What would Jesus have looked like?

If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

I doubt the heavy jaw------and the sloping forehead. Jews of long term
middle east just do not look like that-----the jaw is way off and they tend
to have high cheek bones and prominent foreheads-------what is with the
kinky hair?. They tend to have curly but not kinky hair.
The whole point is to project an unappealing Christ.

why? it seems to me that an idiot who DEVOTES so much time to an
issue like trying to REPRODUCE the appearance of a person-----must be nuts
to do so if he does not like the guy. ------of course------I may be wrong-----adolf spent
lots of time on describing jews
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly".

Hey, hold it a fucking minute, that's pretty much the opposite of what I said....
I said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath."

The crack about the 40 days in the dessert was just that - a crack, and you know that. I'm done with you on this issue, if you're willing to lie to win your point - whatever that is - go ahead.
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly".

Hey, hold it a fucking minute, that's pretty much the opposite of what I said....
I said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath."

The crack about the 40 days in the dessert was just that - a crack, and you know that. I'm done with you on this issue, if you're willing to lie to win your point - whatever that is - go ahead.

I do not believe that the reconstruction looks anything like a middle eastern jew.
I know lots of middle eastern jews. In fact I am married to a member of a
community that never left the middle east over the past at least 3000 years----
and get to mingle with that community--------SORRY-----they look nothing like
that reconstruction. I am referring SPECIFICALLY to important skull and facial
bone features-------the kind of stuff that anthropologists have traditionally used
to establish what was once called "racial" features. Jews tend to have high and
prominent FOREHEADS-------your guy looks more like Neanderthal-----an extinct
race of homosapien. His nose is all wrong too.
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly..

I doubt the heavy jaw------and the sloping forehead. Jews of long term
middle east just do not look like that-----the jaw is way off and they tend
to have high cheek bones and prominent foreheads-------what is with the
kinky hair?. They tend to have curly but not kinky hair.
The whole point is to project an unappealing Christ.

why? it seems to me that an idiot who DEVOTES so much time to an
issue like trying to REPRODUCE the appearance of a person-----must be nuts
to do so if he does not like the guy. ------of course------I may be wrong-----adolf spent
lots of time on describing jews
Just wanted to point out that KG lied when she said "I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly." I actually said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath." The forty day reference was supposed to be a jokey allusion to the time he spent in the desert wrestling with Satan or whatever. She knows that.
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly..

I doubt the heavy jaw------and the sloping forehead. Jews of long term
middle east just do not look like that-----the jaw is way off and they tend
to have high cheek bones and prominent foreheads-------what is with the
kinky hair?. They tend to have curly but not kinky hair.
The whole point is to project an unappealing Christ.

why? it seems to me that an idiot who DEVOTES so much time to an
issue like trying to REPRODUCE the appearance of a person-----must be nuts
to do so if he does not like the guy. ------of course------I may be wrong-----adolf spent
lots of time on describing jews
Just wanted to point out that KG lied when she said "I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly." I actually said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath." The forty day reference was supposed to be a jokey allusion to the time he spent in the desert wrestling with Satan or whatever. She knows that.

I did not make the smelly dirty accusation-------searcher. ----I made the
LOOKS LIKE A NEANDERTHAL accusation-------low forehead. I have no
idea from whence came the kinky hair------the hair of middle easterners who have
a LONG history north of the Sahara tends to be curly but not particularly
kinky. Their noses tend to be prominent and aquiline. Your guy's nose is not
aquiline at all. BIG AQUILINE NOSES, high foreheads, high cheekbones<<<
that's a middle eastern guy back then as far as I can figure it. Also-----
kinda narrow face. --------back then with roman oppression there was a food
shortage. Your guy looks like he swills beer and pretzels As to height-----
yup ----short. ....probably based on nutritional deprivation as well as -----heredity
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly".

Hey, hold it a fucking minute, that's pretty much the opposite of what I said....
I said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath."

