What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?

In one thread republicans are expounding on the virtues of letting Americans wither and die and in another thread republicans want to save the Iraqi people.

Does anyone see anything wrong here?

The R's position is very basic, if Obama says "UP", they say "DOWN"; it matters not that they are inconsistent in their actions, their efforts to defame the first man of African descent and twice elected elected POTUS supercedes eveything else - God, Country and integrity.

And the far left still posts from talking points and propaganda.

Once the far left can grow up and admit that Obama is a failure as a leader then we will have real progress.

Until then we will be stuck with the same old far left Obama drone propaganda posts.
Assad is a murderous dictator, whereas Iraq holds legit elections and can kick out any dunce in office there.

This is all too deep for your inferior inbred brain.

We get it, you support murderous dictators that are in bed with Russia compared to countries that hold open elections thanks to the US military.

The idiots on the extreme right and left that push for isolationist "hands off" policy around the world need to explain how that would work with police in their trailer park or ghetto.

Afterall....they claim the police stir up trouble in their fucked areas so no police must mean peace and quiet for the residents, eh?

You support fighting against an Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting an Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Who's the idiot? :cuckoo:
Scum like you cause wars.

The idiots on the extreme right and left that push for isolationist "hands off" policy around the world need to explain how that would work with police in their trailer park or ghetto.

Afterall....they claim the police stir up trouble in their fucked areas so no police must mean peace and quiet for the residents, eh?

Liquid lunches, a keyboard warrior's favorite meal
Again, I don't see how this is our problem.

Maliki created a lot of this by excluding the Sunnis from his government.

What we may end up seeing is ISIL creating its own state within Iraq, with the Kurds declaring independence soon after.

Obama Doctrine: Governments must include Jihadists
Assad is a murderous dictator, whereas Iraq holds legit elections and can kick out any dunce in office there.

This is all too deep for your inferior inbred brain.

We get it, you support murderous dictators that are in bed with Russia compared to countries that hold open elections thanks to the US military.

The idiots on the extreme right and left that push for isolationist "hands off" policy around the world need to explain how that would work with police in their trailer park or ghetto.

Afterall....they claim the police stir up trouble in their fucked areas so no police must mean peace and quiet for the residents, eh?

You support fighting against an Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting an Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Who's the idiot? :cuckoo:

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.
Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Assad is a murderous dictator, whereas Iraq holds legit elections and can kick out any dunce in office there.

This is all too deep for your inferior inbred brain.

We get it, you support murderous dictators that are in bed with Russia compared to countries that hold open elections thanks to the US military.

You support fighting against an Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while supporting an Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Who's the idiot? :cuckoo:

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.
Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Assad is a murderous dictator, whereas Iraq holds legit elections and can kick out any dunce in office there.

This is all too deep for your inferior inbred brain.

We get it, you support murderous dictators that are in bed with Russia compared to countries that hold open elections thanks to the US military.

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!
You're like that retard Democrap during the IRS hearings last week talking about UFOs to cover up the IRS destroying evidence "by accident." :cuckoo:

Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!
Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

Assad is a murderous dictator, whereas Iraq holds legit elections and can kick out any dunce in office there.

This is all too deep for your inferior inbred brain.

We get it, you support murderous dictators that are in bed with Russia compared to countries that hold open elections thanks to the US military.

Plus they blow up each others kids and sisters and moms with suicide bombers and IED's in between the wonderful elections and democracy we gave them.

When was the moving van ever going to start the engine, 2099? :D
You're like that retard Democrap during the IRS hearings last week talking about UFOs to cover up the IRS destroying evidence "by accident." :cuckoo:

Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!

What kind of moron talks about a peaceful society in Iraq? They have been fighting each other over there since cave man days. Didn't the first fight between Adam and Eve get started somewhere in that neighborhood.
BTW, about 10,000 civilians were killed in Iraq buy bombings and collateral combat the year before Obama took control, 2008. He somehow managed to cut that number in half his first year being in charge of things.
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The bloodbaths between both Islamic sects had slowed down with elections across the country, it was when Syria (thanks to Obama) turned into a terrorist playground that the Sunni terror groups made their way back into Iraq.

Northern Ireland had car bombs going off for decades, it took time for both sides to quit.

You're like that retard Democrap during the IRS hearings last week talking about UFOs to cover up the IRS destroying evidence "by accident." :cuckoo:

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!

