What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Why do you hate black people and them aborted? Are you a eugenists like Hillary?

You realize that made no grammatical sense, right?

Blacks only get more abortions because they don't have as easy access to contraception as white women have...
Sorry about that, but you get my point right?

Easy access to contraceptives????? WTF. Nothing is easier than preventing an unwanted pregnancy. NOTHING!

That is so wrong.

When my oldest sister was in residency she had a patient. That woman had her tubes tied. Her husband had a vasectomy. She ended up pregnant.

One of my assistants had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

The sister in law of one of my friends had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

The mother of my child's best friend had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

A friend of mine had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

My oldest sister had an IUD. She ended up pregnant.

I can go on and on with people who used contraception and ended up pregnant.

Here's a good way to prevent a lot of abortions. Get men to stop walking away from their own flesh and blood and even deny their own flesh and blood. Get men to keep their pants zipped and stop impregnating women then walking away to not even look back to see what they've caused.
It's not a "human life". It's developing tissue, and 1/3 of all pregnancies abort spontaneously. A woman's body will abort the fetus if she isn't properly nourished or isn't physically capable of carrying her child to term, or if it isn't developing properly.

God gave women the free will to choose when to add to their families and women will NOT let you take that away, AGAIN. Too many women died. This is our "NEVER AGAIN'.

That's what the Nazis said about the Jews, and other “Untermenschen”. It's what the Croats and the Serbs said about each other, as each alternately gained the upper hand in carrying out campaigns of “ethnic cleansing” against the other. It's even what some of our own forebears said about black people.
Are you seriously trying to compare the American people choice movement to genocide?

Get help you freak.

How many have you aborted?
What kinda dumbass question is that?

I'm not a Dr.
What I find so bloody amazing, as well as so damn hypocritical are these "small government" types, predominately males, being so fixated on controlling various aspects of a woman's vagina to the point of an obsession. Then in the next breath, these same control freaks claim their damn guns should all be unfettered from any control under law.

An abortion of a non-viable fetus denies the POTENTIAL for a living being. A gun shot through the head or heart of any person ENDS the life of a living being. Time to end this fucking hypocrisy. Women are not chattel and weapons don't enhance your manhood, fools.

None of us “‘small government’ types, predominately [sic] males” defend any “right” to end the life of any living human being, except under extremely drastic circumstances. And even if you could rationally pin on us, every last bit of the death and destruction that can in any way be attributed to the use of firearms and our adherence to the Second Amendment and the right which it affirms, it is nothing compared to the deaths that you defend via abortion.
None of us “‘small government’ types, predominately [sic] males” defend any “right” to end the life of any living human being, except under extremely drastic circumstances.
Under what Constitutional RIGHT and authority have you and your individual brethren assumed that power to determine the law outside of proper Judicial Review?? Cite the Article, Section and Clause. SCOTUS says you have no such power, your allegiance to your fellow troglodytes in your clan's cave notwithstanding.
And even if you could rationally pin on us, every last bit of the death and destruction that can in any way be attributed to the use of firearms and our adherence to the Second Amendment and the right which it affirms, it is nothing compared to the deaths that you defend via abortion.
Since you are incapable to extend the rationale of a single topic with the obvious linkage of contrasting subjects with essentially equal objectives of a minority enforcing their own desires on the entire population of the US, I'll cover it in small words and bites for the challenged ones.

Life is not viable outside of the womb in the first trimester. Therefore, there exists no logical reason for someone to object to aborting a fetus in the first trimester on the grounds that it would be killing a baby. To require a woman to carry her child to term because of another unrelated person's desires is a violation of the woman's Constitutional rights per SCOTUS in Roe v. Wade. The desires of any person, man or woman, in any part of government have no place standing watch over a woman's vagina and womb.

Now to claim an absolute right to bear arms under Amendment II is the other half of my initial comparison. If it is an absolute right, why isn't a woman's privacy and right to due process under the 1st and 14th Amendments just as sacrosanct as a man's or woman's 2A rights? That was the point that either flew over your head or you purposely ignored. It is the "small government" types like yourself employing a fucking double standard To which the arrow pointed. Get out of the cave and into the light and sanitize thyself!
Are you seriously trying to compare the American people choice movement to genocide?

