What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?

What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?


Follow through with his reduction of the corporate tax
Bring back jobs from over sea's
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I wish he would spend more on science and technology that isn't green.
I wish he'd remove stupid regs(red tape) that shuts down businesses or stand in the way of science. Like fusion, nuclear, cancer research, etc.
If he's reelected I WISH he would try to be more honest.

You are so ignorant it hurts.

Big oil wants you to hate green technology, so they are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into Karl Rove's SuperPACs to discredit it.

Do a little research about what Energy Department grants are doing at Perdue and Indiana universities.
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I am all for Green Energy, But I would rather see us spend the money on Research instead of just handing out Billions of Various Companies, Some that are not even American, And hoping they do something.

Research is where it is at, The Private Sector would have already had this stuff ready to go, if it were Economically Viable to do. It's not, we need to Make it more Efficient, more Cost Effective. We do that and Private Industry will do the heavy lifting on bringing it to market.

So you favor continuing ignoring the Constitution, read article 1, section 8, clause 8 and see how it squares with your opinion.

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Where does this say they can spend a penny except on copyrights and patents.
Sorry bout that,

1. It really won't matter much what he does, because whatever he would do would be a complete failure, and in the end, everybodies fucked.
2. So you had better pray like hell, that when the Independents vote in all those swing states, that they get it right, because there is a whole lot riding on this election.
3. If Obama gets in again, you better get ready, because soon after that this Nation will *END*.
4. So never mind what he may do because whatever he does, either choice he makes, if you are an American, you are going to be fucked so far up your ass you won't be able to breath.
5. But I think that there is no way he will sway these stupid fucking Independents in all the swing states, if it happens again, I myself will know who to blame, the Independents, and I will never allow them to forget it.
6. The Independents fucked America last time, do they have the balls to self destruct this election?
7. *NOPE*.

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Oh my God, you should see the campaign Scott Brown is mounting. Hate is the name of the game. Republican play book all the way.

ok....lets see some hateful quotes.....

Would you like to give me a characterization of the republican play book other that "Scare the Stupid"?

do you know what a quote is?.....or am i just supposed to just agree with you?.....because the Democrat playbook has some "scare the stupid" shit in it too....
Would it be rude if I hoped Maobama and slow Joe went for a round of golf to celebrate and they both get struck by lightning? Then we could have a republican president.
What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?


Follow through with his reduction of the corporate tax
Bring back jobs from over sea's
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I wish he would spend more on science and technology that isn't green.
I wish he'd remove stupid regs(red tape) that shuts down businesses or stand in the way of science. Like fusion, nuclear, cancer research, etc.
If he's reelected I WISH he would try to be more honest.

You are so ignorant it hurts.

Big oil wants you to hate green technology, so they are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into Karl Rove's SuperPACs to discredit it.

Do a little research about what Energy Department grants are doing at Perdue and Indiana universities.
You are so ignorant it hurts

this coming from someone who basically posts the same shit over and over again.....because you sound so intelligent Chris.....
Get us out of Afghanistan immediately.

Cease all instances of rendering.

Never again send our troops out chasing after "terrorists." Understand that the United States is not the World Police. Shit happens. It's not our job to go out there and clean it up.

Generally, just keep doing what he has been doing for the past four years. No one could undo the Republican Mess in a mere four years.
I agree with you on Afghanistan but fuck the terrorists. Kill them where they stand. All of them
"actually be a leader and unite this country....when this Country comes together it can do a hell of a lot..."

speaking ONLY from the perspective of todays modern conservatively correct (and making no suggestion that I speak for ANYONE ELSE!)

You'll have to pry cooperation from their cold dead hands!

Otherwise they will NEVER UNITE with their ENEMIES! (the rest of us)


He will never unite this country because he hates the way this country works.
He wants to redefine the United States with government having more power
to control how we live.

every President seems to want to change the way the Country works or is run....Obama is no different.....he is just a piss poor leader....in my view he and Bush are battling it out as too who will end up being the worse leader ever....

Would it be rude if I hoped Maobama and slow Joe went for a round of golf to celebrate and they both get struck by lightning? Then we could have a republican president.
would it be rude if the President and his Cabinet and ALL of Congress and Romney went out for a Congressional tournament .....and while they were posing for a group picture .....a fucking Sink hole opened up and swallowed all the bastards....
Get us out of Afghanistan immediately.

Cease all instances of rendering.

Never again send our troops out chasing after "terrorists." Understand that the United States is not the World Police. Shit happens. It's not our job to go out there and clean it up.

Generally, just keep doing what he has been doing for the past four years. No one could undo the Republican Mess in a mere four years.

what does the term "world police" have to do with our presence in Afghanistan?

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