What will the new Pope bring to the church?

What will the new Pope bring to the church?

Ha, better question is why the last one skeedaddled out of town.

He is losing his mind. Can't be trusted out and about in terms of what he might say; fact is even though these guys are legendary koolade drinkers, all of them have moments of doubt (e.g. as the nuns take the little boys away) and the one who "resigned" was beginning to wander a little bit out of the straight and narrow in audiences, etc.

This new guy will be a "good nazi" in all the best ways.
So, you're just here to wallow in your bigotry and extremely uncreative hatred? That does something for ya, does it?
Hopefully the new Pope will bring the church into the 21st century.

Meaning what?

Woman Ordination ...

how can he be against abortion and for celibacy ...

As with all organized religious groups, celibacy is a requirement before marriage since premarital sex is a sin. Preventing abortion is not to save the unborn; instead, bearing the unwanted child is to punish the sinning woman by putting her up to public ridicule.

Looking down upon an unwed mother was discarded long ago by enlightened people, and the stigma for the mother and child is for the most part forgotten in the Western societies.

Premarital sex is a far greater sin for a woman than a man since it was men who decided all that was to be contained in Holy Scripture, and the Vatican wants to keep it that way.
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Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.


yep....time to leave the fifthteenth century behind and get rid of all those HOMOSEXUALS hitting on the altar boys.......:clap2:
Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.


Let's hope that this Pope sets example for all the secret sins sexual and elsewhere rampant in world wide evangelicalism and fundamentalism to be brought forth, held up, and thrown figuratively into the sins of repentance.

A true catholic universal leader is needed for ecumenical Christianity and I think of all the denominations only the Catholic (not mine, by the by) is best suited for leading the way.
Everyone knows of the pedophilia rampant in the Catholic Church and how the leading members of their clergy have hidden it for decades, or even centuries. Will this new Pope bring the church more in line with the laws of today, or will the Catholics remain living in the Dark Ages?

If it is true that God sees all and knows all, the Catholic leaders are only fooling the very devoted members of their flock. Their lies and cover-ups of these heinous acts by the sick individuals they call priests only means God has judged them to be the sex criminals they are. Whether they committed the crime or were active in hiding the perpetrators, in God's eyes they are all equally guilty, or very well should be.

It's about time for some small reality check by the Vatican. With over a billion followers, the new Pope should finally leave the fifteenth century behind and face the twenty-first century and all of its problems.

The new Pope has the opportunity to help hundreds of millions of people around the world, this responsibility of a true leader. The future will show if this man is the leader the Roman Catholics need, or if he will be another in a long, long line of Pontiffs who do nothing more than the daily recitations of an outdated dogma.


Let's hope that this Pope sets example for all the secret sins sexual and elsewhere rampant in world wide evangelicalism and fundamentalism to be brought forth, held up, and thrown figuratively into the sins of repentance.

A true catholic universal leader is needed for ecumenical Christianity and I think of all the denominations only the Catholic (not mine, by the by) is best suited for leading the way.

I'm sure you'll kick his ass if he doesn't do exactly as you demand, right Jokey?

I heard he likes to be called Pyscho. Don't call him Francis or he'll kill ya;)
Meaning what?

Woman Ordination ...

how can he be against abortion and for celibacy ...

As with all organized religious groups, celibacy is a requirement before marriage since premarital sex is a sin. Preventing abortion is not to save the unborn; instead, bearing the unwanted child is to punish the sinning woman by putting her up to public ridicule.

Looking down upon an unwed mother was discarded long ago by enlightened people, and the stigma for the mother and child is for the most part forgotten in the Western societies.

Premarital sex is a far greater sin for a woman than a man since it was men who decided all that was to be contained in Holy Scripture, and the Vatican wants to keep it that way.

Looking down on the unwedded mother? Who does that? Now looking down at the man who doesnt have the balls to take care of a woman he impregnates or his children, that seems like someone who should be looked down upon.