The crack about the 40 days in the dessert was just that - a crack, and you know that. I'm done with you on this issue, if you're willing to lie to win your point - whatever that is - go ahead.
Of course I didn't lie. I know you're done on the topic. You started out with nonsense and I exposed not only your ignorance, but your malice..remember that next time you want to prate stupidly at Christians about how ugly Christ was.
Last edited:
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly".

Hey, hold it a fucking minute, that's pretty much the opposite of what I said....
I said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath."

The crack about the 40 days in the dessert was just that - a crack, and you know that. I'm done with you on this issue, if you're willing to lie to win your point - whatever that is - go ahead.

I do not believe that the reconstruction looks anything like a middle eastern jew.
I know lots of middle eastern jews. In fact I am married to a member of a
community that never left the middle east over the past at least 3000 years----
and get to mingle with that community--------SORRY-----they look nothing like
that reconstruction. I am referring SPECIFICALLY to important skull and facial
bone features-------the kind of stuff that anthropologists have traditionally used
to establish what was once called "racial" features. Jews tend to have high and
prominent FOREHEADS-------your guy looks more like Neanderthal-----an extinct
race of homosapien. His nose is all wrong too.

KG thought it looked neanderthalian as well, I don't see it.


Here's a side view of Neave's reconstruction; the third pic is a Mormon's conception of jesus I think, ignore it if you can. You can see the original article on the science here - The Real Face Of Jesus


He looks like a thoroughly modern human to me.

Don't forget the typical jew in the 1st century was 110 lbs, 5'1". The Neanderthal was much larger;


Since the 1st century there have been many, many generations for change and interbreeding. I'm not surprised your contemporary Jewish friends differ a lot from the articles subject. Just the advances in healthcare alone have accounted for significant changes in our phenotypes.

If this forensic scientist did blow his reconstruction to some degree he still has to be closer than this;

If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly..

I doubt the heavy jaw------and the sloping forehead. Jews of long term
middle east just do not look like that-----the jaw is way off and they tend
to have high cheek bones and prominent foreheads-------what is with the
kinky hair?. They tend to have curly but not kinky hair.
The whole point is to project an unappealing Christ.

why? it seems to me that an idiot who DEVOTES so much time to an
issue like trying to REPRODUCE the appearance of a person-----must be nuts
to do so if he does not like the guy. ------of course------I may be wrong-----adolf spent
lots of time on describing jews
Just wanted to point out that KG lied when she said "I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly." I actually said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath." The forty day reference was supposed to be a jokey allusion to the time he spent in the desert wrestling with Satan or whatever. She knows that.
I know exactly what your game is, this is true. You're ignorant of the topic but somehow convinced yourself that you can intelligently lecture others on the topic. You can't. You don't know the first thing about the Christian concept of Christ, you are ignorant of the history of Christianity, and you and fake think Hebrews 'of the day' were stunted, ugly and coarse in appearance, with dark skin, kinky hair and huge noses. And you have the nerve to imply we're racist.
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly".

Hey, hold it a fucking minute, that's pretty much the opposite of what I said....
I said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath."

The crack about the 40 days in the dessert was just that - a crack, and you know that. I'm done with you on this issue, if you're willing to lie to win your point - whatever that is - go ahead.

I do not believe that the reconstruction looks anything like a middle eastern jew.
I know lots of middle eastern jews. In fact I am married to a member of a
community that never left the middle east over the past at least 3000 years----
and get to mingle with that community--------SORRY-----they look nothing like
that reconstruction. I am referring SPECIFICALLY to important skull and facial
bone features-------the kind of stuff that anthropologists have traditionally used
to establish what was once called "racial" features. Jews tend to have high and
prominent FOREHEADS-------your guy looks more like Neanderthal-----an extinct
race of homosapien. His nose is all wrong too.

KG thought it looked neanderthalian as well, I don't see it.


Here's a side view of Neave's reconstruction; the third pic is a Mormon's conception of jesus I think, ignore it if you can. You can see the original article on the science here - The Real Face Of Jesus


He looks like a thoroughly modern human to me.

