What would Trump Have to do to Get Respect from Liberals?

what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?

  • resign

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • agree to let Hillary become POTUS in some way

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • hang himself in Times Square

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • invent a cure for every known disease

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • bring prosperity and wealth to all the world and eliminate poverty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • give free BJs in front of the White House

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • take all white people back to Europe to support free shit for minorities

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • walk on water

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • kiss Obama's ass

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • invent a potion of Eternal Youthfulness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other, please specify

    Votes: 13 61.9%

  • Total voters
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Respect is a reciprocal commodity. Once he demonstrates he can show respect, perhaps he could be respected.

He could actually appoint the very best people as he promised as a candidate. He could understand that there is no room for the attitude of white supremacy in American society. He could understand that preserving the environment does not mean sacrificing jobs. He could get a grip on his juvenile stream of consciousness tweeting. He could show humility is a virtue.

But I was brought up in a different world. No Trump supporter understands the difference between vice and virtue. Maybe that's why they love someone as boorish as the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

"Respect is a reciprocal commodity", you say.

So, let me ask you, and please answer as honestly as you can:

Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?

Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?

And for the flip side:

Do you still respect the two time loser - first to one she never considered her racial equal and second, to whom she never considered her political equal because he had "no path to the presidency"?

Do you still respect Hillary Clinton who blames the whole world for her own woeful sloppy campaign and its well deserved electoral comeuppance.

As you say, respect is a reciprocal commodity.
Respect ?! Lol !!
Let's see, Trump is a wealthy heterosexual white male Republican.
Yeah, when pigs fly.
Trump has earned the disrespect in which he is held.

That disrespect for him and his supporters can be expressed respectfully, but he and his ilk simply explode sky high when opposed.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
For starters I'd recommend shootin' all of them.
The trouble with that, blastoff, is the liberals would use up the Trumpians in four seconds if they ever tried that.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Respect is a reciprocal commodity. Once he demonstrates he can show respect, perhaps he could be respected.

He could actually appoint the very best people as he promised as a candidate. He could understand that there is no room for the attitude of white supremacy in American society. He could understand that preserving the environment does not mean sacrificing jobs. He could get a grip on his juvenile stream of consciousness tweeting. He could show humility is a virtue.

But I was brought up in a different world. No Trump supporter understands the difference between vice and virtue. Maybe that's why they love someone as boorish as the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

"Respect is a reciprocal commodity", you say.

So, let me ask you, and please answer as honestly as you can:

Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?

Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?

And for the flip side:

Do you still respect the two time loser - first to one she never considered her racial equal and second, to whom she never considered her political equal because he had "no path to the presidency"?

Do you still respect Hillary Clinton who blames the whole world for her own woeful sloppy campaign and its well deserved electoral comeuppance.

As you say, respect is a reciprocal commodity.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?"

As he announced his candidacy, he made a point to refer to Mexicans as 'rapists, murderers, drug dealers'. and some, he presumed, were good people. His utter lack of respect for those people demonstrated he had no concept of respect.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?"

He demolished his opponents with churlish disrespect, not by clearly showing any adept and thoughtful policy differences. Lyin' Ted, Little Marco and 'Low energy' Jeb does not come up to the threshold of truth and total lack of usual phoniness. Such rhetoric appeals to the lowest form of person.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?"

He proved what a bully and boor he truly is. He rudely interupped her and showed his childish side by commenting that she should be in jail. His debate performances were immature and by belittleing his opponent, he failed to elevate himself. What kind of person champions the noxious idea that one can build one's self up by tearing someone else down?

"Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?"

The election showed that the level of civility in this nation has sunk to the same loathsome plateau of professional wrestling. The brats have grown up and registered as Republicans.
I chose other.

For Trump to earn my respect (I'm not a liberal but I'll chime in anyways) he would need to start acting like a President. Hell, even just acting like an adult would be a great first step. And he would need to stop constantly lying. I can't take a man seriously when I question every word that comes out of his mouth.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Start telling the truth more and listen to advisors more would be a good start.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?

he'd have to be sane

and not lie constantly

and stop making appointments of people wholly unqualified for their jobs.\

that's what smart people who aren't trumptards want


I'm going to just keep telling lies no matter what.
Just keep ticking those items off your To Do list, Mr. President. Thank you.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Respect is a reciprocal commodity. Once he demonstrates he can show respect, perhaps he could be respected.

He could actually appoint the very best people as he promised as a candidate. He could understand that there is no room for the attitude of white supremacy in American society. He could understand that preserving the environment does not mean sacrificing jobs. He could get a grip on his juvenile stream of consciousness tweeting. He could show humility is a virtue.

