What would Jesus have looked like?

ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

You think that jews look like ugly retards?
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?

people have been doing "what did jesus look like" for years. It is a silly
exercise. Leave GOOD ENOUGH ALONE------Michelangelo knew well
enough-------I do not like the GUESSES------Mary should sue

"people have been doing "what did jesus look like" for years." - and it won't stop, Michelangelo had an idealised version, how about Picasso's? Nothing wrong speculating what he may of looked like if he existed, using science's "best guess"
Here's one of Picasso's depictions;


And he was tempted for 40 days by Satan which makes you wonder what Satan looked like.

A girl named Akiane had a near death experience. She said in this experience, she met Jesus, and what impressed her most about him were his kind, blue eyes. She later painted this picture from her recollections.

A girl named Akiane had a near death experience. She said in this experience, she met Jesus, and what impressed her most about him were his kind, blue eyes. She later painted this picture from her recollections.


Jesus looks like David Copperfield
A girl named Akiane had a near death experience. She said in this experience, she met Jesus, and what impressed her most about him were his kind, blue eyes. She later painted this picture from her recollections.


That girl is an amazing artist, but she actually used a real life person to model for her Jesus painting...

ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.
Because blonds were so typical in the Middle East a few thousand years ago.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.

ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.

He doesn't look the type to overturn the tables at the temple does he.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.
Apparently there are a lot of people who don't understand the concept of art. For example....do you think Christians believe every rendition of Christ is a photographic image? Or that he actually sported a heart wrapped in thorns outside his body?
There are a few actual from life Greek/Roman style marble "busts" of ancient jews------none of them looked anything like that. The person would probably be about
5' 5" -----the hair just a bit longer BUT shorn-------not as long as the Jesus depictions.........the beard UNCUT (most likely), the head covered. They wore
a dress like thing and probably were barefoot most of the time----generally when going about the world they would have an outer garment thing like a "mantle" hanging off the shoulder and/or another thing that ended in four corners ----like a top shirt

Just one problem with your thinking on this issue. Greek/Roman style busts were thousands of years later than ancient Jewish man, hence the size difference you noted. Looking at modern times, and generally speaking, each generation typically is taller and larger than the previous one. There occasionally are exceptions as we don't always get all the same goodies in the DNA package. It's random just how they settle out and is completely unpredictable. Anyway, that's why with modern man the average is now about six feet with most athletes being taller yet.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.
Apparently there are a lot of people who don't understand the concept of art. For example....do you think Christians believe every rendition of Christ is a photographic image? Or that he actually sported a heart wrapped in thorns outside his body?

No and no but I do think many Christians forget, gloss over, or were never taught that this "jesus" was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died a Jew.
He probably looked "average" for the time and place. He was able to blend into a crowd and apparently was not notable at all.

John 5:13 “Now the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, as there was a crowd in the place.”

Luke 4:30 “but he slipped away through the crowd and left them.”

John 7:11 “The Jews were looking for him at the feast, and saying, “Where is he?”

John 11:56 “They were looking for Jesus and saying to one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think? That he will not come to the feast at all?”
no one knows who john was and Luke never met Jesus. It seems that according to "JOHN" whoever he was------"THE JEWS" knew what Jesus looked like. I am always confused by allusions to "the jews" in the NT-------I have never been around jewish celebrations or events during which time other jews----or other people referred to the general group as "DA JOOOOS"
Comment about John and Luke does not meet thread. The commentary has to do with others' reactions to Jesus' movement.

what "others"? A writing by Luke---who never met Jesus describing
the idea that "the jooos" would recognize jesus------interests me------
especially since the circumstance described seems to be a meeting of jews.
I tend to GET INTO books. Ie LIVE IN THEM------I imagine a whole bunch of
jews during a holiday---in some temple------and a non jew commenting on
'JESUS AS A NO SHOW' which to you seems to indicate that THE JOOS
knew him by appearance. I doubt that Luke knew him by appearance, He certainly did not hear them complaining about the absence of Jesus.
I have been in synagogues during holidays-------and did not recognize by
name or by appearance EVERYONE. It seems to me that your point
is that Jesus was VERY VERY famous.... could be. I still find the characterization
of the general crowd in a synagogue on a jewish holiday as "DA JOOOOS"
kinda awkward. I have been in churches------Had I described the proceedings
of MIDNITE MASS------to anyone----I do not imagine that I would discuss the
people there as "THE CATHOLICS" Perhaps you can help me to understand
just what LUKE was saying.

