What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?


It's like Obama is beholden to people he helped put in office and can't get the US to do a thing. It's like absolutely nothing changed from 2008 to today. All those months and Iraq was just a black hole until one day ISIS and the SUnni fighters just emerged out of a hole somewhere and took over city after city. Maybe Obama had to read about it in a newspaper?
The truth is Obama knew this was coming. The truth is Obama had some kind of half cocked, half baked plan that was supposedly secret to help Iraq. and the truth is that like every other plan Obama concocted this one went to shit and was doomed to failure from the very start.

Obama didn't put people into office. Maliki was the guy he was kind of stuck with.

The plan MIGHT have worked if Maliki weren't so beholden to Shi'ite factions that demanded they hold all the power. It might have worked had Maliki allowed a strong military rather than one where officer positions were based on political influence rather than merit.

But at the end of the day, this shit is not worth one more American life. Maybe when you and Bill Krystol start your own volunteer legion to help out, we'll take you seriously.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

It's like absolutely nothing happened between Bush leaving office and today.

I know your comprehension skills and civics knowledge are at a 2nd grade level, but Barack Obama is the President of the United States, NOT the world. He has no authority in Iraq.

Iraq is a sovereign nation...and THEY WANTED US OUT...

On June 13, 2008, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said that negotiations with the United States on a long-term security pact were deadlocked because of concern the deal infringes Iraqi sovereignty. "We have reached an impasse because when we opened these negotiations we did not realize that the U.S. demands would so deeply affect Iraqi sovereignty and this is something we can never accept", he said in Amman, Jordan. "We cannot allow U..S forces to have the right to jail Iraqis or assume, alone, the responsibility of fighting against terrorism", Maliki told Jordanian newspaper editors, according to a journalist present at the meeting.

On July 1, 2008, Zebari said he briefed members of the Iraqi Parliament that U.S. contractors would no longer have immunity from Iraqi prosecution under negotiated terms of the long-term security pact. U.S. State Department officials could not be immediately reached for comment, but Iraqi member of parliament Mahmoud Othman said he attended the meeting and that Iraqi representatives were very pleased with the immunity agreement.

On July 8, 2008, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani rejected the proposed agreement on the basis that it violates Iraqi sovereignty, following a meeting with Iraq National Security Advisor Mowaffak al-Rubaie.[21] Rubaie, clarifying remarks by Maliki on July 7 that Iraq would accept a memorandum of understanding in lieu of a SOFA, stated "We will not accept any memorandum of understanding if it does not give a specific date for a complete withdrawal of foreign troops".

al Sistani has called for "unity", in no reports I have seen does he reject US intervention.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

I have faith in the Green Berets, but more better be on their way. Obama needs to be working day & night on this, as should Boehner, Reid and the rest in DC.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement.

The American people largely dont care. As it would be their sons and their money who would be asked to sacrifice, lets listen to them for a change.

So let's allow al Qaeda to build a huge base right in the middle east, right?

Unless reports are incorrect, ISIS is worse; we ignored the Taliban, until the 'spin off' group attacked the US. Then we wandered into Iraq without finishing the work against al Qaeda. Obama wasn't handed the job however, he sure wanted it, thus the work is his to do ASAP.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

Yet Obama must handle the inheritance. Most Americans know how it began, but the ending is unwritten.
Obama screwed up Iraq. All he cared about was getting out at all cost.

Dam the torpedoes

The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

I spoke to an Iraqi last week whose brother in law was fighting for Isis. He told me specifically you were full of shit and a full on mental retard to boot.

No one wants Saddam back. Obama has been responsible for foreign policy since Jan 2009. He is responsible for this, as this is the logical conclusion of his failed foreign policies.
Obama screwed up Iraq. All he cared about was getting out at all cost.

Dam the torpedoes


Getting out polled well. So he did it. Obama is the TelePrompTer Polling President. He wont make a move without either one. Recall his current foreign policy doctrine: Don't Do Stupid Sh*t. Yeah, seriously.
REPORT: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death – Captured & Executed by ISIS

Several Arab News websites are reporting the news.
Al-Mesyroon reported (translated)

There were reports of the execution of Iraqi judge, Raouf Abdel-Rahman, who sentenced Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to death, according to confirmed the pages on the social networking site, without official confirmation from the Iraqi government.

