What Would You Do In This Situation?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Do you feel like this woman is doing the right thing? For me it just depends on who she plans on giving her children to.

I guess she's too stupid to know how the whole getting preggers in the first place works.

Yeah that's what I thought too but at least she knows that they're better off being raised by a different family.
Do you feel like this woman is doing the right thing? For me it just depends on who she plans on giving her children to.

This is just another topic meant to appeal to men who have short barrels on their 'guns'.

You need to learn to keep your powder dry on this stuff pal! Lord long Rod learned the hard way!
I guess she's too stupid to know how the whole getting preggers in the first place works.
It is not always a matter of being stupid. It is a matter of not having a connection with Christ. When people don't have that, they do illogical and bad things. I know because that is the story of my own life. I didn't always practice the Catholic Faith, the one Christ himself gave us (I know you probably don't believe that, but it is true just the same). I always believed in something like 80% of what the Church taught but it was the 20% that got me :(

My eyes were opened when I began to pray the rosary. And when I did, I began to stop doing stupid things...

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