What will the future look like?

No, I advocate playing by the rules and not defrauding half the damn country out of their vote through election fraud.

But no one cared what I advocated and they still don't..... so we get what we get.
Nobody defrauded you. Maybe trump could have hired more intelligent lawyers with the guts and evidence in hand, so when the judges asked, Are you accusing the defendants of fraud, they could have said Yes, your honor, and presented evidense, not conspiracy theories, instead of slinking away with their tail between their legs as if they were trump when it came time to send in the trumpers to the Capital Building. Maybe they could have convinced a state legislature in Georgia or Pennsylvania where the legislature favor republicans, but no. If you lose at the polls you can fight it in the recounts. If you lose in the recounts you take it to the courts. If you lose in the courts you take it to the state legislatures. If you lose everywhere, you lost and you take it like a man, not some screaming anti-American rabble and attack Congress for your orange God, while you have representatives in the chamber arguing for you, until the moment of your traitorous attack. After all was said and done, there were many less Representatives and Senators willing to put their name on the line for you after it was done. It was a shameful action by formerly good Americans, the president never should have invited to Washington on that day and never should have spoken to in a rally to get them fired up and sent for this shameful attack.
Of course there was a fraudulent election. It was an assault on our democracy by a corrupt government establishment that hasn't served "We The People" for decades, at least, and those well-meaning Americans who were naive enough to think petitioning their government for redress while armed with nothing more than self-righteous anger and a justified sense of outrage at the blatant corruption, are now paying the price for believing they are dealing with honorable fellow Americans.

Liars like you, who support them and carry their water, are just as deserving of a trip down a gravel road at the end of a rope behind a pick up truck as they are, but you are probably far enough down the target list, that the serious folks won't get to you..... not anytime soon, anyway.
OTOH, when things get crazy, scores get settled, so if you have anyone else you have helped fuck over lately, you might want to watch your back.
You need to seek psychological help. Nobody is lying to you. It is in your head. Just because you want something or want something to be true does not make it true.
You think that weak denial is going to work?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You remind me of the sick look I used to see on the faces of senior NCOs when they were stuck trying to defend the reprehensible and indefensible actions of the command..... they knew they were parroting lies and bullshit, and they knew it was wrong, but they wanted to protect their pensions and their rank, so they just went along and pretended everything was fine.
And they started avoiding the hell out of me because they couldn't stand the way I would call them out for it, and they hated the way I looked at them with obvious contempt and utter disgust at their moral cowardice.
What kind of reprehensible command actions or directive are you referring to?
Troop abuse for one.
Lying on sworn statements.
Fabricating charges against people under the UCMJ.
Submitting fraudulent NCOERs.
Refusing to submit NCOERs.
Stealing and losing tens of thousands of dollars worth of military equipment and trying to blame it on me, so they wouldn't have to pay for it. (Too bad for those shitbags I kept copies of all the documentation and photographed all the serial numbers, lol)
Witness tampering and intimidation.
Unethical retaliation.
Misuse and abuse of position.

I could go on and on.....

See, I got a lot of first-hand experience in dealing with corrupt organizations, and I know the games they play.
You aren't fooling much of anyone and you sure as hell aren't fooling me.
I see.
Well, had a few problems with troop abuse policies masquerading as training or uniformity, myself. Luckily was able to mostly skirt for the people in my vicinity, due to position.
Lying on sworn statements is an individual, not command offense.
Fabricating charges under UCMJ would be a serious offense and indeed a command major shortfall if proven. Yes, I am aware of the difficulty proving such a charge even if 100% valid.
Fraudulent NCOER's and EERs are written by NCO's for the most part. There is an appeal process, though I do recognize the bias in the process. I looked, reviewed and sometimes required a rewrite at company level Command. Never actually saw an appeal come across my desk at Brigade S1 level and I never operated in a personnel function at MACOM level.
Refusing to submit NCOERs is a Company Command failure that is and should be checked at company level and battalion S1 level. More often not refusal, but laziness. Getting a company command before enough experience and moving on to next assignment is a current and long term problem in active duty.
Seen the material control problems, theft usually only a minor one. Stupidity and lack of attention to detail in material control far greater. Have signed several statement of charges assigning responsibility after investigating at Brigade level. Biggest thing I saw was people signing off on what somebody had previously signed off and getting stuck with the bill when somebody (like me on occasion) refused to sign off. If you did not personally oversee change of command inventory, you just bought somebody else's problem, making it your problem. NOBODY ever successfully passed down their problems to me, when my signature had to go on the line to USPFO. When brought back after retirement to take materiel control stateside of units moving overseas, found the same type problems and like you, had pictures of serial numbers and documentation for what I would and would not not sign off on. Kept copies of inventories including sensitive item and weapons, documentation and sworn statements on my private computer for longer than 6 years, though totally illegal to maintain some of those type records on a non-military controlled machine, but I slept better at night. On this part, sounds like you just did your job and covered your ass. You would have loved my hard ass, as a Line of Duty Investigating Officer of Command Level. It was part of the reason I was brought back in and I recovered literally millions of dollars of property lost, mostly right where it had been sitting for years unaccounted, but not at the unit.
I did not have experience with your last 3 lines of what you perceive, whether real or perceived, though did experience some slight pressure to let some people off the hook a time or two, but nothing I could not handle. I didn't lose or have to acquiesce so I did not take it personally.
Sorry you had bad experiences that seem to have shaped your outlook not only on the military, but government itself. Shit happens.
It does.
And only a fool or someone with a stake in the status quo wants to pretend it didn't happen or minimize the damage done by people playing these fuck-fuck games.
BTW, how does one appeal an NCOER that doesn't exist?
Research that and get back to me, why don't you?

