What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

What I find so bloody amazing, as well as so damn hypocritical are these "small government" types, predominately males, being so fixated on controlling various aspects of a woman's vagina to the point of an obsession. Then in the next breath, these same control freaks claim their damn guns should all be unfettered from any control under law.

An abortion of a non-viable fetus denies the POTENTIAL for a living being. A gun shot through the head or heart of any person ENDS the life of a living being. Time to end this fucking hypocrisy. Women are not chattel and weapons don't enhance your manhood, fools.

None of us “‘small government’ types, predominately [sic] males” defend any “right” to end the life of any living human being, except under extremely drastic circumstances. And even if you could rationally pin on us, every last bit of the death and destruction that can in any way be attributed to the use of firearms and our adherence to the Second Amendment and the right which it affirms, it is nothing compared to the deaths that you defend via abortion.

Oh the drama! If you want to make abortion go away, do something about the poverty that causes it.

Would that you cared about living breathing children as much as you care for those in the womb.
Progressives always want to blame mistakes on the other guy… And have them pay for it to boot.

Personal responsibility is foreign to the progressive
Bullshit. It would have been higher without abortions. This is not rocket surgery, dumbass.

How exactly does killing babies make for a higher birth rate again?

Why would it have been higher?

You see, here's the point you don't get. The legend you nuts tell yourself is that before Roe, women were obediently having their babies and sucking it up.

The reality is, they went to their OB/GYN's, who performed abortions and wrote something else down on the chart.

So that would mean that there were just as many abortions being performed pre-Roe as after Roe, because women were not getting abortions like that was a new thing for them.

The court was making the law keep up with the reality. These were laws that were never enforced, routinely ignored and needed to be struck down, but they state legislators didn't have the guts to stand up to the Churches and do it.

Because, you flaming retard, every life snuffed out is a life that could have been.

There would have been more people if babies didn't get killed, moron.

Your stupidity is mind-boggling, seriously.

There should be a study done on ya, Holy Fuck! :eek:
What I find so bloody amazing, as well as so damn hypocritical are these "small government" types, predominately males, being so fixated on controlling various aspects of a woman's vagina to the point of an obsession. Then in the next breath, these same control freaks claim their damn guns should all be unfettered from any control under law.

An abortion of a non-viable fetus denies the POTENTIAL for a living being. A gun shot through the head or heart of any person ENDS the life of a living being. Time to end this fucking hypocrisy. Women are not chattel and weapons don't enhance your manhood, fools.

None of us “‘small government’ types, predominately [sic] males” defend any “right” to end the life of any living human being, except under extremely drastic circumstances. And even if you could rationally pin on us, every last bit of the death and destruction that can in any way be attributed to the use of firearms and our adherence to the Second Amendment and the right which it affirms, it is nothing compared to the deaths that you defend via abortion.

It's not a "human life". It's developing tissue, and 1/3 of all pregnancies abort spontaneously. A woman's body will abort the fetus if she isn't properly nourished or isn't physically capable of carrying her child to term, or if it isn't developing properly.

God gave women the free will to choose when to add to their families and women will NOT let you take that away, AGAIN. Too many women died. This is our "NEVER AGAIN'.
Conservative women have the opposite view that you do… Live with it and NEVER AGAIN tell them what to do.
Because, you flaming retard, every life snuffed out is a life that could have been.

There would have been more people if babies didn't get killed, moron.

Except there was no change in the numbers. Just as many women had abortions before and after Roe.

Roe didn't cause more abortions, it just decriminalized the ones that were already happening.

Just like the 21st Amendment decriminalized all the drinking that was already going on.
It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame
It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

Nobody really says that. Donated tissues aren't life... we transplant tissues from dead people all the time.
It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame

The hypocrisy of claiming you believe in personal rights and freedom for all, and yet you would force a woman to have a child she cannot afford to either carry or raise, while denying this same woman any income or job protections or assistance in raising the child, is beyond hypocrisy.

