What will the new Pope bring to the church?

Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.


The new pope will bring "scandal".
From Facebook:
K.S. wrote:
With the election of Pope Francis today The Guardian in England has put up online an article written in 2011 about the Catholic Church in Argentina and then Cardinal Bergoglio in which Hugh O'Shaughnessy wrote:

"What one did not hear from any senior member of the Argentinian hierarchy was any expression of regret for the church's collaboration and in these crimes. The extent of the church's complicity in the dark deeds was excellently set out by Horacio Verbitsky, one of Argentina's most notable journalists, in his book El Silencio (Silence). He recounts how the Argentinian navy with the connivance of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now the Jesuit archbishop of Buenos Aires, hid from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission the dictatorship's political prisoners. Bergoglio was hiding them in nothing less than his holiday home in an island called El Silencio in the River Plate. The most shaming thing for the church is that in such circumstances Bergoglio's name was allowed to go forward in the ballot to chose the successor of John Paul II. What scandal would not have ensued if the first pope ever to be elected from the continent of America had been revealed as an accessory to murder and false imprisonment."

Well, let us see if a scandal will now ensue.
In Europe the Catholic Church is considered the most narrow-minded church here... but they are still doing better than other confessions.

In northern Europe, where there is little or no state-church separation (in Denmark and Norway the largest church is state owned), not even a 2% of population attend the church monthly. Those national churches, whose doctrine is regulated by the government, do accept female priests, homosexuality, etc. 70% of nordics still belong to the national church, maybe because they consider it a piece of history and national identity linked to the monarchy. The small christian democratic parties in parliament (the only social conservative parties in Scandinavia) tend to represent christians who belong to non-state churches. Mostly old people.

Northern and eastern historically protestant Germany is one of the most godless areas in the world. Only second to the Czech Republic (where 70% don't believe in God) and other ex-socialist small countries. It's a deep contrast with the more catholic southern Germany, particularly Bavaria.
CaGOPatriot wrote that, "Sex before marriage is only forbidden because of the religious perception that anything that gives pleasure must be sinful."

Silly statement.

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