What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

I asked this previously and got no answer.

What are Obama's strategic and tactical goals in Iraq? Why is he sending 300 advisers? What are they supposed to do?
I asked this previously and got no answer.

What are Obama's strategic and tactical goals in Iraq? Why is he sending 300 advisers? What are they supposed to do?

:badgrin: You should kill yourself for to "save the planet" from your pollution.

You are scum.

But get back to telling Vets that they need to go to Iraq.....

Shitstain....I retired from the military with 20 years and 4 OEF deployments.

Shut the fuck up.

Wish my death in your neg rep tells me all I need to know about you...you are scum.

The most likely place to find an arson is in a fire department...the most likely place to find a killer is in the military.
Keep talking....tell us how you hate the military. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, I told you to kill yourself....you're too stupid to understand the difference.

:badgrin: You should kill yourself for to "save the planet" from your pollution.

You are scum.

But get back to telling Vets that they need to go to Iraq.....

Wish my death in your neg rep tells me all I need to know about you...you are scum.

The most likely place to find an arson is in a fire department...the most likely place to find a killer is in the military.
Your bi-polar meds don't work....first you claimed I lied about being retired military then you said I am stealing taxpayer money being retired military.

Your ape brain can't keep your lies together. Somewhere in your family tree there are some pigs and chimps mixed in...

Yep....scum like you believe military people don't earn their paycheck and retirement.

Keep talking....

Ole dickbreath, celebrating a lifetime of pissing away the taxpayer's hard earned income.

Poor dickbreath, nobody takes him seriously.
Keep talking....tell us how you hate the military. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, I told you to kill yourself....you're too stupid to understand the difference.

:badgrin: You should kill yourself for to "save the planet" from your pollution.

You are scum.

But get back to telling Vets that they need to go to Iraq.....

The most likely place to find an arson is in a fire department...the most likely place to find a killer is in the military.

You are a liar...

1776 said:
Fuck off and die
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Modern Iraq was an artificial construct created by Britain in 1920.

Conservatives criticized Britain for imposing a government-based solution. They claimed that Sunnis, Shias and Kurds could not be forced by government into a peaceful/unified nation. For one, these warring factions lacked the kind of organic roots that unite citizens under a common bond. [Do you understand this stuff? It's called Conservatism. Study Edmund Burke, one of the father's of modern conservatism. He spoke of the organic bonds that stems from shared tradition and values, none of which these warring Iraqi tribes had. Guess what genius? - these things don't come from government] The Sunnis & Shias fighting for 100's of yrs and you thought Washington could turn into a modern western-style democracy. Are you fucking kidding? [Many people who don't understand history believed that without Hussein, Iraq would be peaceful. They are morons, many of whom sit catatonic in front of FOX News, getting their history from a fucking political news station. There was never going to be peace in Iraq. They have been fighting forever, and this is why conservatives criticized the British government in 1920 for artificially stapling together a country out of nothing but the sheer wish to control the region from the top down. We are living with the unintended consequences]

But it gets better. This region's chaos is precisely why... in 1980 ... Reagan decided that the region required a brutal dictator to suppress all the warring factions.

This is why Reagan poured money into Hussein's ascendancy. This is why Reagan removed Iraq from the official list of Terrorist nations - so he could support a leader that would keep all the warring tribes in check. The justification for Hussein's brutality was this: it required a madman to lord over terrorists.

And the arrangement worked for 20 years... until global petroleum supplies peaked at the same time that China/India and the developing world increased their demand. When this happened, the USA needed to increase its presence in the region. So we targeted Hussein and put him in a form of containment that we knew would escalate. We knew that if Hussein backed down and cowered in front of the USA, his own people would kill him for being weak. Remember: Hussein's power was derived from his strength and brutality. So, predictability, Hussein tried to slip out of containment. And Bush 43 used this, along with propaganda about weapons that we supplied him with, as an opening.

But here is my point.

It was predicted by Chaney in 1991 that if we removed the head of the sneak - that is, if we removed Hussein, than a thousand little sneaks (snakes contained by Hussein's brutality) would pour out, and the region would slip back into chaos. It was predicted that groups from Syria and Iran would enter into and exploit the chaos in order to gain control of the region.

Finally, it was predicted that if Hussein was removed, the American taxpayer would then be on the hook for occupying and stabilizing the chaos for eternity. This is why Reagan supported Hussein in the first place. It was the lesser of two evils. He needed a madman to suppress thousands of madmen in waiting.

