What Would It Take To Abandon Obama?

Two rumors surfaced this week. I dont know whether either is true or not. The first was that Obama dealt cocaine in college. The second that Trump had evidence Obama was enrolled as a foreign student. Let's say both of them were proven facts. Would Obama supporters turn off support for him? I dont think so. They would spin the first as "they all do it" and the second as "It's proof the Constitution needs to be amended." I don't think there is any point that anything damaging about a Democratic candidate would cause his supporters to reconsider.
This is in contrast to many years ago when Democrats valued things like personal integrity. I remember when McGovern's first choice for VP, Thomas Eagleton, was revealed to have had shock therapy. He was considered unelectable and dropped. Today he would be admired on talk shows for overcoming his problem. In part I think a lot of this came from Bill Clinton, who's idea of success and sole criterion was "winning." In light of that, winning is all that matters to the Left. They rationalize it by saying "they all do it" or some other mitigating argument. But they dont all do it. The Left projects their own beliefs on their opponents. To them winning is all that matters so they think everyone feels the same.

I would still support President Obama even if I knew that (1) he dealt cocaine in college and (2) he had enrolled as a foreign exchange student at some time in his life. That's because I am more interested in Democratic policies than I am in the office holder who implements them.

I wonder if you are aware of the two rumors that have also surfaced within the past two days - I don't know if they are true or not - that Romney actually has four wives in the state of Utah and also that he is a convicted child molestor.
Two rumors surfaced this week. I dont know whether either is true or not. The first was that Obama dealt cocaine in college. The second that Trump had evidence Obama was enrolled as a foreign student. Let's say both of them were proven facts. Would Obama supporters turn off support for him? I dont think so. They would spin the first as "they all do it" and the second as "It's proof the Constitution needs to be amended." I don't think there is any point that anything damaging about a Democratic candidate would cause his supporters to reconsider.
This is in contrast to many years ago when Democrats valued things like personal integrity. I remember when McGovern's first choice for VP, Thomas Eagleton, was revealed to have had shock therapy. He was considered unelectable and dropped. Today he would be admired on talk shows for overcoming his problem. In part I think a lot of this came from Bill Clinton, who's idea of success and sole criterion was "winning." In light of that, winning is all that matters to the Left. They rationalize it by saying "they all do it" or some other mitigating argument. But they dont all do it. The Left projects their own beliefs on their opponents. To them winning is all that matters so they think everyone feels the same.

I would still support President Obama even if I knew that (1) he dealt cocaine in college and (2) he had enrolled as a foreign exchange student at some time in his life. That's because I am more interested in Democratic policies than I am in the office holder who implements them.

I wonder if you are aware of the two rumors that have also surfaced within the past two days - I don't know if they are true or not - that Romney actually has four wives in the state of Utah and also that he is a convicted child molestor.
Now, George. :eusa_shifty:
Two rumors surfaced this week. I dont know whether either is true or not. The first was that Obama dealt cocaine in college. The second that Trump had evidence Obama was enrolled as a foreign student. Let's say both of them were proven facts. Would Obama supporters turn off support for him? I dont think so. They would spin the first as "they all do it" and the second as "It's proof the Constitution needs to be amended." I don't think there is any point that anything damaging about a Democratic candidate would cause his supporters to reconsider.
This is in contrast to many years ago when Democrats valued things like personal integrity. I remember when McGovern's first choice for VP, Thomas Eagleton, was revealed to have had shock therapy. He was considered unelectable and dropped. Today he would be admired on talk shows for overcoming his problem. In part I think a lot of this came from Bill Clinton, who's idea of success and sole criterion was "winning." In light of that, winning is all that matters to the Left. They rationalize it by saying "they all do it" or some other mitigating argument. But they dont all do it. The Left projects their own beliefs on their opponents. To them winning is all that matters so they think everyone feels the same.

I would still support President Obama even if I knew that (1) he dealt cocaine in college and (2) he had enrolled as a foreign exchange student at some time in his life. That's because I am more interested in Democratic policies than I am in the office holder who implements them.

I wonder if you are aware of the two rumors that have also surfaced within the past two days - I don't know if they are true or not - that Romney actually has four wives in the state of Utah and also that he is a convicted child molestor.
Now, George. :eusa_shifty:

I trust you see my point here . . .
I know this is gonna sound weird BUT I THINK THE ELECTION IS ALREADY DECIDED!

The very, very few who have yet to make up their mind will probably not even both to go to the polls.

Is it that the debates changed anyone's views of the candidates? Or, that the debates permitted those to speak up and voice their views as they feel they won't be made fun of by others?

I'll post an item on polling that might back up my opinion.

IMHO, no matter how hard the media tries, Gov Romney has already won.

It boggles the mind how there are some who have yet to make a decision. I mean really ... what the hell are they waiting for? Are there really folks out there still sitting on the fence saying to themselves .... "Well, I really like this about Obama and I really like this about Romney. Gee, this is so difficult. I don't know who to vote for."

Then be boggled, not everyone is a partisan hack.

I will say that I am one of those that really has not decided. I would not vote for Obama if hell froze over but I am unsure if I actually want to vote for Romney. He might be a great guy but he really is not offering anything different than Obama is. He makes glorified claims that he is going to remove Obamacare (not going to happen). Cut taxes where dealing with the loopholes is the real problem and with all his blustering he really is not going to address the problem outside of a few here and there. Identical foreign policy. The deficit is going nowhere under his watch. What am I voting for?
I would still support President Obama even if I knew that (1) he dealt cocaine in college and (2) he had enrolled as a foreign exchange student at some time in his life. That's because I am more interested in Democratic policies than I am in the office holder who implements them.

I wonder if you are aware of the two rumors that have also surfaced within the past two days - I don't know if they are true or not - that Romney actually has four wives in the state of Utah and also that he is a convicted child molestor.

And here is the embodiment of what is meant when someone uses the term partisan hack. You are admitting that you are simply going to vote for the one with a D no matter who it is. That is the CORE problem in politics today. Because the democrats write some talking points that you agree with here is your vote.
What "many people"? Maybe five.

By the way.............many people have already abandoned King Obama because of the BenghaziGate affair.

That was the piece that broke the camel's back.

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