Being pregnant is physical abuse from start to finish. The nausea, the painful stretching of skin, the kicking, and total physical discomfort, your body is never the same after child birth, and not for the better either. The last month of pregnancy, when you can't sleep at night, the kicking has become painful, and your bladder is the size of the teaspoon, is so horrible that you actually look forward to 8 plus hour of pain and squeezing a watermelon out your urethura to get it out of you. That any woman is willing to go through this more than once, is a testament to just how much we want children. But to be forced to endure something like this is the very antithesis of humanity or freedom.

Fetal tissue has been instrumental in coming up with ways of slowing down degenerative diseases because fetal tissue is designed to generate growth. It contains the ability to help damaged or dying tissue regenerate and heal itself, precisely because it is human tissue at the earliest stages of development.

If you want to end all of this "innocent loss of life", start supporting mandated maternity leaves and job protections for the poorest workers. Ensure that all women's healthcare insurance pays for birth control, and all of the medical tests the government has inflicted upon women BEFORE they're given a presecription to prevent pregnancy. Make all of it free and readily accessible to poor women. Do not allow any insurance policy to be sold which lists "prenancy" or "rape" as a "pre-existing condition". Do not allow insurance companies to sell health insurance to women unless its covers their reproductive health. An employer's religious beliefs have no bearing on his employee's health insurance. It is HER health insurance. It is part of HER wages, and as such, it she meet her needs, not his beliefs. He is free to not use birth control, but he has no right to deny a woman's right to have her health care cover her private reproductive health care decisions, when health care is part of her compensation package.
It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame

The hypocrisy of claiming you believe in personal rights and freedom for all, and yet you would force a woman to have a child she cannot afford to either carry or raise, while denying this same woman any income or job protections or assistance in raising the child, is beyond hypocrisy.

Being pregnant is physical abuse from start to finish. The nausea, the painful stretching of skin, the kicking, and total physical discomfort, your body is never the same after child birth, and not for the better either. The last month of pregnancy, when you can't sleep at night, the kicking has become painful, and your bladder is the size of the teaspoon, is so horrible that you actually look forward to 8 plus hour of pain and squeezing a watermelon out your urethura to get it out of you. That any woman is willing to go through this more than once, is a testament to just how much we want children. But to be forced to endure something like this is the very antithesis of humanity or freedom.

Fetal tissue has been instrumental in coming up with ways of slowing down degenerative diseases because fetal tissue is designed to generate growth. It contains the ability to help damaged or dying tissue regenerate and heal itself, precisely because it is human tissue at the earliest stages of development.

If you want to end all of this "innocent loss of life", start supporting mandated maternity leaves and job protections for the poorest workers. Ensure that all women's healthcare insurance pays for birth control, and all of the medical tests the government has inflicted upon women BEFORE they're given a presecription to prevent pregnancy. Make all of it free and readily accessible to poor women. Do not allow any insurance policy to be sold which lists "prenancy" or "rape" as a "pre-existing condition". Do not allow insurance companies to sell health insurance to women unless its covers their reproductive health. An employer's religious beliefs have no bearing on his employee's health insurance. It is HER health insurance. It is part of HER wages, and as such, it she meet her needs, not his beliefs. He is free to not use birth control, but he has no right to deny a woman's right to have her health care cover her private reproductive health care decisions, when health care is part of her compensation package.
Basically you’re putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone, sure it looks like you’re doing something but in reality you’re making things much worse.

You’re missing the point, of course immoral behavior will increase pregnancies and abortions.
Why apologize for immoral behavior, by Increasing ways of not paying the consequences for that behavior?

I know the progressive/liberal moto is “if it feels good do it” damned The consequences of that behavior. And why not seek out ways to get out of those consequences of that behavior? That’s what political correctness is for.

So I get it, like you say giving birth is a pain in the ass... And no man will “get it”.
But in the long run most good things are the result of working your ass off for. Nobody remembers “easy”...

But in the end, like I said there are three parties involved in an abortion… There is only one that pays the ultimate price. And that is a shame.
No, they'll eventually become criminals because they won't have parents who loved them, they'll have parents who resented them. Legalized abortion was the greatest cause to the decline in crime that started in the 1990's...
More nonsense.