You get this right? These terrorist groups had been fighting forever, yet with the new Bush plan, Washington was going to repair history and save the world. Are you fucking kidding me? Don't you see how stupid that is? When will you fucking morons get it into your thick skulls that Washington based solutions always make things worse?

It was predicted that once we cut the head off the snake, we would never be able to leave - and the U.S. taxpayer would be bled dry. . . . as FOX News ran terminal loops of bearded monkeys wielding dated machine guns framed by mushroom clouds . . .

Problem is: people like you trust Washington. See this is where we differ. I don't think Washington has the competence or budget to run a Laundromat successfully whereas you trust it to rebuild an entire Arab culture that had been at war for centuries.

Washington doesn't have the budget or competence to control whole other continents. Let those monsters work out their own differences, and stop using national security as an ATM for Haliburton ... and stop raping my wallet. Your trust in a Washington based solution has destroyed this country.

You don't want a Washington to be big enough to rule the 50 states, you want a Washington big enough to control the globe. Don't you understand that Washington based solutions always make things worse? Your trust in big government is destroying us. The Pentagon has a bigger staff than 95% of the towns in Iowa. We go from one civil war to the next, as FOX News feeds us 24/7 terror alerts so morons like you will support he raping of the American taxpayer.

Don't you get? You're just making government bigger and more expensive. And you are making things worse by creating all the unintended consequences that you never predicted or understood when you reached into my fucking wallet to save the world.

Turn off FOX News and stop destroying this country. We cannot afford your trust in government any more. We cannot afford your ignorance.
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Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Assad is a murderous dictator, whereas Iraq holds legit elections and can kick out any dunce in office there.

This is all too deep for your inferior inbred brain.

We get it, you support murderous dictators that are in bed with Russia compared to countries that hold open elections thanks to the US military.

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.

Iraq was a real Garden of Eden before 2008; in fact I was planning to go on vacation there, but then Obama was elected so decided to cancel.
I actually think Kerry had a good idea to partition it into 3 separate states but with a revenue sharing agreement on the oil fields. It's a shame Democrats had no power since 2008 and were helpless
Your limp dick deflection can't cover up Iraq is worse today compared to when he stepped foot in office in January 2009.

He wasn't POTUS in 2008, idiot.

Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.

Iraq was a real Garden of Eden before 2008; in fact I was planning to go on vacation there, but then Obama was elected so decided to cancel.
Your limp dick deflection can't cover up Iraq is worse today compared to when he stepped foot in office in January 2009.

He wasn't POTUS in 2008, idiot.

Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Iraq was a real Garden of Eden before 2008; in fact I was planning to go on vacation there, but then Obama was elected so decided to cancel.

The Bush folks kicked the ant hill apart, now they're surprised about the ant problem.
Your limp dick deflection can't cover up Iraq is worse today compared to when he stepped foot in office in January 2009.

He wasn't POTUS in 2008, idiot.

Iraq was a real Garden of Eden before 2008; in fact I was planning to go on vacation there, but then Obama was elected so decided to cancel.

The Bush folks kicked the ant hill apart, now they're surprised about the ant problem.

Obama negotiated the withdrawal in 2011 when his administration said Iraq was one of Obama's great achievements. Time to grow up.
Your limp dick deflection can't cover up Iraq is worse today compared to when he stepped foot in office in January 2009.

He wasn't POTUS in 2008, idiot.

The Bush folks kicked the ant hill apart, now they're surprised about the ant problem.

Obama negotiated the withdrawal in 2011 when his administration said Iraq was one of Obama's great achievements. Time to grow up.

By the same token then we should acknowledge the invasion and occupation of Iraq as the crowning achievement of the Bush Administration.
shitstain.....you need to tell Obama and Biden they didn't get your memo when they paraded around being "war heroes" over Iraq in 2011.

Your limp dick deflection can't cover up Iraq is worse today compared to when he stepped foot in office in January 2009.

He wasn't POTUS in 2008, idiot.

Iraq was a real Garden of Eden before 2008; in fact I was planning to go on vacation there, but then Obama was elected so decided to cancel.

The Bush folks kicked the ant hill apart, now they're surprised about the ant problem.
This how liberals operate, they take credit for others' work then blame others when they themselves fuck it all up.

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