What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

Saddam, miss him yet?

Honestly, what a waste of blood and treasure that war was, we got absolutely nothing out of this pointless quagmire(except a trillion in debt, thousands of americans dead, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis debt, and a demoralized fighting force that is spread far too thin) . We didn't even get oil out of the deal(we fought a war to give the Chinese cheap oil).

And as if the situation couldn't get any worse, President Noble Peace Prize had the bright idea to give Al Qaeda weapons in Syria(because Assad was the new Hitler), and when these guys lost in Syria they have just decided to overthrow the puppet state we spent a decade establishing.

It comes full circle, President Bush got rid of Saddam because Al Qaeda(despite the fact Saddam opposed Al Qaeda and had nothing to do with 911), now the Smartest President Ever put Al Qaeda into a position to run the country with the second largest oil supply in the middle east.

It's dark comedy is what it is.
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Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Obama thinks this calls for....a golf outing. He hasn't had one in a while. And he usually takes one when a foreign crisis emerges.
The Cheney/Bush administration own the Iraq Fiasco 100%.

There is no way you people can pin this one on Obama.

Iraq was doing very well when Obama came into office. Then Obama fucked it miserably by failing on the Status of Forces agreement.
Probably nothing. I think it's Vacation time for him and Queen Michelle. But i'm actually ok with him doing nothing. That's the way it should be. Iraq and our own Nation would be far better off with Saddam Hussein still in power. He kept the Terrorist scum in check. He guaranteed stability. It was a real blunder getting rid of him.

Now Iraq is a predominantly Shiite nation aligned with Iran. The Sunnis' only hope was to turn to bloody Sunni Al Qaeda Terrorists. And now they're overrunning the Nation. So who do we back in this one? The Shiites aligned with Iran? Or the brutal Sunni Al Qaeda Terrorists? Pretty awful choice, huh? Still want this aggressive Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy, Americans? Ya might wanna reconsider supporting that.
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And here comes Al Qaeda. Thousands of Iraqi Soldiers captured by Al Qaeda...

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someone start another Iraq thread, the 4 or 5 on the board now aren't enough to hold all the horsecrap the morons are slinging ..

we ousted the evil dictator and replaced the government just like the right fought for and supported so deal with the results ..

soldiers are back in the states with no arms, legs, and all sorts of permanent injuries and you pathetic shithooks are whining about the recent violence there.

screw all of you.

Get the hell out of the mid east and STFU. End of story.
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someone start another Iraq thread, the 4 or 5 on the board now aren't enough to hold all the horsecrap the morons are slinging ..

Yet you've managed to visit every one of them. If they hold no interest to you, simply quit ya bitchin and move along. Capisce. See ya.
The spineless fucks on the far neo-con right drum up a war on bad intelligence and then want to blame everybody else.

Tough that. The American people know very clearly poor neo-con policy lost the war.
Who do we support in this mess? The Shiite Iran-aligned Iraqi Government? Or the brutal Sunni Al Qaeda Terrorists? Not much of a choice, huh? Looks like we're gonna go all-in on defending the current regime. That's the latest word anyway. Too much American blood & treasure invested in them. We have no choice but to defend them now.

Americans need to seriously reconsider their support for this permanent state of war we're stuck in. The days of aggressive Foreign Interventionism need to pass. It's time for real change.
Jake only gets half the story. Of course, we should have never gone into Iraq in the first place, it was a waste of blood and treasure and the puppet state we fought to create for a decade has fallen. But lets not pretend this current unrest isn't the product of the Obama Administration, Zionists, Neolibs, and Neocons backing radical islamist like ISIS and Al Nusra in Syria who are now using the weapons we gave them(and our "allies" the Saudis, Qataris, and Turks gave them) to now take over Iraq.

This will go down as Obama's greatest foreign policy blunder, one of the worst in American history And on the same level with Bush's foreign policy blunder of going into Iraq in the first place.

Ignore pro obama administration posters like Starkey, who cover for the crimes at home and abroad of this reckless US Government.

Saddam was a tyrant.

Saddam provided a strategic counter-weight to Iran.

Saddam provided a firewall against Al Qaeda.

On balance, all things considered, this was just another example of why we should keep our nose out of the business of other countries.

Well, that, and about a trillion dollars and the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Somehow, I doubt we've learned this.


Amen Brotha. And no, we haven't learned yet. War is all most Americans know now. They've accepted a permanent state of war. They're all-in on that 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' nonsense. I really hope that mentality fades one day. I really do.

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