What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

The US just standing by and doing nothing gives Iran the "claim" and maybe authority in the UN to take parts of Iraq from Iraq as new Iranian lands.

We don't need Iran getting stronger stealing the oil fields of Iraq thanks to Obama letting Iran invade Iraq under the guise of fighting AQ.

Of course, the idiots in this country from the liberal and losertarian crowds don't give a shit because they believe this doesn't affect their trailer park lives.

Iran won't be stealing anything. The Iraqi Government will give it to them. They're very close allies. So like i said earlier...

The big winners of the Iraq War are Iran and Al Qaeda. Period, end of story.

Our Government has been funding & arming some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. You don't have to acknowledge that though. I can't force you to. But it is the reality. And we're seeing the Blow Back on that.

Also, Iran will not be stealing anything. They've been invited into Iraq by the current Iraqi Government. So yes, they will likely see some oil riches out of the deal. It makes sense. Hey, Saddam despised Iran and Al Qaeda. It probably would have been best to make a deal with him. He kept them all in check. And Obama is committing a huge blunder trying to get rid of Assad. The alternative is so much worse.

Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

Iran won't be stealing anything. The Iraqi Government will give it to them. They're very close allies. So like i said earlier...

The big winners of the Iraq War are Iran and Al Qaeda. Period, end of story.

Our Government has been funding & arming some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. You don't have to acknowledge that though. I can't force you to. But it is the reality. And we're seeing the Blow Back on that.

Also, Iran will not be stealing anything. They've been invited into Iraq by the current Iraqi Government. So yes, they will likely see some oil riches out of the deal. It makes sense. Hey, Saddam despised Iran and Al Qaeda. It probably would have been best to make a deal with him. He kept them all in check. And Obama is committing a huge blunder trying to get rid of Assad. The alternative is so much worse.

Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

Our Government has been funding & arming some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. You don't have to acknowledge that though. I can't force you to. But it is the reality. And we're seeing the Blow Back on that.

Also, Iran will not be stealing anything. They've been invited into Iraq by the current Iraqi Government. So yes, they will likely see some oil riches out of the deal. It makes sense. Hey, Saddam despised Iran and Al Qaeda. It probably would have been best to make a deal with him. He kept them all in check. And Obama is committing a huge blunder trying to get rid of Assad. The alternative is so much worse.

Obviously our Government has funded & armed some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. And Iran isn't invading anything. They're being invited in by the Iraqi Government. We were the ones who invaded Iraq. Looks like you're confused again. Can't say i'm surprised though. ;)

Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

Our Government has been funding & arming some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. You don't have to acknowledge that though. I can't force you to. But it is the reality. And we're seeing the Blow Back on that.

Also, Iran will not be stealing anything. They've been invited into Iraq by the current Iraqi Government. So yes, they will likely see some oil riches out of the deal. It makes sense. Hey, Saddam despised Iran and Al Qaeda. It probably would have been best to make a deal with him. He kept them all in check. And Obama is committing a huge blunder trying to get rid of Assad. The alternative is so much worse.

Obviously our Government has funded & armed some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. And Iran isn't invading anything. They're being invited in by the Iraqi Government. We were the ones who invaded Iraq. So it looks like you're confused again. Can't say i'm surprised though. ;)
Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

Iran won't be stealing anything. The Iraqi Government will give it to them. They're very close allies. So like i said earlier...

The big winners of the Iraq War are Iran and Al Qaeda. Period, end of story.

Our Government has been funding & arming some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. You don't have to acknowledge that though. I can't force you to. But it is the reality. And we're seeing the Blow Back on that.

Also, Iran will not be stealing anything. They've been invited into Iraq by the current Iraqi Government. So yes, they will likely see some oil riches out of the deal. It makes sense. Hey, Saddam despised Iran and Al Qaeda. It probably would have been best to make a deal with him. He kept them all in check. And Obama is committing a huge blunder trying to get rid of Assad. The alternative is so much worse.

We already tried to make a deal with Saddam. It didn't work out to our benefit when he started supporting terrorist groups and invaded Kuwait.

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The Iraq War was fine. We achieved every objective and left a country at relative peace and stability. .


Bush II created a government controlled by Shiites , radical Islamists , controlled by Iran.

During Saddam's administration women had more rights , including driving motor vehicles. All those rights have evaporated,

The Iraq War was fine. We achieved every objective and left a country at relative peace and stability. .


Bush II created a government controlled by Shiites , radical Islamists , controlled by Iran.

During Saddam's administration women had more rights , including driving motor vehicles. All those rights have evaporated,

Yeah that Saddam was a real Westernized liberal.
The Iraq War was fine. We achieved every objective and left a country at relative peace and stability. .


Bush II created a government controlled by Shiites , radical Islamists , controlled by Iran.

During Saddam's administration women had more rights , including driving motor vehicles. All those rights have evaporated,


Are you sure about that?