Of course, we could avoid all of this if people just didnt have sex before marriage and stayed faithful afterwards.
Pope Francis has a long history of opposing abortion. That might be one clue. He will not change the direction of the Church. Don't count your married gay priests before they hatch.

inserting random query here-->

Isn't the Episcopal church the only denomination that is close to including gays/lesbians---not certain about leadership roles. I read some Episcopal churches now perform a blessing ceremony--not the sacrament of marriage.

The Episcopal church has split over the ordination of a gay priest. I heard recently that presbyterians split over gay marriage with the formation of the evangelical presbyterian church which forbids same sex marriage.

If anyone thinks this guy is going to go against traditional values they will be sorely disappointed.

That is what I thought. There are individual churches in my area that seem to be very inclusive. The formal position of the denomination I don't believe can be changed in the near future --if ever.

Anyway--Pope Francis strikes me as pragmatic. Do what you can do and leave the rest to God.
Woman Ordination ...

how can he be against abortion and for celibacy ...

As with all organized religious groups, celibacy is a requirement before marriage since premarital sex is a sin. Preventing abortion is not to save the unborn; instead, bearing the unwanted child is to punish the sinning woman by putting her up to public ridicule.

Looking down upon an unwed mother was discarded long ago by enlightened people, and the stigma for the mother and child is for the most part forgotten in the Western societies.

Premarital sex is a far greater sin for a woman than a man since it was men who decided all that was to be contained in Holy Scripture, and the Vatican wants to keep it that way.

Looking down on the unwedded mother? Who does that? Now looking down at the man who doesnt have the balls to take care of a woman he impregnates or his children, that seems like someone who should be looked down upon.

Of course, we could avoid all of this if people just didnt have sex before marriage and stayed faithful afterwards.

Sex before marriage is only forbidden because of the religious perception that anything that gives pleasure must be sinful. It hasn't but a couple of decades ago that rape victims in this country were afraid to accuse their attacker without being victimized again by the court system putting the victim and her past on trial.

It is those same people that maintained that atmosphere toward rape victims that, to this day, look down on unwed mothers and their "bastard spawns." Many Christian conservatives are not yet open-minded to see a single mom as just a mom.
inserting random query here-->

Isn't the Episcopal church the only denomination that is close to including gays/lesbians---not certain about leadership roles. I read some Episcopal churches now perform a blessing ceremony--not the sacrament of marriage.

The Episcopal church has split over the ordination of a gay priest. I heard recently that presbyterians split over gay marriage with the formation of the evangelical presbyterian church which forbids same sex marriage.

If anyone thinks this guy is going to go against traditional values they will be sorely disappointed.

That is what I thought. There are individual churches in my area that seem to be very inclusive. The formal position of the denomination I don't believe can be changed in the near future --if ever.

Anyway--Pope Francis strikes me as pragmatic. Do what you can do and leave the rest to God.

Let's hope so.
Should the Catholic Church abandon its anti-woman, anti-gay policies,

just to be more popular? Or should it stay a few centuries behind the times in the name of principles?
Jesuits are known as 'God's Marines' and while you might question the directness of the chain of command they claim they are not the typical bureaucratic functionary most often seen in the papacy. If you were betting this bunch of Cardinals would ever elect a pro choice Pope well, your out of luck - and please become part of my home poker games. O always welcome those who will draw to inside straights. Of course the new Pope is socially conservative. But Paul Ryan just got a dedicated and determined self styled Soldier who will doggedly oppose his fiscal plans
Check out the Washington Posts wonk blog for "Everything You ever Wanted to Know about Pope Francis Macroeconomic Views". After watching his nation suffer under IMF enforced austerity for years the new Pope can be counted on to be as big an affliction to the comfortable who would afflict the rest of us as any Pope ever was.
In the words of the new head of the Catholic Church:
“The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers.”
The first Jesuit Pope is likely to rock the boat - reducing the insularity and privileges of the priesthood and making them more like his martial organization and holding politicians to account for their economic as well as their social deviations from official Catholic dogma.

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