what will the world be like if Iran gets the bomb ?

There were plenty of inspections, Super Duper
Yeah, from outside the facilities. Just like the Democrat election officials let Republican election officials view the ballot counting from 50 feet away. Go team!
if Iran gets the bomb what effect will it have on the daily lives of people in this country and around the world ! Iron has been raking in billions in oil rev in the past 3 yrs allowing them to spend more on their nuke program ! what level of threat will the world face once they get nukes ?

The possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) by any country raises significant concerns and is a complex issue with various political, strategic, and legal dimensions. Let's consider the specific cases of Iran and Israel:

1. Iran: The concern surrounding Iran's nuclear program relates to fears that it might seek to develop nuclear weapons. The international community, including the United Nations Security Council, has expressed reservations about Iran's nuclear activities.

Concerns primarily stem from suspicion about the potential military dimension of Iran's nuclear program and the lack of transparency in its nuclear activities. Iran's uranium enrichment activities have raised alarm bells, as highly enriched uranium can be used for both civilian and military purposes.

Iran has consistently maintained that its nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity and producing medical isotopes. Iran is a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which allows countries to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes while committing to not develop nuclear weapons.

However, there have been concerns about Iran's compliance with its NPT obligations, resulting in sanctions and diplomatic efforts to address the issue.

2. Israel: The question of Israel's possession of nuclear weapons is a matter of speculation, as Israel has never publicly acknowledged or denied having nuclear weapons. This ambiguity is known as a "policy of strategic ambiguity" and has been maintained by Israel for strategic and security reasons.

Israel's rationale for maintaining this posture is rooted in perceived security threats from its adversaries in the region.Israel is not a signatory to the NPT but has chosen to pursue a policy of nuclear ambiguity by neither confirming nor denying the possession of nuclear weapons.

This differs from Iran, which is a signatory to the NPT but has faced scrutiny due to concerns about its nuclear program's potential military dimension. The disparity in treatment by the international community stems from differing perceptions, geopolitical dynamics, and historical factors.

Discussions surrounding WMDs are multifaceted and often highly politicized. International efforts, including treaties and non-proliferation norms, aim to prevent the spread of WMDs and ensure safeguards against their use, irrespective of the country involved.

Both Iran and Israel have prisons. Meaning: not all of their citizens are good people. Yes, some Jews or Muslims can act just like Satan! lol. :)
The possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) by any country raises significant concerns and is a complex issue with various political, strategic, and legal dimensions. Let's consider the specific cases of Iran and Israel:

1. Iran: The concern surrounding Iran's nuclear program relates to fears that it might seek to develop nuclear weapons. The international community, including the United Nations Security Council, has expressed reservations about Iran's nuclear activities.

Concerns primarily stem from suspicion about the potential military dimension of Iran's nuclear program and the lack of transparency in its nuclear activities. Iran's uranium enrichment activities have raised alarm bells, as highly enriched uranium can be used for both civilian and military purposes.

Iran has consistently maintained that its nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity and producing medical isotopes. Iran is a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which allows countries to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes while committing to not develop nuclear weapons.

However, there have been concerns about Iran's compliance with its NPT obligations, resulting in sanctions and diplomatic efforts to address the issue.

2. Israel: The question of Israel's possession of nuclear weapons is a matter of speculation, as Israel has never publicly acknowledged or denied having nuclear weapons. This ambiguity is known as a "policy of strategic ambiguity" and has been maintained by Israel for strategic and security reasons.

Israel's rationale for maintaining this posture is rooted in perceived security threats from its adversaries in the region.Israel is not a signatory to the NPT but has chosen to pursue a policy of nuclear ambiguity by neither confirming nor denying the possession of nuclear weapons.

This differs from Iran, which is a signatory to the NPT but has faced scrutiny due to concerns about its nuclear program's potential military dimension. The disparity in treatment by the international community stems from differing perceptions, geopolitical dynamics, and historical factors.

Discussions surrounding WMDs are multifaceted and often highly politicized. International efforts, including treaties and non-proliferation norms, aim to prevent the spread of WMDs and ensure safeguards against their use, irrespective of the country involved.