Iraqi Women Resume Driving Cars on Iraqi Streets | Mawtani

Erbil Women's Driving Ambition - Institute for War and Peace Reporting - P215
Uh dumbfuck...if Iran invades Iraq with their military, they will claim each inch of land they take is now IRAN.

Of course, you're the dolt claiming the CIA funded ISIS. :cuckoo: Not all the groups in Syria fighting Assad are AQ groups, even PBS knows this after airing a documentary about the war there (e.g. not classified info).

Our Government has been funding & arming some very nasty Terror-linked groups in Syria. You don't have to acknowledge that though. I can't force you to. But it is the reality. And we're seeing the Blow Back on that.

Also, Iran will not be stealing anything. They've been invited into Iraq by the current Iraqi Government. So yes, they will likely see some oil riches out of the deal. It makes sense. Hey, Saddam despised Iran and Al Qaeda. It probably would have been best to make a deal with him. He kept them all in check. And Obama is committing a huge blunder trying to get rid of Assad. The alternative is so much worse.

We already tried to make a deal with Saddam. It didn't work out to our benefit when he started supporting terrorist groups and invaded Kuwait.

Hussein despised Al Qaeda and Iran. He wouldn't allow them any influence in Iraq. He crushed them with absolute brutality. Now look at this sad predicament. There's no doubt Iran and Al Qaeda are the big winners in the Iraq War. That's very sad, but it is what it is.
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Fighting against the Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting the Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Obama & Kerry are even talking about working closely with Iran to defeat the Sunni Rebels.

Wow, there's something very wrong with this picture. Our Foreign Policy is such a chaotic mess. The price we pay for our aggressive Foreign Interventionism.
Fighting against the Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting the Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Obama & Kerry are even talking about working closely with Iran to defeat the Sunni Rebels.

Wow, there's something very wrong with this picture. Our Foreign Policy is such a chaotic mess. The price we pay for our aggressive Foreign Interventionism.

No, it's the price we pay for a foreign policy driven by political considerations and free from any principle whatsoever.
The idiots on the extreme right and left that push for isolationist "hands off" policy around the world need to explain how that would work with police in their trailer park or ghetto.

Afterall....they claim the police stir up trouble in their fucked areas so no police must mean peace and quiet for the residents, eh?
Fighting against the Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting the Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Obama & Kerry are even talking about working closely with Iran to defeat the Sunni Rebels.

Wow, there's something very wrong with this picture. Our Foreign Policy is such a chaotic mess. The price we pay for our aggressive Foreign Interventionism.

No, it's the price we pay for a foreign policy driven by political considerations and free from any principle whatsoever.

It's pretty messed up. We're currently spending all that Taxpayer Cash funding & arming very questionable Rebel Groups in Syria, to defeat the Iranian-backed Government. Yet in Iraq, we're getting ready to spend a whole lot more Taxpayer Cash supporting the Iranian-backed Government there. It's time to reconsider this bizarre Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy.
Obama is pro Sunni. There is no doubt now. Which means we have a real big problem on our hands when an American President chooses sides in Islam.
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Fighting against the Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting the Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Obama & Kerry are even talking about working closely with Iran to defeat the Sunni Rebels.

Wow, there's something very wrong with this picture. Our Foreign Policy is such a chaotic mess. The price we pay for our aggressive Foreign Interventionism.

No, it's the price we pay for a foreign policy driven by political considerations and free from any principle whatsoever.

It's pretty messed up. We're currently spending all that Taxpayer Cash funding & arming very questionable Rebel Groups in Syria, to defeat the Iranian-backed Government. Yet in Iraq, we're getting ready to spend a whole lot more Taxpayer Cash supporting the Iranian-backed Government there. It's time to reconsider this bizarre Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy.

Shia the government in Iraq is Shia. Obama is pro Sunni. This is really really bad.
Back to Syria for a moment. This has been bullshit from the get go. Obama has been sucking Qatars ass on this one.

None of this has been a Syrian spring. What the hell is going on?
The idiots on the extreme right and left that push for isolationist "hands off" policy around the world need to explain how that would work with police in their trailer park or ghetto.

Afterall....they claim the police stir up trouble in their fucked areas so no police must mean peace and quiet for the residents, eh?

Liquid lunches, a keyboard warrior's favorite meal
The idiots on the extreme right and left that push for isolationist "hands off" policy around the world need to explain how that would work with police in their trailer park or ghetto.

Afterall....they claim the police stir up trouble in their fucked areas so no police must mean peace and quiet for the residents, eh?

You support fighting against an Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting an Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Who's the idiot? :cuckoo:
In one thread republicans are expounding on the virtues of letting Americans wither and die and in another thread republicans want to save the Iraqi people.

Does anyone see anything wrong here?

The R's position is very basic, if Obama says "UP", they say "DOWN"; it matters not that they are inconsistent in their actions, their efforts to defame the first man of African descent and twice elected elected POTUS supercedes eveything else - God, Country and integrity.

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