What Would You Do Now?

Originally posted by preemptingyou03
We're not leaving until we've won the terrorist war in Iraq.

You're mistaken if you think Iraq is either not part of the War on Terror or the War on Terror. It's a part. It's today's main front. That will change five years from now. It may be Sudan. It may be Iran. It may be Syria. It may be Egypt. It may be North Korea. It may be Pakistan.

We may suffer another 9/11 tomorrow. We may not. Regardless if we do or not, it shouldn't lessen our resolve to defeat the ideology of radicalism by means of democracy.

First of all, the war on terrorism will never end. There will always be hatred and therefore always conflict. To say we must defeat terrorism means to defeat hatred, an emotion, and being a part of the human race you should know you can't get rid of an emotion. They are simply fighting for what they think is right, like in the American Revolution, the colonists fought using guerrilla warfare, a cheap tactic to England, but one that worked. The suicide bombings are their guerrilla warfare. They will do anything to win, and to say that we have to eliminate their determination is impossible. The best we can do is keep peace, and try not to start an islamic crusade against the west!
Originally posted by The Worried One
First of all, the war on terrorism will never end. There will always be hatred and therefore always conflict. To say we must defeat terrorism means to defeat hatred, an emotion, and being a part of the human race you should know you can't get rid of an emotion. They are simply fighting for what they think is right, like in the American Revolution, the colonists fought using guerrilla warfare, a cheap tactic to England, but one that worked. The suicide bombings are their guerrilla warfare. They will do anything to win, and to say that we have to eliminate their determination is impossible. The best we can do is keep peace, and try not to start an islamic crusade against the west!

Wrong. Guerilla warfare is a tactic used in battle against SOLDIERS. Terrorist use Terrorist combat where they strike at CIVILIANS and cause fear and terror to be instilled in the population.

Plus you just said yourself that they will do ANYHTING to win including flying planes into buildings. How do you "keep the peace" when that threat stares you in the face? The islamic crusade has been ongoing since the 70's. Its only recently that the west has decided to acknowledge that they have declared War on us many years ago. We have finally declared war on them.

When a side is at war with you and willing to do anything to kill you, your family, and everything else you hold dear, how can you make peace with that?
Originally posted by The Worried One
The best we can do is keep peace, and try not to start an islamic crusade against the west!

A little late for that, they've started their crusade.............
Originally posted by gaffer
You have been successfully argued against on main occasions here.

No one calls you unpatriotic. just stupid for buying into all that liberal bullshit. This country has another serious enemy within, they are called liberal democrats. Like bin kerry and bin kennedy and the other terror supporters. And I seriously question their patriotism.

Of course you seriously question their patriotism. Your political philosophy requires that you question the patriotism of all those who oppose you. And what is that? One of the 12 signs of.... guess.
Originally posted by preemptingyou03

You are right. Terrorism is lighter than air. It can't be defeated with the fall of a government or the capture of a man. It's an ideology. And that ideology is radicalism. We must defeat Islamic radicalism to defeat the threat of terrorism. And the only way to defeat Islamic radicalism, is to flaunt the same values and ideals that won the Cold War. It'll last decades. It is a generational battle.

You say we should go to war with al-Qaeda. We did, idiot... Afghanistan. With a few thousand troops, in a few weeks, we did what the Soviet Union couldn't do in ten years.

Eight out of al-Qaeda's top ten are dead or behind bars. Fighting al-Qaeda is now an intelligence and law enforcement matter all over the globe. You can't invade a non-geographical enemy.

When will you understand the difference in tactics of fighting terrorist networks and terrorist regimes?

So terrorism is only caused by Islamic fundamentalism? What about the IRA?

If we're doing everything we can to fight terrorism, fine then, let's not go off and invade some country for the heck of it just because we feel like we want to do more.
Originally posted by Doc Holiday
Spidey can't read too well, maybe we should break out the crayons and draw him a picture. Or maybe, we should just realize that people like Spidey are doomed to a life of stupidity, simply because they haven't found a way to turn their brain on and question liberal rhetoric.

Brilliant! That is certainly a personal attack even I would be proud of! Now do you have anything worthwhile to say?
Originally posted by The Worried One
First of all, the war on terrorism will never end. There will always be hatred and therefore always conflict. To say we must defeat terrorism means to defeat hatred, an emotion, and being a part of the human race you should know you can't get rid of an emotion. They are simply fighting for what they think is right, like in the American Revolution, the colonists fought using guerrilla warfare, a cheap tactic to England, but one that worked. The suicide bombings are their guerrilla warfare. They will do anything to win, and to say that we have to eliminate their determination is impossible. The best we can do is keep peace, and try not to start an islamic crusade against the west!

Listen, I'm a flaming liberal, but even I have to point out, we could never "start an islamic crusade against the west," only the Islamics could possibly do that. Are their motivations for doing what they did useful information to us? Yes, of course, we need to know their motivations, but let's not lose sight of the fact, and I hate to use a conservative catch phrase here, but "we didn't start this war", and I refer to the war on terrorists, not the war in Iraq, which we did start.

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