Relationship between abortion and child abuse. - PubMed - NCBI

Stop lying in order to justify the mass murder of innocent unborn babies. People might conclude you are a hate-filled bastard.
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More nonsense.

Relationship between abortion and child abuse. - PubMed - NCBI

Stop lying in order to justify the mass murder of innocent unborn babies. People might conclude you are a hate-filled bastard.

More propaganda.


Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia

Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago and John Donohue of Yale University revived discussion of this claim with their 2001 paper "The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime".[3] Donohue and Levitt point to the fact that males aged 18 to 24 are most likely to commit crimes. Data indicates that crime in the United States started to decline in 1992. Donohue and Levitt suggest that the absence of unwanted children, following legalization in 1973, led to a reduction in crime 18 years later, starting in 1992 and dropping sharply in 1995. These would have been the peak crime-committing years of the unborn children.[4][5]

According to Donohue and Levitt, states that had abortion legalized earlier should have the earliest reductions in crime. Donohue and Levitt's study indicates that this indeed has happened: Alaska, California, Hawaii, New York, Oregon and Washington experienced steeper drops in crime, and had legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade. Further, states with a high abortion rate have experienced a greater reduction in crime, when corrected for factors like average income.[6] Finally, studies in Canada and Australia claim[clarification needed] to have established a correlation between legalized abortion and overall crime reduction.[6]
More or less the same.

Anyone who thinks that making abortion illegal will stop women from getting them are as ignorant as those who think the 'War on Drugs' will even remotely stop people from using illicit drugs.
It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame

The hypocrisy of claiming you believe in personal rights and freedom for all, and yet you would force a woman to have a child she cannot afford to either carry or raise, while denying this same woman any income or job protections or assistance in raising the child, is beyond hypocrisy.

Being pregnant is physical abuse from start to finish. The nausea, the painful stretching of skin, the kicking, and total physical discomfort, your body is never the same after child birth, and not for the better either. The last month of pregnancy, when you can't sleep at night, the kicking has become painful, and your bladder is the size of the teaspoon, is so horrible that you actually look forward to 8 plus hour of pain and squeezing a watermelon out your urethura to get it out of you. That any woman is willing to go through this more than once, is a testament to just how much we want children. But to be forced to endure something like this is the very antithesis of humanity or freedom.

Fetal tissue has been instrumental in coming up with ways of slowing down degenerative diseases because fetal tissue is designed to generate growth. It contains the ability to help damaged or dying tissue regenerate and heal itself, precisely because it is human tissue at the earliest stages of development.

If you want to end all of this "innocent loss of life", start supporting mandated maternity leaves and job protections for the poorest workers. Ensure that all women's healthcare insurance pays for birth control, and all of the medical tests the government has inflicted upon women BEFORE they're given a presecription to prevent pregnancy. Make all of it free and readily accessible to poor women. Do not allow any insurance policy to be sold which lists "prenancy" or "rape" as a "pre-existing condition". Do not allow insurance companies to sell health insurance to women unless its covers their reproductive health. An employer's religious beliefs have no bearing on his employee's health insurance. It is HER health insurance. It is part of HER wages, and as such, it she meet her needs, not his beliefs. He is free to not use birth control, but he has no right to deny a woman's right to have her health care cover her private reproductive health care decisions, when health care is part of her compensation package.
Basically you’re putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone, sure it looks like you’re doing something but in reality you’re making things much worse.

You’re missing the point, of course immoral behavior will increase pregnancies and abortions.
Why apologize for immoral behavior, by Increasing ways of not paying the consequences for that behavior?

I know the progressive/liberal moto is “if it feels good do it” damned The consequences of that behavior. And why not seek out ways to get out of those consequences of that behavior? That’s what political correctness is for.

So I get it, like you say giving birth is a pain in the ass... And no man will “get it”.
But in the long run most good things are the result of working your ass off for. Nobody remembers “easy”...

But in the end, like I said there are three parties involved in an abortion… There is only one that pays the ultimate price. And that is a shame.

And you’re wrong. Countries where abortion is illegal have HIGHER rates of abortion than places where it’s legal, accessible and cheap.

