What Would Happen If California Really Seceded

1 out 3 in Commiefornia are on welfare. State is debt up to its ears..... And they just love them some messicans


Commiefornia. REALLY?

One out 3 are on welfare. REALLY?

What made you say that?

more facts


Is California the welfare capital?

Welfare in California

Of the nation’s welfare recipients live in California but only …


… of the U.S. population resides here.

How we compare
California is third among states in per-capita spending on welfare:


New York leads the nation:


Idaho is at the bottom:



Welfare: How California stacks up
Download .PDF

When Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature overhauled the state’s welfare program last month, some people learned a jarring fact for the first time: California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients.

That California has a lot of people on welfare was not a secret. In addition to its size, the state has a long history of heavy focus on social services, in part because of years of Democratic dominance in Sacramento.

But the size of California’s welfare rolls is disproportionate when you consider the state has only 12 percent of the nation’s population. Some of it has to do with the benefits being more generous than in many other states, but experts also point to various economic and social factors.

Is California the welfare capital?

No dude. That is not what you said.

Where are your facts that 1 out of 3 of comiecalifornia are on welfare?
1. Prove that California is a communist.
2. Your link or whatever you post did not prove 1 out 3 are on welfare. So prove it.

California is a waste. Maybe the NK nutjob will reach out and touch you commies

Best support POTUS so that don't happen


Nice for you to say NK nutjob will reach California. Why do you hate America? Why do you wish to kill your fellow Americans? You are a traitor.

Support POTUS?
Majority of Americans all over US do NOT support Trump.
Maybe if he start showing that he love and care America----- maybe.
Right now he continues to divide this country big time---- and keep lying ------ That's impossible.
If California wants to leave, they have to take their portion of our 20 Trillion dollar debt with them.

While California does have the 6th largest economy today, it is entirely possible that without being in the US, their output might suffer. They would have to create their own currency, would the world trust it like they do the US dollar? Many things could harpoon a successful state after succession.

1 out 3 in Commiefornia are on welfare. State is debt up to its ears..... And they just love them some messicans


Commiefornia. REALLY?

One out 3 are on welfare. REALLY?

What made you say that?

more facts


Is California the welfare capital?

Welfare in California

Of the nation’s welfare recipients live in California but only …


… of the U.S. population resides here.

How we compare
California is third among states in per-capita spending on welfare:


New York leads the nation:


Idaho is at the bottom:



Welfare: How California stacks up
Download .PDF

When Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature overhauled the state’s welfare program last month, some people learned a jarring fact for the first time: California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients.

That California has a lot of people on welfare was not a secret. In addition to its size, the state has a long history of heavy focus on social services, in part because of years of Democratic dominance in Sacramento.

But the size of California’s welfare rolls is disproportionate when you consider the state has only 12 percent of the nation’s population. Some of it has to do with the benefits being more generous than in many other states, but experts also point to various economic and social factors.

Is California the welfare capital?

No dude. That is not what you said.

Where are your facts that 1 out of 3 of comiecalifornia are on welfare?
1. Prove that California is a communist.
2. Your link or whatever you post did not prove 1 out 3 are on welfare. So prove it.

California is a waste. Maybe the NK nutjob will reach out and touch you commies

Best support POTUS so that don't happen


Nice for you to say NK nutjob will reach California. Why do you hate America? Why do you wish to kill your fellow Americans? You are a traitor.

Support POTUS?
Majority of Americans all over US do NOT support Trump.
Maybe if he start showing that he love and care America----- maybe.
Right now he continues to divide this country big time---- and keep lying ------ That's impossible.

Divide you say Rip Van Winkle?

Where were you the last 8 years when Obama was able to divide the number zero?

Obama was the king divider

I say support your POTUS so the NK zipper head can't drop a nuke on that metropolis called Oxnard

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30% of the nations welfare recipients live in CA (only 12% of the US population lives there) As I recall it came out that they spent something rediculious like $30B a year on welfare (note: I may be off on the $ amount there as it was a video, my near photo memory is not so good with video; I can see a 30 or 32B figure, but I also see one at 680B but I can't source either given the jumpy appearance of video recall.)

If we note that some 108 million American's are on welfare. The population of California is noted at 39 million and according to the studies I've seen 32.4 million welfare recipients live in CA. So basically yea 1 of 3 is actually generously low if you ask me. What did you expect when you throw open the doors to a bunch of third world riff-raff and offer them [free money] welfare?? Sure you get lots of political votes, but you also get hosed financially... Rather typical of the kinds of lopsided "trade" deals D's are wont to make; the ends justify the means! lol

That's funny you talk bad about California when Alaska has far:
1. Higher crime rate. A rape capital.
2. Druggies and alcoholics.
3. Very poor states.
4. Highest unemployment.
5. Highest rate welfare recipients. See link.
6. Etc etc etc etc.

