What would Jesus have looked like?

Pontius Pilate described him as beautiful, tall, light haired, light eyed.Physical Description of Jesus

Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


You know I'm not reading that blather. Sorry.
Please apologise for saying I said the typical jew of that era was dirty and smelly when I said the exact opposite, they were "hygienic..clean of body..."
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


You know I'm not reading that blather. Sorry.

That's all right. I didn't realized you had two first-hand descriptions of J.C. by ...what's his name? oh yeah...Publius Lentullus.... and none other than Pontius Pilate. I don't know why you waited so long to share them, they would have saved us a lot of speculation. Don't worry though I am going to share these descriptions with everybody. Unless you want to be first? After all it is your information. Anyway I'm preparing a post to share your descriptions of Christ with the World, well that's a little immodest, let's just say USMB. But by all means if you want to get this incredible news out there first be my guest. Thank you.
with the exception of Christ after his sojourn. You said it. Now you say you were making a funny.....but you still said it, you retard. I didn't lie about anything. Get a grip.

" After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath".
So Jesus would be dirty. As I said I d you said.

No, you said;

"I like how searcher asserts that not only was He ugly (and old) but also dirty and smelly"
After I had said "the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath". And of course I never "asserted" he was old or ugly so that's a lie too. He didn't get any older than 33 did he? That's a spring chicken in my book. Now you can go ahead and say I called "Jesus" a chicken.
Your misquotes and connotations make your statements lies. If you think my droll sense of humor is unfunny, even pathetic that still does not give a "Christian" permission to lie I wouldn't think. I don't consider an unrepentant and repetitive liar such as yourself a "Christian". And let's remember my OP described the "typical" Jew from that era, I made no claim to knowing what the actual "Jesus" looked like, just that he probably didn't look like this;


You know I'm not reading that blather. Sorry.

That's all right. I didn't realized you had two first-hand descriptions of J.C. by ...what's his name? oh yeah...Publius Lentullus.... and none other than Pontius Pilate. I don't know why you waited so long to share them, they would have saved us a lot of speculation. Don't worry though I am going to share these descriptions with everybody. Unless you want to be first? After all it is your information. Anyway I'm preparing a post to share your descriptions of Christ with the World, well that's a little immodest, let's just say USMB. But by all means if you want to get this incredible news out there first be my guest. Thank you.

Why don't you try living Jesus instead of worrying about what he looked like, egg-head.

It isn't Christians that are hung up on the looks of Jesus, it's the non believers who are.

Yet we still get the "Jesus wasn't a Hippie White Boy" attitude to which I always reply: "Yeah? So how does that change The Word?".

Anti-Christian types think they're scoring points when they're not. What do you guys think is gonna' happen when you point this out?: "What? Jesus wasn't White? OMG! I'm leaving the Church today!".
Jesus was not made to look like you, but you are made to be like Jesus. Get cracking and don't forget.
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.

A dark complexioned 5' 1" 110 pound fellow. Hints in the bible suggests he would have shorter hair than usually depicted. He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath.

In the light of today's modern demographics this "runt' wouldn't inspire too much reverence in your modern Christian. Doesn't look the type to cast out demons or rampage through the money lenders.The more ideal figure would be more like this;

Tall and fair skinned, bigger than life probably and with an aura about him. I won't asked you to pick your favorite.

Well, you've conclusively proven that YOU have racist problems, anyway.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.
If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E.

A dark complexioned 5' 1" 110 pound fellow. Hints in the bible suggests he would have shorter hair than usually depicted. He was probably robed and the typical Jew would have been hygienic, usually clean of body. The evidence for that is the large number of public and private baths found by archeologists. After forty days in the desert of course one would be in need of a bath.

In the light of today's modern demographics this "runt' wouldn't inspire too much reverence in your modern Christian. Doesn't look the type to cast out demons or rampage through the money lenders.The more ideal figure would be more like this;

Tall and fair skinned, bigger than life probably and with an aura about him. I won't asked you to pick your favorite.

I thought everybody knew:

ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

Why do you keep insisting the typical jewish man of the 1st century as modeled by this forensic scientist was "hideous" "dwarfish" "imperfect". Of course different eras and cultures have different standards of beauty. I don't think many people would consider this guy "hideous" today. The average human today is taller than than his counterpart 2000 years ago. "Imperfect"? Aren't we all?

What is the "perfect" male form? Could you give us examples from today and 2000 years ago?

I haven't finished the post on the descriptions of "Christ" you sent me, so let's have a look at the one by Pontius Pilate; This is from info Koshergrl sent me on a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Ceaser

"This is a reprinting of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C."


A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.
Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling, nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.
Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any criminal offense and as others have said, we must agree -- truly this is the Son of God.

Your most obedient servant,"
Pontius Pilate

And then there is this;

"This Likeness of Jesus was copied from a portrait carved on an emerald by order of Tiberius Caesar, which emerald the Emperor of the Turks afterwards gave out of the Treasury of Constantinople to Pope Innocent VIII for the redemption of his brother, taken captive by the Christians"

I have never seen this unique evidence for a description of the actual "Christ" Have you shared this very important find with many other people? I guess it proves your case that he was blonde and beautiful and looked nothing like his contemporaries.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....
Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.
Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

Why are leftists so shallow and hung up on looks that they have to think it matters?
What they do is propose he was hideous, dwarfish, imperfect....then attack us if we argue that's very unlikely.

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.

I'll make your prophesy fall in place:

What difference does it make. It's ancient god worship and that automatically qualifies it as rank horse shit!

I was actually planning to argue that it really doesn't matter WHAT He looked like.
It doesn't...except for this...Jesus was the perfect man, the perfect representation of man. You really think he looks that that hideous creature in the OP? Or that he looked decades older than his actual age?

It's all part of the move to de-deify him, and to discourage any but the most unflattering representations of Him....

I'm assuming that, being God, He actually had some choice in the matter, and went with whatever furthered His purpose on Earth.

That being said, I think it's a lot more important to note how very shallow and racially-obsessed leftists are on the subject. As the mob of amoral twinks that they are, I would expect leftists to attack Christianity every chance they get, but I think it's telling that they would much rather attack Christianity as though we're voting for Christ on "America's Next Top Model", rather than on any substantive basis.
Exactly. They'll attack on any basis. And then we're attacked for disagreeing.

Yes, well, I don't expect fairness or reason from leftists any more than I expect intelligence from them.

I'm LMAO!! Dr. Albert Einstein was a Democrat. You wouldn't know intelligence if it smacked you in the face.

Another thing ol' Albert said that impressed me:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Yet another maalox moment brought to you lucky devils via the village idiot campellll

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