Get help you freak.

I'm comparing murder to murder. The mass dehumanization of large group of people to the mass dehumanization of large groups of people. The denial of basic human rights to the denial of basic human rights.
animated eye rolling emoji.gif
It's not a "human life". It's developing tissue, and 1/3 of all pregnancies abort spontaneously. A woman's body will abort the fetus if she isn't properly nourished or isn't physically capable of carrying her child to term, or if it isn't developing properly.

God gave women the free will to choose when to add to their families and women will NOT let you take that away, AGAIN. Too many women died. This is our "NEVER AGAIN'.

That's what the Nazis said about the Jews, and other “Untermenschen”. It's what the Croats and the Serbs said about each other, as each alternately gained the upper hand in carrying out campaigns of “ethnic cleansing” against the other. It's even what some of our own forebears said about black people.
Are you seriously trying to compare the American people choice movement to genocide?

Get help you freak.

How many have you aborted?
What kinda dumbass question is that?

I'm not a Dr.

No, you're a woman. How many have you aborted?
That's right, ignore actual examples of what things that really happened because you don't like the results.

It's the conservitard way after all.
Or recognize that results are going to be vastly different under vastly different circumstances...

Naaaah, just act as though one size and/or circumstance fits all, especially if they show results that you like.....It's the commie moonbat libtard way.
Recognizing that results may vary does not excuse ignoring real examples because you hope it won't go that way.
Nobody is doing that, and you are a complete and total moron if you believe it.

Good. I am glad you are not denying that despicable, low-life, unethical, immoral, Democrats gave just made the push to make INFANTCIDE legal in the United States...
Seriously? If you are having that much trouble get someone to read my post to you.
My cousin's wife was in the third trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. They had been married for over a decade and had finally gotten to a place that they could afford and have children. In the third trimester the cord got wrapped around the neck of that fetus and choked it. If you talk to any doctor about that situation they will tell you about a bacteria called paratinitus. It will kill the woman. That bacteria will grow in that uterus with that unviable fetus and will kill her if a late term abortion isn't performed. At the very least, if she waits for it to spontaneously abort on it's own, known as a miscarriage, and doesn't die, she will be infertile for the rest of her life.

My cousin's wife had that late term abortion so she wouldn't die and could preserve her fertility to have more children. They did. They have a son and daughter. The son is almost done in residency to be an orthopedic surgeon and the daughter is nearly done with learning to be an orthodontist.

Should my cousin's wife been forced to die? Should women who face that and other life threatening conditions be forced to die?

So the baby was already dead when they terminated the pregnancy. Thanks for that completely irrelevant analogy.[

You said that you had talked to doctors who said they never experienced the situation that requires a late term abortion.

I gave you one of those circumstances.

That's a very good example of what late term abortion is. It's not a viable and healthy fetus being born then killed.

It's illegal to do such a thing. It's illegal to perform a late term abortion with the exception of the woman's life or health are in jeopardy or if there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

My cousin's wife's life was in jeopardy. She had to have that late term abortion. Just as other women who have had to go through that horrible experience.

So just because you talked to some doctors and you say they said they never encountered a situation that required a late term abortion doesn't mean no one else has not either. It doesn't mean that late term abortions aren't only for serious reasons.

Yes that fetus was unviable and the anti choice people would have not allowed an abortion. They would have forced my cousin's wife to walk around with that fetus growing paratinitus that will kill her until it either spontaneously aborted or she dropped dead.

Which either result would have meant neither of her children would have been born.

This is what you're fighting so hard to cause. This is what anti choice people are fighting so hard to make happen to tens of thousands of women in America each year. Ectopic pregnancy alone will kill over 65 thousand women in America each year. Add to that all the other reasons for abortion that save lives of women and we're looking at well over 100 thousand women in America dying unnecessary early deaths each year.

If you're female, do you want to be one of them? Do you want your daughter to be one of them? Who's life are you willing to sacrifice?
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]

You can come up with a hundred million reasons murder is ok... and you will always be wrong.

