What would you do if faced with this decision?

I used to work outside, and have experienced more than my share of sunburns. They are red.

Gee whiz, let's think about why you don't happen to see red on YOUR DEVICE.

That's a sunburn on my monitor.

Oh, these folks thought so too. MSN

That's MSN, worshipped and adored by leftist liar-crats.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?

You're assuming a lot of facts not in evidence, so I'll pass on you hypothetical.

You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
Sounds more like queers than Trumpers.
You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
You confuse Trump supporters with the MAGA crowd.
You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only republican swamp rat that was actually shot was the target of a bernie sanders wacko
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It's getting so easy to predict what the thread subject is going to be when this poster tries to keep it from looking click-baitey.


Must be nice to get a paycheck for doing nothing.

View attachment 887276

And you only have one response regardless of what's posted - trolling.

Why don't you respond to your hero's doxxing of anyone who goes against him. But then you like terrorizing leftists. You don't ever comment on right wingers abusing children.

Still waiting for that list of people you've killed for molesting children.
You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
What a douchey OP.
And you only have one response regardless of what's posted - trolling.

Why don't you respond to your hero's doxxing of anyone who goes against him. But then you like terrorizing leftists. You don't ever comment on right wingers abusing children.

Still waiting for that list of people you've killed for molesting children.


What a cute little post with a pink bow tied on top of it!

I can just picture you stamping your little foot.

Do it some more!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
Idiotic hypothetical
"What a douchey OP."

I'll be gobsmacked!

Scratch the prolific poster Back Again and you get......good poster 'Lil Bripat', with the icky fascination with douching.

What's up with that?
Misogyny because of feminine hygiene?
Or simply another of their QAnon identifier tics? Like a secret hand-shake?
I'll be gobsmacked!

Scratch the prolific poster Back Again and you get......good poster 'Lil Bripat', with the icky fascination with douching.

What's up with that?
Misogyny because of feminine hygiene?
Or simply another of their QAnon identifier tics? Like a secret hand-shake?
Go take a Midol, Poseur Chilliconquiff.
And now QAnon's version of Me and Mini-me --- Bripat/Back Again --- is offering health advice?

Count me skeptical that Bripat/Back Again is qualified.
Who cares what a poseur like chilliconfucktard is skeptical of? :dunno:

Meanwhile, use a tampon. Youre leaving a trail.
"Meanwhile, use a tampon"

My avatar does not mean to be personal nor intrusive to the avatar of another; however.......there is a school of thought that posts like the one quoted above are a 'tell'....a sure marker of 17-year old incels who have converted to full-on misogyny in their biological frustration.

Now they hate all women....because attractive women seem so unattainable, and so full of disdain for them.
It's sad, we know.
And we wish them better health, and better luck in turning their circumstances around.

Best2u, poster Back Again. Take heart, Be strong,

My avatar does not mean to be personal nor intrusive to the avatar of another;

Your avatar couldn’t. It’s just a symbol. In your case, it’s just a letter. You could. And despite your always pretentious posturing, you are a liar and of no value.

Poseur Chilliconcrock, recognize that everyone sees you as a preening posturing gasbag fraud.

I realize this thought is alien to you, but you might someday choose to just be honest and straightforward.

I know it will never happen.
But it should.

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