What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

Yes indeed those Iraqis want the plastic shredders and rape rooms right back where they were.

It's like Obama is beholden to people he helped put in office and can't get the US to do a thing. It's like absolutely nothing changed from 2008 to today. All those months and Iraq was just a black hole until one day ISIS and the SUnni fighters just emerged out of a hole somewhere and took over city after city. Maybe Obama had to read about it in a newspaper?
The truth is Obama knew this was coming. The truth is Obama had some kind of half cocked, half baked plan that was supposedly secret to help Iraq. and the truth is that like every other plan Obama concocted this one went to shit and was doomed to failure from the very start.

Obama didn't put people into office. Maliki was the guy he was kind of stuck with.

The plan MIGHT have worked if Maliki weren't so beholden to Shi'ite factions that demanded they hold all the power. It might have worked had Maliki allowed a strong military rather than one where officer positions were based on political influence rather than merit.

So why didn't Obama, Hillary or Lurch pick up the phone and suggest to Maliki that maybe this "treat the Sunnis like shit" stuff was not a good idea?
By the same token then we should acknowledge the invasion and occupation of Iraq as the crowning achievement of the Bush Administration.

It is Obama's problem. Obama abandoned Iraq. Obama ignored warning signs and didnt do anything until this crisis hit.
That is Obama's MO. He doesn't know anyhting until he reads about it in the news. Then by the time he can't ignore it he has no idea how to deal with the problem.
Again, what is Obama's plan for this clusterfuck?


The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

What? "signed by President George W. Bush in 2008."

Obama made him do it! Damn that Obama, fucked up President Bushes plan by implementing it! "Damn him all to hell" (end: Heston scream)

Let's hear pseudo-cons......Buuuuuuuuuushhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh!
It's like time has been frozen since January 2009, with Obama totally exempt from any responsibility and completely unable to act.
I watched on television as an Iraqi soldier was shoved down onto his knees with his hands tied behind his back. A thug with his face covered grabs the soldier by his hair and pulls the soldier's face towards his rifle; as the camera turns off a shot is heard. I don’t know the soldier, I don’t know what his beliefs are but to see another human being treated in that fashion makes this marine fighting mad. What has happened to my Nation? How can we sit back and watch this. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan and if it were possible I would go back tomorrow to stop this murderous bunch of fanatics from wrecking everything we fought so hard for. The day I left Iraq the people were voting; both men and women. Things were looking up for those people.

You liberals talk about how Bush lied and how we should have never gone there in the first place. I think you have forgotten how you felt on 9-12. Everyone was convinced that Iraq had weapons that could of been handed off to some Jihad nut case. Not just WMD's but also things like rocket launchers and other very dangerous weapons. Saddam Hussein hated us with a fierce passion and would have eventually reached out and touched us. If you disagree with that you're not being honest with yourself. We were attacked, we were under a state of war. Not just a war with the Taliban but a war with anyone that hated our Nation enough to try and harm us.

Now we have lost Iraq to the very same mindset that attacked us on 9-11. If anyone thinks that won't come back and bite us you are not paying attention. The truth is Mr. Obama wants to play President. He does not want to do the hard work. He hires czars to do everything for him and so when something goes wrong he is as surprised as we are. After the loss of all of the lives, limbs and treasure what has been allowed to happen in Iraq in my opinion is treason.
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You fucking shitbag liberals need to explain away Obama and Biden in 2011 claiming they made Iraq a success and pulling out all the troops was mission accomplished.

You scumbags can't make any statements about Iraq prior to 2011 when Obama said it was stable and safe to leave.....
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

All of that money we threw into that pit was supposed to go for training their military. Did they do that with any of the money? Doubtful.
The Iraqis have been asking for US involvement. Obama's response is to send 300 advisors. Probably a trainload of MREs as well.

Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

All of that money we threw into that pit was supposed to go for training their military. Did they do that with any of the money? Doubtful.

Where is the accounting from Obama?
Obama still pinning Medals of Honor to soldiers wounded in Iraq.