What kind of moron talks about a peaceful society in Iraq? They have been fighting each other over there since cave man days. Didn't the first fight between Adam and Eve get started somewhere in that neighborhood?
You're like that retard Democrap during the IRS hearings last week talking about UFOs to cover up the IRS destroying evidence "by accident." :cuckoo:

Iraq was moving to a peaceful society until Obama got into office.

Now ISIS and other AQ groups are in Iraq killing non-Sunnis, thanks to Obama.

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!

And that has WHAT to do with Iraq?

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell cited the rule in the summer of 2002 when warning President George W. Bush of the consequences of military action in Iraq:

'You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people,' he told the president. 'You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You'll own it all.' Privately, Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage called this the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it.

"Colon" Powell made the US argument to invade Iraq at the UN. :eusa_whistle:

You're like that retard Democrap during the IRS hearings last week talking about UFOs to cover up the IRS destroying evidence "by accident." :cuckoo:

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!

And that has WHAT to do with Iraq?

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell cited the rule in the summer of 2002 when warning President George W. Bush of the consequences of military action in Iraq:

'You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people,' he told the president. 'You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You'll own it all.' Privately, Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage called this the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it.

The bloodbaths between both Islamic sects had slowed down with elections across the country, it was when Syria (thanks to Obama) turned into a terrorist playground that the Sunni terror groups made their way back into Iraq.

Northern Ireland had car bombs going off for decades, it took time for both sides to quit.

You're like that retard Democrap during the IRS hearings last week talking about UFOs to cover up the IRS destroying evidence "by accident." :cuckoo:

What kind of moron talks about a peaceful society in Iraq? They have been fighting each other over there since cave man days. Didn't the first fight between Adam and Eve get started somewhere in that neighborhood?

Go down to the recruiting office and volunteer to go fight in Iraq pea brain...
Shitstain....I retired from the military with 20 years and 4 OEF deployments.

Shut the fuck up.

The bloodbaths between both Islamic sects had slowed down with elections across the country, it was when Syria (thanks to Obama) turned into a terrorist playground that the Sunni terror groups made their way back into Iraq.

Northern Ireland had car bombs going off for decades, it took time for both sides to quit.

What kind of moron talks about a peaceful society in Iraq? They have been fighting each other over there since cave man days. Didn't the first fight between Adam and Eve get started somewhere in that neighborhood?

Go down to the recruiting office and volunteer to go fight in Iraq pea brain...
No, it's the price we pay for a foreign policy driven by political considerations and free from any principle whatsoever.

It's pretty messed up. We're currently spending all that Taxpayer Cash funding & arming very questionable Rebel Groups in Syria, to defeat the Iranian-backed Government. Yet in Iraq, we're getting ready to spend a whole lot more Taxpayer Cash supporting the Iranian-backed Government there. It's time to reconsider this bizarre Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy.

Shia the government in Iraq is Shia. Obama is pro Sunni. This is really really bad.

A NewsMax "commentator" labeled him Shiite actually:

Obama a Shiite :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Shitstain....I retired from the military with 20 years and 4 OEF deployments.

Shut the fuck up.

The bloodbaths between both Islamic sects had slowed down with elections across the country, it was when Syria (thanks to Obama) turned into a terrorist playground that the Sunni terror groups made their way back into Iraq.

Northern Ireland had car bombs going off for decades, it took time for both sides to quit.

Go down to the recruiting office and volunteer to go fight in Iraq pea brain...

Wishing my death in your neg rep tells me all I need to know about you...you are scum.
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It's pretty messed up. We're currently spending all that Taxpayer Cash funding & arming very questionable Rebel Groups in Syria, to defeat the Iranian-backed Government. Yet in Iraq, we're getting ready to spend a whole lot more Taxpayer Cash supporting the Iranian-backed Government there. It's time to reconsider this bizarre Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy.

Shia the government in Iraq is Shia. Obama is pro Sunni. This is really really bad.

A NewsMax "commentator" labeled him Shiite actually:

Obama a Shiite :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes


Just HOW low will you UN-American right wing scum go?
:badgrin: You should kill yourself for to "save the planet" from your pollution.

You are scum.

But get back to telling Vets that they need to go to Iraq.....

Shitstain....I retired from the military with 20 years and 4 OEF deployments.

Shut the fuck up.

Go down to the recruiting office and volunteer to go fight in Iraq pea brain...

Wish my death in your neg rep tells me all I need to know about you...you are scum.

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