But I was brought up in a different world. No Trump supporter understands the difference between vice and virtue. Maybe that's why they love someone as boorish as the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

"Respect is a reciprocal commodity", you say.

So, let me ask you, and please answer as honestly as you can:

Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?

Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?

And for the flip side:

Do you still respect the two time loser - first to one she never considered her racial equal and second, to whom she never considered her political equal because he had "no path to the presidency"?

Do you still respect Hillary Clinton who blames the whole world for her own woeful sloppy campaign and its well deserved electoral comeuppance.

As you say, respect is a reciprocal commodity.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?"

As he announced his candidacy, he made a point to refer to Mexicans as 'rapists, murderers, drug dealers'. and some, he presumed, were good people. His utter lack of respect for those people demonstrated he had no concept of respect.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?"

He demolished his opponents with churlish disrespect, not by clearly showing any adept and thoughtful policy differences. Lyin' Ted, Little Marco and 'Low energy' Jeb does not come up to the threshold of truth and total lack of usual phoniness. Such rhetoric appeals to the lowest form of person.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?"

He proved what a bully and boor he truly is. He rudely interupped her and showed his childish side by commenting that she should be in jail. His debate performances were immature and by belittleing his opponent, he failed to elevate himself. What kind of person champions the noxious idea that one can build one's self up by tearing someone else down?

"Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?"

The election showed that the level of civility in this nation has sunk to the same loathsome plateau of professional wrestling. The brats have grown up and registered as Republicans.
Only assholes like yourself quote sound bites out of context.
Who cares? Fuck the unAmerican people. Not that all liberals are, but many that call themselves such are really Marxists masquerading as liberals.

I have a cousin that a real liberal. Do I disagree with him on things? Oh! Definitely.

But the mindset he has is that of a 60s American liberal.

What is calling themselves "liberals" today is by and large Communist turd indoctrinated lemmings.

Was the seed planted by the 60s kinda smart ones? In all reality, they pointed out problems within the establishment that were actually there. I'm certain they wouldn't appreciate future generations being deprived of the liberal education they had. Raising up a bunch of drones is not a good idea, ever.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Respect is a reciprocal commodity. Once he demonstrates he can show respect, perhaps he could be respected.

He could actually appoint the very best people as he promised as a candidate. He could understand that there is no room for the attitude of white supremacy in American society. He could understand that preserving the environment does not mean sacrificing jobs. He could get a grip on his juvenile stream of consciousness tweeting. He could show humility is a virtue.

But I was brought up in a different world. No Trump supporter understands the difference between vice and virtue. Maybe that's why they love someone as boorish as the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

"Respect is a reciprocal commodity", you say.

So, let me ask you, and please answer as honestly as you can:

Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?

Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?

And for the flip side:

Do you still respect the two time loser - first to one she never considered her racial equal and second, to whom she never considered her political equal because he had "no path to the presidency"?

Do you still respect Hillary Clinton who blames the whole world for her own woeful sloppy campaign and its well deserved electoral comeuppance.

As you say, respect is a reciprocal commodity.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?"

As he announced his candidacy, he made a point to refer to Mexicans as 'rapists, murderers, drug dealers'. and some, he presumed, were good people. His utter lack of respect for those people demonstrated he had no concept of respect.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?"

He demolished his opponents with churlish disrespect, not by clearly showing any adept and thoughtful policy differences. Lyin' Ted, Little Marco and 'Low energy' Jeb does not come up to the threshold of truth and total lack of usual phoniness. Such rhetoric appeals to the lowest form of person.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?"

He proved what a bully and boor he truly is. He rudely interupped her and showed his childish side by commenting that she should be in jail. His debate performances were immature and by belittleing his opponent, he failed to elevate himself. What kind of person champions the noxious idea that one can build one's self up by tearing someone else down?

"Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?"

The election showed that the level of civility in this nation has sunk to the same loathsome plateau of professional wrestling. The brats have grown up and registered as Republicans.
Only assholes like yourself quote sound bites out of context.
It's interesting that I write as as an advocate for grace and comportment only to be called an asshole.

We live in a post-truth world where down is up, White I said black and the boors call the people endowed with a sense of right and wrong an asshole
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Respect is a reciprocal commodity. Once he demonstrates he can show respect, perhaps he could be respected.

He could actually appoint the very best people as he promised as a candidate. He could understand that there is no room for the attitude of white supremacy in American society. He could understand that preserving the environment does not mean sacrificing jobs. He could get a grip on his juvenile stream of consciousness tweeting. He could show humility is a virtue.