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What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

Haven't Republicans done enough to that poor country?
Looks like Obama will be getting us involved in that awful mess again. He's ordered 300 Military 'Advisers' to Iraq. That usually signals a coming intervention. And his dopey lackey Kerry has been beating the war drums quite a bit lately. We'll be involved soon. And that's such a misguided tragedy.
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So let's allow al Qaeda to build a huge base right in the middle east, right?

Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.

Our Government has been funding & arming Sunni terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. That is the reality. And these groups are wreaking havoc all across Syria and Iraq. They're not good people.

Obama blew it. He shouldn't have gotten us involved in the Syrian War. Now our Country is in an awful Catch 22 situation. We'll likely have to support Shia Iran and the Iranian-backed Iraq Government. It's a no-win scenario for Americans. Hopefully Obama will decide to do the right thing and stay out of this awful mess. But i'm not optimistic.
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Last week I talked to a man who immigrated here from Iraq. He is a Catholic. His cousin was one of the Iraqi soldiers who was massacred last week by militants in Baghdad.

He told me the people in Iraq want Saddam back. He even believes rumors that were started that Saddam is still alive.

Bush OWNS this nightmare.

I spoke to an Iraqi last week whose brother in law was fighting for Isis. He told me specifically you were full of shit and a full on mental retard to boot.

No one wants Saddam back. Obama has been responsible for foreign policy since Jan 2009. He is responsible for this, as this is the logical conclusion of his failed foreign policies.

Yup and anyone but a braindead Obamabot should have known the minute our troops were gone Iraq would be up for grabs. The Govt wouldn't be able to hold power. It was a foregone conclusion.

Well boy howdy. Guess that was right on the money.

Barry couldn't wait to pull out of Iraq and declare the war over.

He won't want to commit American boots back on the ground in Iraq. After all he declared the war in Iraq over.

He recently ordered 300 Military 'Advisers' to Iraq. So you'll likely get your wish. He'll be involving us in that mess again. So sad.
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Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.

Our Government has been funding & arming Sunni terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. That is the reality. And these groups are wreaking havoc all across Syria and Iraq. They're not good people.

Obama blew it. He shouldn't have gotten us involved in the Syrian War. Now our Country is in an awful Catch 22 situation. We'll likely have to support Shia Iran and the Iranian-backed Iraq Government. It's a no-win scenario for Americans. Hopefully Obama will decide to do the right thing and stay out of this awful mess. But i'm not optimistic.

Obama you say?

'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback - Steve Clemons - The Atlantic

“Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,”

McCain was praising Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former ambassador to the United States, for supporting forces fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham had previously met with Bandar to encourage the Saudis to arm Syrian rebel forces.

The worry at the time, punctuated by a February meeting between U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice and the intelligence chiefs of Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, and others in the region, was that ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra had emerged as the preeminent rebel forces in Syria. The governments who took part reportedly committed to cut off ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, and support the FSA instead.

John McCain’s desire to help rebel forces toss off a brutal dictator and fight for a more just and inclusive Syria is admirable. But as has been proven repeatedly in the Middle East, ousting strongmen doesn’t necessarily produce more favorable successor governments. Embracing figures like Bandar, who may have tried to achieve his objectives in Syria by building a monster, isn't worth it.
Sadly, we've already done that. These are mostly Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Rebels who've been fighting in Syria. And our Government has been funding & arming them in an attempt to get rid of Assad. They're our Frankenstein. But we've done this before. It's so sad our Government continues repeating awful mistakes of the past.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.

Our Government has been funding & arming Sunni terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. That is the reality. And these groups are wreaking havoc all across Syria and Iraq. They're not good people.

Obama blew it. He shouldn't have gotten us involved in the Syrian War. Now our Country is in an awful Catch 22 situation. We'll likely have to support Shia Iran and the Iranian-backed Iraq Government. It's a no-win scenario for Americans. Hopefully Obama will decide to do the right thing and stay out of this awful mess. But i'm not optimistic.


I am not optimistic either. The war parties that run our government will do their best to get America into another unjust war.

Expect a false flag event, as has been done so many times before by our leaders, to push Americans to accept another damaging and worthless war.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.