In ancient times, and that is the subject of this thread, Jewish people were a breed of people and therefore had a look about them that was similar: like most Hispanics look like their ancestors, same with Asians, no different with Native Americans. In modern times, however, people have migrated all over the planet, interbred with other nationalities diluting "the look". Notwithstanding, prior to the migration they were a concentrated peoples. They were born Jews, raised Jews, and indoctrinated into Jewish culture. Today, Judism has travelled throughout the planet, and has resulted in many converts, just like Catholicism has done and that's why they no longer look like Romans, that's why when you attend mass you can't see the Roman iconic characteristics.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?

I think there was a very good reason why we don't know what God looks like, what Jesus looked like, and what Mary looked like. It was all part of God's plan. He didn't want man making graven images of Him, Jesus, Mary, the Apostles, and Angels. He knows man's heart and mind and knew that's exactly what they would do is to make imagery to worship instead of Him.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.

Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.

I said in the OP;
"If there was a historical man that the stories and gospels were based on he probably looked something like this, a typical Jew from the first Century C.E."

This typical Jew from the ME is a scientific reconstruction based on whatever evidence the forensic artist had at his disposal. I didn't pull that picture out of a hat and I don't think the fellow is "ugly". You know what my point was, a "Jesus" would probably have looked more like that than this;


Did I already post that, looks familiar.
Apparently there are a lot of people who don't understand the concept of art. For example....do you think Christians believe every rendition of Christ is a photographic image? Or that he actually sported a heart wrapped in thorns outside his body?

No and no but I do think many Christians forget, gloss over, or were never taught that this "jesus" was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died a Jew.
Really? Based on what, and can you quote Christians who think Christ was Celtic or Nordic in appearance? Cuz I've been a Christian a long time, and the only idiots I see obsessing over Christ's physical appearance are anti Christian kooks. Apparently they think Christians learn about Christ via Hollywood.
A girl named Akiane had a near death experience. She said in this experience, she met Jesus, and what impressed her most about him were his kind, blue eyes. She later painted this picture from her recollections.


Jesus looks like David Copperfield
Skiable could have been having hallucinations or she simply got it wrong. Haven't seen any Jews with blue eyes, but nothing is impossible.
ITT: Liberal Hatred of Christianity on full display.

I'm not to believe what's written in the Bible because of a depiction of what Jesus may have looked like. Or DOES look like.

Ok fine. Go with that.
Why would a probably more accurate guess of what this Jesus looked like stop you from holding whatever beliefs in the bible you have?
anti Christians are adamant that Christ looked like an ugly retard. Really your petty hatred knows no bounds.
Jesus looked like a Jew of his day. Good heavens. This is not hard, folks.

Did I hear KosherFlake mumble?
Were Ashkenazi Jews the original Jews (genetically) and were they white skinned and blue-eyed? - Quora

Apparently, there have always been blue eyed Jews. I don't . Know why it's so important for lefties to deny it, but meh.
Skiable could have been having hallucinations or she simply got it wrong. Haven't seen any Jews with blue eyes, but nothing is impossible.

Yes, I looked into that part of it as well. While I don't remember all of the details, Jesus' genealogy confirms the possibility of blue eyes. Definitely a recessive trait, however.
A girl named Akiane had a near death experience. She said in this experience, she met Jesus, and what impressed her most about him were his kind, blue eyes. She later painted this picture from her recollections.


Jesus looks like David Copperfield
Skiable could have been having hallucinations or she simply got it wrong. Haven't seen any Jews with blue eyes, but nothing is impossible.
I have. Judaism is a religion, not a race. I dated a Jewish girl with blond hair and blue eyes and the carpet matched the drapes.

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