What would Jesus have looked like?

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."

Big difference between being a Democrat, especially in Al's day, and being a leftist.

I couldn't care less what Al did or didn't think about religion. I know leftists are deeply impressed by personality politics - aka "Someone famous said it! That makes it WONDERFUL!" - but I am both independent enough and free-thinking enough to decide my beliefs for myself, and I am also well aware of the fact that no matter how highly-educated someone is in his own field, his opinion outside that field means no more than my next-door neighbor's does.
Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.

I'll make your prophesy fall in place:

What difference does it make. It's ancient god worship and that automatically qualifies it as rank horse shit!


Oh, wow, I was just DYING to hear your personal opinion on the secrets of the universe stated as unequivocable fact . . . oh, wait, no I wasn't.

Don't waste my time. You don't believe in God, and I don't give a flying fuck.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Yet another maalox moment brought to you lucky devils via the village idiot campellll

God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.
I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Yet another maalox moment brought to you lucky devils via the village idiot campellll

God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.

I try to love generically, it's easier.
God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.

I have a feeling you may be just fine. Love your neighbor as yourself, to mean anything, must begin with love of oneself. Whenever anyone is being insulting remember two things:

1. God loves you
2. But for the grace of God, that could be you

This makes it easy to forget any insult or harshness and prepares us to love the next person who crosses our path. Nothing like a good insult to remind us of God and those who love us--and the next people who comes our way often treasure and return the bits of love most people do show one another.

Count the successes and may they bless you. Don't allow failures to muddy things.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Yet another maalox moment brought to you lucky devils via the village idiot campellll

God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.

I try to love generically, it's easier.

Sometimes, I'm reduced to trying not to wish that people would drop dead of a stroke.

I'm afraid God didn't make me a very nice person, so He's going to have to be patient with the personality He did give me.
God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.

I have a feeling you may be just fine. Love your neighbor as yourself, to mean anything, must begin with love of oneself. Whenever anyone is being insulting remember two things:

1. God loves you
2. But for the grace of God, that could be you

This makes it easy to forget any insult or harshness and prepares us to love the next person who crosses our path. Nothing like a good insult to remind us of God and those who love us--and the next people who comes our way often treasure and return the bits of love most people do show one another.

Count the successes and may they bless you. Don't allow failures to muddy things.

Screw Gawd and the horse he rode in on. When somebody even barely suggests that they will live in eternal bliss while I, just because I believe something different than they do will roast in a lake of fire for all eternity.....brudder, they've already demonstrated their total ignorance.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Yet another maalox moment brought to you lucky devils via the village idiot campellll

God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.

I try to love generically, it's easier.

YOU are very representative of the reason why people leave "christianity". Seriously. I have never read where you have posted anything that even remotely resembles "generic love". If anything, its just the opposite - you pretty much hate everybody except those who hate right along with you.
Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


You know I'm not reading that blather. Sorry.

And ...

Bathing was not as common in those days. People just did not believe bathing was as important as we view it today.

Why not view all of this in context of the times?
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


You know I'm not reading that blather. Sorry.

And ...

Bathing was not as common in those days. People just did not believe bathing was as important as we view it today.

Why not view all of this in context of the times?

In other words they smelled like a two dollar whore after a busy night all day long....every day.
Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Yet another maalox moment brought to you lucky devils via the village idiot campellll

God instructed us to love everyone, including arrogant dipshits like Campbell, but since He declined to tell me HOW to manage this feat, He ends up having to forgive me a lot.

Oh, well.

I try to love generically, it's easier.

YOU are very representative of the reason why people leave "christianity". Seriously. I have never read where you have posted anything that even remotely resembles "generic love". If anything, its just the opposite - you pretty much hate everybody except those who hate right along with you.

More irony. It abounds today. You are inarguably one of the most hateful, dishonest posters on the board. The fact that you have taken such an aversion to me tells me I'm doing what I do, right.
When somebody even barely suggests that they will live in eternal bliss while I, just because I believe something different than they do will roast in a lake of fire for all eternity.....brudder, they've already demonstrated their total ignorance.

I understand some (a minority) of Christians do espouse this. Most of us do not, so broad-brushing the whole because of the sentiments of the few is not exactly fair. Most of us hold the belief that God sent Jesus to redeem the world--not bring a few to eternal bliss while most of the world suffers eternal torment. Catholicism teaches that only God knows who, if anyone, is in hell. Catholic teaching is that it is the individual who chooses separation from God--not God who chooses to separate from the individual.

God loves you. He sent word to the world that sins we turn away from are forgiven. He sent teachings that the ways of the world are tricky. What the world offers as freedom from doing what is right and good is in reality slavery with evil the brutal taskmaster. Meanwhile, obedience to what is right and good, is not slavery, but freedom. We are invited to try this.

You can insult and deride us for being poor messengers of the Word God wishes you to hear. We probably are poor messengers of the Good News and deserving of some scorn. Still, beware of denigrating and cursing God and the Spirit of what is good and holy.

Bizarre to the point of unbelievable that so many believe this, but they do.

Despite the fact that you loons keep saying there are millions who believe this...

it still isn't true. The only people committed to an image of Christ are, as usual, the anti-Christian lunatics..who are adamant that He was ugly, short, old before His time, coarse, and smelly.

Bizarre to the point of unbelievable that so many believe this, but they do.

Despite the fact that you loons keep saying there are millions who believe this...

it still isn't true. The only people committed to an image of Christ are, as usual, the anti-Christian lunatics..who are adamant that He was ugly, short, old before His time, coarse, and smelly.

what would he look like... well since he was a piece of paper or a scroll (being the word or logos) he was flat , thin and without form till letters were written to form him..
Interesting fact, he was described if you look carefully. According to the documentation Jesus was short, bald, with a beard, not very good looking. Essentially a phallic symbol for the Mary/Jesus Oedipus relationship.
" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


You know I'm not reading that blather. Sorry.

And ...

Bathing was not as common in those days. People just did not believe bathing was as important as we view it today.

Why not view all of this in context of the times?

In other words they smelled like a two dollar whore after a busy night all day long....every day.

I'm guessing you're our resident expert on the smell of two-dollar whores.

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