Canada’s rate of abortion is half that of the USA. Abortion is fully legal here and it’s free. Free and open abortions don’t increase abortion or “immorality”. The opposite is true.

Poverty drives abortion, not morality. Ever abortion stat out there is based on poverty.
It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame

The hypocrisy of claiming you believe in personal rights and freedom for all, and yet you would force a woman to have a child she cannot afford to either carry or raise, while denying this same woman any income or job protections or assistance in raising the child, is beyond hypocrisy.

Being pregnant is physical abuse from start to finish. The nausea, the painful stretching of skin, the kicking, and total physical discomfort, your body is never the same after child birth, and not for the better either. The last month of pregnancy, when you can't sleep at night, the kicking has become painful, and your bladder is the size of the teaspoon, is so horrible that you actually look forward to 8 plus hour of pain and squeezing a watermelon out your urethura to get it out of you. That any woman is willing to go through this more than once, is a testament to just how much we want children. But to be forced to endure something like this is the very antithesis of humanity or freedom.

Fetal tissue has been instrumental in coming up with ways of slowing down degenerative diseases because fetal tissue is designed to generate growth. It contains the ability to help damaged or dying tissue regenerate and heal itself, precisely because it is human tissue at the earliest stages of development.

If you want to end all of this "innocent loss of life", start supporting mandated maternity leaves and job protections for the poorest workers. Ensure that all women's healthcare insurance pays for birth control, and all of the medical tests the government has inflicted upon women BEFORE they're given a presecription to prevent pregnancy. Make all of it free and readily accessible to poor women. Do not allow any insurance policy to be sold which lists "prenancy" or "rape" as a "pre-existing condition". Do not allow insurance companies to sell health insurance to women unless its covers their reproductive health. An employer's religious beliefs have no bearing on his employee's health insurance. It is HER health insurance. It is part of HER wages, and as such, it she meet her needs, not his beliefs. He is free to not use birth control, but he has no right to deny a woman's right to have her health care cover her private reproductive health care decisions, when health care is part of her compensation package.
Basically you’re putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone, sure it looks like you’re doing something but in reality you’re making things much worse.

You’re missing the point, of course immoral behavior will increase pregnancies and abortions.
Why apologize for immoral behavior, by Increasing ways of not paying the consequences for that behavior?

I know the progressive/liberal moto is “if it feels good do it” damned The consequences of that behavior. And why not seek out ways to get out of those consequences of that behavior? That’s what political correctness is for.

So I get it, like you say giving birth is a pain in the ass... And no man will “get it”.
But in the long run most good things are the result of working your ass off for. Nobody remembers “easy”...

But in the end, like I said there are three parties involved in an abortion… There is only one that pays the ultimate price. And that is a shame.

And you’re wrong. Countries where abortion is illegal have HIGHER rates of abortion than places where it’s legal, accessible and cheap.

Canada’s rate of abortion is half that of the USA. Abortion is fully legal here and it’s free. Free and open abortions don’t increase abortion or “immorality”. The opposite is true.

Poverty drives abortion, not morality. Ever abortion stat out there is based on poverty.
So in other words it’s the easy way out… Just as I thought. Lol
More nonsense.

Relationship between abortion and child abuse. - PubMed - NCBI

Stop lying in order to justify the mass murder of innocent unborn babies. People might conclude you are a hate-filled bastard.

More propaganda.


Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia

Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago and John Donohue of Yale University revived discussion of this claim with their 2001 paper "The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime".[3] Donohue and Levitt point to the fact that males aged 18 to 24 are most likely to commit crimes. Data indicates that crime in the United States started to decline in 1992. Donohue and Levitt suggest that the absence of unwanted children, following legalization in 1973, led to a reduction in crime 18 years later, starting in 1992 and dropping sharply in 1995. These would have been the peak crime-committing years of the unborn children.[4][5]

According to Donohue and Levitt, states that had abortion legalized earlier should have the earliest reductions in crime. Donohue and Levitt's study indicates that this indeed has happened: Alaska, California, Hawaii, New York, Oregon and Washington experienced steeper drops in crime, and had legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade. Further, states with a high abortion rate have experienced a greater reduction in crime, when corrected for factors like average income.[6] Finally, studies in Canada and Australia claim[clarification needed] to have established a correlation between legalized abortion and overall crime reduction.[6]
You conveniently forgot to post the critiques of the racist Levitt theory found in that same Wikipedia article! Are you a propagandist, a dunce, or both?