While you're at it, think on what an E7 board is going to do with an NCO's packet when it comes to them missing 2 years worth of NCOERs....... think they might kick it back?

And after all this, you know how many people ended up defending themselves in court and in front of boards convened for a hearing?

Just little old me, the guy who reported all the wrongdoing in the first fucking place...... :mad:

So yeah...... I know exactly what pieces of shit infest government service, and I know what depths they will stoop to to demonize anyone who opposes them.
Don't try and blow smoke up my ass and pretend these fucks are anything but liars and thieves.

The only thing the folks at the capitol did wrong was not killing every fucking living thing in that building and burning that snake pit to the ground.
If there was a refusal to conduct or post an NCOER. You should have been able to address and BN S1 level. Conducting an NCOER and posting are not optional under regulation, so I do not have to research. I know exactly what an E7 board would do with a packet missing documents on the checklist, pass it over for consideration of the many packets put through with all documents in place, same as with an OER promotion packet.
You know that I am over 20 years retired, it is highly unlikely you were in a command I was associated with. Can I see the various possibilities on either side? Sure.
Understand that you are bitter, either way around it. Also understand it consumes you. This could be a lack of self discipline.
I hope you find a way to move on from it, that is of benefit to you, yet not in a burn it all down kind of way.
I addressed it at DA level, and they blew me off. I filed an Article 138 and they blew me off as well.

I know how these people work, and refusing to pretend they are anything but the corrupt garbage they are isn't being bitter, it's engaging with reality.

Ya'll always want to come up with some excuse for their shitty behavior, and some reason why they shouldn't burn for the wrongs they have done...... well, there ain't any.

They deserve to hang, and if we're lucky, they will.
Not possible for me to go along with your chosen remedy.
No, I advocate playing by the rules and not defrauding half the damn country out of their vote through election fraud.

But no one cared what I advocated and they still don't..... so we get what we get.
Nobody defrauded you. Maybe trump could have hired more intelligent lawyers with the guts and evidence in hand, so when the judges asked, Are you accusing the defendants of fraud, they could have said Yes, your honor, and presented evidense, not conspiracy theories, instead of slinking away with their tail between their legs as if they were trump when it came time to send in the trumpers to the Capital Building. Maybe they could have convinced a state legislature in Georgia or Pennsylvania where the legislature favor republicans, but no. If you lose at the polls you can fight it in the recounts. If you lose in the recounts you take it to the courts. If you lose in the courts you take it to the state legislatures. If you lose everywhere, you lost and you take it like a man, not some screaming anti-American rabble and attack Congress for your orange God, while you have representatives in the chamber arguing for you, until the moment of your traitorous attack. After all was said and done, there were many less Representatives and Senators willing to put their name on the line for you after it was done. It was a shameful action by formerly good Americans, the president never should have invited to Washington on that day and never should have spoken to in a rally to get them fired up and sent for this shameful attack.
Of course there was a fraudulent election. It was an assault on our democracy by a corrupt government establishment that hasn't served "We The People" for decades, at least, and those well-meaning Americans who were naive enough to think petitioning their government for redress while armed with nothing more than self-righteous anger and a justified sense of outrage at the blatant corruption, are now paying the price for believing they are dealing with honorable fellow Americans.

