What would America be like today if there had been no civil war and black slaves status changed to indentured servitude?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
You mean changed back to indentured servitude?

There are few problems with that. Legally you cant make someone an indentured servant unless they sign up for it or they owe you a debt. Blacks never owed white people anything when they were brought over here against their will.

Secondly the US would have been a failed penal colony without Black people here to build it.
The war was not over slavery. It was over the fact that the cash poor North was using the Federal government to raid the cash rich South.

The great debates over slavery had nothing to do with the issue of slavery. Slavery was legal at the Federal level in the US.

The debates had to do with political power. The new western states were being admitted to the Union. If they were slave then they would be dominated by Democrats. If they were free they would be dominated by Republicans. It was all about political power in Congress. Not much different than what we see today with the Democrat filth wanting to make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can get more seats in Congress.

When the Republicans were standing up in Congress and railing about the horrors of slavery it was because they wanted to get two more Republican senators from some western state. Typical political dishonesty. Just look at Lincoln's statement on how he didn't give a shit about slavery if the filthy ass Republican dominated Union could be "saved".
The war was not over slavery. It was over the fact that the cash poor North was using the Federal government to raid the cash rich South.

The great debates over slavery had nothing to do with the issue of slavery. Slavery was legal at the Federal level in the US.

The debates had to do with political power. The new western states were being admitted to the Union. If they were slave then they would be dominated by Democrats. If they were free they would be dominated by Republicans. It was all about political power in Congress. Not much different than what we see today with the Democrat filth wanting to make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can get more seats in Congress.

When the Republicans were standing up in Congress and railing about the horrors of slavery it was because they wanted to get two more Republican senators from some western state. Typical political dishonesty. Just look at Lincoln's statement on how he didn't give a shit about slavery if the filthy ass Republican dominated Union could be "saved".
The war was over slavery for the south. They even wrote it down and talked about it. Educate yourself please before making stupid statements.
The war was not over slavery. It was over the fact that the cash poor North was using the Federal government to raid the cash rich South.

The great debates over slavery had nothing to do with the issue of slavery. Slavery was legal at the Federal level in the US.

The debates had to do with political power. The new western states were being admitted to the Union. If they were slave then they would be dominated by Democrats. If they were free they would be dominated by Republicans. It was all about political power in Congress. Not much different than what we see today with the Democrat filth wanting to make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can get more seats in Congress.

When the Republicans were standing up in Congress and railing about the horrors of slavery it was because they wanted to get two more Republican senators from some western state. Typical political dishonesty. Just look at Lincoln's statement on how he didn't give a shit about slavery if the filthy ass Republican dominated Union could be "saved".
The war was over slavery for the south. They even wrote it down and talked about it. Educate yourself please before making stupid statements.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

The Northern filth didn't even start saying it was about slavery until a couple of years in and they were getting their asses kicked and needed the goddamn Negroes to be cannon fodder. Then they started to say it was about slavery.

Executive Mansion,
Washington, August 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:
Dear Sir.

I have just read yours of the 19th. addressed to myself through the New-York Tribune. If there be in it any statements, or assumptions of fact, which I may know to be erroneous, I do not, now and here, controvert them. If there be in it any inferences which I may believe to be falsely drawn, I do not now and here, argue against them. If there be perceptable in it an impatient and dictatorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old friend, whose heart I have always supposed to be right.

As to the policy I "seem to be pursuing" as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.

I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free.

A. Lincoln.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority

Lincoln wanted to send the vast majority to the Caribbean or Africa.

We would be a far better and safer nation today had he not been assassinated by a Democrat and followed through on his plan. He knew that the two races cannot coexist. He was right.

We suffer the white man's burden now.
The war was not over slavery. It was over the fact that the cash poor North was using the Federal government to raid the cash rich South.

The great debates over slavery had nothing to do with the issue of slavery. Slavery was legal at the Federal level in the US.

The debates had to do with political power. The new western states were being admitted to the Union. If they were slave then they would be dominated by Democrats. If they were free they would be dominated by Republicans. It was all about political power in Congress. Not much different than what we see today with the Democrat filth wanting to make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can get more seats in Congress.

When the Republicans were standing up in Congress and railing about the horrors of slavery it was because they wanted to get two more Republican senators from some western state. Typical political dishonesty. Just look at Lincoln's statement on how he didn't give a shit about slavery if the filthy ass Republican dominated Union could be "saved".
The war was over slavery for the south. They even wrote it down and talked about it. Educate yourself please before making stupid statements.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

The Northern filth didn't even start saying it was about slavery until a couple of years in and they were getting their asses kicked and needed the goddamn Negroes to be cannon fodder. Then they started to say it was about slavery.

