What would Trump Have to do to Get Respect from Liberals?

what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?

  • resign

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • agree to let Hillary become POTUS in some way

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • hang himself in Times Square

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • invent a cure for every known disease

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • bring prosperity and wealth to all the world and eliminate poverty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • give free BJs in front of the White House

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • take all white people back to Europe to support free shit for minorities

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • walk on water

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • kiss Obama's ass

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • invent a potion of Eternal Youthfulness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other, please specify

    Votes: 13 61.9%

  • Total voters
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?

Nothing at all, because libs would rather remain in a constant state of anger and hate than give him even an ounce of respect.
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What/who is a "liberal"?
Eliminating poverty would seem to be something anyone would be satisfied with.
Just to correct this. Trump didn't get a "couple million" from his father. He inherited many MILLION DOLLARS from him. He turned that into a couple of billion. But in 1985 he owed his father 14 million bucks.

I'm much more impressed with the founder of facebook, starting with an apartment and a website and in 10 years being worth 50 times what Trump is worth.

I chose other.

For Trump to earn my respect (I'm not a liberal but I'll chime in anyways) he would need to start acting like a President. Hell, even just acting like an adult would be a great first step. And he would need to stop constantly lying. I can't take a man seriously when I question every word that comes out of his mouth.
Yup. My response is “his job.” Create an ACTUAL blind trust. Stop profiting from the presidency. Bring in an actual cabinet. Etc.
I chose other.

For Trump to earn my respect (I'm not a liberal but I'll chime in anyways) he would need to start acting like a President. Hell, even just acting like an adult would be a great first step. And he would need to stop constantly lying. I can't take a man seriously when I question every word that comes out of his mouth.
Yup. My response is “his job.” Create an ACTUAL blind trust. Stop profiting from the presidency. Bring in an actual cabinet. Etc.

El oh El

Why Trump is not respected

He is a prolific liar
He is petty and vindictive
He is a bully
He is selfish and insecure
He refuses to admit he is wrong
He has poor values as a family man and as a businessman
You do realize that is a paraphrase from the Bible, no?

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 6:31 - King James Version
Trying to duck the Golden Rule on a technicality. Wow! There's a lesson lost on you.
I prefer Mark Twain's golden rule: Do unto others as they would like to do unto you, but do it first.
Let's call that the Trumpian Corallary to moral behavior
No, it was Mark Twain and there is much wisdom in it. It recommends that you not only protect yourself against people who would like to do you harm but also that you initiate relationships with people who would treat you well. The other golden rule says you should just put your fate in the hands of others.
The "other Golden Rule" puts your fate into your own hands with the grace of God.

Twain's rule, put simply as screw someone before they inevitably screw you, would be celebrated only by the cynic, the churlish, the bully. And who embodies those noxious qualities today? Trump and his useless idiot supporters.
The other Golden Rule is an invitation to martyrdom as history has shown, but Twain's upgrade of it advises to use the good sense God, hopefully, gave you to discern those who would do you harm and take measures to protect yourself. Of course, you fail to see the other side of Twain's advice, to recognize those who mean you no harm and embrace them.
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I chose other.

For Trump to earn my respect (I'm not a liberal but I'll chime in anyways) he would need to start acting like a President. Hell, even just acting like an adult would be a great first step. And he would need to stop constantly lying. I can't take a man seriously when I question every word that comes out of his mouth.
Yup. My response is “his job.” Create an ACTUAL blind trust. Stop profiting from the presidency. Bring in an actual cabinet. Etc.
He does not seem capable
Trying to duck the Golden Rule on a technicality. Wow! There's a lesson lost on you.
I prefer Mark Twain's golden rule: Do unto others as they would like to do unto you, but do it first.
Let's call that the Trumpian Corallary to moral behavior
No, it was Mark Twain and there is much wisdom in it. It recommends that you not only protect yourself against people who would like to do you harm but also that you initiate relationships with people who would treat you well. The other golden rule says you should just put your fate in the hands of others.
The "other Golden Rule" puts your fate into your own hands with the grace of God.

Twain's rule, put simply as screw someone before they inevitably screw you, would be celebrated only by the cynic, the churlish, the bully. And who embodies those noxious qualities today? Trump and his useless idiot supporters.
The other Golden Rule is an invitation to martyrdom as history has shown, but Twain's upgrade of it advises to use the good sense God, hopefully, gave you to discern those who would do you harm and take measures to protect yourself. Of course, you fail to see the other side of Twain's advice, to recognize those who mean you no harm and embrace them.
A lesson in how to justify, rationalize and excuse the Bully's Defense.

You would eschew a morality tale that has served mankind well for two thousand years just to make it comfortable to abandon manners and embrace a turd like Trump.

Good luck.
Trump has made more progress with peace on the Korean Peninsula, brought the economy to bigger gains than most economists thought possible, and more and the liberals still bitch and moan and accuse him of stupidity, treason, and being a vile human being, if even a human being.

So what would Trump have to do to get respect from liberals?
Just walk away. The election was not won legally. We will have another.

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