The pages on social networking sites, including Page MP Jordanian Khalil Attieh on the site “Facebook” to “revolutionaries Iraqis arrested him and sentenced him to death in retaliation for the death of the martyr Saddam Hussein,” he said, adding that Rauf tried to escape from Baghdad after wearing uniforms dancers. She page Izzat al-Douri, vice-president Saddam Hussein, the “Facebook” to the rebels Iraqis were able to arrest the Kurdish judge Rauf Rashid, who issued a death sentence against the former Iraqi leader, which is currently in the “grip of the soldiers of the Islamic State and the men of the Baath Party.”

REPORT: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death ? Captured & Executed by ISIS | The Gateway Pundit
He recently ordered 300 'Military Advisers' to Iraq. So he'll likely be getting us involved with this mess. Very sad.
Obama screwed up Iraq. All he cared about was getting out at all cost.

Dam the torpedoes


Um,no, guy,

the AMERICAN PEOPLE wanted out of Iraq at all costs. They made that very clear in the elections of 2006 and 2008.

So oh my God, we had a politician who actually kept a promise.

But tell you what, why don't you guys run on a platform of getting us back into the Iraq War. I think that should be your new "Contract with America". See how well that plays for you.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement.

The American people largely dont care. As it would be their sons and their money who would be asked to sacrifice, lets listen to them for a change.

So let's allow al Qaeda to build a huge base right in the middle east, right?

Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.
The American people largely dont care. As it would be their sons and their money who would be asked to sacrifice, lets listen to them for a change.

So let's allow al Qaeda to build a huge base right in the middle east, right?

Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

I spoke to an Iraqi last week whose brother in law was fighting for Isis. He told me specifically you were full of shit and a full on mental retard to boot.

No one wants Saddam back. Obama has been responsible for foreign policy since Jan 2009. He is responsible for this, as this is the logical conclusion of his failed foreign policies.

Yup and anyone but a braindead Obamabot should have known the minute our troops were gone Iraq would be up for grabs. The Govt wouldn't be able to hold power. It was a foregone conclusion.

Well boy howdy. Guess that was right on the money.

Barry couldn't wait to pull out of Iraq and declare the war over.

He won't want to commit American boots back on the ground in Iraq. After all he declared the war in Iraq over.
The American people largely dont care. As it would be their sons and their money who would be asked to sacrifice, lets listen to them for a change.

So let's allow al Qaeda to build a huge base right in the middle east, right?

Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.

Indeed. This is all part of America's New Middle East project.

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq – Hariri Insider

The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter.

The Atlantic Council is one of the most influential U.S. think tanks with regard to U.S. and NATO foreign policy and geopolitics. Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe stressed the importance of the Energy Summit and the situation in the Middle East before the summit in November, saying:

“We view the current period as a turning point, just like 1918 and 1945. Turkey is in every way a central country, as a creator of regional stability. However much the USA and Turkey can work in unison, that is how effective they will be.”

Dr. Henry Kissinger

The summit was, among others, attended by Turkey’s President Abdullah Gül, U.S. Energy Secretary Ernst Monitz, Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former U.S. National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.

It is noteworthy that Scowcroft has long-standing ties to Henry Kissinger and to the Minister of Natural Resources of the Kurdish Administrated Region of Northern Iraq.

“Had Baghdad been more cooperative about the Syrian oil fields at Deir-Ez-Zor in early 2013 and about autonomy for the North [Iraq's northern, predominantly Kurdish region] they would possibly not have turned against al-Maliki; Or he would have been given more time”, said the Hariri insider during the almost two-hour-long conversation.

In April 2013 the EU lifted its ban on the import of Syrian oil from "rebel held territory to finance the opposition".

In March 2013, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry demanded that Iraq “stops the arms flow to Syria”, while U.S. weapons were flowing to ISIS via Saudi Arabia into Iraq and Jordan.

“Who exactly pressured Obama? I don’t know who delivered the message to Obama. I suspect Kerry had a word. It’s more important from where the message came, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Nuland and the Keagan clan, Stavridis, Petreaus, Riccardione, and the neo-con crowd at the [Atlantic] Council. … As far as I know ´someone` told Obama that he’d better pressure al-Maliki to go along with Kurdish autonomy by November or else. Who exactly ´advised` Obama is not as important as the fact that those people let him know that they would go ahead, with, or without him”.

Asked whether he knew details, how the final green light for the ISIS campaign was given, he said:

” Behind closed doors, in the presence of both Scowcroft, Hariri, and a couple of other people”. To my question “if he could be more specific” he replied “I could; I want to stay alive you know; Riccardione was tasked with the operation that day”.
So let's allow al Qaeda to build a huge base right in the middle east, right?

Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.

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