Executive Mansion,
Washington, August 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:
Dear Sir.

I have just read yours of the 19th. addressed to myself through the New-York Tribune. If there be in it any statements, or assumptions of fact, which I may know to be erroneous, I do not, now and here, controvert them. If there be in it any inferences which I may believe to be falsely drawn, I do not now and here, argue against them. If there be perceptable in it an impatient and dictatorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old friend, whose heart I have always supposed to be right.

As to the policy I "seem to be pursuing" as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.

I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free.

A. Lincoln.
You're confused pale one. I said the souths reason for going to war was slavery. They wrote it down and even spoke about it at the Cornerstone speech. Heres just a little sample.

"In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. "
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The war was not over slavery. It was over the fact that the cash poor North was using the Federal government to raid the cash rich South.

The great debates over slavery had nothing to do with the issue of slavery. Slavery was legal at the Federal level in the US.

The debates had to do with political power. The new western states were being admitted to the Union. If they were slave then they would be dominated by Democrats. If they were free they would be dominated by Republicans. It was all about political power in Congress. Not much different than what we see today with the Democrat filth wanting to make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can get more seats in Congress.

When the Republicans were standing up in Congress and railing about the horrors of slavery it was because they wanted to get two more Republican senators from some western state. Typical political dishonesty. Just look at Lincoln's statement on how he didn't give a shit about slavery if the filthy ass Republican dominated Union could be "saved".
The war was over slavery for the south. They even wrote it down and talked about it. Educate yourself please before making stupid statements.
Then why didnt they come together after lincoln told the south he supported the first 13th amendment which would have made slavery legal forever? hmmm
I wonder if Lincoln/GOP thought about the British route? When Britain outlawed slavery in their territories they borrowed a bunch from Rothchild and compensated slave owners for their loss. They actually made the last payment to Rothchild recently, like 5 years ago. If you want to know about the Blacks who founded Liberia and what happened to them I suggest,

The House at Sugar Beach: A Memoir​


Journalist Helene Cooper examines the violent past of her home country Liberia and the effects of its 1980 military coup in this deeply personal memoir and finalist for the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award.

Helene Cooper is “Congo,” a descendant of two Liberian dynasties—traced back to the first ship of freemen that set sail from New York in 1820 to found Monrovia. Helene grew up at Sugar Beach, a twenty-two-room mansion by the sea. Her childhood was filled with servants, flashy cars, a villa in Spain, and a farmhouse up-country. It was also an African childhood, filled with knock foot games and hot pepper soup, heartmen and neegee. When Helene was eight, the Coopers took in a foster child—a common custom among the Liberian elite. Eunice, a Bassa girl, suddenly became known as “Mrs. Cooper’s daughter.”

For years the Cooper daughters—Helene, her sister Marlene, and Eunice—blissfully enjoyed the trappings of wealth and advantage. But Liberia was like an unwatched pot of water left boiling on the stove. And on April 12, 1980, a group of soldiers staged a coup d'état, assassinating President William Tolbert and executing his cabinet. The Coopers and the entire Congo class were now the hunted, being imprisoned, shot, tortured, and raped. After a brutal daylight attack by a ragtag crew of soldiers, Helene, Marlene, and their mother fled Sugar Beach, and then Liberia, for America. They left Eunice behind.

A world away, Helene tried to assimilate as an American teenager. At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill she found her passion in journalism, eventually becoming a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. She reported from every part of the globe—except Africa—as Liberia descended into war-torn, third-world hell.

In 2003, a near-death experience in Iraq convinced Helene that Liberia—and Eunice—could wait no longer. At once a deeply personal memoir and an examination of a violent and stratified country, The House at Sugar Beach tells of tragedy, forgiveness, and transcendence with unflinching honesty and a survivor's gentle humor. And at its heart, it is a story of Helene Cooper’s long voyage home.
Amazon product ASIN B001F8LJSS
I see no scenario where slavery would have become obsolete on it's own. The South had big plans to become an expansionist power by forcibly annexing the West, Mexico, South America, the Caribbean and anyplace else where they could export their excess slaves. Apparently they were worried about becoming out-numbered.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
The war was not over slavery. It was over the fact that the cash poor North was using the Federal government to raid the cash rich South.

The great debates over slavery had nothing to do with the issue of slavery. Slavery was legal at the Federal level in the US.

