What with all this talk of homosexuality

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nt250 said:
Smoking. Now you hit me where I live. I, too, perform a behavior that many people find disgusting. I smoke. I think it's absolutely hilarious whenever a gay rights advocate uses the smoking agrument. Heads up: they've passed laws that STOP me from performing my behavior that so disgusts others. The gay rights movement has passed laws that pevent people from showing disgust.

Bad example. So you no longer smoke?
sitarro said:
If you have ever known a homosexual, you know that marriage and monogamy in general is completely against the whole lifestyle. This whole issue is bullshit and a waste of time.

And you have a credible stat to back up momogamy stats. Be careful now, Pale posted a link that was blown out of the water...
Dr Grump said:
Bad example. So you no longer smoke?

You're not kidding that it's a bad example! No one is born smoking, but people ARE born gay. Likening the two isn't really appropriate at all.

Also, even if it were appropriate, say someone finds the wearing of fur offensive and I happen to like wearing fur. It's none of their business and I should be able to wear my furs as much as I please without anyone passing Constitutional Amendments keeping me from wearing them. And, frankly, stigmatizing people says nothing about the people being stigmatized and everything about the fear of those who stigmatize them.
jillian said:
You're not kidding that it's a bad example! No one is born smoking, but people ARE born gay. Likening the two isn't really appropriate at all.

Also, even if it were appropriate, say someone finds the wearing of fur offensive and I happen to like wearing fur. It's none of their business and I should be able to wear my furs as much as I please without anyone passing Constitutional Amendments keeping me from wearing them. And, frankly, stigmatizing people says nothing about the people being stigmatized and everything about the fear of those who stigmatize them.

Bull. Homosexuality is a behavioral problem. There is NO evidence to support your statement. Just some far-fetched grasping for straws.
GunnyL said:
Bull. Homosexuality is a behavioral problem. There is NO evidence to support your statement. Just some far-fetched grasping for straws.

Back it up. Are you a behavioural psychologist, or is it just a "feeling" you have?
jillian said:
You're not kidding that it's a bad example! No one is born smoking, but people ARE born gay. Likening the two isn't really appropriate at all.

Also, even if it were appropriate, say someone finds the wearing of fur offensive and I happen to like wearing fur. It's none of their business and I should be able to wear my furs as much as I please without anyone passing Constitutional Amendments keeping me from wearing them. And, frankly, stigmatizing people says nothing about the people being stigmatized and everything about the fear of those who stigmatize them.

I've yet to meet a homosexual who one day up and decided to "behave" like one. You? And what is this behaviour bizzo anyway? So, all homosexuals are really hetrosexual? So, um, why become homosexual? Defies even the most basic logic IMO.
jillian said:
You're not kidding that it's a bad example! No one is born smoking, but people ARE born gay. Likening the two isn't really appropriate at all.

Also, even if it were appropriate, say someone finds the wearing of fur offensive and I happen to like wearing fur. It's none of their business and I should be able to wear my furs as much as I please without anyone passing Constitutional Amendments keeping me from wearing them. And, frankly, stigmatizing people says nothing about the people being stigmatized and everything about the fear of those who stigmatize them.
Granted. However there should not be an ammendment passed to codify your right to wear fur.
Dr Grump said:
I've yet to meet a homosexual who one day up and decided to "behave" like one. You? And what is this behaviour bizzo anyway? So, all homosexuals are really hetrosexual? So, um, why become homosexual? Defies even the most basic logic IMO.
I don't know. Really. However all the 'discussions' have led to many high school students trying both, because they are there. Really.

try this search for alarming news:

Dr Grump said:
Nor should there be one allowing gays to marry. They should be able to do it as a matter of right...
Wrong. Marriage carries with it certain benefits, to the couple and society. I haven't a problem with civil unions, contracts, etc.
Kathianne said:
Wrong. Marriage carries with it certain benefits, to the couple and society. I haven't a problem with civil unions, contracts, etc.

And homosexual people should miss out on those benefits because it doesn't adhere to certain people's narrow world views?
Dr Grump said:
And homosexual people should miss out on those benefits because it doesn't adhere to certain people's narrow world views?