Liars like you, who support them and carry their water, are just as deserving of a trip down a gravel road at the end of a rope behind a pick up truck as they are, but you are probably far enough down the target list, that the serious folks won't get to you..... not anytime soon, anyway.
OTOH, when things get crazy, scores get settled, so if you have anyone else you have helped fuck over lately, you might want to watch your back.
You need to seek psychological help. Nobody is lying to you. It is in your head. Just because you want something or want something to be true does not make it true.
You think that weak denial is going to work?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You remind me of the sick look I used to see on the faces of senior NCOs when they were stuck trying to defend the reprehensible and indefensible actions of the command..... they knew they were parroting lies and bullshit, and they knew it was wrong, but they wanted to protect their pensions and their rank, so they just went along and pretended everything was fine.
And they started avoiding the hell out of me because they couldn't stand the way I would call them out for it, and they hated the way I looked at them with obvious contempt and utter disgust at their moral cowardice.
What kind of reprehensible command actions or directive are you referring to?
Troop abuse for one.
Lying on sworn statements.
Fabricating charges against people under the UCMJ.
Submitting fraudulent NCOERs.
Refusing to submit NCOERs.
Stealing and losing tens of thousands of dollars worth of military equipment and trying to blame it on me, so they wouldn't have to pay for it. (Too bad for those shitbags I kept copies of all the documentation and photographed all the serial numbers, lol)
Witness tampering and intimidation.
Unethical retaliation.
Misuse and abuse of position.

I could go on and on.....

See, I got a lot of first-hand experience in dealing with corrupt organizations, and I know the games they play.
You aren't fooling much of anyone and you sure as hell aren't fooling me.
I see.
Well, had a few problems with troop abuse policies masquerading as training or uniformity, myself. Luckily was able to mostly skirt for the people in my vicinity, due to position.
Lying on sworn statements is an individual, not command offense.
Fabricating charges under UCMJ would be a serious offense and indeed a command major shortfall if proven. Yes, I am aware of the difficulty proving such a charge even if 100% valid.
Fraudulent NCOER's and EERs are written by NCO's for the most part. There is an appeal process, though I do recognize the bias in the process. I looked, reviewed and sometimes required a rewrite at company level Command. Never actually saw an appeal come across my desk at Brigade S1 level and I never operated in a personnel function at MACOM level.
Refusing to submit NCOERs is a Company Command failure that is and should be checked at company level and battalion S1 level. More often not refusal, but laziness. Getting a company command before enough experience and moving on to next assignment is a current and long term problem in active duty.
Seen the material control problems, theft usually only a minor one. Stupidity and lack of attention to detail in material control far greater. Have signed several statement of charges assigning responsibility after investigating at Brigade level. Biggest thing I saw was people signing off on what somebody had previously signed off and getting stuck with the bill when somebody (like me on occasion) refused to sign off. If you did not personally oversee change of command inventory, you just bought somebody else's problem, making it your problem. NOBODY ever successfully passed down their problems to me, when my signature had to go on the line to USPFO. When brought back after retirement to take materiel control stateside of units moving overseas, found the same type problems and like you, had pictures of serial numbers and documentation for what I would and would not not sign off on. Kept copies of inventories including sensitive item and weapons, documentation and sworn statements on my private computer for longer than 6 years, though totally illegal to maintain some of those type records on a non-military controlled machine, but I slept better at night. On this part, sounds like you just did your job and covered your ass. You would have loved my hard ass, as a Line of Duty Investigating Officer of Command Level. It was part of the reason I was brought back in and I recovered literally millions of dollars of property lost, mostly right where it had been sitting for years unaccounted, but not at the unit.
I did not have experience with your last 3 lines of what you perceive, whether real or perceived, though did experience some slight pressure to let some people off the hook a time or two, but nothing I could not handle. I didn't lose or have to acquiesce so I did not take it personally.
Sorry you had bad experiences that seem to have shaped your outlook not only on the military, but government itself. Shit happens.
It does.
And only a fool or someone with a stake in the status quo wants to pretend it didn't happen or minimize the damage done by people playing these fuck-fuck games.
BTW, how does one appeal an NCOER that doesn't exist?
Research that and get back to me, why don't you?

