraq turning into Libya and Syria isn't in the best interests of the world.....because only terrorists end up living there and training for their attacks.

Uh idiot, they are enemies....see Syria. :cuckoo:

Both are benefiting the most from the chaos. They're the big winners.

Iran has grown significantly more powerful since the Iraq War started. The current Iraqi Government is aligned with them. They are a force to be reckoned with. And thanks to Obama's ill-advised support of Rebel groups in Syria, they are now more powerful as well. Iran and Al Qaeda are the big winners. It is what it is.
Stupid fuck....Putin and Iran are to blame for the mess in Syria because they provide weapons to Assad to kill everyone opposed to him, terrorists and secular people.

Obama fucked up not making a move against Assad early and getting the secular Syrians in charge....now he has AQ in Syria fighting the secular groups and Assad in a mass murder wild west.

Inaction like you promote caused the fucking mess in Syria and now Iraq.

Putin had it right. Obama was ill-advised on the Syrian conflict. Assad was the safer pick. Obama ended up funding & arming the animals who are now wreaking havoc in Iraq. He was warned about these groups, but he wouldn't listen. For some bizarre reason he became obsessed with getting rid of Assad. It's eerily similar to Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. They both made very poor decisions.
Stupid fuck....Putin and Iran are to blame for the mess in Syria because they provide weapons to Assad to kill everyone opposed to him, terrorists and secular people.

Obama fucked up not making a move against Assad early and getting the secular Syrians in charge....now he has AQ in Syria fighting the secular groups and Assad in a mass murder wild west.

Inaction like you promote caused the fucking mess in Syria and now Iraq.

Putin had it right. Obama was ill-advised on the Syrian conflict. Assad was the safer pick. Obama ended up funding & arming the animals who are now wreaking havoc in Iraq. He was warned about these groups, but he wouldn't listen. For some bizarre reason he became obsessed with getting rid of Assad. It's eerily similar to Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. They both made very poor decisions.

No, Putin had it right. Assad was the safer bet. Just as Saddam Hussein staying in power was the safer bet. As a result of Obama/Bush blunders, Iran and Al Qaeda have come out the big winners. That's the current reality.

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