No, but your naroow world view doesn't address the REAL issue here. The laws and/or corporate rules that discriminate against who one can claim as next of kin and/or benficiary are what is wrong here, not the fact that normal people refuse to accept homosexuality as normal behavior.
GunnyL said:
No, but your naroow world view doesn't address the REAL issue here. The laws and/or corporate rules that discriminate against who one can claim as next of kin and/or benficiary are what is wrong here, not the fact that normal people refuse to accept homosexuality as normal behavior.

How is my world view narrow? I'm the one being inclusive here. You are the one being exclusive...
Dr Grump said:
And homosexual people should miss out on those benefits because it doesn't adhere to certain people's narrow world views?

choices have consequences……although they could get a good attorney and not miss out on anything
nt250 said:
Are you a moron or do you just play one on the internet?

A personal attack. Even name-calling. I expected as much. Did I call you names? Nope.

nt250 said:
Let's take school prayer first. How many Christian groups have managed to get laws passed that demand that their children be allowed to pray in a public school? None that I know of. It's up to each school district and each principal what they'll put up with. I worked with a devout Christian and even after the Supreme Court ruled that student led prayer should be allowed, I heard him on the phone many times with the school complaining about his daughter being bullied for carrying a bible. By the fucking teachers! Maybe in the South they're more tolerant of religion in schools, but they sure as hell aren't here in Massachusetts.

School prayer is a perfect example, but let’s keep it consistent. You are jumping all over the map. Do you want to focus on the executive branch of government or on the judicial branch? You say that you don’t know of any Christian groups having managed to get laws passed demanding that their children be allowed to pray in school. I doubt that any Gay groups managed to get laws passed they want either. Then you say that the Supreme Court ruled that student led prayer should be allowed. Christian groups probably put pressure on judges to rule in their favor on those and similar issues. I can just imagine the cries that go out from the “700 Club” and the “American Center for Law and Justice” – Pat Robertson’s buddy. The bottom line is that groups (Christian and Gay, Capitalistic and Communistic, Management and Labor, etc.) try to put pressure on practically all branches of government to try to get what it wants. You don’t want homosexual behavior flaunted. You don’t want people to be recruited into the so-called “homosexual lifestyle”. Perhaps I don’t want Christian proselytizing at my school with prayers and bibles practically thrown in my face. I suspect that to the extent that Gay groups have managed to get laws passed that that demand that they be allowed to exhibit their relationship publicly, Christian groups managed to get laws passed that demand that their children be allowed to pray in public school. If Christian groups have not succeeded, it is not for lack of trying.

“For example, in the weeks after the tragic shootings in Colorado the Religious Right quickly renewed their call for a school prayer amendment and tried to make the issue a litmus test for Republican presidential candidates. Playing on a favorite myth of theirs, Religious Right leaders claimed that God has been "thrown out of our schools" or that students are banned from expressing their personal faith.”


nt250 said:
Smoking. Now you hit me where I live. I, too, perform a behavior that many people find disgusting. I smoke. I think it's absolutely hilarious whenever a gay rights advocate uses the smoking agrument. Heads up: they've passed laws that STOP me from performing my behavior that so disgusts others. The gay rights movement has passed laws that pevent people from showing disgust. Get it?

Cigarettes have not been outlawed. Government has not outlawed smoking. You may even smoke in some public areas. You may even puff your ugly and smelly smoke in other people’s vicinity and line of vision. Similarly, as far as I know, gays are allowed to kiss in at least some public areas. In either case, people may show disgust. You can exhibit facial expressions that communicate that you don’t approve of what the gays are doing. You can even tell them that you don’t like what they do. Likewise, I can see someone smoking in public and say that I don’t like what he does.

nt250 said:
It's the tactics of the gay rights movement that I find so horrendous. I don't give a rats ass what two people do in the privacy of their own homes, or out behind the rest area on 95, but keep it the hell away from my kid and my kids school. You want your 6 year old to read Heather Has Two Mommies? Fine, read it to them, but keep it out of my kids school.