While you're at it, think on what an E7 board is going to do with an NCO's packet when it comes to them missing 2 years worth of NCOERs....... think they might kick it back?

And after all this, you know how many people ended up defending themselves in court and in front of boards convened for a hearing?

Just little old me, the guy who reported all the wrongdoing in the first fucking place...... :mad:

So yeah...... I know exactly what pieces of shit infest government service, and I know what depths they will stoop to to demonize anyone who opposes them.
Don't try and blow smoke up my ass and pretend these fucks are anything but liars and thieves.

The only thing the folks at the capitol did wrong was not killing every fucking living thing in that building and burning that snake pit to the ground.
If there was a refusal to conduct or post an NCOER. You should have been able to address and BN S1 level. Conducting an NCOER and posting are not optional under regulation, so I do not have to research. I know exactly what an E7 board would do with a packet missing documents on the checklist, pass it over for consideration of the many packets put through with all documents in place, same as with an OER promotion packet.
You know that I am over 20 years retired, it is highly unlikely you were in a command I was associated with. Can I see the various possibilities on either side? Sure.
Understand that you are bitter, either way around it. Also understand it consumes you. This could be a lack of self discipline.
I hope you find a way to move on from it, that is of benefit to you, yet not in a burn it all down kind of way.
I addressed it at DA level, and they blew me off. I filed an Article 138 and they blew me off as well.

I know how these people work, and refusing to pretend they are anything but the corrupt garbage they are isn't being bitter, it's engaging with reality.

Ya'll always want to come up with some excuse for their shitty behavior, and some reason why they shouldn't burn for the wrongs they have done...... well, there ain't any.

They deserve to hang, and if we're lucky, they will.
Not possible for me to go along with your chosen remedy.
That doesn't mean the course of action is wrong, it just means you aren't willing to do the necessary.
And that, is how and why things are this fucked up in the first place.
No, I advocate playing by the rules and not defrauding half the damn country out of their vote through election fraud.

But no one cared what I advocated and they still don't..... so we get what we get.
Nobody defrauded you. Maybe trump could have hired more intelligent lawyers with the guts and evidence in hand, so when the judges asked, Are you accusing the defendants of fraud, they could have said Yes, your honor, and presented evidense, not conspiracy theories, instead of slinking away with their tail between their legs as if they were trump when it came time to send in the trumpers to the Capital Building. Maybe they could have convinced a state legislature in Georgia or Pennsylvania where the legislature favor republicans, but no. If you lose at the polls you can fight it in the recounts. If you lose in the recounts you take it to the courts. If you lose in the courts you take it to the state legislatures. If you lose everywhere, you lost and you take it like a man, not some screaming anti-American rabble and attack Congress for your orange God, while you have representatives in the chamber arguing for you, until the moment of your traitorous attack. After all was said and done, there were many less Representatives and Senators willing to put their name on the line for you after it was done. It was a shameful action by formerly good Americans, the president never should have invited to Washington on that day and never should have spoken to in a rally to get them fired up and sent for this shameful attack.
Of course there was a fraudulent election. It was an assault on our democracy by a corrupt government establishment that hasn't served "We The People" for decades, at least, and those well-meaning Americans who were naive enough to think petitioning their government for redress while armed with nothing more than self-righteous anger and a justified sense of outrage at the blatant corruption, are now paying the price for believing they are dealing with honorable fellow Americans.

Liars like you, who support them and carry their water, are just as deserving of a trip down a gravel road at the end of a rope behind a pick up truck as they are, but you are probably far enough down the target list, that the serious folks won't get to you..... not anytime soon, anyway.
OTOH, when things get crazy, scores get settled, so if you have anyone else you have helped fuck over lately, you might want to watch your back.
You need to seek psychological help. Nobody is lying to you. It is in your head. Just because you want something or want something to be true does not make it true.
You think that weak denial is going to work?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You remind me of the sick look I used to see on the faces of senior NCOs when they were stuck trying to defend the reprehensible and indefensible actions of the command..... they knew they were parroting lies and bullshit, and they knew it was wrong, but they wanted to protect their pensions and their rank, so they just went along and pretended everything was fine.
And they started avoiding the hell out of me because they couldn't stand the way I would call them out for it, and they hated the way I looked at them with obvious contempt and utter disgust at their moral cowardice.
What kind of reprehensible command actions or directive are you referring to?
Troop abuse for one.
Lying on sworn statements.
Fabricating charges against people under the UCMJ.
Submitting fraudulent NCOERs.
Refusing to submit NCOERs.
Stealing and losing tens of thousands of dollars worth of military equipment and trying to blame it on me, so they wouldn't have to pay for it. (Too bad for those shitbags I kept copies of all the documentation and photographed all the serial numbers, lol)
Witness tampering and intimidation.
Unethical retaliation.
Misuse and abuse of position.

