What will the new Pope bring to the church?


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.

Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.


Ten to one nothing will change
From everything I've read, he's been very critical of the Catholic structure, calling judgmental priests hypocrites and refusing many of the perks that those in power embrace.
Hopefully the new Pope will bring the church into the 21st century.
Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.


Ten to one nothing will change

Unfortunately, this is most likely the case. Little or nothing has changed with this religious organization in millennia.
Pope Francis has a long history of opposing abortion. That might be one clue. He will not change the direction of the Church. Don't count your married gay priests before they hatch.
Pope Francis has a long history of opposing abortion. That might be one clue. He will not change the direction of the Church. Don't count your married gay priests before they hatch.

inserting random query here-->

Isn't the Episcopal church the only denomination that is close to including gays/lesbians---not certain about leadership roles. I read some Episcopal churches now perform a blessing ceremony--not the sacrament of marriage.
Hopefully the anathematization of child molesting priests - individually

wherefore in the name of god the all-powerful, father, son, and holy ghost, of blessed peter, prince of the apostles, and of all the saints, in virtue of the power which has been given us of binding and loosing in heaven and on earth, we deprive (name) himself and all his accomplices and all his abettors of the communion of the body and blood of our lord, we separate him from the society of all christians, we exclude him from the bosom of our holy mother the church in heaven and on earth, we declare him excommunicated and anathematized and we judge him condemned to eternal fire with satan and his angels and all the reprobate, so long as he will not burst the fetters of the demon, do penance and satisfy the church; we deliver him to satan to mortify his body, that his soul may be saved on the day of judgment.
"Ten to one nothing changes." - paraphrase of sentiment

It's more like ten-thousand to one nothing changes.

The whole idea of appointing weak old men is Vatican money managers find them easier to control. If Vatican books were laid open today, what we'd find is billions of dollars stolen since the 1990s and a church run like a mafia family by insiders much more carefully selected than this stick, twisted old fuck was.
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Pope Francis has a long history of opposing abortion. That might be one clue. He will not change the direction of the Church. Don't count your married gay priests before they hatch.

inserting random query here-->

Isn't the Episcopal church the only denomination that is close to including gays/lesbians---not certain about leadership roles. I read some Episcopal churches now perform a blessing ceremony--not the sacrament of marriage.

The Episcopal church has split over the ordination of a gay priest. I heard recently that presbyterians split over gay marriage with the formation of the evangelical presbyterian church which forbids same sex marriage.

If anyone thinks this guy is going to go against traditional values they will be sorely disappointed.

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