What would you have done to save the economy?


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Aug 27, 2010
I hear the complaints about Obama, so it's a fair question to ask, if not Obamas way, what was your solution to boosting the economy??:eusa_whistle:
Cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and watch the money come trickling down like Manna from Heaven above.
I would have asked the Congress to fund several nation-wide massive building projects:

Rebuilding the electrical grid, including the planning and construction of nuclear power plants; building inter and intra urban railways; and building canals for transportaton of goods/people and flood control.
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?
It is a fair question...however a question I wonder if you would ask if McCain won.
The truth is, the President cannot "fix" this economy.
This thing was established in the 80's and made exponentially worse by policies on BOTH sides for 30 years.
Thinking that someone can walk into office and fix it is infantile.
You can't reverse 30 years of greed, corruption and bad policies in one year.
Even the Wizard of O.
Cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and watch the money come trickling down like Manna from Heaven above.

I have never seen that work in America, have you? And how would tax cuts pay the interest or principle on the US debt?
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?

If you count high regulation and the Federal Reserve manipulating the interest rates as "pretty much out of the way," then yeah you'd be right.

As for what I'd have done, nothing. Let the recession do what it's supposed to do.
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?
Like hell it was.

Wall Street and banking are amongst the most heavily regulated areas of the economy and still we ended up with Enron, Tyco, Madoff, the Fannie & Freddie skimming scam, on and on and on.

Yet somehow, the failure of the regulators is somehow evidence that they need more power?
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?

LOL, he has no ideas, he simply repeats talking points.
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?

LOL, he has no ideas, he simply repeats talking points.

"Talking points" are only ideas that you don't agree with. And not just you, everyone.
The best way to have saved the economy would have been for all those who voted for Democrats in Nov, 2006 to have voted republican. Things began to go to hell right after January, 2007 when the Dems began to run the Houe and the Senate.
The best way to have saved the economy would have been for all those who voted for Democrats in Nov, 2006 to have voted republican. Things began to go to hell right after January, 2007 when the Dems began to run the Houe and the Senate.

Wrong. Things were going wrong long before that.
I would have asked the Congress to fund several nation-wide massive building projects:

Rebuilding the electrical grid, including the planning and construction of nuclear power plants; building inter and intra urban railways; and building canals for transportaton of goods/people and flood control.

That is an actually good idea. When the government pays for labor, they get part of theback in taxes, so the overall costs is reduced by about 35% that can be used toward buying materials, etc.
I hear the complaints about Obama, so it's a fair question to ask, if not Obamas way, what was your solution to boosting the economy??:eusa_whistle:

First you should explain what exactly is "Obama's Way".

For now it appears biking and golfing in Martha's Vineyard is "his way"...
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?
Like hell it was.

Wall Street and banking are amongst the most heavily regulated areas of the economy and still we ended up with Enron, Tyco, Madoff, the Fannie & Freddie skimming scam, on and on and on.

Yet somehow, the failure of the regulators is somehow evidence that they need more power?

Ok, in other words, dergulation of business would boost the economy? That what you are saying?
America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?
Like hell it was.

Wall Street and banking are amongst the most heavily regulated areas of the economy and still we ended up with Enron, Tyco, Madoff, the Fannie & Freddie skimming scam, on and on and on.

Yet somehow, the failure of the regulators is somehow evidence that they need more power?

Ok, in other words, dergulation of business would boost the economy? That what you are saying?

So you disagree with the Intel CEO - who was once supportive of Obama?

American business is buckling under the impacts of more regulation and higher taxes, causing innovation, investment, and ultimately jobs, to go elsewhere.

Not long ago, Intel CEO Paul Otellini gave praise to the great opportunities inherent in the American business model.

No longer.

Last week Otellini issued dire warnings of a United States economy teetering on the brink of disaster, due in great part to a Democrat Congress and Obama White House seemingly incapable of understanding the fundamentals of free market capitalism. And Otellini did not mince words when speaking to a large group of technology based industry leaders at the Technology Policy Institute’s Aspen Forum last week when stating, “I think this group(current Democrat leadership)does not understand what it takes to create jobs. And I think they’re flummoxed by their experiment in Keynesian economics not working.”

Obama Doesn’t Get It | Newsflavor
Get the hell out of the way and quit pretending that printing up and spending a squillion jillion dollars that you don't have is going to help.

America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?

LOL, he has no ideas, he simply repeats talking points.

I have ideas. I am listening to yours.
America was pretty much out of the way when the housing market, wallstreet, stock market, banks, etc. went down the tubes. Any other ideas?

LOL, he has no ideas, he simply repeats talking points.

"Talking points" are only ideas that you don't agree with. And not just you, everyone.

"Talking points" can be ideas, they can also be propaganda and nonsense. For three years President Hoover pretty much got out of the way and let recessions do what they do.

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