I could go on and on.....

See, I got a lot of first-hand experience in dealing with corrupt organizations, and I know the games they play.
You aren't fooling much of anyone and you sure as hell aren't fooling me.
I see.
Well, had a few problems with troop abuse policies masquerading as training or uniformity, myself. Luckily was able to mostly skirt for the people in my vicinity, due to position.
Lying on sworn statements is an individual, not command offense.
Fabricating charges under UCMJ would be a serious offense and indeed a command major shortfall if proven. Yes, I am aware of the difficulty proving such a charge even if 100% valid.
Fraudulent NCOER's and EERs are written by NCO's for the most part. There is an appeal process, though I do recognize the bias in the process. I looked, reviewed and sometimes required a rewrite at company level Command. Never actually saw an appeal come across my desk at Brigade S1 level and I never operated in a personnel function at MACOM level.
Refusing to submit NCOERs is a Company Command failure that is and should be checked at company level and battalion S1 level. More often not refusal, but laziness. Getting a company command before enough experience and moving on to next assignment is a current and long term problem in active duty.
Seen the material control problems, theft usually only a minor one. Stupidity and lack of attention to detail in material control far greater. Have signed several statement of charges assigning responsibility after investigating at Brigade level. Biggest thing I saw was people signing off on what somebody had previously signed off and getting stuck with the bill when somebody (like me on occasion) refused to sign off. If you did not personally oversee change of command inventory, you just bought somebody else's problem, making it your problem. NOBODY ever successfully passed down their problems to me, when my signature had to go on the line to USPFO. When brought back after retirement to take materiel control stateside of units moving overseas, found the same type problems and like you, had pictures of serial numbers and documentation for what I would and would not not sign off on. Kept copies of inventories including sensitive item and weapons, documentation and sworn statements on my private computer for longer than 6 years, though totally illegal to maintain some of those type records on a non-military controlled machine, but I slept better at night. On this part, sounds like you just did your job and covered your ass. You would have loved my hard ass, as a Line of Duty Investigating Officer of Command Level. It was part of the reason I was brought back in and I recovered literally millions of dollars of property lost, mostly right where it had been sitting for years unaccounted, but not at the unit.
I did not have experience with your last 3 lines of what you perceive, whether real or perceived, though did experience some slight pressure to let some people off the hook a time or two, but nothing I could not handle. I didn't lose or have to acquiesce so I did not take it personally.
Sorry you had bad experiences that seem to have shaped your outlook not only on the military, but government itself. Shit happens.
It does.
And only a fool or someone with a stake in the status quo wants to pretend it didn't happen or minimize the damage done by people playing these fuck-fuck games.
BTW, how does one appeal an NCOER that doesn't exist?
Research that and get back to me, why don't you?

While you're at it, think on what an E7 board is going to do with an NCO's packet when it comes to them missing 2 years worth of NCOERs....... think they might kick it back?

And after all this, you know how many people ended up defending themselves in court and in front of boards convened for a hearing?

Just little old me, the guy who reported all the wrongdoing in the first fucking place...... :mad:

So yeah...... I know exactly what pieces of shit infest government service, and I know what depths they will stoop to to demonize anyone who opposes them.
Don't try and blow smoke up my ass and pretend these fucks are anything but liars and thieves.

The only thing the folks at the capitol did wrong was not killing every fucking living thing in that building and burning that snake pit to the ground.
If there was a refusal to conduct or post an NCOER. You should have been able to address and BN S1 level. Conducting an NCOER and posting are not optional under regulation, so I do not have to research. I know exactly what an E7 board would do with a packet missing documents on the checklist, pass it over for consideration of the many packets put through with all documents in place, same as with an OER promotion packet.
You know that I am over 20 years retired, it is highly unlikely you were in a command I was associated with. Can I see the various possibilities on either side? Sure.
Understand that you are bitter, either way around it. Also understand it consumes you. This could be a lack of self discipline.
I hope you find a way to move on from it, that is of benefit to you, yet not in a burn it all down kind of way.
I addressed it at DA level, and they blew me off. I filed an Article 138 and they blew me off as well.

