What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

What other outcome could have been expected from the Bush Doctrine?

Create a Democracy built on centuries of hate and expect it to prosper?
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


The plan is in the works. In the coming weeks he will send his Sec. of State, Sect of Defense and VP out to the Sunday News Shows and claim the Taliban and Sunni have control of weapons of mass destruction.

He will then present to the Congress, after sending in the B-2's which will obliterate Baghdad, a plan to occupy Iraq with a private security force under the command of former VP Dick Cheney.

Mr. Cheney will oversea the camps where the Iraqi people will be humanly feed and sheltered - Haliburton and McDonalds will provide three hots and a cot to the Iraqi People - and under the leadership of Cheney and his team the oil fields will be secured and the oil safely transported to the United States for safe keeping.
How many more American lives an treasures should be sacrificed for President Bushes fucked up invasion and occupation that sparked the ongoing Iraqi Civil War?
Our defense budget is for the defense of our country, not others.

Or at least it should be.
In one thread republicans are expounding on the virtues of letting Americans wither and die and in another thread republicans want to save the Iraqi people.

Does anyone see anything wrong here?
Since he found out about it in the paper a few days ago, his anger is palpable. He will have the state department investigate and he will hold those responsible, responsible. Period.

And he means it. It will be a red line if the insurgents take Mosul. Um, Tikrit. Um Baghdad.

All of this was the predictable and predicted result of Obama's failure to push a status of forces agreement in Iraq in his first term. This is what policy failure looks like.

And this is a result of the price he paid to allow Putin to save her ass in Syria. Putin is playing Obama like a 6-string.


So are all the presidents and Congress of the US in history, being played when we negotiated with nations?
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I say fuck em

It is the natural progression of the Bush Doctrine

No, that's the natural expression of the liberal ethos.

Want to start a business? Fuck em.
Want to buy a gun? Fuck em
Want to pray in school? Fuck em
Want to practice a religion? Fuck em
Want to hire more than 50 workers? Fuck em
Want to express unpopular thoughs? Fuck em
Want to campaign on specific issues? Fuck em.

Fuck em. It's the Democratic way.
And he means it. It will be a red line if the insurgents take Mosul. Um, Tikrit. Um Baghdad.

All of this was the predictable and predicted result of Obama's failure to push a status of forces agreement in Iraq in his first term. This is what policy failure looks like.

And this is a result of the price he paid to allow Putin to save her ass in Syria. Putin is playing Obama like a 6-string.


So are all the presidents and Congress of the US in history, being played when we negotiated with them?
You seem to be running out of piss poor material to quote and now have gone on to stupid shit.
The president negotiates foreign policy, not Congress, dumbshit.
And this is a result of the price he paid to allow Putin to save her ass in Syria. Putin is playing Obama like a 6-string.


So are all the presidents and Congress of the US in history, being played when we negotiated with them?
You seem to be running out of piss poor material to quote and now have gone on to stupid shit.
The president negotiates foreign policy, not Congress, dumbshit.

The Senate must ratify all treaties...idiot
I say fuck em

It is the natural progression of the Bush Doctrine

No, that's the natural expression of the liberal ethos.

Want to start a business? Fuck em.
Want to buy a gun? Fuck em
Want to pray in school? Fuck em
Want to practice a religion? Fuck em
Want to hire more than 50 workers? Fuck em
Want to express unpopular thoughs? Fuck em
Want to campaign on specific issues? Fuck em.

Fuck em. It's the Democratic way.

Want to start a war without any consideration of the long term viability of the nation that is left?
Fuck em

It was a massive blunder to get involved in Iraq. It cost us 5000 lives, 100,000 innocent Iraqis and trillions of dollars that could have been better spent
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My opinion, the Iraqis were given a gift, the Kurds a reprieve from being mass murdered.

We can only do so much and we already have done so the rest is up to the Iraqis.

If they fall back into despotic rule then I will feel sorry for them but that is hardly any worse then what they had. They have a vote now, and they have a choice. Go back or go forward.

That said, the US could help, if asked, with air strikes. After all that is the kind of war that the left doesn't much care if we wage.
Thanks to Obama we are right back to where we were right after 9/11....but hey, we got obamacare and you can keep your insurance and your doctor, so smile and be thankful because it could be worse.
The Cheney/Bush administration own the Iraq Fiasco 100%.

There is no way you people can pin this one on Obama.
So are all the presidents and Congress of the US in history, being played when we negotiated with them?
You seem to be running out of piss poor material to quote and now have gone on to stupid shit.
The president negotiates foreign policy, not Congress, dumbshit.

The Senate must ratify all treaties...idiot

Double down on stupid. The senate ratifies treaties negotiated by the President.

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