But I was brought up in a different world. No Trump supporter understands the difference between vice and virtue. Maybe that's why they love someone as boorish as the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

"Respect is a reciprocal commodity", you say.

So, let me ask you, and please answer as honestly as you can:

Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?

Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?

And for the flip side:

Do you still respect the two time loser - first to one she never considered her racial equal and second, to whom she never considered her political equal because he had "no path to the presidency"?

Do you still respect Hillary Clinton who blames the whole world for her own woeful sloppy campaign and its well deserved electoral comeuppance.

As you say, respect is a reciprocal commodity.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?"

As he announced his candidacy, he made a point to refer to Mexicans as 'rapists, murderers, drug dealers'. and some, he presumed, were good people. His utter lack of respect for those people demonstrated he had no concept of respect.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?"

He demolished his opponents with churlish disrespect, not by clearly showing any adept and thoughtful policy differences. Lyin' Ted, Little Marco and 'Low energy' Jeb does not come up to the threshold of truth and total lack of usual phoniness. Such rhetoric appeals to the lowest form of person.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?"

He proved what a bully and boor he truly is. He rudely interupped her and showed his childish side by commenting that she should be in jail. His debate performances were immature and by belittleing his opponent, he failed to elevate himself. What kind of person champions the noxious idea that one can build one's self up by tearing someone else down?

"Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?"

The election showed that the level of civility in this nation has sunk to the same loathsome plateau of professional wrestling. The brats have grown up and registered as Republicans.
Only assholes like yourself quote sound bites out of context.
It's interesting that I write as as an advocate for grace and comportment only to be called an asshole.

We live in a post-truth world where down is up, White I said black and the boors call the people endowed with a sense of right and wrong an asshole

Where oh where does thy moral compass point, Leftist shill?

Upon what standard is your moral basis? Do elaborate as to the foundation of it, please.
Respect is a reciprocal commodity. Once he demonstrates he can show respect, perhaps he could be respected.

He could actually appoint the very best people as he promised as a candidate. He could understand that there is no room for the attitude of white supremacy in American society. He could understand that preserving the environment does not mean sacrificing jobs. He could get a grip on his juvenile stream of consciousness tweeting. He could show humility is a virtue.

But I was brought up in a different world. No Trump supporter understands the difference between vice and virtue. Maybe that's why they love someone as boorish as the huckster buffoon Donald Trump.

"Respect is a reciprocal commodity", you say.

So, let me ask you, and please answer as honestly as you can:

Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?

Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?

Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?

And for the flip side:

Do you still respect the two time loser - first to one she never considered her racial equal and second, to whom she never considered her political equal because he had "no path to the presidency"?

Do you still respect Hillary Clinton who blames the whole world for her own woeful sloppy campaign and its well deserved electoral comeuppance.

As you say, respect is a reciprocal commodity.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he announced his intention to run for the presidency or were you one of the condescending mob who considered it a joke?"

As he announced his candidacy, he made a point to refer to Mexicans as 'rapists, murderers, drug dealers'. and some, he presumed, were good people. His utter lack of respect for those people demonstrated he had no concept of respect.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he demolished all his primary rivals, on by one with biting criticism, wit, sarcasm, truth and total lack of the usual phoniness?"

He demolished his opponents with churlish disrespect, not by clearly showing any adept and thoughtful policy differences. Lyin' Ted, Little Marco and 'Low energy' Jeb does not come up to the threshold of truth and total lack of usual phoniness. Such rhetoric appeals to the lowest form of person.

"Did you respect Donald Trump when he proved to the world what a fraud Hillary Clinton was in the debates, in spite of CNN assistance?"

He proved what a bully and boor he truly is. He rudely interupped her and showed his childish side by commenting that she should be in jail. His debate performances were immature and by belittleing his opponent, he failed to elevate himself. What kind of person champions the noxious idea that one can build one's self up by tearing someone else down?

"Did you respect Donald Trump for overcoming the seemingly impossible and beat the unbeatable-first-female-can't-lose darling of the Left?"

The election showed that the level of civility in this nation has sunk to the same loathsome plateau of professional wrestling. The brats have grown up and registered as Republicans.
Only assholes like yourself quote sound bites out of context.
It's interesting that I write as as an advocate for grace and comportment only to be called an asshole.

We live in a post-truth world where down is up, White I said black and the boors call the people endowed with a sense of right and wrong an asshole

Where oh where does thy moral compass point, Leftist shill?

Upon what standard is your moral basis? Do elaborate as to the foundation of it, please.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Simple. Grace. Respect.

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