I know how these people work, and refusing to pretend they are anything but the corrupt garbage they are isn't being bitter, it's engaging with reality.

Ya'll always want to come up with some excuse for their shitty behavior, and some reason why they shouldn't burn for the wrongs they have done...... well, there ain't any.

They deserve to hang, and if we're lucky, they will.
Not possible for me to go along with your chosen remedy.
That doesn't mean the course of action is wrong, it just means you aren't willing to do the necessary.
And that, is how and why things are this fucked up in the first place.
Let me be clear. I say, that course of action in wrong. I am opposed to that course of action, and can see no justification, ever, under law.
You have your problems as you see them and will have to work them out or not, to your satisfaction. I hope to not read about you in the papers.
No, I advocate playing by the rules and not defrauding half the damn country out of their vote through election fraud.

But no one cared what I advocated and they still don't..... so we get what we get.
Nobody defrauded you. Maybe trump could have hired more intelligent lawyers with the guts and evidence in hand, so when the judges asked, Are you accusing the defendants of fraud, they could have said Yes, your honor, and presented evidense, not conspiracy theories, instead of slinking away with their tail between their legs as if they were trump when it came time to send in the trumpers to the Capital Building. Maybe they could have convinced a state legislature in Georgia or Pennsylvania where the legislature favor republicans, but no. If you lose at the polls you can fight it in the recounts. If you lose in the recounts you take it to the courts. If you lose in the courts you take it to the state legislatures. If you lose everywhere, you lost and you take it like a man, not some screaming anti-American rabble and attack Congress for your orange God, while you have representatives in the chamber arguing for you, until the moment of your traitorous attack. After all was said and done, there were many less Representatives and Senators willing to put their name on the line for you after it was done. It was a shameful action by formerly good Americans, the president never should have invited to Washington on that day and never should have spoken to in a rally to get them fired up and sent for this shameful attack.
Of course there was a fraudulent election. It was an assault on our democracy by a corrupt government establishment that hasn't served "We The People" for decades, at least, and those well-meaning Americans who were naive enough to think petitioning their government for redress while armed with nothing more than self-righteous anger and a justified sense of outrage at the blatant corruption, are now paying the price for believing they are dealing with honorable fellow Americans.

Liars like you, who support them and carry their water, are just as deserving of a trip down a gravel road at the end of a rope behind a pick up truck as they are, but you are probably far enough down the target list, that the serious folks won't get to you..... not anytime soon, anyway.
OTOH, when things get crazy, scores get settled, so if you have anyone else you have helped fuck over lately, you might want to watch your back.
You need to seek psychological help. Nobody is lying to you. It is in your head. Just because you want something or want something to be true does not make it true.
You think that weak denial is going to work?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You remind me of the sick look I used to see on the faces of senior NCOs when they were stuck trying to defend the reprehensible and indefensible actions of the command..... they knew they were parroting lies and bullshit, and they knew it was wrong, but they wanted to protect their pensions and their rank, so they just went along and pretended everything was fine.
And they started avoiding the hell out of me because they couldn't stand the way I would call them out for it, and they hated the way I looked at them with obvious contempt and utter disgust at their moral cowardice.
What kind of reprehensible command actions or directive are you referring to?
Troop abuse for one.
Lying on sworn statements.
Fabricating charges against people under the UCMJ.
Submitting fraudulent NCOERs.
Refusing to submit NCOERs.
Stealing and losing tens of thousands of dollars worth of military equipment and trying to blame it on me, so they wouldn't have to pay for it. (Too bad for those shitbags I kept copies of all the documentation and photographed all the serial numbers, lol)
Witness tampering and intimidation.
Unethical retaliation.
Misuse and abuse of position.

I could go on and on.....