Don't forget the typical jew in the 1st century was 110 lbs, 5'1". The Neanderthal was much larger;


Since the 1st century there have been many, many generations for change and interbreeding. I'm not surprised your contemporary Jewish friends differ a lot from the articles subject. Just the advances in healthcare alone have accounted for significant changes in our phenotypes.

If this forensic scientist did blow his reconstruction to some degree he still has to be closer than this;

Yeah, I see no resemblance between your common Jew and the Neanderthal, lol. Absolutely no resemblance.

What a crock.

And Jews weren't dwarves, either, lol.

I doubt the heavy jaw------and the sloping forehead. Jews of long term
middle east just do not look like that-----the jaw is way off and they tend
to have high cheek bones and prominent foreheads-------what is with the
kinky hair?. They tend to have curly but not kinky hair.
The whole point is to project an unappealing Christ.

why? it seems to me that an idiot who DEVOTES so much time to an
issue like trying to REPRODUCE the appearance of a person-----must be nuts
to do so if he does not like the guy. ------of course------I may be wrong-----adolf spent
lots of time on describing jews
Just wanted to point out that KG lied when she said "I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly." I actually said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath." The forty day reference was supposed to be a jokey allusion to the time he spent in the desert wrestling with Satan or whatever. She knows that.
I know exactly what your game is, this is true. You're ignorant of the topic but somehow convinced yourself that you can intelligently lecture others on the topic. You can't. You don't know the first thing about the Christian concept of Christ, you are ignorant of the history of Christianity, and you and fake think Hebrews 'of the day' were stunted, ugly and coarse in appearance, with dark skin, kinky hair and huge noses. And you have the nerve to imply we're racist.

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.


View attachment 57348

I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly.

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly".

Hey, hold it a fucking minute, that's pretty much the opposite of what I said....
I said "He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath."

The crack about the 40 days in the dessert was just that - a crack, and you know that. I'm done with you on this issue, if you're willing to lie to win your point - whatever that is - go ahead.

I do not believe that the reconstruction looks anything like a middle eastern jew.
I know lots of middle eastern jews. In fact I am married to a member of a
community that never left the middle east over the past at least 3000 years----
and get to mingle with that community--------SORRY-----they look nothing like
that reconstruction. I am referring SPECIFICALLY to important skull and facial
bone features-------the kind of stuff that anthropologists have traditionally used
to establish what was once called "racial" features. Jews tend to have high and
prominent FOREHEADS-------your guy looks more like Neanderthal-----an extinct
race of homosapien. His nose is all wrong too.

KG thought it looked neanderthalian as well, I don't see it.


Here's a side view of Neave's reconstruction; the third pic is a Mormon's conception of jesus I think, ignore it if you can. You can see the original article on the science here - The Real Face Of Jesus


He looks like a thoroughly modern human to me.

Don't forget the typical jew in the 1st century was 110 lbs, 5'1". The Neanderthal was much larger;


Since the 1st century there have been many, many generations for change and interbreeding. I'm not surprised your contemporary Jewish friends differ a lot from the articles subject. Just the advances in healthcare alone have accounted for significant changes in our phenotypes.

If this forensic scientist did blow his reconstruction to some degree he still has to be closer than this;

Yeah, I see no resemblance between your common Jew and the Neanderthal, lol. Absolutely no resemblance.

What a crock.

And Jews weren't dwarves, either, lol.

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.
Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

Okay, so now I know how dishonest you really are. I said and I rest my case....

"the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.
Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

I'm an Agnostic but I hate it that Jesus called some people "dogs" based on their race...that may have even inspired some insane people to imitate his behavior; Black activist Malcolm X use to do that to Whites (call them "dogs") during his NOI days BUT HE (GOD BLESS HIM FOR THIS RENOUNCIATION) RENOUNCED THE WAY THAT HE BEHAVED TOWARD WHITES DURING HIS N.O.I. DAYS WHEN HE LEFT THAT GROUP. :)

Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;

Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


Well if you're so worried about Jesus, Jesus said love your enemies and do good to them who do evil to you...you should maybe try worrying less about what Jesus looked like and more about what he said.


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