What would America look like without any socialism?

England..during the Monarchy.

Or Saudi Arabia.

Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look? Saudi Arabia is, essentially, a socialist country. They even went so far as to plan large apartment communities for the Bedouins so they wouldn't have to wander around the desert.

Are you an idiot? Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. They have god damn religious police for crying out loud.
It would look pretty much how it looks now. The only truly socialist countries are countries like Cuba and Venezuela where the government owns and runs pretty much everything. Just because we have some social programs and a social safety net does not really qualify us as being socialist.

Our country..from the very beginning..has been a blend of many ideas. It doesn't mean it's one thing or another..

And it's ridiculous, really, to harp on and on about socialism. The very nature of representative government..is socialist.

The complete opposite of that..is government that has no input from the general public. Like a Monarchy.

Learn what the fracking word means before you spout nonsense.
No railroads or highways or at east only a handful of them.
Same witrh schools and universities, hospitals, etc.

The national eletrical grid is socialist - it should be torn down and everyone produce their own electricity.

No it isn't, dipstick. It was privately built.

It doesn't matter who built it, dude - it is run as a socialist system.

In a non-socialist system, electricity would be produced entirely by private companies with no involvement from the state. No funding, no subsidies, and no govt interference.
The Wild West.

The West wasn't as "wild" as numbskulls like you believe. Crime was actually quite low.

The American Old West was shitty for most people... that's my point idiot. I wasn't attributing it to your favorite children's Cowboys and Indians shows.

It's only shitty compared to modern life. Of course, everything was shitty compared to today. That's to be expected after 200 years of progress. However, only morons like you compare the standard of living of the 18th century with today's standard of living and blame capitalism for it. Capitalism is the only reason our standard of living improved.
They worked incredibly hard, earned very little, had horrific diets, died very young, were drafted into countless wars, experienced extreme levels of subjugation.

What a douche.

Get a job while I eliminate your minimum wage, lash out at the government making any attempt to encourage you to eat healthier, prevent you from obtaining affordable health care, send your children to Iraq and Afghanistan and Iran and chastize you in every way possible because you don't subscribe to my views.
The national eletrical grid is socialist - it should be torn down and everyone produce their own electricity.

No it isn't, dipstick. It was privately built.

It doesn't matter who built it, dude - it is run as a socialist system.

What a moron. No it isn't. It's run entirely by private companies. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

In a non-socialist system, electricity would be produced entirely by private companies with no involvement from the state. No funding, no subsidies, and no govt interference.

Who said we had an entirely private system? If the government get's involved, then whatever it does is socialist. What you're saying is that government buys land and grows some food, then all good production is socialist. That's moronic.
England..during the Monarchy.

Or Saudi Arabia.

Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look? Saudi Arabia is, essentially, a socialist country. They even went so far as to plan large apartment communities for the Bedouins so they wouldn't have to wander around the desert.

Are you an idiot? Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. They have god damn religious police for crying out loud.

How does that make them not socialist?
The national eletrical grid is socialist - it should be torn down and everyone produce their own electricity.

No it isn't, dipstick. It was privately built.

It doesn't matter who built it, dude - it is run as a socialist system.

In a non-socialist system, electricity would be produced entirely by private companies with no involvement from the state. No funding, no subsidies, and no govt interference.

Why is it so hard for people to understand the concept of socialism? Just because the government is involved in something does not make it socialist.
England..during the Monarchy.

Or Saudi Arabia.

Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look? Saudi Arabia is, essentially, a socialist country. They even went so far as to plan large apartment communities for the Bedouins so they wouldn't have to wander around the desert.

Are you an idiot? Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. They have god damn religious police for crying out loud.

And a centrally planned economy, nationalized industries, and virtually no private ownership of property. What makes you think socialism has to be secular?
They worked incredibly hard, earned very little, had horrific diets, died very young, were drafted into countless wars, experienced extreme levels of subjugation.

What a douche.

Get a job while I eliminate your minimum wage, lash out at the government making any attempt to encourage you to eat healthier, prevent you from obtaining affordable health care, send your children to Iraq and Afghanistan and Iran and chastize you in every way possible because you don't subscribe to my views.

My minimum wage? I make many times the minimum wage. How is that law helping me? I would be overjoyed if the government stopped trying to tell me what to eat. Government is the main obstacle to affordable health care. And government is the entity that forces Americans to go to places like Iraq and Afghanistan. It sure isn't private businesses.
A thrid world plutocracy (what we are becoming).

You think the rich people in this country have power? How do you explain the John Edwards trial?

Um....you might want to think it means when the US has the least distributed wealth of any country in the world excep Brazil.

How much of US wealth is controlled by the wealthiest 0.1?

I might want to think that, but my brain won't let me think nonsense just because it will make me feel good. That explains why I don't think I am king of the world, which is actually easier for me to imagine than the rich run this country.
It's difficult for me to visualize. Maybe some of you can help me see it...

It would be a lot smaller. We would have lost to Japan and Germany..probably Italy also. We definitely wouldn't be speaking English. There would be no Jewish people here or anywhere.
No it isn't, dipstick. It was privately built.

It doesn't matter who built it, dude - it is run as a socialist system.

In a non-socialist system, electricity would be produced entirely by private companies with no involvement from the state. No funding, no subsidies, and no govt interference.

Why is it so hard for people to understand the concept of socialism? Just because the government is involved in something does not make it socialist.

Liberals have this theory that whatever government is unpopular with the public isn't socialist.

I know, it's a stupid theory, but then we're talking about liberals here.
Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look? Saudi Arabia is, essentially, a socialist country. They even went so far as to plan large apartment communities for the Bedouins so they wouldn't have to wander around the desert.

Are you an idiot? Saudi Arabia is NOT a socialist country. They have god damn religious police for crying out loud.

And a centrally planned economy, nationalized industries, and virtually no private ownership of property. What makes you think socialism has to be secular?

No it isn't, dipstick. It was privately built.

It doesn't matter who built it, dude - it is run as a socialist system.

In a non-socialist system, electricity would be produced entirely by private companies with no involvement from the state. No funding, no subsidies, and no govt interference.

Why is it so hard for people to understand the concept of socialism? Just because the government is involved in something does not make it socialist.

Yeah, it pretty much does. It's socialist to the degree that the government is involved.
The national eletrical grid is socialist - it should be torn down and everyone produce their own electricity.

No it isn't, dipstick. It was privately built.

It doesn't matter who built it, dude - it is run as a socialist system.

In a non-socialist system, electricity would be produced entirely by private companies with no involvement from the state. No funding, no subsidies, and no govt interference.

Not true. Regulation and oversight is not socialism, it's Republican.

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