Despite with the highest population 39+ millions compared to Alaska. Wow. How do you even survive in Alaska?

So before you pick on someone else why don't you look at yourself first. A person with high IQ do not act dumb.

Alaska has highest rate of welfare recipients in the U.S., Census says

30% of the nations welfare recipients live in CA (only 12% of the US population lives there) As I recall it came out that they spent something rediculious like $30B a year on welfare (note: I may be off on the $ amount there as it was a video, my near photo memory is not so good with video; I can see a 30 or 32B figure, but I also see one at 680B but I can't source either given the jumpy appearance of video recall.)

If we note that some 108 million American's are on welfare. The population of California is noted at 39 million and according to the studies I've seen 32.4 million welfare recipients live in CA. So basically yea 1 of 3 is actually generously low if you ask me. What did you expect when you throw open the doors to a bunch of third world riff-raff and offer them [free money] welfare?? Sure you get lots of political votes, but you also get hosed financially... Rather typical of the kinds of lopsided "trade" deals D's are wont to make; the ends justify the means! lol

That's funny you talk bad about California when Alaska has far:
1. Higher crime rate. A rape capital.
2. Druggies and alcoholics.
3. Very poor states.
4. Highest unemployment.
5. Highest rate welfare recipients. See link.
6. Etc etc etc etc.

Despite with the highest population 39+ millions compared to Alaska. Wow. How do you even survive in Alaska?

So before you pick on someone else why don't you look at yourself first. A person with high IQ do not act dumb.

Alaska has highest rate of welfare recipients in the U.S., Census says


Yeah we've got Natives, they live in villages of 25-100 out in the middle of nowhere, with zero road access, no power, much less plumbing, and they hunt for their own food. I mean we could bring them into the 21st century by force, but frankly they told us "fuck no" and run their own governments and towns. Because of Federal laws however we are required to provide certain things to them based on AA-esk requirements around minority poverty rates and shit. So while our natives are poor as fuck, they all have brand new snow machines to go hunting with and we're working on getting them solar/hydro/wind power and such with the /required/ spending - kind of the compromise we worked out with the native councils to balance "white interference" and "traditional native culture." Unfortunately native cultural tradition also includes abusive husbands because women have little "worth" unless they make the cut as "spiritual leaders" - kind of like Muslims so shut your face on that one (it's what we're told...) Same with when we try to do anything about the rampant alcoholism in the bush, we're told to mind our own business - and they have their own justice and law systems that we're prevented from being involved in unless they ask us to incarcerate their uncle/cousin/brother/etc. Yes most of the natives in their villages of 50-100 are unemployeed, they "work" as traditional native communities always have which doesn't involve US dollars.

But go ahead and blame "racist republicans" because you know better...
Washing and Oregon will go with it.
Good, Texas and other red states have been clamoring for secession for ten years so let's get 'er done! All the blue states can take the vast majority of the economy and form a new Real America and the red states can form the New Confederacy of Backwoods Hillbillies.

Don't say you want to do it, just do it. Call your Congressmen and let's light this candle.
Uh, just FYI, California is a hotbed of leftist cities that want out of the union (not right wing nut jobs) and despite what they vote for and want, they can't leave the union. The years from 1861 through 1865 should act as a reminder as to what happens when you attempt to leave. Now, if you are a victim of a poorly run public school let me remind you, approximately 640,000 to 700,000 casualties. It doesn't matter though, whether the state is the loony bin of the west, California, or the Red State of Texas, if you separate, troops are sent in to appropriately reintegrate you back in, with bloody results.

Actually, we could let them go with no issues.

Don't be so narrow minded.
Let CA go......LA and SF that is.

We keep the central valley in the U.S. Lots of food.

LA can then fend off Mexico when it invades.
Let California secede.

omg please let them

let them become another Detroit (or worse)


so sweet :biggrin:
Unlike the majority of the red states, California sends more money to the federal government than they receive from the federal government.

But that will not happen. Succession is not an option. My Great-grandfather fought from Fort Donaldson to New Orleans to guarantee that would not happen again. Nor will there ever be a significant percentage of voters in California that would support that.
Let CA go......LA and SF that is.

We keep the central valley in the U.S. Lots of food.

LA can then fend off Mexico when it invades.

When it invades?