View attachment 245127
An abortion nurse quit, because the baby was born before she could kill it.......

You support that being murdered, because not even a minute before that human child was born, you celebrate murdering it.
I could understand the concern if Republicans also supported birth control.

But they are always trying to say what is moral when they support a president who has unprotected sex with porn stars.

Pro-Life Republican Pressured Mistress to Get Abortion

What does any of that have to do with the topic at hand?

I'm always baffled by what left-wingers think are good arguments.

Right-winger "This is killing a living human baby, 5-seconds from birth, which is clearly infanticide."

Left-winger "Yeah, well pro-life republican pushed for an abortion!"

Ok? So this is still a baby.... you are still murdering it.

Left-winger "Yeah, well Trump and porn star something or other!"

Ok? Still a baby! Still murder!

Left-winger "Yeah well so-and-so did such-and-such!".

What does any of your rant have to do with.... that is a baby..... you are trying to murder a child?

None of what you said has anything to do with whether or not, ripping a baby into bits and sucking their brain out by jamming through the skull, is or isn't a barbaric act from a sub-neanderthal immorality.
It's not a "human life". It's developing tissue, and 1/3 of all pregnancies abort spontaneously. A woman's body will abort the fetus if she isn't properly nourished or isn't physically capable of carrying her child to term, or if it isn't developing properly.

God gave women the free will to choose when to add to their families and women will NOT let you take that away, AGAIN. Too many women died. This is our "NEVER AGAIN'.

That's what the Nazis said about the Jews, and other “Untermenschen”. It's what the Croats and the Serbs said about each other, as each alternately gained the upper hand in carrying out campaigns of “ethnic cleansing” against the other. It's even what some of our own forebears said about black people.
Are you seriously trying to compare the American people choice movement to genocide?

Get help you freak.

How many have you aborted?
What kinda dumbass question is that?

I'm not a Dr.

No, you're a woman. How many have you aborted?
Lol, not a woman you idiot.

You are really bad at this kinda thing, aren't you. No people skills at all, a comete social retard.

Here's some advice kid:

Move out of your mom's house. Get outside and get some sun once in a while. Meet some people in person. Make some friends. Your be surprised how much that will change your outlook.
Are you seriously trying to compare the American people choice movement to genocide?

Get help you freak.

How many have you aborted?
What kinda dumbass question is that?

I'm not a Dr.

No, you're a woman. How many have you aborted?
Lol, not a woman you idiot.

You are really bad at this kinda thing, aren't you. No people skills at all, a comete social retard.

Here's some advice kid:

Move out of your mom's house. Get outside and get some sun once in a while. Meet some people in person. Make some friends. Your be surprised how much that will change your outlook.

LOL. Ok, so how many of your progeny have aborted your prospective relatives? Here's a clue, grow up and get some perspective.
What the fuck are you babbling about now?

Do you really think liberals run around having abortions all the time?

Get yer head outta Rush Limbaugh's ass.
When I was being brought up in the United States, it was a crime both to obtain and to perform an abortion. As a result, promiscuous pregnancy was much less common than today - in spite of the fact that effecting BC measures are ubiquitous. There was the occasional problem - even death - resulting from a so-called "Botched Abortion," but you are talking about a couple dozen a year in the entire country, as contrasted with hundreds of thousands of dead babies that are produced today.

That phoniest of phonies, Bill Clinton, claimed to want abortion to be Safe, Legal, and Rare. Good place to start.
You clearly have no memory of the days when abortion was illegal in the USA. Women were bleeding out in emergency rooms from botched abortions. Many died or were rendered infertile by back alley butchers.

Could you fit any more proabort propaganda into one paragraph?

First of all, some of the founders of the abortion movement later became pro-life and stated flat out that the entire movement was based on lies, deceit and slick marketing tactics.

Second of all, even if that WAS true (which it isn't) that's no reason or justification for abortion on demand. If you're going to do something incredibly stupid, then you have to deal with the consequences of your own actions. Cause and effect, you reap what you sow....that's a fact of life, a universal truth. That's something that lefties like you seem to completely oppose, always trying to avoid reality or twist it into something that fits with your twisted ideas.