The debates had to do with political power. The new western states were being admitted to the Union. If they were slave then they would be dominated by Democrats. If they were free they would be dominated by Republicans. It was all about political power in Congress. Not much different than what we see today with the Democrat filth wanting to make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can get more seats in Congress.

When the Republicans were standing up in Congress and railing about the horrors of slavery it was because they wanted to get two more Republican senators from some western state. Typical political dishonesty. Just look at Lincoln's statement on how he didn't give a shit about slavery if the filthy ass Republican dominated Union could be "saved".
The war was over slavery for the south. They even wrote it down and talked about it. Educate yourself please before making stupid statements.
Then why didnt they come together after lincoln told the south he supported the first 13th amendment which would have made slavery legal forever? hmmm
They were just as paranoid as the conservatives of today that believe all the conspiracy theories. They missed a golden opportunity in the Corwin Amendment and instead got their asses kicked and their ability to own slaves taken from them.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
You must be slow or something (white boy?).

No its a far cry from being the same thing. After an indentured servant is done paying his debt he is free. A slave in the US was never done. Nor were his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. and thats only one difference.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
You must be slow or something (white boy?).

No its a far cry from being the same thing. After an indentured servant is done paying his debt he is free. A slave in the US was never done. Nor were his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. and thats only one difference.
Nice dodge from admitting they think if by changing the description of slavery back in the 1800s there would have been no Civil War.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
You must be slow or something (white boy?).

No its a far cry from being the same thing. After an indentured servant is done paying his debt he is free. A slave in the US was never done. Nor were his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. and thats only one difference.
Nice dodge from admitting they think if by changing the description of slavery back in the 1800s there would have been no Civil War.
You're babbling now. Get your thoughts together and come again.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
You must be slow or something (white boy?).

No its a far cry from being the same thing. After an indentured servant is done paying his debt he is free. A slave in the US was never done. Nor were his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. and thats only one difference.
Nice dodge from admitting they think if by changing the description of slavery back in the 1800s there would have been no Civil War.
You're babbling now. Get your thoughts together and come again.
Was not the OP..

What would America be like today if there had been no civil war and black slaves status changed to indentured servitude?​

This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
You must be slow or something (white boy?).

No its a far cry from being the same thing. After an indentured servant is done paying his debt he is free. A slave in the US was never done. Nor were his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. and thats only one difference.
Nice dodge from admitting they think if by changing the description of slavery back in the 1800s there would have been no Civil War.
You're babbling now. Get your thoughts together and come again.
Was not the OP..

What would America be like today if there had been no civil war and black slaves status changed to indentured servitude?​

As much as I despise the OP he didnt say "change the description". He said change the "legal status"....and no I disagree because the south would have surely went to war to prevent that from happening as well.
This Nation suffered tremendously due to The War Between the States (the correct title) much more so than most now realize.

If all those deaths and property damage could have been avoided we would be much more powerful and the undisputed super-power with no communism allowed anywhere in the world and Islam a religion that that would have been declared illegal and wiped out long ago.

Black slavery would have ended with the coming of the industrial age if not before.....the humane way of dealing with the problem would have been to change their legal status of being slaves to a status of indentured servants....like so many whites had gone through.

After their period of servitude was over the majority should have been sent to liberia with economic support to sustain them until they built up Liberia into a successful state with the help of White American advisors.

A select few should have been allowed to stay....the more intelligent ones with needed skills and demonstrated loyalty could then have been a base of support for their cousins in Liberia and eventually join up with them.... after Liberia became a stable and powerful nation ----and then realizing and implementing their manifest destiny of colonizing the rest of Africa and turning them into client states and thus by their example educate the majority of blacks on the proper way to live and conduct themselves whilst becoming civilized, educated and thus enabled to use their knew found skills and abilities to create successful nation states.

It could have been done....it would have required more visionaires and fewer liberal radicals trying to assume fallacious roles of moral superiority
Isn't indentured servitude just another term for slavery. So if everybody had used that term instead of slavery we would not have had a Civil War??
You should try reading a dictionary sometime. They even have them on line.
An indenture servant 'agrees' to work without pay in order to pay off a debt, a slave is forced into that arrangement (the debt being food and shelter)..so ya pretty much the same unless you think those people voluntarily came over to work the south's plantations for room and board..
What many fail to realize is that the Slaves on our Southern plantations had much better and longer lives than if they had remained in Africa ....a very dangerous place to live then and now.


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