Check out: The Myth About Abortion and Crime
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It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame

The hypocrisy of claiming you believe in personal rights and freedom for all, and yet you would force a woman to have a child she cannot afford to either carry or raise, while denying this same woman any income or job protections or assistance in raising the child, is beyond hypocrisy.

Being pregnant is physical abuse from start to finish. The nausea, the painful stretching of skin, the kicking, and total physical discomfort, your body is never the same after child birth, and not for the better either. The last month of pregnancy, when you can't sleep at night, the kicking has become painful, and your bladder is the size of the teaspoon, is so horrible that you actually look forward to 8 plus hour of pain and squeezing a watermelon out your urethura to get it out of you. That any woman is willing to go through this more than once, is a testament to just how much we want children. But to be forced to endure something like this is the very antithesis of humanity or freedom.

Fetal tissue has been instrumental in coming up with ways of slowing down degenerative diseases because fetal tissue is designed to generate growth. It contains the ability to help damaged or dying tissue regenerate and heal itself, precisely because it is human tissue at the earliest stages of development.

If you want to end all of this "innocent loss of life", start supporting mandated maternity leaves and job protections for the poorest workers. Ensure that all women's healthcare insurance pays for birth control, and all of the medical tests the government has inflicted upon women BEFORE they're given a presecription to prevent pregnancy. Make all of it free and readily accessible to poor women. Do not allow any insurance policy to be sold which lists "prenancy" or "rape" as a "pre-existing condition". Do not allow insurance companies to sell health insurance to women unless its covers their reproductive health. An employer's religious beliefs have no bearing on his employee's health insurance. It is HER health insurance. It is part of HER wages, and as such, it she meet her needs, not his beliefs. He is free to not use birth control, but he has no right to deny a woman's right to have her health care cover her private reproductive health care decisions, when health care is part of her compensation package.
Basically you’re putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone, sure it looks like you’re doing something but in reality you’re making things much worse.

You’re missing the point, of course immoral behavior will increase pregnancies and abortions.
Why apologize for immoral behavior, by Increasing ways of not paying the consequences for that behavior?

I know the progressive/liberal moto is “if it feels good do it” damned The consequences of that behavior. And why not seek out ways to get out of those consequences of that behavior? That’s what political correctness is for.

So I get it, like you say giving birth is a pain in the ass... And no man will “get it”.
But in the long run most good things are the result of working your ass off for. Nobody remembers “easy”...

But in the end, like I said there are three parties involved in an abortion… There is only one that pays the ultimate price. And that is a shame.

Canada’s rate of abortion is half that of the USA. Abortion is fully legal here and it’s free. Free and open abortions don’t increase abortion or “immorality”. The opposite is true.
The US has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the world. Many states also pay for abortion. That’s why the rate is so high.

Did you know the US abortion rate went up sharply after Roe?
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It’s funny, the baby butchers say that a so-called “fetus” is not life, but at the same time they say it’s butchered parts give life while saying It’s nothing more than a glob. How can a so-called “fetus” be considered a savior just for its parts, And nothing Left alone to be born?

The hypocrisy of killing for Profit/convenience is obvious... Organizations like Planned Parenthood make a shitload of money off of the hypocrisy. But out of sight out of the mind works... Just another part of political correctness.

I think the federal government should stay out of the abortion business it should be a states issue, because of political correctness. The convenience of “if it feels good do it” Till you have time to think about it the next day… LOL describes political correctness so very well.

But it comes down to one thing, the most innocent party in an abortion is the only one that pays the ultimate price.... And that’s a shame

The hypocrisy of claiming you believe in personal rights and freedom for all, and yet you would force a woman to have a child she cannot afford to either carry or raise, while denying this same woman any income or job protections or assistance in raising the child, is beyond hypocrisy.