Our Government has been funding & arming Sunni terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. That is the reality. And these groups are wreaking havoc all across Syria and Iraq. They're not good people.

Obama blew it. He shouldn't have gotten us involved in the Syrian War. Now our Country is in an awful Catch 22 situation. We'll likely have to support Shia Iran and the Iranian-backed Iraq Government. It's a no-win scenario for Americans. Hopefully Obama will decide to do the right thing and stay out of this awful mess. But i'm not optimistic.

Obama you say?

'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback - Steve Clemons - The Atlantic

“Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,”

McCain was praising Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former ambassador to the United States, for supporting forces fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham had previously met with Bandar to encourage the Saudis to arm Syrian rebel forces.

The worry at the time, punctuated by a February meeting between U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice and the intelligence chiefs of Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, and others in the region, was that ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra had emerged as the preeminent rebel forces in Syria. The governments who took part reportedly committed to cut off ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, and support the FSA instead.

John McCain’s desire to help rebel forces toss off a brutal dictator and fight for a more just and inclusive Syria is admirable. But as has been proven repeatedly in the Middle East, ousting strongmen doesn’t necessarily produce more favorable successor governments. Embracing figures like Bandar, who may have tried to achieve his objectives in Syria by building a monster, isn't worth it.

McInsane is right. Several wealthy Sunni Nations are also funding the terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. They want Assad out. So where does that leave us now? We're supporting these very questionable Sunni Rebels in Syria, while at the same time fighting against them in Iraq. So they're the 'Good Guys' in Syria, but the 'Bad Guys' in Iraq. It makes no sense. It's an insane Foreign Policy. We need to stop meddling. It's time for revolutionary change in our Foreign Policy.
I spoke to an Iraqi last week whose brother in law was fighting for Isis. He told me specifically you were full of shit and a full on mental retard to boot.

No one wants Saddam back. Obama has been responsible for foreign policy since Jan 2009. He is responsible for this, as this is the logical conclusion of his failed foreign policies.

Yup and anyone but a braindead Obamabot should have known the minute our troops were gone Iraq would be up for grabs. The Govt wouldn't be able to hold power. It was a foregone conclusion.

Well boy howdy. Guess that was right on the money.

Barry couldn't wait to pull out of Iraq and declare the war over.

He won't want to commit American boots back on the ground in Iraq. After all he declared the war in Iraq over.

He recently ordered 300 Military 'Advisers' to Iraq. So you'll likely get your wish. He'll be involving us in that mess again. So sad.

I have no wish for us to lose anymore blood and treasure in Iraq. I also remember all those "advisors" we sent to Viet Nam.

Iraq had its chance and now it will be another shithole like the rest of the Middle East. A shithole run by dirtbags.

As far as I'm concerned you can nuke the whole ME from orbit.
Gosh that makes a ton of assumptions. But its never stopped your flaming anti Americanism.

Our Government has been funding & arming Sunni terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. That is the reality. And these groups are wreaking havoc all across Syria and Iraq. They're not good people.

Obama blew it. He shouldn't have gotten us involved in the Syrian War. Now our Country is in an awful Catch 22 situation. We'll likely have to support Shia Iran and the Iranian-backed Iraq Government. It's a no-win scenario for Americans. Hopefully Obama will decide to do the right thing and stay out of this awful mess. But i'm not optimistic.


I am not optimistic either. The war parties that run our government will do their best to get America into another unjust war.

Expect a false flag event, as has been done so many times before by our leaders, to push Americans to accept another damaging and worthless war.

Well on the bright side, Americans did stand up and deny them their full-scale War in Syria. They tried their 'Chemical Attack' scam, but it didn't work. In fact, the 'Rebels' our Government is funding, have likely carried out awful chemical attacks.

The People denied them. So i'm more optimistic these days. But yes, they will likely attempt a false flag operation in Iraq. They gotta get the sheeple on board. Our Foreign Policy is a tragic mess. Those we're funding & arming in Syria are the 'Good Guys' there, but these same cretins are being called the 'Bad Guys' in Iraq. Now we're even rushing towards supporting Iran and the Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. I'd call it a joke, but it's far far from being funny.
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