Mexicans are all over the place in So California. And they are dirty as hell. Go to any store and the shelves are just ransacked and they litter without thought.

Unlike the majority of the red states, California sends more money to the federal government than they receive from the federal government.

But that will not happen. Succession is not an option. My Great-grandfather fought from Fort Donaldson to New Orleans to guarantee that would not happen again. Nor will there ever be a significant percentage of voters in California that would support that.

Then they need to stfu



55 Reasons Why California Is The Worst State In America

By Michael Snyder, on December 12th, 2012
Why in the world would anyone want to live in the state of California at this point? The entire state is rapidly becoming a bright, shining example of everything that is wrong with America. It is so sad to watch our most populated state implode right in front of our eyes. Like millions of Americans, I was quite enamored with the state of California when I was younger. The warm weather, the beaches, the great natural beauty of the state and the mystique of Hollywood all really appealed to me. At one point I even thought that I wanted to move there. But today, hordes of Californians are racing to get out of the state because it has become a total nightmare. It is the worst state in the country in which to do business, taxes were just raised even higher, unemployment is more than 20 percent higher than the national average and the state government is drowning in debt. Meanwhile, poverty, gang activity and crime just seem to get worse with each passing year. On top of everything else, the insane politicians in Sacramento just keep on passing more laws that make the problems that the state is facing even worse. Unfortunately, what is happening in California may be a preview of what is coming to the entire nation. The old adage, “as California goes, so goes the nation”, has been proven to be true way too many times.

In dozens of different ways, the state of California is showing the rest of us what not to do. Will we learn from their mistakes, or will we follow them into oblivion? Please share the list below with as many people as you can. In addition to a large amount of new research, this list also pulled heavily from one of my previous articles and from outstanding research done by Richard Rider. The following are 55 reasons why California is the worst state in America…

1. One survey of business executives has ranked California as the worst state in America to do business for 8 years in a row.

2. In 2011, the state of California ranked 50th out of all 50 states in new business creation.

3. According to one recent study, California is the worst-governed state in the entire country.

4. Thanks to Proposition 30, California now boasts the highest state income tax rate in the nation.

5. Even though California just raised taxes dramatically on the wealthy, state revenues are falling like a rock. State revenue for November 2012 was 10.8 percent below projections.

6. California has the highest sales tax rate in the United States.

7. California has the 8th highest corporate income tax rate in the country.

8. California has the highest “minimum corporate tax” in the country. Each corporation must pay at least $800 to the state even if a corporation does not make a single dollar of profit.

9. California is tied with New York for the highest gasoline tax rate in the country.

10. California is the only state in America that taxes carbon emissions.

11. The state of California issues some of the most expensive traffic tickets in the nation. This is another form of taxation.

12. As of October, only Nevada and Rhode Island had higher unemployment rates than California.

13. The unemployment rate in California is more than 20 percent higher than the overall unemployment rate for the rest of the nation.

14. The state of California requires licenses for 177 different occupations (the most in the nation). The national average is only 92.

15. California teachers are the highest paid in the nation, but California students rank 48th in math and 49th in reading.

55 Reasons Why California Is The Worst State In America
And the data keeps rolling in confirming CA pretty much is a total loss


California is America's Most-Hated State, According to Public Policy Polling

t turns out the left-most state is also America's most-hated, according to a recent survey by Public Policy Polling. And California's left-leaning politics seem to have a lot to do with it.

The Golden State is the most-disliked in the union, and Hawaii is the most-liked. In fact, ours was one of only five states that received majority-negative views by our fellow Americans, according to PPP:

Americans generally have a favorable view of most states. Only five are in negative territory, led by California (27% favorable and 44% unfavorable), Illinois (19-29), New Jersey (25-32), Mississippi (22-28), and Utah (24-27).

California is America's Most-Hated State, According to Public Policy Polling

In the future California wouldn't be able to come looking to suck on the federal teat once their billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities come due. They'd have only their own country's swingin' dicks to turn to for help.
Good, Texas and other red states have been clamoring for secession for ten years so let's get 'er done! All the blue states can take the vast majority of the economy and form a new Real America and the red states can form the New Confederacy of Backwoods Hillbillies.

Don't say you want to do it, just do it. Call your Congressmen and let's light this candle.
Uh, just FYI, California is a hotbed of leftist cities that want out of the union (not right wing nut jobs) and despite what they vote for and want, they can't leave the union. .

Uh, just FYI- you are an ignorant idiot.

We 'leftist' cities don't want out of the union.

Less likely to leave than those secessionists in Texas.

In a first, Texas Boys State votes to secede from Union

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