Both Iran and Israel have prisons. Meaning: not all of their citizens are good people. Yes, some Jews or Muslims can act just like Satan! lol. :)
Iran wants the bomb .. if they get it they will not hesitate to implement ways to covertly smuggle a bomb into another country and detonate it .. i dont see them putting one on a missile and attacking Israel [it would be shot down ] but would they attempt to smuggle it in ?
Yeah, from outside the facilities. Just like the Democrat election officials let Republican election officials view the ballot counting from 50 feet away. Go team!
What's fake news about my statement, francoHFW ? Didn't see the videos on election night 2020?
Yeah, from outside the facilities. Just like the Democrat election officials let Republican election officials view the ballot counting from 50 feet away. Go team!
All total garbage GOP propaganda Super Duper. Totally discredited after investigation after investigation because of all the crap your heroes pump out
What's fake news about my statement, francoHFW ? Didn't see the videos on election night 2020?
I saw what 60 plus courtrooms and judges and juries had to say about your ridiculous baloney,,,, Your total disrespect for all our institutions and public servants makes you a functional anti American crud... All based on baloney from proven liars and scumbags. Election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Biden corruption fraud is all your garbage propaganda absolutely no evidence that stands up in court on any of it.
All total garbage GOP propaganda Super Duper. Totally discredited after investigation after investigation because of all the crap your heroes pump out

Discredited? One American News Network (OANN) televised the goings on during the vote counting and the left forced them off the air. Of course CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC never showed one second of the criminal proceedings. Don't worry, it's all been recorded and when time comes to pay the piper, the bastards will be punished.
I saw what 60 plus courtrooms and judges and juries had to say about your ridiculous baloney,,,, Your total disrespect for all our institutions and public servants makes you a functional anti American crud... All based on baloney from proven liars and scumbags. Election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Biden corruption fraud is all your garbage propaganda absolutely no evidence that stands up in court on any of it.

Ever heard of vigilante justice? I hope it doesn't come to that but if it does, cest la vie. Shit happens.
Ever heard of vigilante justice? I hope it doesn't come to that but if it does, cest la vie. Shit happens.
I have heard of brainwashed functional Nazi thugs... they don't get very far, the local police take care of them here in America....
Ever heard of vigilante justice? I hope it doesn't come to that but if it does, cest la vie. Shit happens.
We already saw that the entire American legal system says the whole thing is crazy, just like 99% of the world and half of your party. But thank you for your service
Iran wants the bomb .. if they get it they will not hesitate to implement ways to covertly smuggle a bomb into another country and detonate it .. i dont see them putting one on a missile and attacking Israel [it would be shot down ] but would they attempt to smuggle it in ?

Do you remember Atoms for Peace?
if Iran gets the bomb what effect will it have on the daily lives of people in this country and around the world ! Iron has been raking in billions in oil rev in the past 3 yrs allowing them to spend more on their nuke program ! what level of threat will the world face once they get nukes ?

Much like it is now.

First the moron promotes Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile program, now he peddles it to Saudi Arabia, to, yes folks, counter his handing the same stuff to Iran. Fucking idiots.
Russia and China help Iran, not the US.
if Iran gets the bomb what effect will it have on the daily lives of people in this country and around the world ! Iron has been raking in billions in oil rev in the past 3 yrs allowing them to spend more on their nuke program ! what level of threat will the world face once they get nukes ?

Israel threatens Iran for 2 decades so Iran is convinced they need a nuclear weapon.. KSA lobbies against nuclear proliferation for 60 years, but if Iran gets the bomb, they need a bomb.
Discredited? One American News Network (OANN) televised the goings on during the vote counting and the left forced them off the air. Of course CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC never showed one second of the criminal proceedings. Don't worry, it's all been recorded and when time comes to pay the piper, the bastards will be punished.
I believe they were interfering with the vote count and attracting little hordes of GOP Trumper thugs LOL. The whole thing was a total joke and now the people are suing you for putting their names out in STUPID propaganda. Election workers who are volunteers. Poor America.
Dude, the local police are on our side.
Just like the Capitol police. Cops do not sit around all day listening to garbage seditious totally false totally discredited propaganda. Every reason you have for sedition is total crap no evidence BS. Change the channel and rejoin polite society.....

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