I should have the right to be offended by the behavior of others. And I should have the right to judge people based on the behavior they display. If you pick your nose and eat it, it's not enough that I never see you do it. I don't want to know that you have ever done it, because as much as you may enjoy it, I find it a disgusting personal habit.

This is all so parallel. I don’t like the smokers’ movement or the “Prayer” movement. I don’t give a rat’s ass what a guy does in the privacy of his own home. Or out behind a private church, but keep it the hell away form my kids and my school. You want your 6 year old to hear a prayer or the bible being read? Fine, read it to them, but keep it out of my kids’ school.

We both have the right to be offended by the behavior of others. And we have the right to judge people based on the behavior they display. Where is it written that you do not have such rights? If you chant prayers, it's not enough that I never see you do it. I don't want to know that you have ever done it, because as much as you may enjoy it, I find it a disgusting personal habit.
Dr Grump said:
How is my world view narrow? I'm the one being inclusive here. You are the one being exclusive...

Incorrect. The law is fair and equal as it is. The laws/rules that govern who one cannot claim as next of kin/beneficiary are not fair and equal, and should be changed so that they are.

In other words, you "geniuses" on the left are and have been attacking the wrong thing. Nice going, Einsteins.

I am not being exclusive. There is a big difference between being exclusive and believing laws should nto be made that cater to aberrant minorities.

You are only being inclusive because obviously you just don't give a damn about the future of our society. Your hackneyed statement says it all ... "How does it affect you?" As long it doesn't hamper YOUR personal convenience, the good of our society be damned.
GunnyL said:
You are only being inclusive because obviously you just don't give a damn about the future of our society. Your hackneyed statement says it all ... "How does it affect you?" As long it doesn't hamper YOUR personal convenience, the good of our society be damned.

It is not convenient to me. The idea of two guys giving it to each other up the Gary makes me squirm. Thing is, it's none of business, just like you bonking your wife/girlfriend/partner/whatever is not of their's. And how does it affect society, Brains? Hint: it doesn't.
Dr Grump said:
It is not convenient to me. The idea of two guys giving it to each other up the Gary makes me squirm. Thing is, it's none of business, just like you bonking your wife/girlfriend/partner/whatever is not of their's. And how does it affect society, Brains? Hint: it doesn't.

I've already stated hot it affects society to the point of it being as nauseous as your "how does it affect you?" line. You just keep ignoring it.

It is my business when you are willing to legitimize by legislation abnormal behavior and tell my children it is normal when it isn't. It is my business when you demand homosexual contributors to this Nation be mention in just that vein in history books my kids read in school.

I can't spell it out any clearer. If you don't think the majority being forced by special laws to cater to the sexually deviant behavior of an aberrant minority is wrong, then you just aren't thinking at all.
GunnyL said:
I've already stated hot it affects society to the point of it being as nauseous as your "how does it affect you?" line. You just keep ignoring it.

It is my business when you are willing to legitimize by legislation abnormal behavior and tell my children it is normal when it isn't. It is my business when you demand homosexual contributors to this Nation be mention in just that vein in history books my kids read in school.

I can't spell it out any clearer. If you don't think the majority being forced by special laws to cater to the sexually deviant behavior of an aberrant minority is wrong, then you just aren't thinking at all.

I do not demand any such thing re text books. I think it is a stupid idea. And as far as I'm concerned their behaviour is none of your business. And you may think you have explained how it affects society, but you haven't. Just your own opinion...
Dr Grump said:
I do not demand any such thing re text books. I think it is a stupid idea. And as far as I'm concerned their behaviour is none of your business. And you may think you have explained how it affects society, but you haven't. Just your own opinion...

This is the same little merry go round game that you and others like you love to play. We could come up with a thousand scientist that dispute your one homosexual scientist(working to help fund AIDS research)and you would say the same thing, it's just their opinion. It is all opinions including those of the socalled scientist, the homosexual who thinks he was "born that way", the lesbian who was abused as a little girl, the homosexual who was abused as a little boy, your opinion, my opinion, Jilians opinion......as long as the debate can be extended with that one sentence.......:blah2: :blah2: :blah2:

I for one, am bored with it all....later.
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