What would The USA and UK do ?


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
What would be the response, if The United Republic of North America... a country made up of the Queen Elizabeth Islands... The capitol city being "DeVille"..

And our Navy was made up of 8 Nuclear powered, French designed Aircraft carriers that we built... each one weighed about 70,000 tons, right ?

And we had our own 5th generation stealth fighters, that we made in cooperation with Dassault, a company of France... similar to the F35 or F22... but much more European like in its design, you could tell it was made in either France or Britain... a very good aircraft btw...

Technologies basically that Britain has, Op'ed between Britain and France, except our designs are more Americanized.

And Germany got the idea, to antagonize us, because we're the first country made predominantly of French diaspora... pretty much the same way as the USA was founded by British diaspora.

you know what I mean ?... basically a USA, or Australia or Canada... except its French..
The first one to become a major power and succeed.

Germany, who has a historic rivalry with France, as part of its historic rivalry with British and Latin Europeans in general that dates back to the days of the Roman empire, and the Anglo Saxons, and Spain, etc etc... and a history of international violence and internal dictatorship and oppression, and organized societies... decides to antagonize us, yacking about "german engineering" and how great it is.

So we said... "you might have got the better of France, but we're North American French diaspora out of France, educated by the USA, and in any case, this isn't the 1940s, the last of the old world before the USA's real major input in the world, you better f)uck off because we have better technology, and to tell you the truth, your technology never was all that great... all it does is simply work fairly reliably most of the time, we have better, and you never had anything comparable to the Concorde jets or Aircraft Carriers".

So Germany started calling us all kinds of stuff, like sometimes they try to do online against Americans, Brits, French, Belgians, Swiss and So on... basically keeping it up and keeping it up, and keeping it up... you know what I mean ? lol

So we sent our 8 aircraft carriers, and gave Germany a knockout punch, blew the whole country basically apart, BOOM...

What would be the response ?

Would the USA and UK support us ?
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Germany would probably kick your ass and the U.S. would likely be part of the epic beat down.
What would be the response, if The United Republic of North America... a country made up of the Queen Elizabeth Islands... The capitol city being "DeVille"..

And our Navy was made up of 8 Nuclear powered, French designed Aircraft carriers that we built... each one weighed about 70,000 tons, right ?

And we had our own 5th generation stealth fighters, that we made in cooperation with Dassault, a company of France... similar to the F35 or F22... but much more European like in its design, you could tell it was made in either France or Britain... a very good aircraft btw...

Technologies basically that Britain has, Op'ed between Britain and France, except our designs are more Americanized.

And Germany got the idea, to antagonize us, because we're the first country made predominantly of French diaspora... pretty much the same way as the USA was founded by British diaspora.

you know what I mean ?... basically a USA, or Australia or Canada... except its French..
The first one to become a major power and succeed.

Germany, who has a historic rivalry with France, as part of its historic rivalry with British and Latin Europeans in general that dates back to the days of the Roman empire, and the Anglo Saxons, and Spain, etc etc... and a history of international violence and internal dictatorship and oppression, and organized societies... decides to antagonize us, yacking about "german engineering" and how great it is.

So we said... "you might have got the better of France, but we're North American French diaspora out of France, educated by the USA, and in any case, this isn't the 1940s, the last of the old world before the USA's real major input in the world, you better f)uck off because we have better technology, and to tell you the truth, your technology never was all that great... all it does is simply work fairly reliably most of the time, we have better, and you never had anything comparable to the Concorde jets or Aircraft Carriers".

So Germany started calling us all kinds of stuff, like sometimes they try to do online against Americans, Brits, French, Belgians, Swiss and So on... basically keeping it up and keeping it up, and keeping it up... you know what I mean ? lol

So we sent our 8 aircraft carriers, and gave Germany a knockout punch, blew the whole country basically apart, BOOM...

What would be the response ?

Would the USA and UK support us ?

Don't drink and post.....that's how accidents happen.
They could only get their fleet out of port for 2 months of the year, if that.


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