What % will you pay? World Wide Communisn anyone?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Listen up and pay attention people. Read both articles in full. Human lives mean nothing to communist who desire to tax the whole world for their agendas.

From Patrick Wood. "WARNING: The UN is targeting YOUR SAVINGS to pay for Sustainable Development!"

UN Chief To Reshape Global Finance For Sustainable Development

Secretary-General Ant—nio Guterres speaks at the Financing the 2030 Agenda, ÒThe Role of the United NationsÓ at the UN on Sunday, September 18, 2017. While Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, right and H.E. Ms. Gabriela Michetti, Vice President of Argentina, left, listen on. (UN Photo/Ariana Lindquist)

Written By: UN News Centre September 18, 2017

Danger: The Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, said that “trillions of dollars need to be mobilized a year by tapping into the savings of citizens around the world…” The financing fix for Sustainable Development is revealed: simply take it from citizens’ saving accounts. Actually, if Sustainable Development is completely established in place of Capitalism/Free Enterprise, private property (including savings) will be wiped out anyway. ⁃ TN Editor
As the high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly gets underway, Secretary-General António Guterres today stressed the role of the UN to help reshape “unproductive and unrewarding” finance and redirect investment to creating a better world for all.

“The choices we make on finance will be critical,” Mr. Guterres told a special event held at the UN Headquarters in New York on financing for global development goals.

Mr. Guterres noted that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – adopted by UN Member States in September 2015 – are a blueprint for building an inclusive, sustainable fair globalization.

“We can choose to bemoan the lack of financing for the 2030 Agenda in a world awash with so much unproductive and unrewarding finance. Or we can grasp the opportunity to reshape finance, according to our urgent, collective needs,” he said. “The choice is clear. Let us invest in the 2030 Agenda and finance a better world for all.”

However, today’s global financial system, which manages some $300 trillion in financial assets, is simply not fit for purpose, the UN chief said, recalling that the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, adopted in 2015 at an international conference in the Ethiopian capital on financing for development, highlights the importance of being innovative in leveraging resources and financing for development.

The UN’s three-part strategy for enhancing its support to financing the 2030 Agenda would help achieve short- and medium-term results, he said.

The Secretary-General said that he will lead UN efforts to ensure that the objectives of the 2030 Agenda are fully reflected in international economic and financial policies by working closely with key inter-governmental platforms, such as the G20.

Second, he will reform the UN development system to strengthen its country teams, and third, he will champion key international initiatives that can harness large-scale changes in financing and financial system development, such as in the fields of digitalization and climate finance and in cooperating with major investment initiatives.....................................

Iran Pledges Full Support of U.N.'s 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development

The 'exactor' (taxer of men).
Daniel 11:1 (ESV)
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I think his biggest concern was the people being slaughtered by the military.

Since 1990, more than 10 million African civilians have died in tribal and civil wars. The media doesn't devote a minute of air time to it.

But, every time a Palestinian gets a hang nail, Christiane Anampour will be there with a camera crew from CNN to highlight the atrocity.
Antonio Guterres, an avowed Catholic with numerous ties to Jesuits is the U.N secretary general.........who woulda thunk it?

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