'We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. We succeeded [in breaking down the laws limiting abortions] because the time was right and the news media cooperated. We sensationalized the effects of illegal abortions, and fabricated polls which indicated that 85% of the public favoured unrestricted abortion, when we knew it was only 5%. We unashamedly lied, and yet our statements were quoted [by the media] as though they had been written in law.’

– Dr Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL, former abortionist who presided over 75,000 abortions

Why do you hate black people and them aborted? Are you a eugenists like Hillary?

You realize that made no grammatical sense, right?

Blacks only get more abortions because they don't have as easy access to contraception as white women have...
Sorry about that, but you get my point right?

Easy access to contraceptives????? WTF. Nothing is easier than preventing an unwanted pregnancy. NOTHING!

That is so wrong.

When my oldest sister was in residency she had a patient. That woman had her tubes tied. Her husband had a vasectomy. She ended up pregnant.

One of my assistants had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

The sister in law of one of my friends had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

The mother of my child's best friend had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

A friend of mine had her tubes tied. She ended up pregnant.

My oldest sister had an IUD. She ended up pregnant.

I can go on and on with people who used contraception and ended up pregnant.

Here's a good way to prevent a lot of abortions. Get men to stop walking away from their own flesh and blood and even deny their own flesh and blood. Get men to keep their pants zipped and stop impregnating women then walking away to not even look back to see what they've caused.
Good God that’s dumb.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
Thanks for being a proponent of irresponsible sexual intercourse.
Thanks for being an idiot and ignoring human instinct.
Thanks for encouraging animal behavior.
What I find so bloody amazing, as well as so damn hypocritical are these "small government" types, predominately males, being so fixated on controlling various aspects of a woman's vagina to the point of an obsession. Then in the next breath, these same control freaks claim their damn guns should all be unfettered from any control under law.

An abortion of a non-viable fetus denies the POTENTIAL for a living being. A gun shot through the head or heart of any person ENDS the life of a living being. Time to end this fucking hypocrisy. Women are not chattel and weapons don't enhance your manhood, fools.

None of us “‘small government’ types, predominately [sic] males” defend any “right” to end the life of any living human being, except under extremely drastic circumstances. And even if you could rationally pin on us, every last bit of the death and destruction that can in any way be attributed to the use of firearms and our adherence to the Second Amendment and the right which it affirms, it is nothing compared to the deaths that you defend via abortion.

It's not a "human life". It's developing tissue, and 1/3 of all pregnancies abort spontaneously. A woman's body will abort the fetus if she isn't properly nourished or isn't physically capable of carrying her child to term, or if it isn't developing properly.

God gave women the free will to choose when to add to their families and women will NOT let you take that away, AGAIN. Too many women died. This is our "NEVER AGAIN'.
Here's a good way to prevent a lot of abortions. Get men to stop walking away from their own flesh and blood and even deny their own flesh and blood. Get men to keep their pants zipped and stop impregnating women then walking away to not even look back to see what they've caused.

I agree that men should face the consequences of their actions, and not be cowardly weasels who shirk responsibility.

But it takes two to tango, and something that always amazes me is how pro-abort women act as if it's ONLY the man who should be responsible. If you're not ready to be pregnant, then don't put yourself in the position to get pregnant and then play the innocent victim. Again, it should be BOTH who face the consequences of their actions. And facing the consequences doesn't mean killing the baby.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
Thanks for being a proponent of irresponsible sexual intercourse.
Thanks for being an idiot and ignoring human instinct.
Thanks for encouraging animal behavior.
Did you forget people are animals too?
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]

Have you ever once stepped back and objectively analyzed the lengths and mental gymnastics that you (personally and figuratively) undertake to defend abortion?

How many ways can you tardz try to complicate and justify such a relatively simple thing?

The Constitution says ALL persons are entitled to the protections of our laws.

If a child in the womb is a "person" they are automatically entitled. Whether it works out for the better in the Philippines, or not.

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