What would you do if....... ? (Game)

You do realize they'll have the technology to vaporize your ass right where you are standing.

Oh really? Well my Glock 7 will penetrate the hull of their faggy space ship and cap his tentacled slimy alien ass!
You do realize they'll have the technology to vaporize your ass right where you are standing.

Oh really? Well my Glock 7 will penetrate the hull of their faggy space ship and cap his tentacled slimy alien ass!

lol... it'll be more like this:

What would you do if you saw me popping a cap in some slimy smelly hairy alien ass?
what would you do if a plastic surgeon offered to change one thing about your appearance for free? & what would be changed if you took the offer?

hmmmm.... I'd probably get a very light facelift. Nothing severe just to tighten it up a bit.
Otherwise, a totally change? Maybe a nose job.
What would you do if you saw me shoving a peace pipe up "someones" ass?
What would you do if you saw me popping a cap in some slimy smelly hairy alien ass?

Wait til I saw him stop moving and come over and talk to you - ask if you are going to call the Feds, and join you in the interview and talk show circuit on the way to temporary fame and big bucks!
Wait til I saw him stop moving and come over and talk to you - ask if you are going to call the Feds, and join you in the interview and talk show circuit on the way to temporary fame and big bucks!

No man. We gonna eat the tentacled bastard on the spot!
Wait til I saw him stop moving and come over and talk to you - ask if you are going to call the Feds, and join you in the interview and talk show circuit on the way to temporary fame and big bucks!

No man. We gonna eat the tentacled bastard on the spot!

what if he tastes bad? or he's poisonous?
Since I'm going to make you taste it first, I'll just leave your dead ass there, call the police and tell them the alien reached out with its mind and killed you and then go on the talk show circuit as the guy who killed the alien and saved fucking world. R.I.P.
How are you going to “make me”? I’d rather you kill me first – then you can go to jail!
I'll have the alien kill you before I cap his slimy alien hairy ass hide. Then I'll be a hero and tell Obama that I kept the alien from eating you whole!
well knowing all that now - I guess I would run away like a big chicken!
What would you do if ..... nothing was illegal for 10 hours?
I'd jump the fence, go in the office and shit on obamas desk and then make him eat it while his bitch wife looks on wanting...
I'd jump the fence, go in the office and shit on obamas desk and then make him eat it while his bitch wife looks on wanting...

That would take 10 hours? Well if you are in TX, maybe so....

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