See, I got a lot of first-hand experience in dealing with corrupt organizations, and I know the games they play.
You aren't fooling much of anyone and you sure as hell aren't fooling me.
I see.
Well, had a few problems with troop abuse policies masquerading as training or uniformity, myself. Luckily was able to mostly skirt for the people in my vicinity, due to position.
Lying on sworn statements is an individual, not command offense.
Fabricating charges under UCMJ would be a serious offense and indeed a command major shortfall if proven. Yes, I am aware of the difficulty proving such a charge even if 100% valid.
Fraudulent NCOER's and EERs are written by NCO's for the most part. There is an appeal process, though I do recognize the bias in the process. I looked, reviewed and sometimes required a rewrite at company level Command. Never actually saw an appeal come across my desk at Brigade S1 level and I never operated in a personnel function at MACOM level.
Refusing to submit NCOERs is a Company Command failure that is and should be checked at company level and battalion S1 level. More often not refusal, but laziness. Getting a company command before enough experience and moving on to next assignment is a current and long term problem in active duty.
Seen the material control problems, theft usually only a minor one. Stupidity and lack of attention to detail in material control far greater. Have signed several statement of charges assigning responsibility after investigating at Brigade level. Biggest thing I saw was people signing off on what somebody had previously signed off and getting stuck with the bill when somebody (like me on occasion) refused to sign off. If you did not personally oversee change of command inventory, you just bought somebody else's problem, making it your problem. NOBODY ever successfully passed down their problems to me, when my signature had to go on the line to USPFO. When brought back after retirement to take materiel control stateside of units moving overseas, found the same type problems and like you, had pictures of serial numbers and documentation for what I would and would not not sign off on. Kept copies of inventories including sensitive item and weapons, documentation and sworn statements on my private computer for longer than 6 years, though totally illegal to maintain some of those type records on a non-military controlled machine, but I slept better at night. On this part, sounds like you just did your job and covered your ass. You would have loved my hard ass, as a Line of Duty Investigating Officer of Command Level. It was part of the reason I was brought back in and I recovered literally millions of dollars of property lost, mostly right where it had been sitting for years unaccounted, but not at the unit.
I did not have experience with your last 3 lines of what you perceive, whether real or perceived, though did experience some slight pressure to let some people off the hook a time or two, but nothing I could not handle. I didn't lose or have to acquiesce so I did not take it personally.
Sorry you had bad experiences that seem to have shaped your outlook not only on the military, but government itself. Shit happens.
It does.
And only a fool or someone with a stake in the status quo wants to pretend it didn't happen or minimize the damage done by people playing these fuck-fuck games.
BTW, how does one appeal an NCOER that doesn't exist?
Research that and get back to me, why don't you?

While you're at it, think on what an E7 board is going to do with an NCO's packet when it comes to them missing 2 years worth of NCOERs....... think they might kick it back?

And after all this, you know how many people ended up defending themselves in court and in front of boards convened for a hearing?

Just little old me, the guy who reported all the wrongdoing in the first fucking place...... :mad:

So yeah...... I know exactly what pieces of shit infest government service, and I know what depths they will stoop to to demonize anyone who opposes them.
Don't try and blow smoke up my ass and pretend these fucks are anything but liars and thieves.

The only thing the folks at the capitol did wrong was not killing every fucking living thing in that building and burning that snake pit to the ground.
If there was a refusal to conduct or post an NCOER. You should have been able to address and BN S1 level. Conducting an NCOER and posting are not optional under regulation, so I do not have to research. I know exactly what an E7 board would do with a packet missing documents on the checklist, pass it over for consideration of the many packets put through with all documents in place, same as with an OER promotion packet.
You know that I am over 20 years retired, it is highly unlikely you were in a command I was associated with. Can I see the various possibilities on either side? Sure.
Understand that you are bitter, either way around it. Also understand it consumes you. This could be a lack of self discipline.
I hope you find a way to move on from it, that is of benefit to you, yet not in a burn it all down kind of way.
I addressed it at DA level, and they blew me off. I filed an Article 138 and they blew me off as well.

I know how these people work, and refusing to pretend they are anything but the corrupt garbage they are isn't being bitter, it's engaging with reality.

Ya'll always want to come up with some excuse for their shitty behavior, and some reason why they shouldn't burn for the wrongs they have done...... well, there ain't any.

They deserve to hang, and if we're lucky, they will.
Not possible for me to go along with your chosen remedy.
That doesn't mean the course of action is wrong, it just means you aren't willing to do the necessary.
And that, is how and why things are this fucked up in the first place.
Let me be clear. I say, that course of action in wrong. I am opposed to that course of action, and can see no justification, ever, under law.
You have your problems as you see them and will have to work them out or not, to your satisfaction. I hope to not read about you in the papers.
If you haven't yet, you probably won't.

I know what I am about.

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