What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Thousands of IRAQI SOLDIERS, MEN & BOYS Captured By ISIS

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I would be surprised if Obama does nothing. I think he will give some type of visible military aid that poses minimal risk to US forces. Whatever he does will receive wide press coverage and will take the country's attention away from some of his other problems. A missile attack? Don't know. An air strike? Don't know. But I expect something from the man.
Are these the same Terrorists our Government has been funding & arming in Syria? Wouldn't surprise me. Man, what a mess.

Yeah, O and mccain joined up together to support the syrian rebels. Some of those weapons being fired at the iraq population will be ours.

Yeah, i'm hearing the Rebel groups are connected. Just another disastrous Foreign Interventionist blunder. When will it ever end. When will Americans tire of this permanent state of war?
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Getting out was. That shithole itself can only be managed by a strongman. It isn't even one country. Another creation of the West while we drain the only thing that matters to us, the oil underneath.

We didn't drain it. We should have. China came in with the oil contracts.

Why do you hate capitalism?

I don't. We liberated their country and it's their obligation to pay. Here's the interesting part. China now has control of the oil fields in iraq. What do they do when their interests are compromised by this latest scourge of murderous miscreants? They need energy and are apt to take huge risks for their rising population along with the fuel needed for their economy. Will this draw them in?
Doesn't look like he will anything except blame Bush...

it wasn't Bush that stood in front of the country during his SOTU speech and said Saddam and mushroom cloud in the same breath. It wasn't Bush who asked and got the support of Congress for support to invade Iraq. It was all your imagination. (like everything else is in this world?

Listen, you might as well blame Winston Churchill for drawing the boundaries.
The fact is Obama inherited a situation and proceeded to screw it all to hell. Had he bothered to do the right thing we wouldn't be here now. The blame is squarely his.

yeah, a republican did such a wonderful job with Iraq from day 1 ... silly me
it wasn't Bush that stood in front of the country during his SOTU speech and said Saddam and mushroom cloud in the same breath. It wasn't Bush who asked and got the support of Congress for support to invade Iraq. It was all your imagination. (like everything else is in this world?

Listen, you might as well blame Winston Churchill for drawing the boundaries.
The fact is Obama inherited a situation and proceeded to screw it all to hell. Had he bothered to do the right thing we wouldn't be here now. The blame is squarely his.

yeah, a republican did such a wonderful job with Iraq from day 1 ... silly me
Quit fucking deflecting to Bush, you idiot.
Obama is the president. Obama has been the president for over 5 years. Obama took specific actions that have resulted in this chaos. Obama is ill prepared to do anything constructive about it.
What about that is unclear?
I would be surprised if Obama does nothing. I think he will give some type of visible military aid that poses minimal risk to US forces. Whatever he does will receive wide press coverage and will take the country's attention away from some of his other problems. A missile attack? Don't know. An air strike? Don't know. But I expect something from the man.

maybe but he turned down their request for air support
Listen, you might as well blame Winston Churchill for drawing the boundaries.
The fact is Obama inherited a situation and proceeded to screw it all to hell. Had he bothered to do the right thing we wouldn't be here now. The blame is squarely his.

yeah, a republican did such a wonderful job with Iraq from day 1 ... silly me
Quit fucking deflecting to Bush, you idiot.
Obama is the president. Obama has been the president for over 5 years. Obama took specific actions that have resulted in this chaos. Obama is ill prepared to do anything constructive about it.
What about that is unclear?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Bush?
I would be surprised if Obama does nothing. I think he will give some type of visible military aid that poses minimal risk to US forces. Whatever he does will receive wide press coverage and will take the country's attention away from some of his other problems. A missile attack? Don't know. An air strike? Don't know. But I expect something from the man.

maybe but he turned down their request for air support

CNN reports:
Obama says Iraq going to need more help - CNN.com

The President said the US has a "stake in" preventing jihadists from taking more cities. Unlike 2003, he ended any chance of gaining any support from the right; as I posted earlier, his approval rating will -0. This cannot be political, though most here will never admit it is principle.
It's being reported now that Iranian Troops are fighting alongside Iraqi Government Troops. All that American blood & treasure spent, so Iran could become a more powerful force in Iraq and the region. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense huh? An awful blunder for sure. Iraq has become a No-Win scenario for Americans. There are winners in this, but the American People aren't one of them.