Being pregnant is physical abuse from start to finish. The nausea, the painful stretching of skin, the kicking, and total physical discomfort, your body is never the same after child birth, and not for the better either. The last month of pregnancy, when you can't sleep at night, the kicking has become painful, and your bladder is the size of the teaspoon, is so horrible that you actually look forward to 8 plus hour of pain and squeezing a watermelon out your urethura to get it out of you. That any woman is willing to go through this more than once, is a testament to just how much we want children. But to be forced to endure something like this is the very antithesis of humanity or freedom.

Fetal tissue has been instrumental in coming up with ways of slowing down degenerative diseases because fetal tissue is designed to generate growth. It contains the ability to help damaged or dying tissue regenerate and heal itself, precisely because it is human tissue at the earliest stages of development.

If you want to end all of this "innocent loss of life", start supporting mandated maternity leaves and job protections for the poorest workers. Ensure that all women's healthcare insurance pays for birth control, and all of the medical tests the government has inflicted upon women BEFORE they're given a presecription to prevent pregnancy. Make all of it free and readily accessible to poor women. Do not allow any insurance policy to be sold which lists "prenancy" or "rape" as a "pre-existing condition". Do not allow insurance companies to sell health insurance to women unless its covers their reproductive health. An employer's religious beliefs have no bearing on his employee's health insurance. It is HER health insurance. It is part of HER wages, and as such, it she meet her needs, not his beliefs. He is free to not use birth control, but he has no right to deny a woman's right to have her health care cover her private reproductive health care decisions, when health care is part of her compensation package.
Basically you’re putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone, sure it looks like you’re doing something but in reality you’re making things much worse.

You’re missing the point, of course immoral behavior will increase pregnancies and abortions.
Why apologize for immoral behavior, by Increasing ways of not paying the consequences for that behavior?

I know the progressive/liberal moto is “if it feels good do it” damned The consequences of that behavior. And why not seek out ways to get out of those consequences of that behavior? That’s what political correctness is for.

So I get it, like you say giving birth is a pain in the ass... And no man will “get it”.
But in the long run most good things are the result of working your ass off for. Nobody remembers “easy”...

But in the end, like I said there are three parties involved in an abortion… There is only one that pays the ultimate price. And that is a shame.

Canada’s rate of abortion is half that of the USA. Abortion is fully legal here and it’s free. Free and open abortions don’t increase abortion or “immorality”. The opposite is true.
The US has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the world. Many states also pay for abortion. That’s why the rate is so high.

Did you know the US abortion rate went up sharply after Roe?

Everything you have posted is a lie. Abortion laws in the USA are anything but liberal. Those seeking abortion must jump through all sorts of hoops, get counselling, view films, and be subjected to vaginal ultra sounds, all in the hopes that she will change her mind, before being allowed to have a legal abortion. Vaginal ultra sounds are, in essence, state order rape with a blunt object.

No state pays for abortion in the USA. It is illegal for tax dollars to be used to fund abortion. They should teach you Russian assholes what the law is before you post.

The abortion rate in the USA was the same after Roe v Wade as it was before. The live birth rate was unchanged after the ruling. The ruling had no affect at all, except that overnight women weren't dying from botched illegal abortions. That's the ONLY difference it's made.

More 79% of Americans believe abortion should be legal under some or all circumstances. The percentage of peole who believe it should be illegal under all circumstances, is less than 20% of Americans. If right wingers didn't lie about abortion, that number would be higher.

How Roe v. Wade affected abortion rates - The Lily
You conveniently forgot to post the critiques of the racist Levitt theory found in that same Wikipedia article! Are you a propagandist, a dunce, or both?

Critiques bore me... The proof is in the pudding... crime went down right after the first wave of delinquents ended up in medical waste containers.
The US has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the world. Many states also pay for abortion. That’s why the rate is so high.

Did you know the US abortion rate went up sharply after Roe?

Well, no, it probably didn't. Quite the contrary, the birth rate increased after Roe, not decreased.

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