It is ridiculous to think that Iraq would Not ally with Iran once the Shiites were in control.
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yeah, a republican did such a wonderful job with Iraq from day 1 ... silly me
Quit fucking deflecting to Bush, you idiot.
Obama is the president. Obama has been the president for over 5 years. Obama took specific actions that have resulted in this chaos. Obama is ill prepared to do anything constructive about it.
What about that is unclear?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Bush?

Tough, but I just did. Military conflicts that go on for 12 years tend to be remembered, despite lulls. Yea, how the US got involved is a question, when the US invades a sovereign nation, a HUGE question. Name a few other instances, aside from First Nations on the continent.
yeah, a republican did such a wonderful job with Iraq from day 1 ... silly me
Quit fucking deflecting to Bush, you idiot.
Obama is the president. Obama has been the president for over 5 years. Obama took specific actions that have resulted in this chaos. Obama is ill prepared to do anything constructive about it.
What about that is unclear?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Bush?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Obama?
It's being reported now that Iranian Troops are fighting alongside Iraqi Government Troops. All that American blood & treasure spent, so Iran could become a more powerful force in Iraq and the region. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense huh? An awful blunder for sure. Iraq has become a No-Win scenario for Americans. There are winners in this, but the American People aren't one of them.

It is ridiculous to think that Iraq would ally with Iran once the Shiites were in control.

It's a very sad mess. You're left with two choices...Support the Shiite Iran-aligned Iraqi Government, or the Sunni Al Qaeda-led Rebels. Not much of a choice. A real Lose/Lose for Americans. And our Government shouldn't have funded & armed very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. The groups are connected. This is the Blow Back on that.
Quit fucking deflecting to Bush, you idiot.
Obama is the president. Obama has been the president for over 5 years. Obama took specific actions that have resulted in this chaos. Obama is ill prepared to do anything constructive about it.
What about that is unclear?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Bush?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Obama?

If we had listened to Obama we never would have invaded Iraq in the first place
How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Bush?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Obama?

If we had listened to Obama we never would have invaded Iraq in the first place

If Obama hadn't funded and supported al nusra and isis in Syria they would have never threatened the current Iraqi government.

Sorry, trying to deflect blame from the current administration on this blunder is a losing proposition.

At least be consistent, and support both bush and obama on their interventionist foreign policy, or condemn them both for their huge blunders.
Time to cut our losses. Our interference has only made things much worse over there. All those American kids dead and all that Taxpayer Cash flushed. And what have the American People gotten out of it? All they've gotten is massive Debt, too many funerals, a more unstable Middle East, and a more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda. It's over. Time to move on. It's also time for Americans to reconsider their support for aggressive Foreign Interventionism. Hopefully, they've learned something from this horrific debacle.
How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Bush?

How can anyone discuss Iraq without bringing up Obama?

If we had listened to Obama we never would have invaded Iraq in the first place

If Obama had listened to Bush he would have left troops and we wouldnt be in this mess.
If Churchill hadnt insisted on the borders the way they are we wouldnt have this problem. If King Idris wasnt a fuck up Saddam would never have gotten power.
You can play this all day long.
The fact is Obama was presdient when he rushed headlong out of Iraq because polls told him that's what people wanted. And Obama is president now when the iraq situation is falling apart because of his decisions.
So what is Obama going to do to fix Obama's fuck up?
Time to cut our losses. Our interference has only made things much worse over there. All those American kids dead and all that Taxpayer Cash flushed. And what have the American People gotten out of it? All they've gotten is massive Debt, too many funerals, a more unstable Middle East, and a more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda. It's over. Time to move on. It's also time for Americans to reconsider their support for aggressive Foreign Interventionism. Hopefully, they've learned something from this horrific debacle.
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It's being reported now that Iranian Troops are fighting alongside Iraqi Government Troops. All that American blood & treasure spent, so Iran could become a more powerful force in Iraq and the region. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense huh? An awful blunder for sure. Iraq has become a No-Win scenario for Americans. There are winners in this, but the American People aren't one of them.

It is ridiculous to think that Iraq would Not ally with Iran once the Shiites were in control.

Yes, the US should have seen this coming, after 9/11/01.
And Obama doesn't get a free pass on this either. Putin and Russia warned him not to fund & arm very questionable Rebels in Syria. But he became so obsessed with getting rid of Assad. He didn't listen. These groups are connected. And they're Al Qaeda-linked. American Tax Dollars have helped these groups in their rapid rise to prominence. So shame on Obama. If not for Putin and Russia, these brutal Terrorists would have already taken Syria. So Putin was right, now it would be wise for Obama to admit that and immediately halt funding & arming these animals.

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